Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

Then no one would complain if gay activists protested a non gay event and got the shit kicked out of them either. Equality, kick the shit out of them all. Have an old fashioned free for all.

Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?
What part don't you understand about private property and the public domain ? If you show up at a function on private property, then you had best be on your best P's & Q's, or you just might find yourself in jail real quick like... However it is your right to show up at a public event that is going on in the street, and you can protest that event peacefully with signs and some speech pertaining to your protest, as this is your 1st amendment right in which you have in the public domain. However you still can't yell fire in a crowd, and then cause people to get hurt, as that crosses the line. These preachers had every right to protest the public event, and that is that. Get use to it.

Where did I say they didn't have the right? :cuckoo:
Hateful doesn't quite describe your attitude toward Christians...

I hate hateful Christians, I will freely admit it... Probably because many speak words of hate to my gay friends, two of whom have been beaten for being gay.
I think I might start protesting churches.

No, you will cover for the fact that you hate all Christians who don't agree with gay marriage. You wanted to know what I meant when I called you childish?

"I think I might start protesting churches" is why.

And with that, I'm out (of this thread).

Did you call the man who was punched childish?
And why shouldn't I? Christians protest at gay events.

And why are you out? Because you realize that you are defending hate?
And if course I disagree with people who don't agree with equal rights.
I hate hateful Christians, I will freely admit it... Probably because many speak words of hate to my gay friends, two of whom have been beaten for being gay.
I think I might start protesting churches.

No, you will cover for the fact that you hate all Christians who don't agree with gay marriage. You wanted to know what I meant when I called you childish?

"I think I might start protesting churches" is why.

And with that, I'm out (of this thread).

Did you call the man who was punched childish?
And why shouldn't I? Christians protest at gay events.

And why are you out? Because you realize that you are defending hate?
And if course I disagree with people who don't agree with equal rights.

First of all I denounce anyone who engages in violence in God's name, secondly you can sit back and read. You don't seem to care when it's the other way around:

[ame=]Christians Assaulted in San Francisco - YouTube[/ame]

?Gays? Call for Violence Against Christian Supporters of Prop 8
PROTEST THE LEFT: Gay Activists Threaten Violence Against Christians
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Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?
What part don't you understand about private property and the public domain ? If you show up at a function on private property, then you had best be on your best P's & Q's, or you just might find yourself in jail real quick like... However it is your right to show up at a public event that is going on in the street, and you can protest that event peacefully with signs and some speech pertaining to your protest, as this is your 1st amendment right in which you have in the public domain. However you still can't yell fire in a crowd, and then cause people to get hurt, as that crosses the line. These preachers had every right to protest the public event, and that is that. Get use to it.

Where did I say they didn't have the right? :cuckoo:
I re-wrote it after I saw how the post was written (my bad), so check it out once more if you want to..
No it appears that you are changing the thread into what you want it to become, as it basically was about the public domain, and what happened in that domain regarding these street preachers and that bunch who attacked them.
No, you will cover for the fact that you hate all Christians who don't agree with gay marriage. You wanted to know what I meant when I called you childish?

"I think I might start protesting churches" is why.

And with that, I'm out (of this thread).

Did you call the man who was punched childish?
And why shouldn't I? Christians protest at gay events.

And why are you out? Because you realize that you are defending hate?
And if course I disagree with people who don't agree with equal rights.

First of all I denounce anyone who engages in violence in God's name, secondly you can sit back and read. You don't seem to care when it's the other way around:

[ame=]Christians Assaulted in San Francisco - YouTube[/ame]

?Gays? Call for Violence Against Christian Supporters of Prop 8
PROTEST THE LEFT: Gay Activists Threaten Violence Against Christians

I don't? I think I denounced the man who punched the preacher in three different posts in this thread.
I also stated in one post that I wished they had responded in a non violent manner the way they responded at the pride event here.

Putting words into my mouth, eh?
What does this have to do with the topic at hand ?

One should learn how to follow a thread.
No it appears that you are changing the thread into what you want it to become, as it basically was about the public domain, and what happened in that domain regarding these street preachers and that bunch who attacked them.

I was responding to another poster. ;)

And who was the one who came in here claiming I didn't think the preacher had the right to protest? Troll much?

1. I stated the guy shouldn't have punched him
2. I called the guy who punched him a moron
3. I never said the man didn't have the right to protest, I simply stated he was an idiot for doing so.
4. Dont cherry pick posts and try to make dumb accusations.

I was responding to what Jimbowie had said. Now please carry on.
No, you will cover for the fact that you hate all Christians who don't agree with gay marriage. You wanted to know what I meant when I called you childish?

"I think I might start protesting churches" is why.

And with that, I'm out (of this thread).

Did you call the man who was punched childish?
And why shouldn't I? Christians protest at gay events.

And why are you out? Because you realize that you are defending hate?
And if course I disagree with people who don't agree with equal rights.

First of all I denounce anyone who engages in violence in God's name, secondly you can sit back and read. You don't seem to care when it's the other way around:

[ame=]Christians Assaulted in San Francisco - YouTube[/ame]

?Gays? Call for Violence Against Christian Supporters of Prop 8
PROTEST THE LEFT: Gay Activists Threaten Violence Against Christians
Homosexual blog forecasts violence
I am so glad I don't live where that kind of idiocy goes on, I mean people really don't have enough to do anymore with their time. I mean how is it that there are so many people whose lives are filled with nothing but this kind of time on their hands, and to keep engaged in so much bull crap in which they stay locked into ? I work long hours and take care of my family, and so you know how I look upon this kind of stuff when I click on it, because I just find it amazing really that people have this kind of time to do these kinds of things or create these kinds of cultures as they are these days anymore.
Did you call the man who was punched childish?
And why shouldn't I? Christians protest at gay events.

