Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

Were they the ones assaulting anyone? No. Were they within their rights to be there? Yes. Were they intent on causing trouble? No. When you go out of your way to find someone and attack them for their beliefs, you are in the wrong, not the people you targeted.

Why else would they turn up at a gay pride event if not to cause trouble?

Were they arrested for disorderly conduct? Perhaps all they wanted to do was spread the gospel. Harmlessly. They have that right. If you want so-called Christians causing trouble, look no further than Westboro Baptist Church, whom I loathe with a particular vengeance. If you want an example of how not to be a Christian, there it is.

they have that right and they got beat up, those people went to jail. Thats the way it should of happened with this story.

The preachers assaulted the paraders and the paraders took it to another level with battery.

this was really a troll post by the OP and nothing more.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Mmmmm. Time to take a look at what happened to cause the fight.
I think we must start by looking at the sign.


Nothing anti gay there and someone just holding up a sign would hardly be much of a problem unless the attacker was either mad, on drugs or drunk.

The big question is what kicked it off.
The link tells all when it describes how the preachers were verbally attacking the people in the parade.
Of course, these were verbal attacks so didn't excuse a physical assault but it's hardly a shock that religious extremists went a step too far and took a few punches.
Is something wrong with you ? You say that religious extremist went a step to far, and took a few punches and that is No big deal ? I guarantee you that if the shoe was on the other foot, it would be one Hell of a big deal to you, now wouldn't it ?
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SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



Mmmmm. Time to take a look at what happened to cause the fight.
I think we must start by looking at the sign.


Nothing anti gay there and someone just holding up a sign would hardly be much of a problem unless the attacker was either mad, on drugs or drunk.

The big question is what kicked it off.
The link tells all when it describes how the preachers were verbally attacking the people in the parade.
Of course, these were verbal attacks so didn't excuse a physical assault but it's hardly a shock that religious extremists went a step too far and took a few punches.
Is something wrong with you ? You say that religious extremist went a step to far, and took a few punches and that is No big deal ? I guarantee you that if the shoe was on the other foot, it would be one Hell of a big deal to you, now wouldn't it ?

If the shoe was on the other foot?
Have you seen a lot of gay people protesting at a Christian event?

The attacker should go to jail, he is a moron.. But the street preacher is an idiot for going down there to spread hate. Of course people were going to get pissed. It would have been a lot better if they had treated him like they treated the protesters here. But some people are morons, doesn't matter if they are gay or straight.
Why else would they turn up at a gay pride event if not to cause trouble?

Were they arrested for disorderly conduct? Perhaps all they wanted to do was spread the gospel. Harmlessly. They have that right. If you want so-called Christians causing trouble, look no further than Westboro Baptist Church, whom I loathe with a particular vengeance. If you want an example of how not to be a Christian, there it is.

they have that right and they got beat up, those people went to jail. Thats the way it should of happened with this story.

The preachers assaulted the paraders and the paraders took it to another level with battery.

this was really a troll post by the OP and nothing more.
The preachers according to you assaulted the paraders by exercising their 1st amendment rights in the public space? And so this is what you call an assault by way of a sign waved in the public space or some words spoken as well by those whom also have the right to petition within the public space ? I don't think so....... Now if the preachers would have gone to a private affair put on by the gays, then it may have been in the gay's (what ever they want to be called) favor, if they would have had to use force against force to get them off of their private property maybe, then even that is questionable as they still should just call the police to have them removed from their property where as no physical force was found within them.

However in this case where the public space is always ripe for confrontations when one group wants to come into it promoting their cause towards or against another group and/or groups within that space, violence had best not ensue. Otherwise in order to tout ones group message to the public as they (the gay's) like to do, and this in order to get big support from the public in which is their whole intent by bringing it there, they had best not resort to violence if can't take the opposition who has the right to petition in that public space against that message just as well.

So they had always better be ready mentally to encounter rejection of that message in the public space, especially as being found within the encounter or rejection and rightfully so by another in opposition to any such message to be promoted in the public space.

I say may the best shout down win I guess, but no violence is allowed in the public space. There will always be rejection of anyone's message within the public space by another, and so where it is to be initiated by an opposing group of a message brought, and rightfully so, then we will have these opposing views and standoffs in the public space always. As long as the counter message is without violence and is acted upon by the protestors rightfully so without violence as in this case found within the public space, then I think it is ok to bring rejection of another's message in the form of signage or speech then found within the space against another there, and so if the group who is spreading a message can't handle rejection in the public space like these gay's couldn't, then it best they don't go there into that space is all I can say.
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Mmmmm. Time to take a look at what happened to cause the fight.
I think we must start by looking at the sign.


Nothing anti gay there and someone just holding up a sign would hardly be much of a problem unless the attacker was either mad, on drugs or drunk.

