Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

Public place. The Street Preachers had just as much right to be there as the screaming Gay movement did.

They expect TOLERANCE but refuse to give any in return for those there who don't agree with them.

BTW. The big Fat Felon hits like a little girl. The tub of lard is a Girly Man. Maybe he should go ahead and put on a Freakin Dress, and grow some tits or something.

I believe they are a Freak of Nature. You don't see animals in the wild doing their own sex. Wow, did you see the male eagle boning the other male eagle.

I don't accept them, NOR DO I HAVE TO. Yet we are told we must be TOLERANT OF THEIR KIND.

They can take a long walk off a short bridge for all I care. Personally, they should all go back in the dang closet.
I'm not defending the suppression of free speech; I'm attacking your attempt to attach the actions of a career criminal to the gay rights agenda.

What I think is being implied here is a few racist assholes show up at a Tea Party rally and the ENTIRE movement is thus tainted by thier presence, and thier agenda then becomes the Tea Parties Agenda.

Meanwhile these two idiots assault someone, yet thier actions are in no way relatable to the Gay Rights movement.

I'll take double standards for $1000 Alex.....

Every time someone defends the Tea Party on that point, they're making my point. Thank you.
OK asshole, show me one...yes just one where a Tea Party member has been arrested at one of their events.

But how many fags been arrested at their so called TOLERANCE parades?
Westboro Baptist Church Praises Deaths Of Arizona Firefighters, Vows To Picket Funerals

Westboro Baptist Church Praises Deaths Of Arizona Firefighters, Vows To Picket Funerals

It would be a shame if someone confronted these freaks.

i'm negging you for that. I followed the link to see how they praised the deaths...and of course they did nothing of the like.

In a tweet posted at 2:56 p.m. Monday, the church said, "Westboro Baptist Church THANKS GOD for AZ fires that killed 19 firefighters!"

Read more: Westboro Baptist Church tweets intent to 'picket' funerals of Arizona firefighters
Sometimes you need to follow a link at a link to find the truth.
I did follow the link, the original link. And it wasn't there.

Sometimes it would be nice if you trolled less.
The extremists are the ones who threw the punches, asshole.

It sounds a lot like two opposing extremists met each other.
No big deal.

Except that one was violent and the other not.

Don't be surprised if both sides don't become violent.

One was violent because the other incited that violence.
Not that name calling is much of an excuse but that doesn't make the bible basher innocent.
Let's get real - the god squad went there to shout and scream at fags so it's hardly a shock when someone too offence.

Frankly, they probably deserved a couple of punches for being bloody idiots.

Now, just in case you think butch, manly, "I like to bonk girls" Fred has gone pink; don't bother.
I'm no fan of gay marches but I'm not so up my own arse, I'll wander around trying to upset people who may well be up each others.
Frankly - their lives and they aren't harming anyone, so why should I care or bother them in any way?
If it ever came to a choice of supporting an anti or pro gay march - I'll wear pink and stand up for the rights of others.

Stuff the God squad extremists.
Westboro Baptist Church Praises Deaths Of Arizona Firefighters, Vows To Picket Funerals

Westboro Baptist Church Praises Deaths Of Arizona Firefighters, Vows To Picket Funerals

It would be a shame if someone confronted these freaks.

In a tweet posted at 2:56 p.m. Monday, the church said, "Westboro Baptist Church THANKS GOD for AZ fires that killed 19 firefighters!"

Read more: Westboro Baptist Church tweets intent to 'picket' funerals of Arizona firefighters
Sometimes you need to follow a link at a link to find the truth.
I did follow the link, the original link. And it wasn't there.

Sometimes it would be nice if you trolled less.

I've just followed the link and it is there.

Westboro Baptist Church tweets intent to 'picket' funerals of Arizona firefighters

In a move that is growing increasingly less shocking, the controversial Westboro Baptist Church -- known for its strident anti-homosexuality position -- has announced it will picket funerals for the 19 firefighters killed in the line of duty in Yarnell, Ariz., on Sunday.

PHOENIX - The notoriously outspoken and often controversial Westboro Baptist Church has made several threats through social media intending to picket the funerals of the 19 firefighters killed in the Yarnell Hill wildfire near Prescott.
Westboro Baptist Church posted several tweets from their Twitter account within the last 48 hours, connecting the firefighter deaths to punishment for the world's apparent tolerance of homosexuality.
In a tweet posted at 2:56 p.m. Monday, the church said, "Westboro Baptist Church THANKS GOD for AZ fires that killed 19 firefighters!"

Now, if you really want to beat the merry crap out of some idiots - start with that lot.
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It sounds a lot like two opposing extremists met each other.
No big deal.

