Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

The guy committing the act was a repeat felon. IMO, that has a lot more to do with it than the gay issue. The OP seems to be just an excuse to paint people with a broad brush. FAIL!!!

^Will go to any Dishonest Lengths to Defend the Gay Agenda...

More than the one Deviant was Arrested and Charged. :thup:

Also, looking at the Video... You can see that more Arrests are Likely.

Why do you Defend the Suppression of "Free Speech" that you don't Like or Agree with?

I'm not defending the suppression of free speech; I'm attacking your attempt to attach the actions of a career criminal to the gay rights agenda.

Exactly! And I saw a lot of gay supporters pulling them apart.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



The guy who attacked him was an asshole and will hopefully spend time in jail.
But what about the man holding the sign? He is real tolerant. :cuckoo:

At the Pride parade here two lesbians just kept blocking a man holding a sign. No violence at all.

And why do these people have to go down to pride celebrations? Why spread your hate.
The guy committing the act was a repeat felon. IMO, that has a lot more to do with it than the gay issue. The OP seems to be just an excuse to paint people with a broad brush. FAIL!!!

^Will go to any Dishonest Lengths to Defend the Gay Agenda...

More than the one Deviant was Arrested and Charged. :thup:

Also, looking at the Video... You can see that more Arrests are Likely.

Why do you Defend the Suppression of "Free Speech" that you don't Like or Agree with? :dunno:



You sound real tolerant yourself. :lol:
I'll say the same thing I said about the gay man and his partner who tried to create a scene at his father's church and got a whuppin'.

If you go somewhere looking for a fight, you shouldn't whine when you find one.
"Fists were flying". :D

Looks like typical Gay Mafia activity.

Much ado about nothing, Anyone can be assaulted at any given time at any kind of parade, festival, protest,etc by anyone. Gays are not typically violent. Usually it the Christians that are violent against gays. No such thing as a "gay mafia":confused:
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I'm not defending the suppression of free speech; I'm attacking your attempt to attach the actions of a career criminal to the gay rights agenda.

What I think is being implied here is a few racist assholes show up at a Tea Party rally and the ENTIRE movement is thus tainted by thier presence, and thier agenda then becomes the Tea Parties Agenda.

Meanwhile these two idiots assault someone, yet thier actions are in no way relatable to the Gay Rights movement.

I'll take double standards for $1000 Alex.....

Every time someone defends the Tea Party on that point, they're making my point. Thank you.

I'd say this makes comrade konradv the front runner for hypocrite of the year award. :clap2:
The females there started the whole thing on the video..

Which isn't surprising.

Many women believe they can accost any man without repercussions.

They rely on some remnant of forgotten chivalry when men did not hit women.

yeah, and from a time when women tried to be women and not men with vaginas.

if a woman does not hit a man or live with a man out of wedlock it is very unlikely any man will ever hit her. The vast majority of cases where men hit women is when the woman has either struck the man first (to little effect) and the man hits them back (to greater effect), OR the woman is living with a man who never cared much for her, at least not enough to put a ring on her finger.
The Christians should have shut the fuck up and let the homosexuals have their parade. Instead, they chose to disrupt it.

So what?

So what? Common sense - don't cause trouble and you won't get trouble.

My god you're stupid.

Again. People in this country get to speak out...which you refer to as "causing trouble". People have the right to do it. Retards and loons are BREAKING THE LAW when they physically attack people for saying things they don't agree with.

That's true in almost every country in the world, except the fascist regimes. I suggest you take a trip to Yemen, where women are considered to be "causing trouble" if they dare to walk outside without a man, and any man can beat the shit out of them for it. That's YOUR kinda place! Those damn troublemakers should stay inside!
The females there started the whole thing on the video..

Which isn't surprising.

Many women believe they can accost any man without repercussions.

They rely on some remnant of forgotten chivalry when men did not hit women.

yeah, and from a time when women tried to be women and not men with vaginas.

if a woman does not hit a man or live with a man out of wedlock it is very unlikely any man will ever hit her. The vast majority of cases where men hit women is when the woman has either struck the man first (to little effect) and the man hits them back (to greater effect), OR the woman is living with a man who never cared much for her, at least not enough to put a ring on her finger.

That's some twisted, and ridiculous, stuff right there.
"Fists were flying". :D

Looks like typical Gay Mafia activity.

