Zone1 Christians: Are we losing our country because FEW are PRAYING for it?

Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

  • If you have to ask... (there's a problem)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • absolutely yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one knows God enough to be able to say w/ certainty

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You could be losing your country but turning to the supernatural is not a logical choice that can reverse the momentum.

Every wasted minute Americans spend praying is a minute that might have been spent in doing something productive.

Stop making the enemy an enemy within!
People who pray aren't the problem.
People who pray aren't the problem.
Every minute they spend praying is a minute they could have spent doing something productive. Indeed, that appears to be a large part of many of America's problem.

Can you think of some examples?

It might be easier for you because I don't spend any time doing it. I just think first of Muslims who waste enormous amounts of time on their knees, but then I know that many real practicing Christians do the same.
I'm sure more than enough people are praying. Problem is, God has far more important matters to ignore.
Every minute they spend praying is a minute they could have spent doing something productive. Indeed, that appears to be a large part of many of America's problem.

Can you think of some examples?

It might be easier for you because I don't spend any time doing it. I just think first of Muslims who waste enormous amounts of time on their knees, but then I know that many real practicing Christians do the same.

Oh, and the fact that they do this harms

Every minute they spend praying is a minute they could have spent doing something productive. Indeed, that appears to be a large part of many of America's problem.

Can you think of some examples?

It might be easier for you because I don't spend any time doing it. I just think first of Muslims who waste enormous amounts of time on their knees, but then I know that many real practicing Christians do the same.
We are rich in time. We have ample time to pray and do the necessary things to improve our society. The real problem is that half the people spend their time cleaning up the messes that the other half creates.
Not just a lack of praying but refusing to keep his commandments and starting to delve into abominations.

If people prayed, esp the rosary everyday like Mary at Fatima said

they would definitely not be "delving into abominations"

It is what made me a practicing Christian... well, I had been trying in my own way to be one of those b4 I prayed the rosary...

but as we all know.. our own way...

nuff said

Oh, and the fact that they do this harms


good answer

I mean what is it w/ these anti-Christian folks?

They can't just leave us alone... saying Oh well.. let them believe what they choose.. No, they have to ridicule, condemn, ostracize... etc etc...

something going on there...
good answer

I mean what is it w/ these anti-Christian folks?

They can't just leave us alone... saying Oh well.. let them believe what they choose.. No, they have to ridicule, condemn, ostracize... etc etc...

something going on there...

They must repeat what their master tells them to repeat.

I mean, how can you hate and fear a God whom you don't believe exists?

I think I've asked this question twenty times on this board and none of them have even the weakest answer.


Let's talk more about this privately, can we? I have yet to take the Sacraments and this is very interesting to me.

well, I cant do the PM thing... and you probably don't want to give me your email via this forum.. ditto me...

But if you could read books on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre... he wrote the book on what was wrong w/ the novus ordo folks

But the Sedevacantists (that's me) don't go along with the society he set up, the SSPX because that group basically believes that we have t0 stay in the no "church" even if we disagree w/ the pope, think he's a heretic (wait.. KNOW he is ) just the same..

I think the Real Presence of Christ is extant in most NO "churches" so ... WHEW! Jesus did promise to never abandon us..

Mt 28;20

but other than that, the NO can be a very... hellish place sometimes... abusive clergy and etc...

Yes, and I can't wait because when this nation is finally demolished, the real work starts.

You can't build a beautiful new building until the old rickety one in its place comes down.

Nooo. I have only so much time left to live on Earth and want a free, honorable, stable, strong, prosperous America now. Take America down and the world will likely be back into the chaos of feudalism, dictatorships and other repressive forms of government or worse, anarchy.

I do believe enough Americans praying for the good of our country and our citizens and for guidance on what God expects of us will make a difference.

They must repeat what their master tells them to repeat.

I mean, how can you hate and fear a God whom you don't believe exists?