And why are you out? Because you realize that you are defending hate?
And if course I disagree with people who don't agree with equal rights.

First of all I denounce anyone who engages in violence in God's name, secondly you can sit back and read. You don't seem to care when it's the other way around:

[ame=]Christians Assaulted in San Francisco - YouTube[/ame]

?Gays? Call for Violence Against Christian Supporters of Prop 8
PROTEST THE LEFT: Gay Activists Threaten Violence Against Christians
Homosexual blog forecasts violence
I am so glad I don't live where that kind of idiocy goes on, I mean people really don't have enough to do anymore with their time. I mean how is it that there are so many people whose lives are filled with nothing but this kind of time on their hands, and to keep engaged in so much bull crap in which they stay locked into ? I work long hours and take care of my family, and so you know how I look upon this kind of stuff when I click on it, because I just find it amazing really that people have this kind of time to do these kinds of things or create these kinds of cultures as they are these days anymore.

I ask the same questions about people who go around protesting gay groups and abortion clinics.
An anti gay group spent quite a bit of time and money fighting gay marriage here. Why don't they spend that time helping the poor or working? Maybe go on a mission?
Why spend so much time fighting a group of people?

Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?

What of this?

Naked protesters drench archbishop as he prays quietly | The Daily Caller

[T]he FEMEN website characterized the protest as an “attack” on “one of the main European preachers of homophobia,” meant to mark France’s legalization of gay marriage on Tuesday.

I honestly wish the Catholic Church had treated what THEIR priests were doing to Altar boys with the same urgency they seem to be worried about what gay adults are doing with each other.
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Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?

What of this?

Naked protesters drench archbishop as he prays quietly | The Daily Caller

[T]he FEMEN website characterized the protest as an “attack” on “one of the main European preachers of homophobia,” meant to mark France’s legalization of gay marriage on Tuesday.

I honestly wish the Catholic Church had treated what THEIR priests were doing to Altar boys with the same urgency they seem to be worried about what gay adults are doing with each other.

I read about this at another message forum that I go to and yes, I saw the clip of what happened too. To me, if that preacher guy wasn't bringing any physical harm to anyone at that gathering, then everyone else there should have just ignored him when he has the right to share his beliefs just like everyone else in this country.

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I don't get why carrying a sign with your own belief on it is so life shattering to LGBT people in the first place when they are going to live their lives the way that they want to live their lives anyway no matter what anyone else has to say about it.
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Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?

What of this?

Naked protesters drench archbishop as he prays quietly | The Daily Caller

[T]he FEMEN website characterized the protest as an “attack” on “one of the main European preachers of homophobia,” meant to mark France’s legalization of gay marriage on Tuesday.

I honestly wish the Catholic Church had treated what THEIR priests were doing to Altar boys with the same urgency they seem to be worried about what gay adults are doing with each other.
Isn't this why they are fighting the gays from a Catholic religious standpoint, otherwise to try and keep them at bay or out of their religion ? I mean as you say they have first hand experience on the subject, and they of all people should know how destructive these deviants and such corruption is, and how such a cultural entrenched deviancy or activity can be devastating when left unchecked or without protest upon as they feel that it should be when encountered from their standpoint or view. Right?

I honestly wish the Catholic Church had treated what THEIR priests were doing to Altar boys with the same urgency they seem to be worried about what gay adults are doing with each other.
Isn't this why they are fighting the gays from a Catholic religious standpoint, otherwise to try and keep them at bay or out of their religion ? I mean as you say they have first hand experience on the subject, and they of all people should know how destructive these deviants and such corruption is, and how such a cultural entrenched deviancy or activity can be devastating when left unchecked or without protest upon as they feel that it should be when encountered from their standpoint or view. Right?
First hand experience? How so?
I am asking because I have a feeling where you are going with this.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival - Fox Nation

^These some of your pals?... :dunno:

The Left is SO Tolerant of Differing Views. :thup:



I dunno, mal. I know lefties who aren't wild about alternative lifestyles that do not produce a family home that centers on traditional family and long-standing traditional religious values.

There were more than two physical assaults made by the gay pride community, both gay men and gay women hitting the man carrying a sign and destroying his property. Those were criminal acts and acts against the First Amendment that includes both free speech and free expression of religion.

Ministers have to counsel the people gays con into compromising positions that may leave them scarred for life emotionally. Ministers may even counsel families who are having acceptance issues due to a belief in the tried and true. Their presence at that rally was to appeal to someone there who might not care for the lifestyle, but for some reason were bullied into it by people pretending to care for the heterosexual they were trying to convert to the homosexual lifestyle. Many of them do not feel same-sex pedophilia is anything more than an extension of sexuality that to them is acceptable, to others, not.

I think the gay rights people were demanding behavior from the ministers they were not willing to give up themselves.

IOW, they were wrong to assault the ministers, and for their crime, they have to answer for it in a court of law now.

The ball is in the court's domain as to what penalty should be used to quell physically abusive behavior when things don't go the abuse perpetrators' way. That was not a peaceful parade put on by rational human beings.

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