Zone1 Christian Artist Amy Grant Hosting LGBT Wedding

Why do we keep normalizing this stuff? Amy Grant calling herself a Christian seems to be the same thing as if I were to claim to be a princess.

Do you have REAL source? That moron spent most of the time promoting his own YouTube videos.

There are many churches that allow gay marriage. It cause the breakup of my Methodist church into two separate churches. Why is this unusual?

Why is this idiot pronouncing judgement on someone he doesn't know personally? Doesn't the Bible condemn that?
So, again, you have a gay couple, trying to get married in a small conservative town a deeply red state. No one will sell them a wedding cake, rent them a venue, cater, or help plan a wedding.
This makes no sense. If the entire small town is like this, why do they need a big cake, a rented venue, and someone to plan a small event? And why the need to tell anyone why you want the cake or to rent their facility? (As someone who was involved in facility rentals, we don't care why you want to rent.)
Jesus said by the measure you judge you will be measured. That was the quote in context. So if you are harsh, unmerciful, unforgiving--you will get the same back.

Other verses say this:

The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.--1 Cor 2:15

But see, context. Because if a Christian used the above verse to say he can be super "judgey", that would also be wrong.
Cool so you should have no problem with people denying you service because of the "sins" they think you commit
Uh....did I say it was?
The implication was there.

The laws of the US are the only laws any business person needs to be concerned with.

Render unto Caesar and all that. Until you can produce some bible verse that says Christians cannot enter into any business dealings with sinners then refusing service on the basis of "sin" is nothing but bigotry
The implication was there.

The laws of the US are the only laws any business person needs to be concerned with.

Render unto Caesar and all that. Until you can produce some bible verse that says Christians cannot enter into any business dealings with sinners then refusing service on the basis of "sin" is nothing but bigotry

We have no choice but to enter into business dealings with sinners. That's all of us. Every single human who ever lived, except One.

It's not the person we won't serve.

It's the EVENT. Is this difficult?
And yet you complain about waiters refusing to serve Christians

No I was pointing out the liberal hypocrisy of thinking that was great, but the Christian baker should bake the cake.

What was terrible about that though is they booked the event and canceled 90 min prior
Well two whole cities were fire and brimstoned out of existance.......
And the Bible (Ezekiel 16) states why..................and it wasn't because of homosexuality.

49 Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
We have no choice but to enter into business dealings with sinners. That's all of us. Every single human who ever lived, except One.

It's not the person we won't serve.

It's the EVENT. Is this difficult?
You are not being asked to go to the EVENT.

You are asked to bake a cake. If an obviously flaming homosexual came into your shop and said he wants a white 3 tiered cake decorated with flowers with no mention of a wedding would you bake it?
Right. That's not great for the gay couple, but important for religious freedom.

Here is where I see as the issue: “religious freedom” has become the legal buzzword to justify withholding a wide range of services because you (not you personally) disapprove of someone’s private life or business. At some point, religious freedom becomes little more than a thin veneer over something a lot uglier that impacts the lives and freedoms of others. It also conveniently overlooks the many verses in their Bible covering not judging, love, compassion, charity.

Religious Freedom is now used to justify:
pharmacists refusing to dispense prescribed medication
hospitals refusing to provide healthcare to patients
women can be denied or delayed appropriate treatment for a miscarriage
women can be denied emergency contraception after sexual assault
Patients can be denied care based on HIV status
a lab technician can refuse to do tests on samples collected from an AIDS patient because he believes AIDS is God’s will.
a doctor can refuse to hire gay people
A woman can be denied fertility treatment because she is lesbian

These are examples that actually occurred.

Also--I'm finding the gay couple living in a deep red state a real stretch. I think at the very least they would have their wedding out of town...but yes, the former statement of mine applies. It's in the First Amendment.
No I was pointing out the liberal hypocrisy of thinking that was great, but the Christian baker should bake the cake.

What was terrible about that though is they booked the event and canceled 90 min prior
The courts said that a "christian" baker doesn't have to follow business law because of his/her "religion". Welcome to the slippery slope.
You are not being asked to go to the EVENT.

You are asked to bake a cake. If an obviously flaming homosexual came into your shop and said he wants a white 3 tiered cake decorated with flowers with no mention of a wedding would you bake it?

You realize these cakes have to be delivered by the baker right?

Why are you so interested in my conscience about this? Let people be. RIght?
The courts said that a "christian" baker doesn't have to follow business law because of his/her "religion". Welcome to the slippery slope.
Wait until Christians are denied service because people say it is against their religion and we'll see how many discrimination law suits are filed.
Using your logic, if same sex fornication is ok why not allow libs to have sex with animals or little boys?

If society has no right to judge then every sin must be accepted
If you cannot distinguish between con-senting adults and sex with animals and children (you mention little boys as if little girls don't count)...............then you should stay away from animals and children.

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