Zone1 Christian Artist Amy Grant Hosting LGBT Wedding

Face one has a problem with adultery unless someone cheats on YOU....then it's personal. We just had a bunch of righties (you included) vote for a serial adulterer in 2016 and in 2020.

Same situation as the baker who will serve the gay person cookies, cupcakes or a bday cake, but not a wedding cake.

Trump's adultery was not on the ballot, was it? His presidency was.
You realize these cakes have to be delivered by the baker right?

Why are you so interested in my conscience about this? Let people be. RIght?

Cakes are delivered many hours before any event begins.

You are NOT attending the EVENT you would be walking into an empty reception hall or some other venue.

And you still haven't said why what other people do" violates" your conscience.

You're not even a baker
Yet you don't condone denying service to all adulterers do you? Do you make customers fill out a questionnaire before you serve them?

If someone came in and said, "I am cheating on my wife and I want you to make a cake to celebrate that"...I would not
Wait until Christians are denied service because people say it is against their religion and we'll see how many discrimination law suits are filed.

Oh it will be worse than that. We know it's coming. Sadly, people like you will cheer the day.

Then...The End

Cakes are delivered many hours before any event begins.

You are NOT attending the EVENT you would be walking into an empty reception hall or some other venue.

And you still haven't said why what other people do" violates" your conscience.

You're not even a baker

Wow, you are really hot to tell people what they should find objectionable.

Isn't that what you think fundies do? Tell people what they should find objectionable?

Huh. Clown world
Oh it will be worse than that. We know it's coming. Sadly, people like you will cheer the day.

Then...The End

You should be happy if that happens. Right? After all you want to do that very thing to other people.

You must long for the days of the No Jews, Irish, Faggots or N******s allowed signs
The courts said that a "christian" baker doesn't have to follow business law because of his/her "religion". Welcome to the slippery slope.

That's the right decision. It is freedom. Oh, and the First Amendment.
Wow, you are really hot to tell people what they should find objectionable.

Isn't that what you think fundies do? Tell people what they should find objectionable?

Huh. Clown world
There's objectionable and then there is a violation of conscience. Then there's just plain bigotry being rationalized
There's objectionable and then there is a violation of conscience. Then there's just plain bigotry being rationalized


I'm really glad my church doesn't have Church Ladies like this man, whoa

I'm really glad my church doesn't have Church Ladies like this man, whoa

You only care about the gay sin you have no problem making cakes for murderers rapists adulterers or child abusing priests
And the Bible (Ezekiel 16) states why..................and it wasn't because of homosexuality.

49 Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
Gotta go.. places to go chores to do Reads like some new age back with the truth
COOL then you'll be happy to see the No Christians Allowed signs on businesses who find your religion "objectionable" right?

Stop having a tantrum and realize that's not what we're talking about. No one is saying "won't serve the PEOPLE"--just the EVENT
This makes no sense. If the entire small town is like this, why do they need a big cake, a rented venue, and someone to plan a small event? And why the need to tell anyone why you want the cake or to rent their facility? (As someone who was involved in facility rentals, we don't care why you want to rent.)
Living in a small town doesn’t mean you aren’t having a big wedding or don’t need a wedding cake does it?
You only care about the gay sin you have no problem making cakes for murderers rapists adulterers or child abusing priests

Now you're just lying since I already said I would not if it was an EVENT celebrating the sin

I promise I would not make a guy a cake for the third anniversary of the day he killed or raped someone
A gay wedding CELEBRATES. THE. SIN.

If anyone wants to have a celebration of adultery (!) believe me, I will not bake a cake for it
Must YOUR definition of "sin" have to apply to everyone? It's also a "christian" sin to remarry after want to prevent divorced people from getting remarried? Or is that "different"?

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