Much ado about nothing, Anyone can be assaulted at any given time at any kind of parade, festival, protest,etc by anyone. Gays are not typically violent. Usually it the Christians that are violent against gays. No such thing as a "gay mafia":confused:

Thank you for sharing completely untrue bullshit. Please share examples and links about this widespread Christian violence against gays.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



If these idiots turn up at a GAY PRIDE festival and start ramming their religion down people's throat, what do they expect?

They should expect the same as gays should expect when they show up at an event meant mainly for normal people. Of course gays should be beaten up and assaulted. What were they doing there besides asking for it. Just like these Christians showed up shoving their religion down people's throats, gays should be treated the same when they start shoving their perversion down people's throats.

See how that works. It's called equality.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



The guy who attacked him was an asshole and will hopefully spend time in jail.
But what about the man holding the sign? He is real tolerant. :cuckoo:

At the Pride parade here two lesbians just kept blocking a man holding a sign. No violence at all.

And why do these people have to go down to pride celebrations? Why spread your hate.

Why do the gay people have to have the celebrations? Why spread their hate?
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Mmmmm. Time to take a look at what happened to cause the fight.
I think we must start by looking at the sign.


Nothing anti gay there and someone just holding up a sign would hardly be much of a problem unless the attacker was either mad, on drugs or drunk.

The big question is what kicked it off.
The link tells all when it describes how the preachers were verbally attacking the people in the parade.
Of course, these were verbal attacks so didn't excuse a physical assault but it's hardly a shock that religious extremists went a step too far and took a few punches.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



The guy who attacked him was an asshole and will hopefully spend time in jail.
But what about the man holding the sign? He is real tolerant. :cuckoo:

At the Pride parade here two lesbians just kept blocking a man holding a sign. No violence at all.

And why do these people have to go down to pride celebrations? Why spread your hate.

Why do the gay people have to have the celebrations? Why spread their hate?

Gay people are as entitled to have their celebrations as anyone else, even if their celebration is solely about their method of achieving orgasm. What they should not do is demand that normal people accept it as a form of normalcy.

San Diego lost a case that forced normal fire fighters to participate in a gay pride parade.

The four men, led by Fire Capt. John Ghiotto of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, filed the suit against the city of San Diego for sexual harassment a month after a battalion chief directly ordered them to ride a fire engine in a lewd parade through the city streets. The men endured verbal abuse and come-ons, as well as overtly sexual gestures from the crowd.

“You could not even look at the crowd without getting some type of sexual gesture,” stated the original complaint, which noted that Christian protesters reviled them for joining the parade. Had the men refused, Ghiotto noted, the men risked being immediately suspended and stripped of any chance of promotion.

“As a supervisor I felt disgusted and embarrassed, that I had to subject my crew to this type of behavior.”

LifeSiteNews Mobile | San Diego firefighters victorious in suit against forced participation in gay pride parade

This is what's wrong with gay celebrations. They can't just have them voluntarily, they have to force normal people to participate.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Mmmmm. Time to take a look at what happened to cause the fight.
I think we must start by looking at the sign.


Nothing anti gay there and someone just holding up a sign would hardly be much of a problem unless the attacker was either mad, on drugs or drunk.

The big question is what kicked it off.
The link tells all when it describes how the preachers were verbally attacking the people in the parade.
Of course, these were verbal attacks so didn't excuse a physical assault but it's hardly a shock that religious extremists went a step too far and took a few punches.

You support the right of normal people to beat the shit out of gays when they carry signs at a normal person event. Good. So do I.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



The guy who attacked him was an asshole and will hopefully spend time in jail.
But what about the man holding the sign? He is real tolerant. :cuckoo:

At the Pride parade here two lesbians just kept blocking a man holding a sign. No violence at all.

And why do these people have to go down to pride celebrations? Why spread your hate.

Why do the gay people have to have the celebrations? Why spread their hate?

Spread their hate at gay pride? :lol:

I am seeing some real tolerance from the right in here, Mal. Lol
When gays are having a celebration that isn't centered around sex, they are are a great bunch that knows how to take care of business.

Last Halloween, West Los Angeles had a street party, about 2,000 showed up, with vandalism, fights and arrests. West Hollywood put on a street party and over 20,000 people showed up. No violence, no vandalism and not a single arrest. When someone got out of line they were just whisked away! They were surrounded, isolated and removed. Because gays don't have to abide by the same "civil rights" laws as the police and businesses in West Los Angeles do.

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