Christian fundamentalists are driving our country into the Dark Ages

Yet another stupid myth progressives like to propagate, you ignorant cow.
The Wisdom Fund - Islam's Contribution To Europe's Renaissance

. . . we have underestimated the importance of 800 years of Islamic society and culture in Spain between the 8th and 15th centuries. The contribution of Muslim Spain to the preservation of classical learning during the Dark Ages, and to the first flowerings of the Renaissance, has long been recognised. But Islamic Spain was much more than a mere larder where Hellenistic knowledge was kept for later consumption by the emerging modern Western world. Not only did Muslim Spain gather and preserve the intellectual content of ancient Greek and Roman civilisation, it also interpreted and expanded upon that civilisation, and made a vital contribution of its own in so many fields of human endeavour - in science, astronomy, mathematics, algebra (itself an Arabic word), law, history, medicine, pharmacology, optics, agriculture, architecture, theology, music. Averroes and Avenzoor, like their counterparts Avicenna and Rhazes in the East, contributed to the study and practice of medicine in ways from which Europe benefited for centuries afterwards.

Martin Wainwright: Our debt to Islam | Education | The Guardian

It happened simply enough. While the barbarians smashed and burned in western Europe, the Arabs and Persians used the libraries of Alexandria and Asia Minor, translated the scrolls and took them to Baghdad and far beyond. In distant Bukhara on the Silk Road to China, a teenager called Abu Ali Ibn Sina was engrossed in Aristotle's Metaphysics at the age of 17. The year was AD997 and the text - central to the subsequent development of philosophy - had long been lost and unknown in western Europe.

The story of this priceless heritage's return home, slung in the saddlebags of camels on the long caravans to Cairo, Fez and the cities of Moorish Spain, is well known to scholars. Hundreds of learned books are available and if you key in Ibn Sina or his westernised name Avicenna on an internet search engine you will come up with about 28,800 references. But the story, so relevant to the world today, has never been admitted to everyday British culture.

There are simple reasons for this too - medieval Christian bigotry, the post-Renaissance belief in the glory of Europe - but a lack of excitement in the story is not one of them. Umberto Eco proved that in the global bestseller, The Name of the Rose. His demented monk Jorge smears poison on a lost work of Aristotle and contemptuously spits out the name of "the Arab, Averroes" - the scholar Ibn Rushd of Cordoba, the last link in the journey of Greek learning back to the west
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The "Arabs and Persians"..were populations that were PREVIOUSLY enlightened, who were then conquered, and destroyed, by Islam.

Try, try again.
Why are the Liberties of belief, thought, and expression reserved for only the Liberal-minded of this nation?

Oh ... just because. We Libs are the most close-minded open-minded close-minded open-minded people that be.


We iz mesmerized by the Pied Pipers of CNN that sez we iz open-minded and Christians iz the debil. We hear and we obey -- we hear and we obey -- we hear and we obey.
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Lol...uh, yeah.

All of it. What utter tripe.

All of it is historical fact. All of it.

Lol..."all of it is historical fact" you'd know a *historical fact* if it sat on your face and wiggled.

Progressives make up their own history, and fact to go with it. This is just yet another example of the re-shaping of history by the baby-killing bigots who want nothing more than the reduction and end of the human themselves and a few of their nearest and dearest.
Lol...uh, yeah.

All of it. What utter tripe.

All of it is historical fact. All of it.

Lol..."all of it is historical fact" you'd know a *historical fact* if it sat on your face and wiggled.

Progressives make up their own history, and fact to go with it. This is just yet another example of the re-shaping of history by the baby-killing bigots who want nothing more than the reduction and end of the human themselves and a few of their nearest and dearest.

Isn't that exactly what you think Revelation hopes for for your breed?
What a hilarious post!
If you have a problem with the evidence, do you have any to contradict what has been presented?
Lol...uh, yeah.

All of it. What utter tripe.

All of it is historical fact. All of it.

Lol..."all of it is historical fact" you'd know a *historical fact* if it sat on your face and wiggled.

Progressives make up their own history, and fact to go with it. This is just yet another example of the re-shaping of history by the baby-killing bigots who want nothing more than the reduction and end of the human themselves and a few of their nearest and dearest.
Yeah, this is one of the dumbest arguments. We must abolish abortion and ban gay marriage , because this will result in the extinction of mankind! What the hell, a little more gays and abortions are not that bad. The world population has grown out of control.
So seeking truth, hard work, being honest and kind are driving us into the dark ages. Who knew?

Everybody're full of shit. You don't seek truth, you perpetrate lies that you are honest, while deceiving others that you are kind, when you seek to destroy SS and Medicare in order to throw the elderly out in the street, and destroy food stamps to deny food to hungry children. Like the antichrist, you pretend to be compassionate and loving, but your fruits are rotten.

I am throwing the elderly out on the street now? Who knew that? I didn't realize encouraging people to minister to one anothers needs instead of outsourcing that to a bureaucrat is throwing the elder out on the street.

Why do you want the government to do what you should be doing?
Your holier than thou condemnation of others brings the same judgement on you. You are to be pitied. You think you are saved, only to find that you are a worker of iniquity.

GOOD OR EVIL,RIGHT OR WRONG, to live in light or darkness=YOU get to choose.

You will not be able to ignore your iniquity when you stand to answer for your crimes against God. You only think you will get a free pass. Surprise!

Where did he say he gets a free pass? When did he say he is going to ignore his iniquity?

Might want to have someone take a look at that beam.
The dark ages ended when the People had the Bible in their own languages. If another one is coming it's because people aren't reading the Bible or applying it.
I'm afraid there isn't enough Christians that could save this country full of cheaters, liars, has abortion at the drop of hat...cheer rude and hostile elelcted people spitting on people

nnaaaa, there no hope to pull us out of the gutter

the only question is how much longer do we have..with people the like OP I'd say not much

The Dark Ages, where the Church held sway and anyone who did not toe the Church line was excommunicated, imprisoned, and killed. Very similar state to what fundamentalist Islamic countries are in right now.

The primary difference is that the church led people out of the Dark Ages.

While Islam and progressivism lead people into it.

The Catholic church created the dark ages, and chained all of Europe in it for a 1,500 years. But you wouldn't know that if you went to school in Texass, where they force feed creationism to children.
GOOD OR EVIL,RIGHT OR WRONG, to live in light or darkness=YOU get to choose.

You will not be able to ignore your iniquity when you stand to answer for your crimes against God. You only think you will get a free pass. Surprise!

Where did he say he gets a free pass? When did he say he is going to ignore his iniquity?

Might want to have someone take a look at that beam.

Oh how holier than thou of you, to stick up for your defenseless partner in crime. Just keep on with your stealing of food from the mouths of children. Keep on trying to throw the elderly out in the street along with the poor. Keep trying to deny healthcare to the sick. Keep trying to justify greed. And keep trying to pretend that it's the "christian" thing to do.

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