Christianity promotes Ignorance

Psalms is the Hebrew Bible, and the laughter is at the 1/3 who fell for the ole Priests of Bel Harvest scam.
Also they are watching the TBN classic broadcasts with that purple hair gargoyle and her recently departed husband who had his pants pulled up to his chest to hide his gut.
The hosts in heaven think they are watching the comdey network. The episode where Benny Hinn promises a large man who's posing as a woman that she will give birth soon is hillarious, they are crying laughing at these people.

Ok? And your point was.....? There are just as many jokes about fake Christians, as Atheists in Heaven. I'm sure he finds both rather amusing. I'll be the first to poke fun at fake Christians given the opportunity. If you have ever listened to my podcast, I bicker at fake Christians all the time. But this thread was written by atheists, so that's the joke of the day.

I don't watch TBN, and it shouldn't be surprising that there are foxes around the hens. After all, the warning was written 2,000 years ago in Matthew 7:15.

No Bible reading Christian is shocked by any of this, nor is anything you posted 'news' to us. Might be 'news' to an Atheist I guess... but then you people have been predicting the end of Christianity for centuries. Guess what... we're still here. None of what you posted, changes the fact you people have failed in your quest to end Christianity, just like the Lord said you would.

Not going away either. For every fraud Benny Hinn, there are millions of believers. You guys try and insult, and scream and yell... but in the end, there are roughly 2.2 Billion Christians in the world, and your group is so small and tiny, it's difficult to know how few of you there are.

You people even attempting to poke fun at Christians, is like an Ant making jokes about an Elephant. Yeah.... we're all shamed and embarrassed by it too.... rather by you, not your accusations. Anyone thinking he can somehow insult G-d..... is rather shameful and embarrassing by any measure. But we try not to rub it in your face.... like an Elephant pooping on the Ant that tried to make jokes. It's not insulting.... it's just really really sad.
Glad you are not duped by the seed harvest scam. But;
Do you always assume the guy in the forum who can throw out verses more proficient then even Jack Van Impe, is some how an atheist?
Ask me the toughest Biblical or spiritual question that none of your pastors or Jesus could or would ever answer, just try me directly without the middlemen.
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

I've had discussions with Christians about how they were a bunch of racists back during slavery and they claim that no true christian could have ever owned a slave or been a racist. But that's clearly not true. Just look at today how evangelicals are supporting that racist pig Trump. Even Paul Ryan and Lindsay Graham understand Trump is a racist. So why don't Christians?

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

How could so many evangelicals, a group known for their pursuit of spiritual purity, flock to a twice-divorced, theologically challenged racist man like Donald Trump?

Trump gets official and unofficial endorsements from 2 leading evangelicals

Robert Jeffress, who leads First Baptist Dallas, has been introducing Trump on the stump. As a pastor, Jeffress cannot officially endorse any candidate and maintain his church’s tax-exempt status. But he added:

“I want you to know I would not be here this morning if I were not absolutely convinced that Donald Trump would make a great president of the United States. … Most Americans know we are in a mess, and as they look at Donald Trump they believe he is the one leader who can reverse the downward death spiral of this nation we love so dearly.”
Psalms is the Hebrew Bible, and the laughter is at the 1/3 who fell for the ole Priests of Bel Harvest scam.
Also they are watching the TBN classic broadcasts with that purple hair gargoyle and her recently departed husband who had his pants pulled up to his chest to hide his gut.
The hosts in heaven think they are watching the comdey network. The episode where Benny Hinn promises a large man who's posing as a woman that she will give birth soon is hillarious, they are crying laughing at these people.

Ok? And your point was.....? There are just as many jokes about fake Christians, as Atheists in Heaven. I'm sure he finds both rather amusing. I'll be the first to poke fun at fake Christians given the opportunity. If you have ever listened to my podcast, I bicker at fake Christians all the time. But this thread was written by atheists, so that's the joke of the day.

I don't watch TBN, and it shouldn't be surprising that there are foxes around the hens. After all, the warning was written 2,000 years ago in Matthew 7:15.

