Christian fundamentalists are driving our country into the Dark Ages

The Dark Ages, where the Church held sway and anyone who did not toe the Church line was excommunicated, imprisoned, and killed. Very similar state to what fundamentalist Islamic countries are in right now.

The primary difference is that the church led people out of the Dark Ages.

While Islam and progressivism lead people into it.

The Catholic church created the dark ages, and chained all of Europe in it for a 1,500 years. But you wouldn't know that if you went to school in Texass, where they force feed creationism to children.

People ARE FREE to believe what they want....why can't you intolerant asses leave them alone... and lets see you start a thread ON MUSLIMS and how they want to take us back to the dark days...women can't drive, can't show their hair in public, and how about how them burkas, wonderful to wear I bet and so in the 21st century eh?

guess why you wouldn't start a thread on muslims? because you're a coward...Christians don't threaten to cut your head of if you offend them....they turn the other cheeck
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The primary difference is that the church led people out of the Dark Ages.

While Islam and progressivism lead people into it.

The Catholic church created the dark ages, and chained all of Europe in it for a 1,500 years. But you wouldn't know that if you went to school in Texass, where they force feed creationism to children.

People ARE FREE to believe what they want....why can't you intolerant asses leave them alone... and lets see you start a thread ON MUSLIMS and how they want to take us back to the dark days...women can't drive, can't show their hair in public, and how about how them burkas, wonderful to wear I bet and so in the 21st century eh?

guess why you wouldn't start a thread on muslims? because you're a coward...Christians don't threaten to cut your head of if you offend them....they turn the other cheeck

Because it's a U.S. thread and Muslims aren't trying to co-opt the government and pose no threat to do so, but Christians do.
Ask the people that lay dead in that Unitarian church a few years ago if fundamentalist Christians pose a threat.
...and with my post, I think we have a fine selection of nut jobs to chose from in this thread!!

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The Catholic church created the dark ages, and chained all of Europe in it for a 1,500 years. But you wouldn't know that if you went to school in Texass, where they force feed creationism to children.

People ARE FREE to believe what they want....why can't you intolerant asses leave them alone... and lets see you start a thread ON MUSLIMS and how they want to take us back to the dark days...women can't drive, can't show their hair in public, and how about how them burkas, wonderful to wear I bet and so in the 21st century eh?

guess why you wouldn't start a thread on muslims? because you're a coward...Christians don't threaten to cut your head of if you offend them....they turn the other cheeck

Because it's a U.S. thread and Muslims aren't trying to co-opt the government and pose no threat to do so, but Christians do.
Ask the people that lay dead in that Unitarian church a few years ago if fundamentalist Christians pose a threat.

you're a fool to think Muslims aren't trying to co-opt the government
one day you'll open your eyes but by then it will to late
The primary difference is that the church led people out of the Dark Ages.

While Islam and progressivism lead people into it.

The Catholic church created the dark ages, and chained all of Europe in it for a 1,500 years. But you wouldn't know that if you went to school in Texass, where they force feed creationism to children.

People ARE FREE to believe what they want....why can't you intolerant asses leave them alone... and lets see you start a thread ON MUSLIMS and how they want to take us back to the dark days...women can't drive, can't show their hair in public, and how about how them burkas, wonderful to wear I bet and so in the 21st century eh?

guess why you wouldn't start a thread on muslims? because you're a coward...Christians don't threaten to cut your head of if you offend them....they turn the other cheeck

Muslim women were educated and walked freely about before the crusades and the Byzantine Empire brought the veil and repression to their lands.

Look it up.
I don't see how the US is anywhere near the Dark Ages, whether because of fundamentalist Christians or some other reason.

