Christian Conservative Hate Group causes cancellation of Tea Party Rally

Williams made the "monkey god" remark months ago during a radio broadcast. He hasn't been hiding his hatred under a bushel. And neither have several Fox tv commentators I could name.

I'm not sure what you would like me to say about Obama's rush to judgment over the Harvard professor incident. At first blush, the facts did seem to be heavily weighted in his favor but the man is our president and should have waited. That could not possibly be clearer now that the Shirley Sherrod incident has occurred. I don't know what to make of it....he doesn't fire any staffer, so presumably he isn't blaming anyone for feeding him bad information. If that is the case, he seems intemperate on certain issues, abuse of power along racial lines I suppose.

It makes me very nervous that a man in the white house has impulse issues. Is that a severe enough criticism to suit? (BTW, this is not my most serious criticism of Obama. ATM, I'd like to know how in the hell 90,000 pages of classified documents migrated onto the 'net via Pakistan.)

Is it okay for me to find hate-mongers like Williams a blight again, or is there another liberal hair shirt you think I need to wear first?
I had never known about the Monkey God remark. He should have been tossed earlier. But lets remember, there were two claimed Tea party entities. Justice was finally served, that's the important thing. But, in ANY party there are definitely racist elements.

As far as Obama. I see it as blatant racism on his part regarding the professor incident. He had no facts, and jumped to the professors defense. No beer summit can ever erase that.

Now, we agree on the jumping the gun aspect on both instances. So, lib's and con's can agree on certain things. At least the non-fringers can. That is a very good thing!
Yes it is, Jester. And doubtless we can learn much from one another....thankies for your reply.
I'm racist?

Got proof?

Because I Abhor the gay lifestyle, i'm racist?........Homosexuality is a race?.......LMAO!

Yeah, go tell that to all the blacks, asians, hispanics, arabs, etc. I employed in both my restaurants through the years. The ones I provided with well paying jobs and full benefits. The ones I loaned money to when times were tight........As usual, lib's have nothing in their arsenal but the racist card.

So, on your other point. Prove that those carrying the signs were part of the movement.

Come on now, put up or shut up!

Some of your best friends......:eusa_whistle: We know the line.
Like I said, that's all you loon's have is the race card. And, as your beloved messiah continues to abjectly fail, you lame ducks will play that card even more in your desperate attempt to cover the fact that you screwed up in voting for the man!

Oh, and don't think I didn't notice you ran from the Limbaugh thread when asked to provide that proof.......LMAO!

Ran from that thread? :lol::lol::lol: Hardly. BTW...appreciated the epithets too.
Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.
And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Does it? Seems to me he was an accepted tea party member/leader until just recently. Mebbe his is the sort of "racist element" the NAACP urged the tea party to eject? But how long should it take a reasonable person to find hate speech repugnant?

Something is better than nothing. I applaud the ejection of Williams. It shows some promise, some sensitivity, some growth. But the fact that it took months (or longer) dun strike me as anything to crow about.

Notice that the Right gets rid of their radicals...while the left celebrates shown at the Netroots convention held by the Demcrats and far left bloggers this week.

Those who participated were as follows:

The SEIU(ACORN), The Daily Kos ,, The AFL-CIO, Democracy For America, The ACLU, Amplify, GLAAD, Media Matters, and worst of all La Raza.

Sponsors | Netroots Nation

These groups seem to be the cause for most of our problems....yet the Dems are holding conventions in Vegas with them.
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And he was shunned by the movement. Kinda blows that liberal race card BS out of the water. As usual!

Does it? Seems to me he was an accepted tea party member/leader until just recently. Mebbe his is the sort of "racist element" the NAACP urged the tea party to eject? But how long should it take a reasonable person to find hate speech repugnant?

Something is better than nothing. I applaud the ejection of Williams. It shows some promise, some sensitivity, some growth. But the fact that it took months (or longer) dun strike me as anything to crow about.

Notice that the Right gets rid of their radicals...while the left celebrates shown at the Netroots convention held by the Demcrats and far left bloggers this week.

Those who participated were as follows:

The SEIU(ACORN), The Daily Kos ,, The AFL-CIO, Democracy For America, The ACLU, Amplify, GLAAD, Media Matters, and worst of all La Raza.