No Bible reading Christian is shocked by any of this, nor is anything you posted 'news' to us. Might be 'news' to an Atheist I guess... but then you people have been predicting the end of Christianity for centuries. Guess what... we're still here. None of what you posted, changes the fact you people have failed in your quest to end Christianity, just like the Lord said you would.

Not going away either. For every fraud Benny Hinn, there are millions of believers. You guys try and insult, and scream and yell... but in the end, there are roughly 2.2 Billion Christians in the world, and your group is so small and tiny, it's difficult to know how few of you there are.

You people even attempting to poke fun at Christians, is like an Ant making jokes about an Elephant. Yeah.... we're all shamed and embarrassed by it too.... rather by you, not your accusations. Anyone thinking he can somehow insult G-d..... is rather shameful and embarrassing by any measure. But we try not to rub it in your face.... like an Elephant pooping on the Ant that tried to make jokes. It's not insulting.... it's just really really sad.
Glad you are not duped by the seed harvest scam. But;
Do you always assume the guy in the forum who can throw out verses more proficient then even Jack Van Impe, is some how an atheist?
Ask me the toughest Biblical or spiritual question that none of your pastors or Jesus could or would ever answer, just try me directly without the middlemen.

Satan quoted the bible to Jesus. That didn't make him a follower of G-d.

I am immediately suspicious of anyone who claims to know more about the Bible than everyone else. That's pride. Well... pride is a sin, remember? Thus anyone who runs around, nose in the air, saying "I bet I know more of the Bible than you do!", is likely not a Christian in my book. Unsurprisingly, I haven't been wrong often with that assessment.

As for asking you tough Biblical or Spiritual questions... I don't have any. Perhaps someone else can ask you a question. I know the answers to the questions that I need to know. The rest, I can wait until the hereafter to have answered. :)
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

I've had discussions with Christians about how they were a bunch of racists back during slavery and they claim that no true christian could have ever owned a slave or been a racist. But that's clearly not true. Just look at today how evangelicals are supporting that racist pig Trump. Even Paul Ryan and Lindsay Graham understand Trump is a racist. So why don't Christians?

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

How could so many evangelicals, a group known for their pursuit of spiritual purity, flock to a twice-divorced, theologically challenged racist man like Donald Trump?

Trump gets official and unofficial endorsements from 2 leading evangelicals

Robert Jeffress, who leads First Baptist Dallas, has been introducing Trump on the stump. As a pastor, Jeffress cannot officially endorse any candidate and maintain his church’s tax-exempt status. But he added:

“I want you to know I would not be here this morning if I were not absolutely convinced that Donald Trump would make a great president of the United States. … Most Americans know we are in a mess, and as they look at Donald Trump they believe he is the one leader who can reverse the downward death spiral of this nation we love so dearly.”

First I have no evidence he is racists. So asking how I can vote for someone who is racists, when I don't think he's racists, shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Shocking news. You accusing him of stuff, doesn't mean he's guilty of stuff. Someone just accusing you of being racists, doesn't make it true.... crazy concept.

Second, there is only one leading "evangelical". And his name is Jesus Christ... which is where you get the name Christian.

I don't know who Robert Jeffress is, and I don't care. Christianity in the Bible, is not a hierarchical faith. The pastor of my church, doesn't not answer to a district pastor, who answers to a regional pastor, who answers to a national pastor, who answers to a world pastor.

We answer to our pastor at our church, and above that is G-d.

Point being, confronting me, or any other Christian with what so and so said, is irrelevant. I don't care. If you want to know about whatever pastor or bishop or honorable whoever said... ask them. Ask Robert's why he said what he said.

BTW, to all you Christians out there, don't get bothered by pagans asking you what so-and-so said. You don't answer for them. You answer for you. No one else.

Now back to you... Why am I likely to vote for Trump? Because he's not Hillary. Does that make me not religious?

By what standard? Your standard? I don't care about your standard of what a Christian should be. And no Christian should care what about meeting your standard.

I'm a Christian. I follow what the Bible says a Christian should be, to the best of my ability. That's the standard. Not your irrelevant opinion.

