'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police


Sure.... Because there's nothing political about projecting Unemployed Union Workers from one of the most Left-wing States in the US as RIGHTWING EXTREMISTS...

As usual... You're ALL OVER IT!

New York is much more left-wing than Michigan, and there's plenty of crazy right-wingers here.

Is it your opinion that because the majority of the population of a state leans one way, there are in fact no people in that state that lean the other way?

Oh, and a link to prove that those people were all "union members" would be appreciated. Thanks.

I don't have a link... I am stating my considered opinion... Having lived in Michigan; worked in Michigan and have extensive experience with the mindset of the typical Michiganner...

I'm perfectly prepared to concede if evidence comes along which conclusively demonstrates that these cranks were not the typical Union Shop tools, who sit around the local bar all day, talking about 'the camp' and how they're getting' ready for Deer season... or Duck season...

Whose camp is a shack in the woods, where they go loaded for bear and spend long weekends sitting around smoking pot and getting hammered; rarely leaving 'the camp' to actually do any hunting...

Can't make it any more clear than that... They are the ignorant masses... the epitome of Progressivism... PROUD AMERICANS ALL! Who bargain collectively for their jobs, pay their Union Dues and count the days to their 'retirement'... so that they can do the exact same damn thing they've done their entire workin' life... sit at the bar, smoke pot, drink and talk about going to the woods...

They're YOU dipshit. They FEEL like because they LIVE in America, that makes 'em AMERICANS! They are up their their NECKS IN RIGHTS! And they KNOW 'EM all.

They're just not real big on 'responsibility'...

So sit back and enjoy the run... I'm just tellin' ya... Rightwing Christian Soldiers don't plot to murder local cops... We don't do it. And we don't do it, because it's something that is diametrically opposed to everything we stand for.

Give it time... and I think you'll find I'm closer to the truth here, than you're gonna be comfortable with.
"I don't know what Michigan is loaded with..." Yeah... I'd say that that's about right.

Of course, I do know what Michigan is loaded with; lived there, worked there... have friends and family there.

Michigan is a culture where they FULLY BELIEVE that they're entitled to free healthcare; free dental care; a GOOD PAYING JOB... and by GOD! if the government can't get 'em that job then they're ENTITLED TO BE PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT, UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT DOES GET 'EM A JOB!

You couldn't get a poker game together with the "Right Wingers" living in Michigan...

And here's the thing... The Extreme RIGHT WINGERS are employed... probably self employed and if they're domiciled in Michigan; odds are they're working out of town right now... or they've long since departed Michigan all together; as Michigan has one of, if not the highest unemployment in the nation.

Extreme Rightwingers aren't looking to kill local cops; in truth, most local cops fall well within the working definition of "extreme rightwingers"...

Thus we're readily able to discern that the backstory being advanced here is bogus.

These cranks are unemployed Union Democrats... who likely spent WAY too much time drinkin' and WAY too much time shooting their mouths off.

I expect that they'll get a sound jerkin' around; they'll plea out and this thing will never get anywhere NEAR a trial.

But we'll see... won't we?

OK, you are living in a serious state of denial.

Are you unwilling to admit that violent right-wing extremists exist?

Or are you saying that among the multiple millions of people in Michigan, there is no possible chance that right-wing extremists might be part of the population?
Well posted, very neutral and non-confrontational OP.

I'm actually shocked that this domestic terrorist plot is not blanketing the airwaves at the moment.

The media are busy trying to work out whether they can pretend these dudes are ardent supporters of the TEA Party.

Bingo. I can see the Communist Network News and the Most Socialist Network 'Bama Channel drooling over labeling this as Tea Partiers or Christians. Yet Obama and his liars now have placed 51% control of our economy in the hands of the Federal Government.
You know that line about eternal vigilance? It pays to keep both eyes open. It's very true that the indictment hasn't been proven yet and that has to be borne in mind. However, there is an indictment, it's not a figment of someone's imagination. It would be a sign of maturity and simple common sense to accept that extremists of the left or the right are a danger to a liberal democratic society.
"I don't know what Michigan is loaded with..." Yeah... I'd say that that's about right.

Of course, I do know what Michigan is loaded with; lived there, worked there... have friends and family there.

Michigan is a culture where they FULLY BELIEVE that they're entitled to free healthcare; free dental care; a GOOD PAYING JOB... and by GOD! if the government can't get 'em that job then they're ENTITLED TO BE PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT, UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT DOES GET 'EM A JOB!

You couldn't get a poker game together with the "Right Wingers" living in Michigan...

And here's the thing... The Extreme RIGHT WINGERS are employed... probably self employed and if they're domiciled in Michigan; odds are they're working out of town right now... or they've long since departed Michigan all together; as Michigan has one of, if not the highest unemployment in the nation.

Extreme Rightwingers aren't looking to kill local cops; in truth, most local cops fall well within the working definition of "extreme rightwingers"...

Thus we're readily able to discern that the backstory being advanced here is bogus.

These cranks are unemployed Union Democrats... who likely spent WAY too much time drinkin' and WAY too much time shooting their mouths off.