Sponsors | Netroots Nation

These groups seem to be the cause for most of our problems....yet the Dems are holding conventions in Vegas with them.

Yeah...the Administration should pass some law making those organizations illegal so they can't meet. :doubt:
Williams made the "monkey god" remark months ago during a radio broadcast. He hasn't been hiding his hatred under a bushel. And neither have several Fox tv commentators I could name.

I'm not sure what you would like me to say about Obama's rush to judgment over the Harvard professor incident. At first blush, the facts did seem to be heavily weighted in his favor but the man is our president and should have waited. That could not possibly be clearer now that the Shirley Sherrod incident has occurred. I don't know what to make of it....he doesn't fire any staffer, so presumably he isn't blaming anyone for feeding him bad information. If that is the case, he seems intemperate on certain issues, abuse of power along racial lines I suppose.

It makes me very nervous that a man in the white house has impulse issues. Is that a severe enough criticism to suit? (BTW, this is not my most serious criticism of Obama. ATM, I'd like to know how in the hell 90,000 pages of classified documents migrated onto the 'net via Pakistan.)

Is it okay for me to find hate-mongers like Williams a blight again, or is there another liberal hair shirt you think I need to wear first?
I had never known about the Monkey God remark. He should have been tossed earlier. But lets remember, there were two claimed Tea party entities. Justice was finally served, that's the important thing. But, in ANY party there are definitely racist elements.

As far as Obama. I see it as blatant racism on his part regarding the professor incident. He had no facts, and jumped to the professors defense. No beer summit can ever erase that.

Now, we agree on the jumping the gun aspect on both instances. So, lib's and con's can agree on certain things. At least the non-fringers can. That is a very good thing!

Don't forget about the Obama DOJ sending out clear directives to prosecutors to avoid prosecuting black on white crimes...and the closing of thousands of GM and Chrysler dealerships because of a racial model the Administration set forth last year.
Does it? Seems to me he was an accepted tea party member/leader until just recently. Mebbe his is the sort of "racist element" the NAACP urged the tea party to eject? But how long should it take a reasonable person to find hate speech repugnant?

Something is better than nothing. I applaud the ejection of Williams. It shows some promise, some sensitivity, some growth. But the fact that it took months (or longer) dun strike me as anything to crow about.

Notice that the Right gets rid of their radicals...while the left celebrates shown at the Netroots convention held by the Demcrats and far left bloggers this week.

Those who participated were as follows:

The SEIU(ACORN), The Daily Kos ,, The AFL-CIO, Democracy For America, The ACLU, Amplify, GLAAD, Media Matters, and worst of all La Raza.

Sponsors | Netroots Nation

These groups seem to be the cause for most of our problems....yet the Dems are holding conventions in Vegas with them.

Yeah...the Administration should pass some law making those organizations illegal so they can't meet. :doubt:

No....but they shouldn't be in bed with them. These groups can meet anytime they want....but why accept donations and support from them.....not to mention make plans with them on how to bring this country down to their level.

The Dems are sleeping with the enemy and this convention spelled it out clearly.
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Links, please...and not to blogs. For the post above the one you just wrote, mudwhistle.

BTW, this is now officially the everything but the kitchen sink of USMB threads. The stream of consciousness is sorta interesting, though.
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Links, please...and not to blogs. For the post above the one you just wrote, mudwhistle.

BTW, this is now officially the everything but the kitchen sink of USMB threads. The stream of consciousness is sorta interesting, though.

That was Netrootsnation's own website.

I don't know what else you want. It spells it out. Netroots Nation
mudwhistle, these claims are incendiary:

Don't forget about the Obama DOJ sending out clear directives to prosecutors to avoid prosecuting black on white crimes...and the closing of thousands of GM and Chrysler dealerships because of a racial model the Administration set forth last year.

Donca think if they were true, the NY Times would have reported on this? Is it possible these are mere internet rumors because they are NOT true?
mudwhistle, these claims are incendiary:

Don't forget about the Obama DOJ sending out clear directives to prosecutors to avoid prosecuting black on white crimes...and the closing of thousands of GM and Chrysler dealerships because of a racial model the Administration set forth last year.

Donca think if they were true, the NY Times would have reported on this? Is it possible these are mere internet rumors because they are NOT true?

The NYT isn't exactly the best place to look for honesty in print.....especially if the story makes Liberals and Progressives look bad.

