Christians Are Delusional And Will Believe Anything Without Evidence


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

Christians have enough evidence: Shroud of Christ, Holy Fire comes out every year in Jerusalem on Saturday before Easter and for the first 15-20 min it doesn't even burn you, etc.

Those who are ignorant in Christianity should either learn more about it or shut up.

Meanwhile OP would be absolutely right if he/she called his thread
Liberals Are Delusional And Will Believe Anything Without Evidence
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Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

You're an angry and hostile man. I will pray for you.

The Big Bang Theory is also faith. In time, many of these scientists will embrace God. The universe is far too complex and intricate for me to not at least entertain the prospects of a Creator.

GOD Bless America.
Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

Don't Christian fundies get their creation beliefs from the Jews?
Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

Faith in God vs, faith in nothing? I choose the former.
Will Guano ever start a thread making fun of Jews for believing in a fairy tale?
Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

I have faith that you are as ignorant as your posts indicate.
Christians have enough evidence: Shroud of Christ,
**Holy Fire comes out every year in Jerusalem on Saturday before Easter **and for the first 15-20 min it doesn't even burn you, etc.

Those who are ignorant in Christianity should either learn more about it or shut up.

Meanwhile OP would be absolutely right if he/she called his thread
Liberals Are Delusional And Will Believe Anything Without Evidence

So you are admitting they worship Lucifer of Revelation?
Rev 13:13
And he doeth great wonders, so that he *maketh fire come down from heaven* on the earth in the sight of men

"Those who are ignorant in Christianity should either learn more about it or shut up".
Will Guano ever start a thread making fun of Jews for believing in a fairy tale?
You made the same mistake Mudda made.
You think that Essence to be stable complete and whole is a fairy tale? Then aren't you calling evolution (progressing to completeness and stability)a fairy tale?
Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

The majority of Christians haven't any problem with evolution, the Big Bang or any other scientific theory. Therefore, your statement of, "Christians are delusional and will believe anything without evidence" is similar to someone reading a news article about a husband beating his wife--and then going on line and starting a thread declaring, "All men beat their wives."

Most aspects of Christianity is faith based on reason.

Mark Twain once said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education." Jesus seemed to take a similar view of Jewish Law: Don't let the Law get in to way of love and devotion to God and your fellow man. In many respects in the stories showing him as "breaking" the Law are in essence stories of him going above and beyond with a purpose of perhaps strengthening or properly aligning the Law to its original purpose.

Why not start a thread that questions why Jesus did or said a certain thing? You might come to like the man.
Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

The majority of Christians haven't any problem with evolution, the Big Bang or any other scientific theory. Therefore, your statement of, "Christians are delusional and will believe anything without evidence" is similar to someone reading a news article about a husband beating his wife--and then going on line and starting a thread declaring, "All men beat their wives."

Most aspects of Christianity is faith based on reason.

Mark Twain once said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education." Jesus seemed to take a similar view of Jewish Law: Don't let the Law get in to way of love and devotion to God and your fellow man. In many respects in the stories showing him as "breaking" the Law are in essence stories of him going above and beyond with a purpose of perhaps strengthening or properly aligning the Law to its original purpose.

Why not start a thread that questions why Jesus did or said a certain thing? You might come to like the man.
nope the goyim religion is based on paganism , no man god in Judaism , that is idolatry
: "" Don't let the Law get in to way of love and devotion to God and your fellow man"

Merriweather shitmouth lied-----there is no such quotation attributed to jesus
Scary in this day and age with all the scientific and historical knowledge, there are some clinging to a primitive mythical god man

nope the goyim religion is based on paganism , no man god in Judaism , that is idolatry

I am familiar with many forms of paganism, and I'm not seeing a correlation there. Which pagan religion do you see as similar to Christianity?

I do understand the sharp difference(s) between Christianity and Judaism. Jews do not believe it likely, probable, or even possible for God to take on human form.

Do you believe God is creator, is spirit, a being whose every word has power? Do you believe God loves His creation and finds it good? Do you believe God desires to draw mankind into His love?
: "" Don't let the Law get in to way of love and devotion to God and your fellow man"

Merriweather shitmouth lied-----there is no such quotation attributed to jesus

Relax. I wasn't quoting Jesus and did not say I was. I was comparing a similarity I personally find in Jesus' words and actions to a quote by Mark Twain--who lived eighteen hundred years after Christ. Jesus never let the Law get in the way of accomplishing the ideal--or its purpose. Mark Twain never let school get in the way of his education.

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