Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One' and inject right-wing Christian nationalism into admin policies

Nature abhors a vacuum. This includes a religious vacuum. Some religion will become dominant. Islam has world religious dominance as an imperative. All things considered, including the rise of Satanism, I choose Christian Nationalism.
If many Americans converted to Islam, the Progressive Socialists in the Democratic Party will be eliminated. I do not believe the World Government people know what to do with Islam in the Middle East. Short of nuking the whole region. Their faith is strong.
MAGA Mike Johnson is a Christian Nationalist - so I'm guessing he's loving this!

Good! Good!

They will make you pray every day!

Use the FBI and social media to check and make sure that you are praying to Jesus, send armed guards to your home at 3AM if you miss a day

A leading candidate to become Donald Trump's chief of staff in a potential second term is spearheading an effort to inject right-wing Christian extremism into his administration.

Russell Vought, who previously served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, is head of The Center for Renewing America think tank that has been developing a document that explicitly calls for "Christian nationalism" to be a policy priority in a potential return to the White House, reported Politico.

Christian nationalism is listed as a bullet point in a list of top priorities, which also includes invoking "the Insurrection Act on Day One to put down protests and refusing to spend funds authorized by Congress on unwanted projects, which has been banned since the Richard Nixon era."

Vought sees his organization's mission as “renew[ing] a consensus of America as a nation under God,” according to CRA's website, and reorganizing the U.S. as an explicitly Christian nation “where our rights and duties are understood to come from God."

More at the link below...

Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One'

Christian nationalism? Sounds pretty scary to me! I prefer being governed by a SECULAR Constitution and government - not the Bible! What do you think?

You'll literally fall for anything.

So, the government is soley yours? It belongs to everyone, even those with religious beliefs. What happened to your side wanting to be inclusive?
The government at that time did not use taxes to help the poor. Try again.
There's an easy solution to all this. They want Christians to not vote for anyone who does not live by Christ's teachings, let's give it to them. All the millions of American Christians need only to demand from all the candidates that they live by the teachings of Christ or lose every Christian's vote. I wonder how long it would take before the usual suspects would be screaming about a theocracy and it's not fair and reasons and feelz.
Yeah, you need reeducation in the Hillary Camps
How did we get the rights in the Bill of Rights? We killed a lot of British guys.
How did slaves become free? We killed a lot of traitors.
How did women get the right to vote? They marched and rallied until the government protected their right to vote.

Its not given by God. Its not given by government. Its given by Power. If you have power, you get rights.
Lenny Partive is the type of person to ignore history, ignore the PRESENT in other parts of the world, and support the idea of a strongman authoritarian dictatorship.
They are AGGRESSIVELY ignoring history. Or they lack any knowledge of it. Who knows.

The track record of authoritarian strongmen, and the track record of religious governments, are both clear and dreadful.

These people want both. A Christian version of the Middle East, and many of them are only cafeteria Christians at best.

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