I do not see anything in the Bible, that says I shouldn't vote for Trump. Nothing in there that says that. Hillary is just flat out a criminal, and a liar. Not someone that speaks brashly.... she just flat out lies. And she is a habitual liar, just like her husband.... depending on how you define 'is' 'lie' and 'alone'.

Is Trump the choice I would make, given unlimited options? No, not even close. I'm opposed to his protectionism, and opposed to limited immigration for culturally similar peoples. I support controlled borders, but would also like to see more open paths to citizenship.

But unfortunately, no preferable choices are on the ballot. So Trump is better than Hillary. That's just how it is. Maybe if you Democraps had put up a better option than that scummy criminal dog..... who knows maybe I would have voted for your candidate. But then your only alternative was an open socialists... as if socialism hasn't ruined every country on the planet that it's been imposed on.
Psalms is the Hebrew Bible, and the laughter is at the 1/3 who fell for the ole Priests of Bel Harvest scam.
Also they are watching the TBN classic broadcasts with that purple hair gargoyle and her recently departed husband who had his pants pulled up to his chest to hide his gut.
The hosts in heaven think they are watching the comdey network. The episode where Benny Hinn promises a large man who's posing as a woman that she will give birth soon is hillarious, they are crying laughing at these people.

Ok? And your point was.....? There are just as many jokes about fake Christians, as Atheists in Heaven. I'm sure he finds both rather amusing. I'll be the first to poke fun at fake Christians given the opportunity. If you have ever listened to my podcast, I bicker at fake Christians all the time. But this thread was written by atheists, so that's the joke of the day.

I don't watch TBN, and it shouldn't be surprising that there are foxes around the hens. After all, the warning was written 2,000 years ago in Matthew 7:15.

No Bible reading Christian is shocked by any of this, nor is anything you posted 'news' to us. Might be 'news' to an Atheist I guess... but then you people have been predicting the end of Christianity for centuries. Guess what... we're still here. None of what you posted, changes the fact you people have failed in your quest to end Christianity, just like the Lord said you would.

Not going away either. For every fraud Benny Hinn, there are millions of believers. You guys try and insult, and scream and yell... but in the end, there are roughly 2.2 Billion Christians in the world, and your group is so small and tiny, it's difficult to know how few of you there are.

You people even attempting to poke fun at Christians, is like an Ant making jokes about an Elephant. Yeah.... we're all shamed and embarrassed by it too.... rather by you, not your accusations. Anyone thinking he can somehow insult G-d..... is rather shameful and embarrassing by any measure. But we try not to rub it in your face.... like an Elephant pooping on the Ant that tried to make jokes. It's not insulting.... it's just really really sad.
Glad you are not duped by the seed harvest scam. But;
Do you always assume the guy in the forum who can throw out verses more proficient then even Jack Van Impe, is some how an atheist?
Ask me the toughest Biblical or spiritual question that none of your pastors or Jesus could or would ever answer, just try me directly without the middlemen.

Satan quoted the bible to Jesus. That didn't make him a follower of G-d.

I am immediately suspicious of anyone who claims to know more about the Bible than everyone else. That's pride. Well... pride is a sin, remember? Thus anyone who runs around, nose in the air, saying "I bet I know more of the Bible than you do!", is likely not a Christian in my book. Unsurprisingly, I haven't been wrong often with that assessment.

As for asking you tough Biblical or Spiritual questions... I don't have any. Perhaps someone else can ask you a question. I know the answers to the questions that I need to know. The rest, I can wait until the hereafter to have answered. :)

You are taking this conversation off the rail and in doing so you took Jesus off with it.
You'd be calling Jesus, Paul, Peter & his church sinfully proud. But what does the Bible say about who best knows these scripture truths? Dan 10:21.

