Zone1 Christians: Are we losing our country because FEW are PRAYING for it?

Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

  • If you have to ask... (there's a problem)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • absolutely yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one knows God enough to be able to say w/ certainty

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
well, I tried to get into my email (I guess that's how PMs are sent) and was not able to.. forgot the password or some such thing..

Lefebvre is easy to understand, at least 98% of the time, although I have been Catholic all my life (sometimes not very, have to admit... :( ) so maybe I shouldn't say that he is easy to u/stand.. bc you don't have that background?

Anyway, that's where I myself began to learn the truth about my Church... I, for a very long time anyway, knew there was something amiss, just didn't know ... the details of what was wrong.. felt alienated, isolated, but didn't know what the heck was wrong w/ me, though I have always loved (what Derksen would call the false) Mass... I loved it because again the Real presence is there.. the Word of God is there... But I cannot go there right now.. and THAT is a very long long story... that I doubt anyone other than yours truly and God himself understands

But anyhow... Congrats on getting closer to ... Truth.. Jesus :)

(same thing) :)
Oh, and I forgot, when you have a message waiting to be looked at, you'll see the envelope in the group of icons in the far upper right corner of each page highlighted.
Oh, and I forgot, when you have a message waiting to be looked at, you'll see the envelope in the group of icons in the far upper right corner of each page highlighted.

I don't have a clue what you are saying here.. I guess it's time for Personal Messages for Dummies

Are we required to? Or is that only in a world where fundies take over and force us to?
The Word says Pray incessantly

Ive learned the hard way that that is totally right on, necessary... very necessary

but then since you don't pray, you wouldn't u/stand that... so...


I don't have a clue what you are saying here.. I guess it's time for Personal Messages for Dummies

It took me a while.

Do you see in the upper right hand corner of this page is your user name and the image that always shows up next to it?

It should have a little envelope in red next to it. Click this and you'll see my PM to you.
Praying is time wasted that could have been spent doing something productive. Or in many cases, something 'decent' and good.

There's no better example of the evil than that!
Hundreds if not more.
And the graven image
You know who
With his plastic crucifix
He's got Him fixed
Confuses me as to who and where and why
As to how he gets his kicks
He gets his kicks
Confessing to the endless sin
With endless whining sounds
You'll be praying 'til next Thursday
To all the gods that you can count

Jethro Tull
Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

Of course there are things we can be DOING also. As long is there is a Republican party, we have hope. And thank God the Rs have the House. Next time, the Senate if enough Americans (with half a brain) vote...

(btw: Maybe Comer & his Oversight Committe are that "red wave" some predicted for 2022?) LOL

Your post is a classic example of how the church is failing this nation.
You are looking to politics for saving this nation and not God. The Republican party is not the answer. Sure they pander to the Christian community but they have done so little for the Christian community its ridiculous to understand why the Christians support them to begin with anymore.

Politics is all about condemnation anymore...Jesus never was. In fact it was political infighting between the various factions that was the catalyst for the excuse to crucify Jesus to begin with.

I think a real "come to Jesus " moment is needed. Let the church be the church and let politicians be outside the church.
Are we losing our country because few are praying for it?

Of course there are things we can be DOING also. As long is there is a Republican party, we have hope. And thank God the Rs have the House. Next time, the Senate if enough Americans (with half a brain) vote...

(btw: Maybe Comer & his Oversight Committe are that "red wave" some predicted for 2022?) LOL

No bub, religion is all man made fantasy. If you don't grovel enough, your god will destroy you. You grovel enough and you can change the god's mind. That makes you the can control the god. This is on us, there are no gods to save us.
No bub, religion is all man made fantasy. If you don't grovel enough, your god will destroy you. You grovel enough and you can change the god's mind. That makes you the can control the god. This is on us, there are no gods to save us.

You hating and fearing the God you don't believe exists is like me hating and fearing unicorns.


The continual hate and fear of the God that they don't even believe exists is entertaining.

That's like me hating and fearing unicorns.



yep... just their way of whistling past the graveyard of Truth

I mean, it has to be t he truth that whe you die, you are judged for what you did on Earth. I don't see one thing illogical in that.

Then there's the science: The earth is just the right distance from the sun that we don't burn up in the summer or freeze to death in the winter (unless you are a street person... so sad what they have to endure..)
No bub, religion is all man made fantasy. If you don't grovel enough, your god will destroy you. You grovel enough and you can change the god's mind. That makes you the can control the god. This is on us, there are no gods to save us.

who believes in a god like that?

Humans do evil, then say Why does God allow so much evil?

Germany held its first worship service prepared by AI
Artificial intelligence wrote a sermon, a collective prayer and music for the service.The idea came from a local theologian Jonas Simmerlein.He, with the help of neural network ChatGPT, created avatars of non-existent people who held the ceremony itself.

Religion is increasingly becoming a Satanist show in the West.
Your post is a classic example of how the church is failing this nation.
You are looking to politics for saving this nation and not God. The Republican party is not the answer. Sure they pander to the Christian community but they have done so little for the Christian community its ridiculous to understand why the Christians support them to begin with anymore.

Politics is all about condemnation anymore...Jesus never was. In fact it was political infighting between the various factions that was the catalyst for the excuse to crucify Jesus to begin with.

I think a real "come to Jesus " moment is needed. Let the church be the church and let politicians be outside the church.

I don't agree with most of this

for starters, please explain how MY post (not sure which one u refer to?) is "a classic example of how the church is failing this nation"

broad brush, to be sure!

I don't agree with most of this

for starters, please explain how MY post (not sure which one u refer to?) is "a classic example of how the church is failing this nation"

broad brush, to be sure!

:rolleyes:'s a very broad brush. But its also true unfortunately. Because within your post you claim that our nation needs a political solution to its moral problems. And there have been many stories of people assisting the US government in political affairs of the countries the missionaries go to for altruistic purposes.

Politics is the tail of the dog...not the other way around. And currently ALL the political parties in America are self serving instead of altruistic. Many of the doctrines of the modern church reflect this as well...they want a more moral community for their own benefit instead of altruistic reasons.
EXACTLY THE SAME CONDITIONS AS WHEN JESUS CAME LAST TIME. So where you vehemently disagree with only is entrenching your position that Man, with good intentions, is our salvation.
Sorry, but the axiom still holds true about the paving material used for the road to Hell. That axiom has not changed. The Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and Levites all thought that giving Jesus up as a traitor to the Roman Empire to be crucified was for the "greater good". They had good intentions too....'s a very broad brush. But its also true unfortunately. Because within your post you claim that our nation needs a political solution to its moral problems. And there have been many stories of people assisting the US government in political affairs of the countries the missionaries go to for altruistic purposes.

Politics is the tail of the dog...not the other way around. And currently ALL the political parties in America are self serving instead of altruistic. Many of the doctrines of the modern church reflect this as well...they want a more moral community for their own benefit instead of altruistic reasons.

I stopped here because this doens't make sense

If a person has a certain religious belie... let's say the person doesn't want babies in the womb murdered because they are created by a Holy God and in His image.

So that person gets involved in the political process in order to stop this immorality

If you have a problem with that, then I can't converse w/ you

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