Christian Conservative Hate Group causes cancellation of Tea Party Rally

Prove that please.

The fact that someone is at a tea party event and holding a racist sign does not mean that that person is a "tea partier". It simply means someone who wants to show bigotry of some kind whether it is racial bigotry or bigotry against the Tea Party movement and/or conservatives is holding a racist sign.


She can't, and she won't. That's why she ignored me when I challenged her to do the same thing.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!
After 19 pages of discussion, can we safely conclude that this group is not a Christian group? The OP made the claim but no one has backed up, even the OP.

Because with that established, I don't care much about the thread anymore.

Then get your fat ass out of the thread.

It's great to see conservative Christian anti-gay plank get thrown under the bus.

Proves my sigline is right. Conservatives eventually lose every battle.
Then don't you think it's about time you educate yourself?
Well, that's the thing. I am fairly well educated. Well read and traveled. I have never met a gay person who 'chose' to be gay as you assert. I have known many counselors who tell me that the evidence is pedophilia and homosexuality are not symptomatic of one another, as you assert.

I'm wondering where you picked up these 'facts' as they fly in the face of all the facts I've learned.

So, I ask again, do you make this stuff up, or do you rely on some authority?
My wife has a cousin who fully admits he CHOOSES the gay lifestyle. As he say's, any gay who tells you that they were born that way is full of shit.

Fact is, if you're a pedophile freak who chooses to molest only boy's, you are CHOOSING to be a GAY pedophile freak.

If you are choosing only to molest girls, you are CHOOSING to be a STRAIGHT pedophile freak.

If you are choosing to molest both boys and girls, you are CHOOSING to be a BISEXUAL pedophile freak.

Seriously, it's not a hard concept to grasp. Freaks are freaks!
All this based on what your wife's cousin has to say? Was this your outlook on homosexuality and pedophilia prior to the extensive interview process with your wife's cousin, or were your views formed on harder facts and real life experience? Is your wife's cousin a pedophile as well as gay?
I think Jester fails to realize there is a difference between action and attraction.
She can't, and she won't. That's why she ignored me when I challenged her to do the same thing.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

I wonder how much embarassment had to be caused before they finally ditched him....:eusa_eh:
She can't, and she won't. That's why she ignored me when I challenged her to do the same thing.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Ironic that a racist like yourself would take that tack. btw the poster claimed there were never any racists in the tea party, that even the people carrying signs were 'plants'.
Prove that please.

The fact that someone is at a tea party event and holding a racist sign does not mean that that person is a "tea partier". It simply means someone who wants to show bigotry of some kind whether it is racial bigotry or bigotry against the Tea Party movement and/or conservatives is holding a racist sign.


She can't, and she won't. That's why she ignored me when I challenged her to do the same thing.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.

If I remember correctly, his letter to President Lincoln was borderline racist and because of the heated debate over an equally racist resolution of the NAACP he was dismissed.

I do not know anything about Williams. I have not read anything of his except for a summary of the "Open Letter to President Lincoln" or listened to a single speech of his, but from what I understand, his letter was in response to the NAACP's own racism. It only goes to prove that if you whine loud enough, like the NAACP did, you can damage your enemies with half truths.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Ironic that a racist like yourself would take that tack. btw the poster claimed there were never any racists in the tea party, that even the people carrying signs were 'plants'.
They must live in Rush Limbaugh's New York apartment! It has a wonderful view. It overlooks all the flaws in Conservative dogma.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Well, to be accurate, he's been shunned by ONE group within the movement - which, as I understand, is not one of the more numerically powerful ones. I've yet to hear of any other Tea Party orgs. following suite and issuing their own condemnations of his actions, unless I've simply missed them...?
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Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.

So the TPF expelled him for being a POS racist.... under the Shirley Sherrod rules of racism and forgiveness I guess the TPF is hereby declared innocent of claims of racism because of their corrective action. No? :eusa_think:
Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Ironic that a racist like yourself would take that tack. btw the poster claimed there were never any racists in the tea party, that even the people carrying signs were 'plants'.
I'm racist?

Got proof?

Because I Abhor the gay lifestyle, i'm racist?........Homosexuality is a race?.......LMAO!

Yeah, go tell that to all the blacks, asians, hispanics, arabs, etc. I employed in both my restaurants through the years. The ones I provided with well paying jobs and full benefits. The ones I loaneds money to when times were tight........As usual, lib's have nothing in their arsenal but the racist card.

So, on your other point. Prove that those carrying the signs were part of the movement.

Come on now, put up or shut up!
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Ironic that a racist like yourself would take that tack. btw the poster claimed there were never any racists in the tea party, that even the people carrying signs were 'plants'.
I'm racist?

Got proof?

Because I Abhor the gay lifestyle, i'm racist?........Homosexuality is a race?.......LMAO!

Yeah, go tell that to all the blacks, asians, hispanics, arabs, etc. I employed in both my restaurants through the years. The ones I provided with well paying jobs and full benefits. The ones I loaneds money to when times were tight........As usual, lib's have nothing in their arsenal but the racist card.

So, on your other point. Prove that those carrying the signs were part of the movement.

Come on now, put up or shut up!