American Thinker: Race Played Role in Obama Car Dealer Closures

And a former DOJ official quit over the new directives as well as testified under oath that Obama's racist policies were in place. Let's not forget that they dropped a case against the New Black Panthers as soon as Obama took office. The new racist doctrine is according to the official "The Law of the Land".
Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader, was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for racist remarks. He was not a plant, and his racism has been proven.

If I remember correctly, his letter to President Lincoln was borderline racist and because of the heated debate over an equally racist resolution of the NAACP he was dismissed.

I do not know anything about Williams. I have not read anything of his except for a summary of the "Open Letter to President Lincoln" or listened to a single speech of his, but from what I understand, his letter was in response to the NAACP's own racism. It only goes to prove that if you whine loud enough, like the NAACP did, you can damage your enemies with half truths.


Immie, if you dun a thing about Mark Williams, how can you condemn the NAACP for "whining"? I am not a regular listener of his, but I recall posting a thread about this guy some time ago when he attacked Muslims as worshipping a "monkey god". I doubt such bile was out of character for him.

The NAACP looks foolish after the Shirley Sherrod thing, but overall its an organization with a decent track record. Mebbe they deserve to be more fully heard before being dismissed as "whiners"?

When the NAACP starts working to reconcile the races rather than divide them, I will be the first to extend the hand of friendship. Until such time, they are nothing more than a group that wants to cause a civil war in this country and they do not deserve my respect nor the respect of anyone that truly loves this nation.

If I remember correctly, his letter to President Lincoln was borderline racist and because of the heated debate over an equally racist resolution of the NAACP he was dismissed.

I do not know anything about Williams. I have not read anything of his except for a summary of the "Open Letter to President Lincoln" or listened to a single speech of his, but from what I understand, his letter was in response to the NAACP's own racism. It only goes to prove that if you whine loud enough, like the NAACP did, you can damage your enemies with half truths.


Immie, if you dun a thing about Mark Williams, how can you condemn the NAACP for "whining"? I am not a regular listener of his, but I recall posting a thread about this guy some time ago when he attacked Muslims as worshipping a "monkey god". I doubt such bile was out of character for him.

The NAACP looks foolish after the Shirley Sherrod thing, but overall its an organization with a decent track record. Mebbe they deserve to be more fully heard before being dismissed as "whiners"?

When the NAACP starts working to reconcile the races rather than divide them, I will be the first to extend the hand of friendship. Until such time, they are nothing more than a group that wants to cause a civil war in this country and they do not deserve my respect nor the respect of anyone that truly loves this nation.


I think that's a completely unfair assessment of the NAACP. I love my country and I support the work of the NAACP.
Immie, if you dun a thing about Mark Williams, how can you condemn the NAACP for "whining"? I am not a regular listener of his, but I recall posting a thread about this guy some time ago when he attacked Muslims as worshipping a "monkey god". I doubt such bile was out of character for him.

The NAACP looks foolish after the Shirley Sherrod thing, but overall its an organization with a decent track record. Mebbe they deserve to be more fully heard before being dismissed as "whiners"?

When the NAACP starts working to reconcile the races rather than divide them, I will be the first to extend the hand of friendship. Until such time, they are nothing more than a group that wants to cause a civil war in this country and they do not deserve my respect nor the respect of anyone that truly loves this nation.


I think that's a completely unfair assessment of the NAACP. I love my country and I support the work of the NAACP.

Unfair? How?

The NAACP does not work to reconcile the races. I think the NAACP thrives on the continuance of animosity between the races. They know it and they work to make sure that animosity grows.

As long as that is the case, I will continue to believe that they divide this country rather than unite us. It is sort of a catch-22. The NAACP goes dead when racism dies. Therefore, they cannot afford to allow racism to die and they work to keep it alive.

Maybe you would have been better off if you had said it was an unfair assessment of people who support the NAACP? I still do not believe they deserve the respect of people who love this country.

Immie, that might be a fair criticism of some groups, but I dun think it is fair as to the NAACP. Apart from the Shirley Sherrod debacle, what acts of the NAACP do you find to be divisive?
When the NAACP starts working to reconcile the races rather than divide them, I will be the first to extend the hand of friendship. Until such time, they are nothing more than a group that wants to cause a civil war in this country and they do not deserve my respect nor the respect of anyone that truly loves this nation.