Except that one was violent and the other not.

Don't be surprised if both sides don't become violent.

One was violent because the other incited that violence.
Not that name calling is much of an excuse but that doesn't make the bible basher innocent.
Let's get real - the god squad went there to shout and scream at fags so it's hardly a shock when someone too offence.

Frankly, they probably deserved a couple of punches for being bloody idiots.

Now, just in case you think butch, manly, "I like to bonk girls" Fred has gone pink; don't bother.
I'm no fan of gay marches but I'm not so up my own arse, I'll wander around trying to upset people who may well be up each others.
Frankly - their lives and they aren't harming anyone, so why should I care or bother them in any way?
If it ever came to a choice of supporting an anti or pro gay march - I'll wear pink and stand up for the rights of others.

Stuff the God squad extremists.

Then no one would complain if gay activists protested a non gay event and got the shit kicked out of them either. Equality, kick the shit out of them all. Have an old fashioned free for all.
It sounds a lot like two opposing extremists met each other.
No big deal.

Except that one was violent and the other not.

Don't be surprised if both sides don't become violent.

One was violent because the other incited that violence.

When are you libtards going to accept responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others for what you do? 'Mommy, he made me hit him!' is for children, not adults.

Of course, that is wasted on libtards.

Not that name calling is much of an excuse but that doesn't make the bible basher innocent.
Let's get real - the god squad went there to shout and scream at fags so it's hardly a shock when someone too offence.

Did they call any of them fags? No, don't think so.

Just more 'he made me do it' bullshit.

Frankly, they probably deserved a couple of punches for being bloody idiots.

A common reaction by libtards to their opponents, and of course only idiots disagree with libtards, doncha know.

I'm no fan of gay marches but I'm not so up my own arse, I'll wander around trying to upset people who may well be up each others.

No, you are up your own arse quite a bit apparently.

Frankly - their lives and they aren't harming anyone, so why should I care or bother them in any way?

Taking your taxes to pay for their buggery is not harm exactly but I don't want to pay for it.

And their attacks on the culture is harm; it is cultural genocide.

If it ever came to a choice of supporting an anti or pro gay march - I'll wear pink and stand up for the rights of others.

I'll bet you wear pink at every opportunity anyway.

Stuff the God squad extremists.

And fuck you too, shit-for-brains.
Sometimes you need to follow a link at a link to find the truth.
I did follow the link, the original link. And it wasn't there.

Sometimes it would be nice if you trolled less.

I've just followed the link and it is there.

Westboro Baptist Church tweets intent to 'picket' funerals of Arizona firefighters

In a move that is growing increasingly less shocking, the controversial Westboro Baptist Church -- known for its strident anti-homosexuality position -- has announced it will picket funerals for the 19 firefighters killed in the line of duty in Yarnell, Ariz., on Sunday.

Westboro Baptist Church Praises Deaths Of Arizona Firefighters, Vows To Picket Funerals

PHOENIX - The notoriously outspoken and often controversial Westboro Baptist Church has made several threats through social media intending to picket the funerals of the 19 firefighters killed in the Yarnell Hill wildfire near Prescott.
Westboro Baptist Church posted several tweets from their Twitter account within the last 48 hours, connecting the firefighter deaths to punishment for the world's apparent tolerance of homosexuality.
In a tweet posted at 2:56 p.m. Monday, the church said, "Westboro Baptist Church THANKS GOD for AZ fires that killed 19 firefighters!"

Now, if you really want to beat the merry crap out of some idiots - start with that lot.

Westboro is full of loons, but at least they are not a fascist thug like you.
It's unfortunate that I can never be in the right place when something like his transpires.

Don't wait for it to happen. Be like those guys. Go find a group of gays or blacks or Muslims and "start something". Be proactive. But be sure to scream your rights have been violated. Otherwise, you just look like an asshole and not a liberty seeking Republican or Conservative.
If they showed a little respect, they would have stayed away instead of turning up with the INTENTION of causing trouble.

Noomi, respect is mutual. Both sides need to give it. If you don't give it, don't expect it in return.

How were the preachers respecting the homosexuals, when the preachers turned up with the sole purpose of causing trouble?

What did the Street Preachers do?... They are countering a Parade of Deviancy on the Public Streets.

They didn't get Physical, they Voiced their Opinion.

A Physical Reaciton to someone's Opinion is a Sign of Weakness on the part of those who Engage in it.

And Excusing it is even Worse.


Noomi, respect is mutual. Both sides need to give it. If you don't give it, don't expect it in return.