I'll be at the front of the line saying I don't like religious fundamentalists. I don't like religion in general. That doesn't mean there's a need for silly hyperbole like this.
People ARE FREE to believe what they want....why can't you intolerant asses leave them alone... and lets see you start a thread ON MUSLIMS and how they want to take us back to the dark days...women can't drive, can't show their hair in public, and how about how them burkas, wonderful to wear I bet and so in the 21st century eh?

guess why you wouldn't start a thread on muslims? because you're a coward...Christians don't threaten to cut your head of if you offend them....they turn the other cheeck

Because it's a U.S. thread and Muslims aren't trying to co-opt the government and pose no threat to do so, but Christians do.
Ask the people that lay dead in that Unitarian church a few years ago if fundamentalist Christians pose a threat.

you're a fool to think Muslims aren't trying to co-opt the government
one day you'll open your eyes but by then it will to late

Do you actually fear a Muslim coup here in the U.S.? Do you actually fear this?
You are a paranoid wacko if you do.
I think there should be a clearer understanding of what the problem is.

It is not religious fundamentalism that is the problem, it is the imposition of a literal interpretation of the world that is imposed by some religious fundamentalists onto the science. Not all religious fundamentalists fall into this camp. That should have been obvious from reading the threads.

In other words, the problem is with the (imposing) religious literalists, which is a sub-group of the religious fundamentalists. The reason I wish to make this distinction is because, despite what many non-believers have said, you are not against all religious fundamentalists. The majority of fundamentalist may question science(come to think about it, everyone should question science--that just improves it!), but there is only a few that try to impose literal religious interpretations onto science education. It is that few you have an argument against.
America has an infection. Whether it is terminal remains to be seen. The infection is that of anti-intellectualism, a steadfast refusal to acknowledge that one’s worldview is mutable, a worldview in which facts are only facts if they fit that worldview, and that anyone who disagrees with a Christian fundamentalist worldview is an “enemy” of God. The infection has taken hold in conservative politics, where it has spread to a significant portion of the American population, and even into a significant amount of the Canadian population. In Katherine Stewart’s article in the Guardian entitled “How Christian Fundamentalism Feeds Into the Toxic Partisanship of US Politics,” Stewart notes:

1. Erosion of education — escalating attacks on teachers as bad citizens, teachers’ unions as greedy “takers”, the evolution vs. creationism debate, resistance to stem cell research (or any kind of scientific research that conflicts with their Biblical worldview), fundamentalist emphasis on voucher system to create taxpayer funded fundamentalist schools, fear of a changing, increasingly pluralistic society (the current face of which is the extraordinary power fundamentalists give to the LGBT community as the force eroding American morality and bringing down the entire nation), and a negative economy which is generating public support by those who consider themselves members of the Religious Right by demonizing public education as a “liberal conspiracy” to take their children away from God.

2. Biblical Literalism: The Bible is the foundation of “truth,” from science to social interactions, and anything that disagrees with a fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible is a product of Satanic manipulation, of which the by-product of Satan is secularism.

3. Oversimplification: The idea that there is a clear right and wrong (based on Biblical laws, or cherry-picked verses), the universe is either moral or immoral, and that so-called “assaults” on religious “freedom” of fundamentalists signify an invisible war between the forces of God (or “good”) and the forces of Satan (or “evil”).

Christian fundamentalists are driving our country into the Dark Ages

The lack of empirical education is eroding American society in favor of a “faith based” education that has nothing whatsoever to do with facts that threaten their worldview. Liberty is something they interpret as the freedom to live in a society based solely on their Biblical worldview. Freedom of religion for others in an inclusive society is anathema to them, because such freedom threatens to sideline them to the fringes. Individual liberty does not exist except for them, because they have an inherent distrust of the individual to make reasonable decisions, unless those decisions are based on their interpretation of Scripture. Thus, mainstream Christians are not their brethren; mainstream Christians are simply misinformed individuals who have deluded themselves into believing they are of the family of Christ, and only the clear lens of fundamentalism can see that mainstream Christians have been deceived by the enemy of God which is secular society.

The sole aim of fundamentalists is to “obey” God in creating conditions favorable to the return of Christ–and this one thought, this one design drives American foreign policy with Israel (they believe that when the Jews all return to Israel and the 3rd temple is rebuilt that Christ will return, (but not without sacrificing 2/3 of the Jewish people in the process), then all the remaining Jews will become Christians. American fundamentalists are only interested in Jewish people and Israel insofar as it furthers the return of Jesus Christ. That is all.

I think you give radical evangelical America too much credit. They simply aren't that smart.

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