Now that being said; back your statement about Satan quoting scripture to Jesus, and try doing so without the satanic bible created by the adversary (Rome). Since the OT shows Rome as the adversary(Sawtawn) and Jesus as the fallen false prophet then Satan can't teach about satan anymore then Saddam could have taught you about who's his satan.
Last edited:
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

I've had discussions with Christians about how they were a bunch of racists back during slavery and they claim that no true christian could have ever owned a slave or been a racist. But that's clearly not true. Just look at today how evangelicals are supporting that racist pig Trump. Even Paul Ryan and Lindsay Graham understand Trump is a racist. So why don't Christians?

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

How could so many evangelicals, a group known for their pursuit of spiritual purity, flock to a twice-divorced, theologically challenged racist man like Donald Trump?

Trump gets official and unofficial endorsements from 2 leading evangelicals

Robert Jeffress, who leads First Baptist Dallas, has been introducing Trump on the stump. As a pastor, Jeffress cannot officially endorse any candidate and maintain his church’s tax-exempt status. But he added:

“I want you to know I would not be here this morning if I were not absolutely convinced that Donald Trump would make a great president of the United States. … Most Americans know we are in a mess, and as they look at Donald Trump they believe he is the one leader who can reverse the downward death spiral of this nation we love so dearly.”

First I have no evidence he is racists. So asking how I can vote for someone who is racists, when I don't think he's racists, shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Shocking news. You accusing him of stuff, doesn't mean he's guilty of stuff. Someone just accusing you of being racists, doesn't make it true.... crazy concept.

Second, there is only one leading "evangelical". And his name is Jesus Christ... which is where you get the name Christian.

I don't know who Robert Jeffress is, and I don't care. Christianity in the Bible, is not a hierarchical faith. The pastor of my church, doesn't not answer to a district pastor, who answers to a regional pastor, who answers to a national pastor, who answers to a world pastor.

We answer to our pastor at our church, and above that is G-d.

Point being, confronting me, or any other Christian with what so and so said, is irrelevant. I don't care. If you want to know about whatever pastor or bishop or honorable whoever said... ask them. Ask Robert's why he said what he said.

BTW, to all you Christians out there, don't get bothered by pagans asking you what so-and-so said. You don't answer for them. You answer for you. No one else.

Now back to you... Why am I likely to vote for Trump? Because he's not Hillary. Does that make me not religious?

By what standard? Your standard? I don't care about your standard of what a Christian should be. And no Christian should care what about meeting your standard.

I'm a Christian. I follow what the Bible says a Christian should be, to the best of my ability. That's the standard. Not your irrelevant opinion.

I do not see anything in the Bible, that says I shouldn't vote for Trump. Nothing in there that says that. Hillary is just flat out a criminal, and a liar. Not someone that speaks brashly.... she just flat out lies. And she is a habitual liar, just like her husband.... depending on how you define 'is' 'lie' and 'alone'.

Is Trump the choice I would make, given unlimited options? No, not even close. I'm opposed to his protectionism, and opposed to limited immigration for culturally similar peoples. I support controlled borders, but would also like to see more open paths to citizenship.

But unfortunately, no preferable choices are on the ballot. So Trump is better than Hillary. That's just how it is. Maybe if you Democraps had put up a better option than that scummy criminal dog..... who knows maybe I would have voted for your candidate. But then your only alternative was an open socialists... as if socialism hasn't ruined every country on the planet that it's been imposed on.
What country has been ruined by socialism? Germany was ranked best country this year and Canada 3. USA was 4.
The manner in which the various churches that call themselves 'Christian' function would lead us to the conclusion of the o.p. Being truly Christian is another matter. Jesus encouraged asking, knocking, seeking. It is a personal, individual thing. That is what seems most frightening to people; to be responsible personally for who and what they are.
Disappearing into an amorphous group appeals to the majority. The specifics of religion, ideology, etc., don't make much difference. Forgetting who you are and being absolved of 'guilt' through anonymity comforts people, for some reason.
It has a positive function as far as society is concerned, though. It makes it easier to use people.
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net
Replace christianity with all religions and you'd be even more correct
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

I've had discussions with Christians about how they were a bunch of racists back during slavery and they claim that no true christian could have ever owned a slave or been a racist. But that's clearly not true. Just look at today how evangelicals are supporting that racist pig Trump. Even Paul Ryan and Lindsay Graham understand Trump is a racist. So why don't Christians?