The big question is what kicked it off.
The link tells all when it describes how the preachers were verbally attacking the people in the parade.
Of course, these were verbal attacks so didn't excuse a physical assault but it's hardly a shock that religious extremists went a step too far and took a few punches.
Is something wrong with you ? You say that religious extremist went a step to far, and took a few punches and that is No big deal ? I guarantee you that if the shoe was on the other foot, it would be one Hell of a big deal to you, now wouldn't it ?

If the shoe was on the other foot?
Have you seen a lot of gay people protesting at a Christian event?

The attacker should go to jail, he is a moron.. But the street preacher is an idiot for going down there to spread hate. Of course people were going to get pissed. It would have been a lot better if they had treated him like they treated the protesters here. But some people are morons, doesn't matter if they are gay or straight.

It was the fault of the "street preacher." What made him think he could loudly harangue passers-by on the street and that's okay? That's disturbing the peace and he should have been arrested.

I feel strongly about this because long ago I was walking with my new husband in Old Town, Chicago, which had lots of cafes and what not in those days and a Bible College --- and those Bible guys got out on a street corner with a megaphone and bellowed out the most foul, disgusting, harangues against women: they were sweating, panting, fat, and really getting off sexually on abusing every woman that passed, calling us all whores and harlots!!!

Well, darn. I wish I had sworn out a complaint, looking back.

So the homosexuals clocked him. Good for them! I wish I had done the same thing, right in that fat stomach of the guy with the megaphone.
Fuck you. In THIS country, we have a right to show up. You do NOT have a right to physically accost people because you don't like what they are saying.

If they showed a little respect, they would have stayed away instead of turning up with the INTENTION of causing trouble.

Oh I'm sorry,I didn't realize you could read minds. I was under the appearently mistaken impression that they might be trying to point out what the bible says homosexuality is a sin while excercising their constitutional right to free speech. If you watched the video the preachers walked away from the agressive behavior of the gay individuals. They were peaceful, the gay lesbian community were not and clearly in the wrong. Don't let your head explode trying to comprehend that Christians have rights in the United states too :blowup:
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Oh I'm sorry,I didn't realize you could read minds. I was under the appearently mistaken impression that they might be trying to point out what the bible says is sin while excercising their constitutional right to free speech. If you watched the video the preachers walked away from the agressive behavior of the gay individuals. They were peaceful, the gay lesbian community were not and clearly in the wrong. Don't let your head explode trying to comprehend that Christians have rights in the United states too :blowup:

Naaaaaaaaaaaah, Christians definitely don't have the right to harangue people on the streets and call names and insult people, as happened to me and as this rotten character was doing.

He deserved whatever he got. I'm hoping he got locked up after he was beat up, because these kind of people who harass people on the public sidewalks just have to be put away somewhere.
Have you seen a lot of gay people protesting at a Christian event?

Ya know...that needs to be repeated. And no..I never see gays going to christian events just to harass them. Nor do I see pagans go to christian events, nor wiccans, nor buddhists, etc etc etc. Most live and let live.

Something to think about, isn't it?
Dumb ass xtian got what he deserved....Its like a nazi showing up to a black panther rally...shit ain't gonna end well especially when you are just picking a fight.
Oh I'm sorry,I didn't realize you could read minds. I was under the appearently mistaken impression that they might be trying to point out what the bible says is sin while excercising their constitutional right to free speech. If you watched the video the preachers walked away from the agressive behavior of the gay individuals. They were peaceful, the gay lesbian community were not and clearly in the wrong. Don't let your head explode trying to comprehend that Christians have rights in the United states too :blowup:

Naaaaaaaaaaaah, Christians definitely don't have the right to harangue people on the streets and call names and insult people, as happened to me and as this rotten character was doing.

He deserved whatever he got. I'm hoping he got locked up after he was beat up, because these kind of people who harass people on the public sidewalks just have to be put away somewhere.

It's called free speech, you use it all the time unless you're perfect and walk on water. Name calling gives gays the right to assualt people who are trying to walk away? I'll have to remember that the next time I get insulted and bitch slap that person into next week. :rolleyes:

"fuck you bitch" ...slap,
"you fucking idiot you forgot to signal"... slap,
"your shoes are ugly"... slap,
"I hate you hetrosexual assholes"... slap,
"Cracka"... slap
"you got this wrong your stupid jerk"... slap
"ho"... slap

Yeah that's what everybody does everyday when somebody talks smack about them and it's justifiable right?:cuckoo:
What I think is being implied here is a few racist assholes show up at a Tea Party rally and the ENTIRE movement is thus tainted by thier presence, and thier agenda then becomes the Tea Parties Agenda.

Meanwhile these two idiots assault someone, yet thier actions are in no way relatable to the Gay Rights movement.

I'll take double standards for $1000 Alex.....

Every time someone defends the Tea Party on that point, they're making my point. Thank you.

To my knowledge, no member of the Tea Party has ever conclusively violently assaulted anyone.