I expect that they'll get a sound jerkin' around; they'll plea out and this thing will never get anywhere NEAR a trial.

But we'll see... won't we?

OK, you are living in a serious state of denial.

Are you unwilling to admit that violent right-wing extremists exist?

Or are you saying that among the multiple millions of people in Michigan, there is no possible chance that right-wing extremists might be part of the population?

If they're libertarians, and it sounds like they are, they're not right-wingers.
Well posted, very neutral and non-confrontational OP.

I'm actually shocked that this domestic terrorist plot is not blanketing the airwaves at the moment.

The MSM is waiting to see what political persuasion the perps are...

at any rate I understand them to be avid Ron Paul supporters.
You know that line about eternal vigilance? It pays to keep both eyes open. It's very true that the indictment hasn't been proven yet and that has to be borne in mind. However, there is an indictment, it's not a figment of someone's imagination. It would be a sign of maturity and simple common sense to accept that extremists of the left or the right are a danger to a liberal democratic society.

It's also a sign of maturity to admit that of all the ridiculous, bizarro claims made against "right wingers" in the last few weeks, NONE of them have been true. Not the brick story, not the racist epithet story, not the spitting story, nor any of the "extremist" stories.
"I don't know what Michigan is loaded with..." Yeah... I'd say that that's about right.

Of course, I do know what Michigan is loaded with; lived there, worked there... have friends and family there.

Michigan is a culture where they FULLY BELIEVE that they're entitled to free healthcare; free dental care; a GOOD PAYING JOB... and by GOD! if the government can't get 'em that job then they're ENTITLED TO BE PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT, UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT DOES GET 'EM A JOB!

You couldn't get a poker game together with the "Right Wingers" living in Michigan...

And here's the thing... The Extreme RIGHT WINGERS are employed... probably self employed and if they're domiciled in Michigan; odds are they're working out of town right now... or they've long since departed Michigan all together; as Michigan has one of, if not the highest unemployment in the nation.

Extreme Rightwingers aren't looking to kill local cops; in truth, most local cops fall well within the working definition of "extreme rightwingers"...

Thus we're readily able to discern that the backstory being advanced here is bogus.

These cranks are unemployed Union Democrats... who likely spent WAY too much time drinkin' and WAY too much time shooting their mouths off.

I expect that they'll get a sound jerkin' around; they'll plea out and this thing will never get anywhere NEAR a trial.

But we'll see... won't we?

OK, you are living in a serious state of denial.

Are you unwilling to admit that violent right-wing extremists exist?

Or are you saying that among the multiple millions of people in Michigan, there is no possible chance that right-wing extremists might be part of the population?

Canter has a crazy libtard bastard threaten to kill him and his entire family....ya...let that one slide right?
I hope you guys aren't made out to be trigger happy retards. Again.

Unlike you guys who make out anybody with an arabic surname or light brown skin is a terrorist in the making. Now you know how they feel....
I don't have a link... I am stating my considered opinion... Having lived in Michigan; worked in Michigan and have extensive experience with the mindset of the typical Michiganner...

I'm perfectly prepared to concede if evidence comes along which conclusively demonstrates that these cranks were not the typical Union Shop tools, who sit around the local bar all day, talking about 'the camp' and how they're getting' ready for Deer season... or Duck season...

Whose camp is a shack in the woods, where they go loaded for bear and spend long weekends sitting around smoking pot and getting hammered; rarely leaving 'the camp' to actually do any hunting...

Can't make it any more clear than that... They are the ignorant masses... the epitome of Progressivism... PROUD AMERICANS ALL! Who bargain collectively for their jobs, pay their Union Dues and count the days to their 'retirement'... so that they can do the exact same damn thing they've done their entire workin' life... sit at the bar, smoke pot, drink and talk about going to the woods...

They're YOU dipshit. They FEEL like because they LIVE in America, that makes 'em AMERICANS! They are up their their NECKS IN RIGHTS! And they KNOW 'EM all.

They're just not real big on 'responsibility'...

So sit back and enjoy the run... I'm just tellin' ya... Rightwing Christian Soldiers don't plot to murder local cops... We don't do it. And we don't do it, because it's something that is diametrically opposed to everything we stand for.

Give it time... and I think you'll find I'm closer to the truth here, than you're gonna be comfortable with.

OK, well I can see your point of view here. I think that perhaps your personal view of the population of Michigan may be a bit biased by experience.

In actuality, there are 710,000 Union members in Michigan, representing about 18.8% of the workforce, as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The total population of Michigan is 9,969,727, which means a little more than 7% of the total population are union.

Union Membership in Michigan 2009

One would assume that having an "elite" club of union workers might breed a sense of resentment among some non-union workers. I would think that this would cause MORE right-wing extremism among these types, rather than less.
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You know that line about eternal vigilance? It pays to keep both eyes open. It's very true that the indictment hasn't been proven yet and that has to be borne in mind. However, there is an indictment, it's not a figment of someone's imagination. It would be a sign of maturity and simple common sense to accept that extremists of the left or the right are a danger to a liberal democratic society.

