Christian Street Preachers Assaulted at Gay Pride Festival

Let me know when a gay group burns down a whole business or kills a Christian leader, or protests Christians for being Christians.

Have any of your friends been beat up because of their lifestyle? My friend was left for dead in his dorm room for being gay.
Saying gays are the deviants! Ha!
Let me know when a gay group burns down a whole business or kills a Christian leader, or protests Christians for being Christians.

How callous.

What is callous is the hate Christians have for gay people.
What is callous is a gay business being burned down with people in it.
What is callous is two guys leaving a gay man to die on a fence post.
That is what happens when men like the one in the OP spread their hate.
Let me know when a gay group burns down a whole business or kills a Christian leader, or protests Christians for being Christians.

How callous.

What is callous is the hate Christians have for gay people.
What is callous is a gay business being burned down with people in it.
What is callous is two guys leaving a gay man to die on a fence post.
That is what happens when men like the one in the OP spread their hate.

1. Who said we hate anyone?

2. Link to this gay business being burned down

3. Link to this as well

4. How childish are you? You are wandering all over the place spouting your epithets, whilst not proving the whole of Christianity is hateful.
How callous.

What is callous is the hate Christians have for gay people.
What is callous is a gay business being burned down with people in it.
What is callous is two guys leaving a gay man to die on a fence post.
That is what happens when men like the one in the OP spread their hate.

1. Who said we hate anyone?

2. Link to this gay business being burned down

3. Link to this as well

4. How childish are you? You are wandering all over the place spouting your epithets, whilst not proving the whole of Christianity is hateful.
Have you never heard of Matthew Shepard?

Did I say you hate anyone? Or that on a whole Christians are hateful?
No just Christians who spread hate about gay people.

And did you say anything to the OP about his hateful words? His childish behavior? Spreading his hate for gays all over the board?
I doubt it, typical hypocrite.
Oh! I forgot a link to Matthew Shepard, I just figure most people have heard about the two men leaving him to die.
What is callous is the hate Christians have for gay people.
What is callous is a gay business being burned down with people in it.
What is callous is two guys leaving a gay man to die on a fence post.
That is what happens when men like the one in the OP spread their hate.

1. Who said we hate anyone?

2. Link to this gay business being burned down

3. Link to this as well

4. How childish are you? You are wandering all over the place spouting your epithets, whilst not proving the whole of Christianity is hateful.
Have you never heard of Matthew Shepard?
New Orleans Official Pride Guide - Upstairs Lounge Fire
Two More Gay Men Set On Fire; This Time in Gay Bar | Unicorn Booty
Steven Simpson, Gay British Teen, Dies After Being Set On Fire At Birthday Party

Admiral Duncan pub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did I say you hate anyone? Or that on a whole Christians are hateful?
No just Christians who spread hate about gay people.

And did you say anything to the OP about his hateful words? His childish behavior? Spreading his hate for gays all over the board?
I doubt it, typical hypocrite.

Citing gay pride websites?! And you call me hypocritical?
What is callous is the hate Christians have for gay people.
What is callous is a gay business being burned down with people in it.
What is callous is two guys leaving a gay man to die on a fence post.
That is what happens when men like the one in the OP spread their hate.

1. Who said we hate anyone?

2. Link to this gay business being burned down

3. Link to this as well

4. How childish are you? You are wandering all over the place spouting your epithets, whilst not proving the whole of Christianity is hateful.
Have you never heard of Matthew Shepard?
New Orleans Official Pride Guide - Upstairs Lounge Fire
Two More Gay Men Set On Fire; This Time in Gay Bar | Unicorn Booty
Steven Simpson, Gay British Teen, Dies After Being Set On Fire At Birthday Party

Admiral Duncan pub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did I say you hate anyone? Or that on a whole Christians are hateful?
No just Christians who spread hate about gay people.

And did you say anything to the OP about his hateful words? His childish behavior? Spreading his hate for gays all over the board?
I doubt it, typical hypocrite.

Lol, so two thugs kill a gay guy and leave him to die on a fence and that justifies gays assaulting Christina preachers?

Is that what you are trying to say?

You keep trotting out this tired old victim rhetoric as though gays haven't taken over the entire entertainment industry and are still being hunted down by wackos in hoods or something.

Good God, if this is the best you pro-gay cheerleaders have, your argument is about over.
1. Who said we hate anyone?

2. Link to this gay business being burned down

3. Link to this as well

4. How childish are you? You are wandering all over the place spouting your epithets, whilst not proving the whole of Christianity is hateful.
Have you never heard of Matthew Shepard?
New Orleans Official Pride Guide - Upstairs Lounge Fire
Two More Gay Men Set On Fire; This Time in Gay Bar | Unicorn Booty
Steven Simpson, Gay British Teen, Dies After Being Set On Fire At Birthday Party

Admiral Duncan pub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did I say you hate anyone? Or that on a whole Christians are hateful?
No just Christians who spread hate about gay people.

And did you say anything to the OP about his hateful words? His childish behavior? Spreading his hate for gays all over the board?
I doubt it, typical hypocrite.

Lol, so two thugs kill a gay guy and leave him to die on a fence and that justifies gays assaulting Christina preachers?

Is that what you are trying to say?

You keep trotting out this tired old victim rhetoric as though gays haven't taken over the entire entertainment industry and are still being hunted down by wackos in hoods or something.

Good God, if this is the best you pro-gay cheerleaders have, your argument is about over.

Did I say it justified them attacking the preacher? I guess you don't read my posts.
And you really have no idea what still goes on in regards to gay violence, do you?
Like I said, such hate.
Temple will never call you out or the OP. Typical hypocrite.
Yeah, and yours.
Talk about hateful.

Hateful doesn't quite describe your attitude toward Christians...

I hate hateful Christians, I will freely admit it... Probably because many speak words of hate to my gay friends, two of whom have been beaten for being gay.
I think I might start protesting churches.

No, you will cover for the fact that you hate all Christians who don't agree with gay marriage. You wanted to know what I meant when I called you childish?

"I think I might start protesting churches" is why.

And with that, I'm out (of this thread).
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One was violent because the other incited that violence.
Not that name calling is much of an excuse but that doesn't make the bible basher innocent.
Let's get real - the god squad went there to shout and scream at fags so it's hardly a shock when someone too offence.

Frankly, they probably deserved a couple of punches for being bloody idiots.

Now, just in case you think butch, manly, "I like to bonk girls" Fred has gone pink; don't bother.
I'm no fan of gay marches but I'm not so up my own arse, I'll wander around trying to upset people who may well be up each others.
Frankly - their lives and they aren't harming anyone, so why should I care or bother them in any way?
If it ever came to a choice of supporting an anti or pro gay march - I'll wear pink and stand up for the rights of others.

Stuff the God squad extremists.

Then no one would complain if gay activists protested a non gay event and got the shit kicked out of them either. Equality, kick the shit out of them all. Have an old fashioned free for all.

Have you seen a lot of gays protesting at non gay events? How about Christian churches?
They don't because there is a difference between private property and the public domain... If you show up at a function on private property, then you had best be on your best P's & Q's, or you just might find yourself in jail real quick like... However it is your right to show up at a public event that is going on in the street, and you can protest that event peacefully with signs and some speech pertaining to your protest, as this is your 1st amendment right in which you have in the public domain. However you still can't yell fire in a crowd in which the preachers didn't do, otherwise to cause people to get hurt, as that crosses the line if someone does that. These preachers had every right to protest the public event set against their long held values in America, and that is that. Get use to it.
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