Violence is as violence does...

Slick, Paranoid Tea Party Video Aims for Violent Insurrection

March 26, 2013 |
Attendees at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) were reportedly thrilled by a short sci-fi video....

The video, a thinly veiled advertisement for violent insurrection from the “Tea Party Patriots" group, boasts professional acting and Hollywood production values. But underneath its bright, professional sheen lurk dark overtones of End Times paranoia that will resonate with millions of American fundamentalists.

Slick, Paranoid Tea Party Video Aims for Violent Insurrection | Alternet

Tea Party Vigilantes Out for Liberal Blood

White extremists, angry at the passage of health care reform, are mobilizing to punish the Godless Democratic lawmakers who are responsible for the coming of Armageddon. The FBI is involved after a series of death threats. Here are some highlights.

Right-wing nutjobs have graduated from simply yelling racial and homophobic slurs at Democratic lawmakers, to direct action.

Bricks have been thrown through windows of several Democratic Party offices, some with Barry Goldwater (?!) quotes attached.

:eusa_eh: Goldwater quotes?!?
Westboro Baptist Church Praises Deaths Of Arizona Firefighters, Vows To Picket Funerals

Westboro Baptist Church Praises Deaths Of Arizona Firefighters, Vows To Picket Funerals

It would be a shame if someone confronted these freaks.

i'm negging you for that. I followed the link to see how they praised the deaths...and of course they did nothing of the like.

In a tweet posted at 2:56 p.m. Monday, the church said, "Westboro Baptist Church THANKS GOD for AZ fires that killed 19 firefighters!"

Read more: Westboro Baptist Church tweets intent to 'picket' funerals of Arizona firefighters

Sometimes you need to follow a link at a link to find the truth.

Do you want me to see if I can get that neg reversed?
And fascists who want to declare open season on Christians are going to find there are a lot of Christians and non-Christians who won't think twice of fighting back, with lethal force.

"She turned the other cheek to reveal a stunning pair of 45's... She had a gun, too."

WWJD? :dunno:
Fuck you. In THIS country, we have a right to show up. You do NOT have a right to physically accost people because you don't like what they are saying.

If they showed a little respect, they would have stayed away instead of turning up with the INTENTION of causing trouble.

:eusa_eh: What makes you think a couple of closed-minded street preachers have any respect for gay pride?
Have you seen a lot of gay people protesting at a Christian event?

Ya know...that needs to be repeated. And no..I never see gays going to christian events just to harass them. Nor do I see pagans go to christian events, nor wiccans, nor buddhists, etc etc etc. Most live and let live.

Something to think about, isn't it?
If an event is held in the public street, and in front of my children and family, then I have a right to protest the message if I think it is corrosive to my community and/or family values held, but what I think is the real deal here with the whole thing, is that these people want it their way only, and so they want to stop everyone else from ever having it their way or saying anything against them while they are out there in the public square, but that ain't ever happening in the public domain for them like that, so they can forget that attitude or idea that they might have to somehow totally control that space, because it ain't happening. So they had best be ready for challenge if they bring their corruption into the public square in order to persuade the public in which includes all of us, to then buy what they are selling on that day without challenge of, because it ain't happening like that ever.
If they showed a little respect, they would have stayed away instead of turning up with the INTENTION of causing trouble.

Noomi, respect is mutual. Both sides need to give it. If you don't give it, don't expect it in return.

How were the preachers respecting the homosexuals, when the preachers turned up with the sole purpose of causing trouble?

Respect of ideas is a pipe dream... the best we can expect of Monkeys is a forced respect of personal space.
How were the preachers respecting the homosexuals, when the preachers turned up with the sole purpose of causing trouble?

Were they the ones assaulting anyone? No. Were they within their rights to be there? Yes. Were they intent on causing trouble? No. When you go out of your way to find someone and attack them for their beliefs, you are in the wrong, not the people you targeted.

Why else would they turn up at a gay pride event if not to cause trouble?

Causing trouble is not only legal, it's encouraged in America. Change comes from within. The trick is to limit that trouble so that it doesn't include physical contact.


Just don't touch.
And fascists who want to declare open season on Christians are going to find there are a lot of Christians and non-Christians who won't think twice of fighting back, with lethal force.

"She turned the other cheek to reveal a stunning pair of 45's... She had a gun, too."

WWJD? :dunno:
WWJD ? He would wait for God in which he always knows is right on time, to then in example of "rain fire and brimstone" down upon Sodom and Gomorrah in justice there of, but we don't have that kind of insight ourselves as mortals, otherwise as found in the a waiting upon the outcome say if a wolf is trying to get at our young and/or us while here and now, so we do what we have been allowed to do within our God given mortal abilities in which he has given us, and that is to defend ourselves from the wolf, if that wolf is trying to take our young and to kill them in anyway that it wants to or thinks that it can.

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