Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

Progressives, all of them, employ criminal thinking and fight to make criminal behavior, legal. They devalue humanity and reject the concept of private ownership (well, when someone else has things they want, that is. They're very jealous and selfish regarding their own belongings).

I have spent years conversing with criminals and addicts in the real world...and part of that interaction is helping them to identify (and learning to identify and circumvent) "criminal thinking" patterns. Progressives function in the same manner as any common criminal. They seek to make criminal activity and behavior the norm, and they spend all their lives justifying it

I honestly can't believe there is an organization that would let a dysfunctional person talk to you with the purpose of becoming LESS dysfunctional.

It's like taking cooking lessons from Jeffrey Dahmner.
I've been to the Space Needle. Had dinner up there. It's amazing.

The butt-whipping that happened was instigated by the Gays . It seems more than one of them started it.
I've been to the Space Needle. Had dinner up there. It's amazing.

The butt-whipping that happened was instigated by the Gays . It seems more than one of them started it.
The Christians should have been armed and shot their way out. They had signs on poles. Why didn't they just start braining those gays. Christians today should just assume they will be attacked and make appropriate preparations.

I really hope Christians get the message and return the favor.
it is well known that this crowd is one of the most intolerant and hateful crowds ever existing.
I've been to the Space Needle. Had dinner up there. It's amazing.

The butt-whipping that happened was instigated by the Gays . It seems more than one of them started it.
The Christians should have been armed and shot their way out. They had signs on poles. Why didn't they just start braining those gays. Christians today should just assume they will be attacked and make appropriate preparations.

I really hope Christians get the message and return the favor.

I wouldn't have gone with the sign. I think talking rather than protesting is a better way to get thru.
Nope not intolerant..only intolerant fucker there is that nut case xtian...its like a nazi going to a black panther rally and expecting to be welcomed warmly I mean come on....he knew what was going to happen by spreading his hate.
Believe it or not..

[ame=]Homosexual Infiltration Of The Catholic Clergy - YouTube[/ame]
I've been to the Space Needle. Had dinner up there. It's amazing.

The butt-whipping that happened was instigated by the Gays . It seems more than one of them started it.
The Christians should have been armed and shot their way out. They had signs on poles. Why didn't they just start braining those gays. Christians today should just assume they will be attacked and make appropriate preparations.

I really hope Christians get the message and return the favor.

The Sermon on the Mount indicates otherwise.
Let me know when a gay group burns down a whole business or kills a Christian leader, or protests Christians for being Christians.

Have any of your friends been beat up because of their lifestyle? My friend was left for dead in his dorm room for being gay.
Saying gays are the deviants! Ha!

Sure he was :cool:
Nope not intolerant..only intolerant fucker there is that nut case xtian...its like a nazi going to a black panther rally and expecting to be welcomed warmly I mean come on....he knew what was going to happen by spreading his hate.

Freedom of speech and public gatherings are not subject to accepting beatings.

I worked in the "ghetto" for two years on a hud project and was told to never stay after dark in the summertime.

Utter bullshit
When good is called evil it's tolerated, when evil is called good it's tolerated. When evil is called evil it's not!
Nope not intolerant..only intolerant fucker there is that nut case xtian...its like a nazi going to a black panther rally and expecting to be welcomed warmly I mean come on....he knew what was going to happen by spreading his hate.

Violence from the party of inclusion for all. Duly noted.

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