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

The Real Reason Trump Is Winning Evangelical Support: They’re Just Not That ‘Religious’

How could so many evangelicals, a group known for their pursuit of spiritual purity, flock to a twice-divorced, theologically challenged racist man like Donald Trump?

Trump gets official and unofficial endorsements from 2 leading evangelicals

Robert Jeffress, who leads First Baptist Dallas, has been introducing Trump on the stump. As a pastor, Jeffress cannot officially endorse any candidate and maintain his church’s tax-exempt status. But he added:

“I want you to know I would not be here this morning if I were not absolutely convinced that Donald Trump would make a great president of the United States. … Most Americans know we are in a mess, and as they look at Donald Trump they believe he is the one leader who can reverse the downward death spiral of this nation we love so dearly.”

First I have no evidence he is racists. So asking how I can vote for someone who is racists, when I don't think he's racists, shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Shocking news. You accusing him of stuff, doesn't mean he's guilty of stuff. Someone just accusing you of being racists, doesn't make it true.... crazy concept.

Second, there is only one leading "evangelical". And his name is Jesus Christ... which is where you get the name Christian.

I don't know who Robert Jeffress is, and I don't care. Christianity in the Bible, is not a hierarchical faith. The pastor of my church, doesn't not answer to a district pastor, who answers to a regional pastor, who answers to a national pastor, who answers to a world pastor.

We answer to our pastor at our church, and above that is G-d.

Point being, confronting me, or any other Christian with what so and so said, is irrelevant. I don't care. If you want to know about whatever pastor or bishop or honorable whoever said... ask them. Ask Robert's why he said what he said.

BTW, to all you Christians out there, don't get bothered by pagans asking you what so-and-so said. You don't answer for them. You answer for you. No one else.

Now back to you... Why am I likely to vote for Trump? Because he's not Hillary. Does that make me not religious?

By what standard? Your standard? I don't care about your standard of what a Christian should be. And no Christian should care what about meeting your standard.

I'm a Christian. I follow what the Bible says a Christian should be, to the best of my ability. That's the standard. Not your irrelevant opinion.

I do not see anything in the Bible, that says I shouldn't vote for Trump. Nothing in there that says that. Hillary is just flat out a criminal, and a liar. Not someone that speaks brashly.... she just flat out lies. And she is a habitual liar, just like her husband.... depending on how you define 'is' 'lie' and 'alone'.

Is Trump the choice I would make, given unlimited options? No, not even close. I'm opposed to his protectionism, and opposed to limited immigration for culturally similar peoples. I support controlled borders, but would also like to see more open paths to citizenship.

But unfortunately, no preferable choices are on the ballot. So Trump is better than Hillary. That's just how it is. Maybe if you Democraps had put up a better option than that scummy criminal dog..... who knows maybe I would have voted for your candidate. But then your only alternative was an open socialists... as if socialism hasn't ruined every country on the planet that it's been imposed on.
What country has been ruined by socialism? Germany was ranked best country this year and Canada 3. USA was 4.

Germany isn't even remotely socialists. Until last year, they didn't even have a minimum wage. And they have a massive private health care market.

Germany is one of the most pro-capitalist countries in the world. So is Canada. Canada is higher on the economic freedom index than even the US.

The poor in Germany, are poor. And the wealthy, are wealthy. Just like everywhere else in a capitalists system. There is no wealth redistribution. Beate Heister, the German who owns the Aldi's international store chain, is worth a petty $21 Billion dollars. I owns yachts and property, and mansion and all kinds of things, just like any wealthy anywhere in the world.

You want a true socialist country, go to Venezuela where everyone is starving, and hospitals are for the dead, and electricity is a luxury. Oh but they have wealth redistribution.

This is what is crazy about you people on the left. The only way you can support your socialist agenda, is by claiming that every socialist state, is just an isolated example, and every capitalist country, is magically socialists.
Last edited:
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

Christian promotes ignorance?

I thought your name was guno.

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