Christian Family Forcibly Removed from Home at Gun Point, Locked In Van, After FBI “Goaded” 15-Year-Old Son into Posting Controversial Memes

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Can you say communist police state? We are here! The only way we can return to sainer times is by electing Trump where he can dismantle the FBI from within. White Christian families are under attack.

Their kid was getting radicalized by online extremists and they’re angry at the FBI for being on top of it.

You guys have some stupid priorities.

Oh and don’t forget to send them money!

Can you say communist police state? We are here! The only way we can return to sainer times is by electing Trump where he can dismantle the FBI from within. White Christian families are under attack.

Guess his good Christian mom and dad didn't teach him that well did they? If they had, daddy wouldn't be "lamenting" a disproportionate response. That and the fact that it looks like denial of his son's mental health cause the situation to spiral out of control. Either way, we're only getting the alt-right media side of the story. The kids father is a felon. He don't belong with guns..period.
Can you say communist police state? We are here! The only way we can return to sainer times is by electing Trump where he can dismantle the FBI from within. White Christian families are under attack.

Gateway Pundit? Do you believe this? Sounds like a go fund me scam to me.
Gateway Pundit? Do you believe this? Sounds like a go fund me scam to me.
It's not actually. This happened. It's just that it isn't the persecution of a "Christian" family. It's the FBI doing their job.
Sounds like the FBI were the actual covert online extremists.
Only to fringe conspiracy lunatics. You don’t have a shred of evidence for your bizarre claims.

The family seems pretty hesitant to talk about what they’re little extremist did or said.
Can you say communist police state? We are here! The only way we can return to sainer times is by electing Trump where he can dismantle the FBI from within. White Christian families are under attack.

Dangerous Catholicism is set to destroy another promising young life. Keep your kids, especially boys, away from the Catholics.
There's a person on here who posts pictures of guns. Should he be investigated as well?
There are monsters crossing the border every day and demonstrating in the streets and stealing from stores but they are dangerous. It's safer for the FBI to groom an 11 year old and terrorize his parents.
Only to fringe conspiracy lunatics. You don’t have a shred of evidence for your bizarre claims.

The family seems pretty hesitant to talk about what they’re little extremist did or said.

He left a flyer on a school picnic table that said "It's OK to be white".

OMG! He's such an extremest!
Can you say communist police state? We are here! The only way we can return to sainer times is by electing Trump where he can dismantle the FBI from within. White Christian families are under attack.

Already a thread on this.

Shame on the Anti-American traitors in the FBI! Shame on this stolen Administration and all its thugs!:mad-61:


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