Christians, Do you Vote Your Faith?

Do you vote your faith?

  • Yes, I always vote my faith

    Votes: 14 73.7%
  • I vote my faith on some issues

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • I never vote my faith

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
I'm going to try to post a poll but I've never done it so bear with me.

The question is, do you vote your faith?

1. Yes, I always vote my faith
2. I vote my faith on some issues (clarify)
3. I never vote my faith and only use reason and logic in the voting booth

What is that supposed to mean? The US government is secular.

None of it means anything. Particularly since we now know that non-Christian loons are also taking the poll, to skew the results. Not that the results would mean anything anyway.
Thanks, I'll wait for the OP to say what she meant.

It could mean different things. It could mean do you vote in order to promote your faith, do you vote for people who share your faith, or do you vote in accordance with your faith.

I really think this is just a bait thread.
Right. Certainly not a capitalist. Did he mention anything about how the poor should be treated?

I don't recall Jesus saying anything about food stamps or Obamaphones. Nor do I recall him saying Democratic programs were the best way to aid the poor.

Right. He definitely didn't say anything about that. But he did have some comments about how to treat the

Did any of those comments involve stealing money from other people?
I vote for my faith almost all of the time. I tend to vote for people and candidates that are more conducive to my faith and creates a more friendly atmosphere for faith in general. Religious freedom is a big deal. I also use reason and logic in the voting booth, too. If the guy sucks, he sucks, and I won't vote for him. It's that simple.
I have no idea what you mean by "voting your faith".

It sounds like Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals #4

RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)

That can be followed closely by Rule #5

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

What's your problem with Alinsky? That he worked for the poor? That's enough to irritate any republican because people are poor by choice. They're lazy and have no ambition. Rushbo said so. What's your problem with Radicals? The Declaration of Independence was pretty radical too and so were the founders. In fact, since you hate radicals, back then you might have been cheering for the British, many americans did back then.
NO...The DOI spoke of freedom, LIBERTY of the individual...Alinsky speaks of servitude, how to destroy your opponents and how to make it happen. BIG Government stuff that the present occupant of the Whitehouse subscribes to...and uses frequently...dumbing down of the masses (like YOU) to TAKE AWAY liberty.

Learn It, Live it, KNOW IT.
Any time you ask someone for clarification, and their clarification comes in the form of "what do YOU think it means?" you can be sure that their purpose is not the purpose they stated.
My older sister is openly gay. She and her partner have been together 29 years.
Due largely to this experience I am not homophobic at all. In fact I believe homophobia is wrong.
I get inot to hot water with other Christians on this issue all the time. I don't care I stick to my guns.
I know the awful things my sister went through.

I am persuaded that mistreatment of lesbians and gays socially or via public policy/satutes should not happen.

The Constitution forbids discrimination in the workplace and in services offered to the public based on race, religion, age, and gender. My home is my own. I do not have to entertain someone I find reprehensible in my own home.
Christianity is completely personal, so it leaves a lot of room for individuality.

Progressive nutbags hate that.
My older sister is openly gay. She and her partner have been together 29 years.
Due largely to this experience I am not homophobic at all. In fact I believe homophobia is wrong.
I get inot to hot water with other Christians on this issue all the time. I don't care I stick to my guns.
I know the awful things my sister went through.

I am persuaded that mistreatment of lesbians and gays socially or via public policy/satutes should not happen.

The Constitution forbids discrimination in the workplace and in services offered to the public based on race, religion, age, and gender. My home is my own. I do not have to entertain someone I find reprehensible in my own home.

The constitution does no such thing.
My older sister is openly gay. She and her partner have been together 29 years.
Due largely to this experience I am not homophobic at all. In fact I believe homophobia is wrong.
I get inot to hot water with other Christians on this issue all the time. I don't care I stick to my guns.
I know the awful things my sister went through.

I am persuaded that mistreatment of lesbians and gays socially or via public policy/satutes should not happen.

The Constitution forbids discrimination in the workplace and in services offered to the public based on race, religion, age, and gender. My home is my own. I do not have to entertain someone I find reprehensible in my own home.

The constitution does no such thing.

Christianity is completely personal, so it leaves a lot of room for individuality.

Progressive nutbags hate that.

You mean like pretending he was white and in favor of trickle down economics?
I have yet to hear a Christian make any claims about which party would be endorsed by Christ.

It's the anti-Christians that like to pretend he is political. Then they attribute it to us when we object.

But you unsaved fools are crazy that way.
Bzzz wrong. You don't know much about Christianity, do you?

You know less about Christianity than I did when I thought I knew everything.

Possibly. I don't waste my time with fairy tales and people that have been dead for thousands of years.

But I am still pretty sure Jesus was no capitalist.

I thought you didn't waste your time on fairy tales and people that have been dead for thousands of years..

Yet here you are, flooding the thread. Interesting.

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