How were the preachers respecting the homosexuals, when the preachers turned up with the sole purpose of causing trouble?

What did the Street Preachers do?... They are countering a Parade of Deviancy on the Public Streets.

They didn't get Physical, they Voiced their Opinion.

A Physical Reaciton to someone's Opinion is a Sign of Weakness on the part of those who Engage in it.

And Excusing it is even Worse.



But, mal, people don't have a right to free speech if they oppose the March of Progress.

  • Thanks
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Except that one was violent and the other not.

Don't be surprised if both sides don't become violent.

One was violent because the other incited that violence.
Not that name calling is much of an excuse but that doesn't make the bible basher innocent.
Let's get real - the god squad went there to shout and scream at fags so it's hardly a shock when someone too offence.

Frankly, they probably deserved a couple of punches for being bloody idiots.

Now, just in case you think butch, manly, "I like to bonk girls" Fred has gone pink; don't bother.
I'm no fan of gay marches but I'm not so up my own arse, I'll wander around trying to upset people who may well be up each others.
Frankly - their lives and they aren't harming anyone, so why should I care or bother them in any way?
If it ever came to a choice of supporting an anti or pro gay march - I'll wear pink and stand up for the rights of others.

Stuff the God squad extremists.

Then no one would complain if gay activists protested a non gay event and got the shit kicked out of them either. Equality, kick the shit out of them all. Have an old fashioned free for all.

Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?
One was violent because the other incited that violence.
Not that name calling is much of an excuse but that doesn't make the bible basher innocent.
Let's get real - the god squad went there to shout and scream at fags so it's hardly a shock when someone too offence.

Frankly, they probably deserved a couple of punches for being bloody idiots.

Now, just in case you think butch, manly, "I like to bonk girls" Fred has gone pink; don't bother.
I'm no fan of gay marches but I'm not so up my own arse, I'll wander around trying to upset people who may well be up each others.
Frankly - their lives and they aren't harming anyone, so why should I care or bother them in any way?
If it ever came to a choice of supporting an anti or pro gay march - I'll wear pink and stand up for the rights of others.

Stuff the God squad extremists.

Then no one would complain if gay activists protested a non gay event and got the shit kicked out of them either. Equality, kick the shit out of them all. Have an old fashioned free for all.

Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?

What of this?

Naked protesters drench archbishop as he prays quietly | The Daily Caller

[T]he FEMEN website characterized the protest as an “attack” on “one of the main European preachers of homophobia,” meant to mark France’s legalization of gay marriage on Tuesday.
Noomi, respect is mutual. Both sides need to give it. If you don't give it, don't expect it in return.

How were the preachers respecting the homosexuals, when the preachers turned up with the sole purpose of causing trouble?

What did the Street Preachers do?... They are countering a Parade of Deviancy on the Public Streets.

They didn't get Physical, they Voiced their Opinion.

A Physical Reaciton to someone's Opinion is a Sign of Weakness on the part of those who Engage in it.

And Excusing it is even Worse.



Parade of deviancy? There is the tolerance from the right.

I think I am going to start protesting churches. Look at how many Christian leaders molest children, I am going to go and protest the Christian's deviant behavior. Put the shoe on the other foot so to speak. ;)

Your OP was joke, you are a hypocrite, and you don't have an ounce of tolerance.
My friend's daughter went to that pride event with her aunt. She had to listen to that man's hateful words. And why?
Because he couldn't handle them celebrating? You think God would approve of such hate?
The guy who hit him will get his justice, but the hateful Christian will get his one day, along with the fact he has to live a life full of hate. He must be a very sad unhappy man.
Do you feel you have a lot in common with him?
Then no one would complain if gay activists protested a non gay event and got the shit kicked out of them either. Equality, kick the shit out of them all. Have an old fashioned free for all.

Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?

What of this?

Naked protesters drench archbishop as he prays quietly | The Daily Caller

[T]he FEMEN website characterized the protest as an “attack” on “one of the main European preachers of homophobia,” meant to mark France’s legalization of gay marriage on Tuesday.

Non gay?

And wow! That really compares to what Christians and others have done to them.
Let me know when a gay group burns down a whole business or kills a Christian leader, or protests Christians for being Christians.
Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?

What of this?

Naked protesters drench archbishop as he prays quietly | The Daily Caller

[T]he FEMEN website characterized the protest as an “attack” on “one of the main European preachers of homophobia,” meant to mark France’s legalization of gay marriage on Tuesday.

Non gay?

And wow! That really compares to what Christians and others have done to them.

Did you read the quote? Or did you choose to ignore it? FEMEN supports gay rights, Luissa.

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