It's also a sign of maturity to admit that of all the ridiculous, bizarro claims made against "right wingers" in the last few weeks, NONE of them have been true. Not the brick story, not the racist epithet story, not the spitting story, nor any of the "extremist" stories.

That's how the Democrats garner sympathy and paint the growing Tea Party movement as extremists.....just begin to fill the airwaves with baseless accusations and lies....oh wait....they've been doing that since January 21st 2001.
"I don't know what Michigan is loaded with..." Yeah... I'd say that that's about right.

Of course, I do know what Michigan is loaded with; lived there, worked there... have friends and family there.

Michigan is a culture where they FULLY BELIEVE that they're entitled to free healthcare; free dental care; a GOOD PAYING JOB... and by GOD! if the government can't get 'em that job then they're ENTITLED TO BE PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT, UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT DOES GET 'EM A JOB!

You couldn't get a poker game together with the "Right Wingers" living in Michigan...

And here's the thing... The Extreme RIGHT WINGERS are employed... probably self employed and if they're domiciled in Michigan; odds are they're working out of town right now... or they've long since departed Michigan all together; as Michigan has one of, if not the highest unemployment in the nation.

Extreme Rightwingers aren't looking to kill local cops; in truth, most local cops fall well within the working definition of "extreme rightwingers"...

Thus we're readily able to discern that the backstory being advanced here is bogus.

These cranks are unemployed Union Democrats... who likely spent WAY too much time drinkin' and WAY too much time shooting their mouths off.

I expect that they'll get a sound jerkin' around; they'll plea out and this thing will never get anywhere NEAR a trial.

But we'll see... won't we?

OK, you are living in a serious state of denial.

Are you unwilling to admit that violent right-wing extremists exist?

Or are you saying that among the multiple millions of people in Michigan, there is no possible chance that right-wing extremists might be part of the population?

Canter has a crazy libtard bastard threaten to kill him and his entire family....ya...let that one slide right?

Um... actually he has attacked the white house and Obama also. ;)
He is not a liberal.
"I don't know what Michigan is loaded with..." Yeah... I'd say that that's about right.

Of course, I do know what Michigan is loaded with; lived there, worked there... have friends and family there.

Michigan is a culture where they FULLY BELIEVE that they're entitled to free healthcare; free dental care; a GOOD PAYING JOB... and by GOD! if the government can't get 'em that job then they're ENTITLED TO BE PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT, UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT DOES GET 'EM A JOB!

You couldn't get a poker game together with the "Right Wingers" living in Michigan...

And here's the thing... The Extreme RIGHT WINGERS are employed... probably self employed and if they're domiciled in Michigan; odds are they're working out of town right now... or they've long since departed Michigan all together; as Michigan has one of, if not the highest unemployment in the nation.

Extreme Rightwingers aren't looking to kill local cops; in truth, most local cops fall well within the working definition of "extreme rightwingers"...

Thus we're readily able to discern that the backstory being advanced here is bogus.

These cranks are unemployed Union Democrats... who likely spent WAY too much time drinkin' and WAY too much time shooting their mouths off.

I expect that they'll get a sound jerkin' around; they'll plea out and this thing will never get anywhere NEAR a trial.

But we'll see... won't we?

OK, you are living in a serious state of denial.

Are you unwilling to admit that violent right-wing extremists exist?

What is the Right wing? It's people who believe in INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY... is it not?


Count me amongst that group...

Now in my experience, the people who YOU PEOPLE call extreme RIGHT WINGERS are YOU! Leftists who just happen to believe in a competing '-ism' to your strain of the infection... but who are every bit as leftist as you are.

Skin-heads, Neo-Nazis; National Socialists... All LEFTISTS..

And these cranks in Michigan are no exception.

Or are you saying that among the multiple millions of people in Michigan, there is no possible chance that right-wing extremists might be part of the population?

Yep... that's what I'm sayin'... at least the toothless 'rightwing extremist' that you erroneously believe exist.

As I said the Rightwingers are fully employed; probably self employed or are on the front line of public service, in the Police fire-fighter or US military...

Michigan has plenty of those folks... and many of them have cabins int he woods... which usually sit along a lake, are neat and tidy, well maintained and NONE of them belong to any Militia.
OK, you are living in a serious state of denial.

Are you unwilling to admit that violent right-wing extremists exist?

Or are you saying that among the multiple millions of people in Michigan, there is no possible chance that right-wing extremists might be part of the population?

Canter has a crazy libtard bastard threaten to kill him and his entire family....ya...let that one slide right?

Um... actually he has attacked the white house and Obama also. ;)
He is not a liberal.

Yeah....OK....it's all the same right?

Attacks Obama: You better get that free healthcare thing passed you worthless bastard!!!!!

Attacks Cantor: "I'll kill you and your entire family!!!!"

Same thing right? NOT
Canter has a crazy libtard bastard threaten to kill him and his entire family....ya...let that one slide right?

I did not. I believe that man has been arrested and indicted, and rightfully so.

Of course, he's not the person who's bullet hit Cantor's campaign office window after being randomly shot into the air, but he's still a scumbag that needs to go to jail.

And, by the way, the suspect in the threatening is not a left-wing type. He's a religious fanatic.

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