Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One' and inject right-wing Christian nationalism into admin policies

We have to destroy the village to save it. Now, where have I heard that idea put forth before?

Let's all face reality, democrats want TRUMP! kept off the ballot because reasons and feelz, not because of any court finding or trial results. They read a headline and that's all they need.
Not all Democrats want Trump kicked off of the ballot. I would jusy give you jadrools something else to howl about I for one would much rather see him humiliated at the polls and dragged through the courts until he bleeds and oozes cellulous . Of course, no matter what,, you will still bleat and moan about it all being rigged but that would more firmly establish him as the criminal and loser that he is
Not all Democrats want Trump kicked off of the ballot. I would jusy give you jadrools something else to howl about I for one would much rather see him humiliated at the polls and dragged through the courts until he bleeds and oozes cellulous . Of course, no matter what,, you will still bleat and moan about it all being rigged but that would more firmly establish him as the criminal and loser that he is
No problem. He's already pulled off the Rocky upset. It's just fun watching democrats pretend they care about democracy while trying to prevent people from voting for their choice of candidate.
No problem. He's already pulled off the Rocky upset. It's just fun watching democrats pretend they care about democracy while trying to prevent people from voting for their choice of candidate.
Not everyone deserves a choice. Forinstance, you would not let a serial killer in a locked mental ward have the choice to carry a sawed off shotgun
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A sure way for Trump not to remain in office if re-elected.

Christian nationalist Trump ally [has] plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One' and inject right-wing Christian nationalism into admin policies​

Not everyone deserves a choice. Forinstance, you would not let a serial killer in a locked mental ward have the choice to carry a sawed off shotgun
Wow, voting compared to giving a violent felon a firearm. Will wonders never cease.

Let's see how this works. Anyone who lets Taylor Swift tell them how to vote does not deserve a choice. We could play this game all day, but the bottom line remains that in free elections people get to vote for whomever they want. They can write in anyone they want to if they're not on the ballot. At that point it's up to the state to decide if they're going to violate the will of the voter or not, and the bar should be pretty high for them to do that. In short, you should not have the power to deny someone else the candidate they want to vote for. Should we deny Muslim voters the choice to vote for a strict Muslim candidate who openly vows the destruction of one of our allies?
Wow, voting compared to giving a violent felon a firearm. Will wonders never cease.

Let's see how this works. Anyone who lets Taylor Swift tell them how to vote does not deserve a choice. We could play this game all day, but the bottom line remains that in free elections people get to vote for whomever they want. They can write in anyone they want to if they're not on the ballot. At that point it's up to the state to decide if they're going to violate the will of the voter or not, and the bar should be pretty high for them to do that. In short, you should not have the power to deny someone else the candidate they want to vote for. Should we deny Muslim voters the choice to vote for a strict Muslim candidate who openly vows the destruction of one of our allies?
Stupid, crazy and dangerous people need to be kept from running. The brainwashed MAGA culd proves why
Sure, as long as I get to say who is stupid, crazy or dangerous and you have no say. That would work.
And that right there sums up the problem with you MAGA minions. You have no interest in any consensus You think that you’re the final authority and everything and do even consider the legitimacy of others But the fact is that we are a nation of laws, and reasonable people can agree on a lot- including a basic criteria for who should be president-if ideology and blint worship were put aside
Reasonable people should be able to agree that certain transgressions are disqualifying. Examples are someone who:

Cozies up to tyrants and dictators who are our enemies, while turning ones back on friends and allies and inviting those dilatators to invade them
Enriches himself through the office of the presidency while ignoring the emoluments clause of the constitution

Lies to the nation about a deadly pandemic saying that it will just go away- to protect his political interests

Sow distrust and undermines the legitimacy of institutions such as the courts, elections and the media-

Tries to disrupt the orderly and peaceful transfer of power through violence, intimidation, coercion and fraud

Values the propaganda and misinformation generated by foreign adversaries over our own intelligence community

Hoards classified documents and then lies about it and obstructs their return

Sexually assaults women physically and verbally and then defames them

Acts like a two yearold and throws cheesburgers at the wall when he can not get the adults to do what he wants
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I will oppose MAGA as long as it opposes the rule of law.
It doesn't oppose the rule of law. What it opposes is scumbags who think the rule of law [the Constitution] is a matter of opinion. Anyone who claims the meaning of the Constitution is ""flexible" is such a scumbag, which means all Democrats.
And that right there sums up the problem with you MAGA minions. You have no interest in any consensus You think that you’re the final authority and everything and do even consider the legitimacy of others But the fact is that we are a nation of laws, and reasonable people can agree on a lot- including a basic criteria for who should be president-if ideology and blint worship were put aside
Reasonable people should be able to agree that certain transgressions are disqualifying. Examples are someone who:

Cozies up to tyrants and dictators who are our enemies, while turning ones back on friends and allies and inviting those dilatators to invade them
Enriches himself through the office of the presidency while ignoring the emoluments clause of the constitution

Lies to the nation about a deadly pandemic saying that it will just go away- to protect his political interests

Sow distrust and undermines the legitimacy of institutions such as the courts, elections and the media-

Tries to disrupt the orderly and peaceful transfer of power through violence, intimidation, coercion and fraud

Values the propaganda and misinformation generated by foreign adversaries over our own intelligence community

Hoards classified documents and then lies about it and obstructs their return

Sexually assaults women physically and verbally and then defames them

Acts like a two yearold and throws cheesburgers at the wall when he can not get the adults to do what he wants
Sounds to me like that should be determined at the ballot box, not by random internet keyboard jockeys, but that's not what you want. You want to deny everyone the freedom to decide for themselves what's right and what's wrong, especially if they disagree with you.
Sounds to me like that should be determined at the ballot box, not by random internet keyboard jockeys, but that's not what you want. You want to deny everyone the freedom to decide for themselves what's right and what's wrong, especially if they disagree with you.
You did not understand anything that I said , did you?
There are too many stupid people out there as evidence by the amount of support that there is for this criminal. MAGA is turning this country into a kleptocracy
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The election will resolve this matter one way or another.

Regardless of the decision, further violence and death will occur

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