I think I've asked this question twenty times on this board and none of them have even the weakest answer.

that's because all humans are created in God's image, even THEM, and bc of that, they KNOW... they know there is a God, know this somewhere deep inside but argue w/ it ... likely bc they do not want to change... find it uncmfrtble

which... who doesn't?

Yes, and I can't wait because when this nation is finally demolished, the real work starts.

You can't build a beautiful new building until the old rickety one in its place comes down.

the problem is that theConstitution and etc... are what the left want to "demolish" and we should not demolish such a great work.. The enforcement of our laws is the problem...

and there are a few other problems obviously... But corruption should NEVER be tolerated, and this is the one thing I despise about Republicans.. A lot of them (thankfully not all) just let the damn spoiled brat dims do whatever... then complain about it ad nauseum but little if anything ever REALLY changes bc they are not held accountable.. well, i won't say Never... Strzok was fired.. Comey was fired and others... But then they got lucrative positions w/ CNN :rolleyes:

while good people are homeless bc they can't afford even a one bedroom apt...

well, I cant do the PM thing... and you probably don't want to give me your email via this forum.. ditto me...

But if you could read books on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre... he wrote the book on what was wrong w/ the novus ordo folks

But the Sedevacantists (that's me) don't go along with the society he set up, the SSPX because that group basically believes that we have t0 stay in the no "church" even if we disagree w/ the pope, think he's a heretic (wait.. KNOW he is ) just the same..

I think the Real Presence of Christ is extant in most NO "churches" so ... WHEW! Jesus did promise to never abandon us..

Mt 28;20

but other than that, the NO can be a very... hellish place sometimes... abusive clergy and etc...

Wow! Thanks for the references! I will look for an easily readable book by the Archbishop. If you can recommend one................

The church I have been considering is definitely one that believes in the real presence, officially, from the mouth of their RCIA teacher, and I just got smacked upside the head regarding the meaning of that, a few days ago. It's interesting!

If I can ask, why can't you do the PM?

Wow! Thanks for the references! I will look for an easily readable book by the Archbishop. If you can recommend one................

The church I have been considering is definitely one that believes in the real presence, officially, from the mouth of their RCIA teacher, and I just got smacked upside the head regarding the meaning of that, a few days ago. It's interesting!

If I can ask, why can't you do the PM?

well, I tried to get into my email (I guess that's how PMs are sent) and was not able to.. forgot the password or some such thing..

Lefebvre is easy to understand, at least 98% of the time, although I have been Catholic all my life (sometimes not very, have to admit... :( ) so maybe I shouldn't say that he is easy to u/stand.. bc you don't have that background?

Anyway, that's where I myself began to learn the truth about my Church... I, for a very long time anyway, knew there was something amiss, just didn't know ... the details of what was wrong.. felt alienated, isolated, but didn't know what the heck was wrong w/ me, though I have always loved (what Derksen would call the false) Mass... I loved it because again the Real presence is there.. the Word of God is there... But I cannot go there right now.. and THAT is a very long long story... that I doubt anyone other than yours truly and God himself understands

But anyhow... Congrats on getting closer to ... Truth.. Jesus :)

(same thing) :)
well, I tried to get into my email (I guess that's how PMs are sent) and was not able to.. forgot the password or some such thing..

Lefebvre is easy to understand, at least 98% of the time, although I have been Catholic all my life (sometimes not very, have to admit... :( ) so maybe I shouldn't say that he is easy to u/stand.. bc you don't have that background?

Anyway, that's where I myself began to learn the truth about my Church... I, for a very long time anyway, knew there was something amiss, just didn't know ... the details of what was wrong.. felt alienated, isolated, but didn't know what the heck was wrong w/ me, though I have always loved (what Derksen would call the false) Mass... I loved it because again the Real presence is there.. the Word of God is there... But I cannot go there right now.. and THAT is a very long long story... that I doubt anyone other than yours truly and God himself understands

But anyhow... Congrats on getting closer to ... Truth.. Jesus :)

(same thing) :)

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I really want to continue this conversation privately.


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