I think that's a completely unfair assessment of the NAACP. I love my country and I support the work of the NAACP.

Unfair? How?

The NAACP does not work to reconcile the races. I think the NAACP thrives on the continuance of animosity between the races. They know it and they work to make sure that animosity grows.

As long as that is the case, I will continue to believe that they divide this country rather than unite us. It is sort of a catch-22. The NAACP goes dead when racism dies. Therefore, they cannot afford to allow racism to die and they work to keep it alive.

Maybe you would have been better off if you had said it was an unfair assessment of people who support the NAACP? I still do not believe they deserve the respect of people who love this country.


You've just made it personal. I support the work of the NAACP. The NAACP presses for justice and equality. Values I share. I also love my country.
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Immie, that might be a fair criticism of some groups, but I dun think it is fair as to the NAACP. Apart from the Shirley Sherrod debacle, what acts of the NAACP do you find to be divisive?

Actually, I do not believe that Shirley Sherrod is racist. I never said she was. I watched her speech and yes, there are some issues that I have with what she said, but I thought she was on target. She pointed out an issue that she had in the past and apparently, she grew from her mistakes.

I found the "resolution" that brought that issue to light to be racist.

There was a speech presented here a week or so ago by a man representing the NAACP. I do not remember who he was or even now, what he said, however, it was racist.

I think the attempt to divide Americans and always pointing out the evils of the white man (and yes there is evil there) is a racist attempt to divide Americans. I cannot change what happened during the first 180 or so years that we were a nation. I can only change the present and the future. Unfortunately, the NAACP won't let us forget the past.

The constant showing of signs supposedly at tea party events, without proof of who is holding the signs causes problems.

The NAACP is as guilty as the NBPP, the KKK, David Duke, Aryan Brotherhood etc. etc. etc. in causing racial tensions in America.

Whenever you continue to point out the evils of one race and the sainthood of the other, you are promoting hatred. That is what we receive from the NAACP.

I think that's a completely unfair assessment of the NAACP. I love my country and I support the work of the NAACP.

Unfair? How?

The NAACP does not work to reconcile the races. I think the NAACP thrives on the continuance of animosity between the races. They know it and they work to make sure that animosity grows.

As long as that is the case, I will continue to believe that they divide this country rather than unite us. It is sort of a catch-22. The NAACP goes dead when racism dies. Therefore, they cannot afford to allow racism to die and they work to keep it alive.

Maybe you would have been better off if you had said it was an unfair assessment of people who support the NAACP? I still do not believe they deserve the respect of people who love this country.


You've just made it personal. I support the work of the NAACP. The NAACP presses for justice and equality. Values I share. I also love my country.

Please show me where I made it "personal".

I never said you did not love "our" country. I said that I do not believe the NAACP deserves the respect of people who do. I didn't say you should not respect them. Rather that I don't think you should.

I do not see what you see from the NAACP. I see hatred and little else. And not from everyone associated with it, but from the organization itself.

Immie, that might be a fair criticism of some groups, but I dun think it is fair as to the NAACP. Apart from the Shirley Sherrod debacle, what acts of the NAACP do you find to be divisive?

Actually, I do not believe that Shirley Sherrod is racist. I never said she was. I watched her speech and yes, there are some issues that I have with what she said, but I thought she was on target. She pointed out an issue that she had in the past and apparently, she grew from her mistakes.

I found the "resolution" that brought that issue to light to be racist.

There was a speech presented here a week or so ago by a man representing the NAACP. I do not remember who he was or even now, what he said, however, it was racist.

I think the attempt to divide Americans and always pointing out the evils of the white man (and yes there is evil there) is a racist attempt to divide Americans. I cannot change what happened during the first 180 or so years that we were a nation. I can only change the present and the future. Unfortunately, the NAACP won't let us forget the past.

The constant showing of signs supposedly at tea party events, without proof of who is holding the signs causes problems.

The NAACP is as guilty as the NBPP, the KKK, David Duke, Aryan Brotherhood etc. etc. etc. in causing racial tensions in America.

Whenever you continue to point out the evils of one race and the sainthood of the other, you are promoting hatred. That is what we receive from the NAACP.


The NAACP is interested in equal rights and promoting the self-esteem of people of color. I don't see any flaw in that.

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