Some of your best friends......:eusa_whistle: We know the line.
Ironic that a racist like yourself would take that tack. btw the poster claimed there were never any racists in the tea party, that even the people carrying signs were 'plants'.
I'm racist?

Got proof?

Because I Abhor the gay lifestyle, i'm racist?........Homosexuality is a race?.......LMAO!

Yeah, go tell that to all the blacks, asians, hispanics, arabs, etc. I employed in both my restaurants through the years. The ones I provided with well paying jobs and full benefits. The ones I loaned money to when times were tight........As usual, lib's have nothing in their arsenal but the racist card.

So, on your other point. Prove that those carrying the signs were part of the movement.

Come on now, put up or shut up!

Some of your best friends......:eusa_whistle: We know the line.
Like I said, that's all you loon's have is the race card. And, as your beloved messiah continues to abjectly fail, you lame ducks will play that card even more in your desperate attempt to cover the fact that you screwed up in voting for the man!

Oh, and don't think I didn't notice you ran from the Limbaugh thread when asked to provide that proof.......LMAO!
What's anti-gay about not wanting sexuality promoted to children?

I get so tired of being labeled as a hater for not approving of open promotion of homosexuality.

I get so tired of being labeled as a liberal for not approving of the current crop of Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party, neo-conservatives, racists, homophobes, social conservatives, Fox 'News' and all the hypocrites, RW liars and posters of idiotgrams I've neglected to mention.

You left out Glenn Beck.

I noticed you lumped homophobes, racists, liars, hypocrites, the Tea Party, and Fox News all together.

The Democratic Party is full of liars, hypocrites, racists, and homophobes. So it seems everyone you hate has something in common with them....and possibly you.

The thing is the list of people or groups you seem to have a problem with really don't need support from others to feel good about themselves. They know they're right...

....excluding the racists, homophobes, liars, and hypocrites. There as many Democrats of this kind as there are Republicans.

Being a liar, a homophobe, a racist, or a hypocrite seems to be universal.

Standing up for your rights and your country may not be popular...nor something you admire....but I think you're in the minority. Thank God.
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She can't, and she won't. That's why she ignored me when I challenged her to do the same thing.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Does it? Seems to me he was an accepted tea party member/leader until just recently. Mebbe his is the sort of "racist element" the NAACP urged the tea party to eject? But how long should it take a reasonable person to find hate speech repugnant?

Something is better than nothing. I applaud the ejection of Williams. It shows some promise, some sensitivity, some growth. But the fact that it took months (or longer) dun strike me as anything to crow about.
She can't, and she won't. That's why she ignored me when I challenged her to do the same thing.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.

If I remember correctly, his letter to President Lincoln was borderline racist and because of the heated debate over an equally racist resolution of the NAACP he was dismissed.

I do not know anything about Williams. I have not read anything of his except for a summary of the "Open Letter to President Lincoln" or listened to a single speech of his, but from what I understand, his letter was in response to the NAACP's own racism. It only goes to prove that if you whine loud enough, like the NAACP did, you can damage your enemies with half truths.


Immie, if you dun a thing about Mark Williams, how can you condemn the NAACP for "whining"? I am not a regular listener of his, but I recall posting a thread about this guy some time ago when he attacked Muslims as worshipping a "monkey god". I doubt such bile was out of character for him.

The NAACP looks foolish after the Shirley Sherrod thing, but overall its an organization with a decent track record. Mebbe they deserve to be more fully heard before being dismissed as "whiners"?
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Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Does it? Seems to me he was an accepted tea party member/leader until just recently. Mebbe his is the sort of "racist element" the NAACP urged the tea party to eject? But how long should it take a reasonable person to find hate speech repugnant?

Something is better than nothing. I applaud the ejection of Williams. It shows some promise, some sensitivity, some growth. But the fact that it took months (or longer) dun strike me as anything to crow about.
Yeah, and how long has it been since Obama accused an innocent WHITE cop over a BLACK professor, when he clearly knew he had no idea what he was talking about?...You know, when he clearly took the Brutha's side without all the facts?

When are you lib's going to toss his ass under the bus?......Sure is takin' ya' all an awfully long time!

Fact is, Williams only showed his racist side in his disgusting fake letter. That side of him never surfaced until then so, your points are completely bogus.
Williams made the "monkey god" remark months ago during a radio broadcast. He hasn't been hiding his hatred under a bushel. And neither have several Fox tv commentators I could name.

I'm not sure what you would like me to say about Obama's rush to judgment over the Harvard professor incident. At first blush, the facts did seem to be heavily weighted in his favor but the man is our president and should have waited. That could not possibly be clearer now that the Shirley Sherrod incident has occurred. I don't know what to make of it....he doesn't fire any staffer, so presumably he isn't blaming anyone for feeding him bad information. If that is the case, he seems intemperate on certain issues, abuse of power along racial lines I suppose.

It makes me very nervous that a man in the white house has impulse issues. Is that a severe enough criticism to suit? (BTW, this is not my most serious criticism of Obama. ATM, I'd like to know how in the hell 90,000 pages of classified documents migrated onto the 'net via Pakistan.)

Is it okay for me to find hate-mongers like Williams a blight again, or is there another liberal hair shirt you think I need to wear first?

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