Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

... I am an intellectual

German intellectuals helped a lot in the fight against Hitler and his gang. Nearly nothing - if they were not even Nazis on their own.

I attack no one-----I observe

"observe" ... "Vorurteilspflege" ... got it. You ignore what you don't like to know, isn't it?

and comment. In fact you raise an interesting point-----about-----well, uhm.....ME. As a child I was quiet
and very conciliatory. Thus I got invited to SUNDAY SCHOOL (I is a jew but
completely uneducated----never even attended "Hebrew school")

Uneducated Jew sounds in my ears strange. A Jew will always learn, because no one is able to steal what someone learned. And it's always better not to make bad experiences on ones own, but it's better to learn from the good and bad experiences of others. How else to do what's good and to avoid what's bad without to come in deadly dangers?

As a young adult------I was quiet and a "confidant" to all. Thus I became a friend to newly
arrived muslims seeking a professional advantage in the USA (it was a weekend
job when I was undergraduate kid) I got the ISLAMIC POV about americans,
jews, Christians, Hindus etc etc and even got INVITED TO VISIT A MOSQUE.
I got to know so much about stuff-----that none of the stuff going on in the middle east is even close to a surprise to me. Young doctors told me all about it over the past ----45 years

So what now? Was your mother a Jew? Did she teach you something about Christians? Said she to you the cross is a symbol of opression? Did you believe her or not? What says your intellect, what says your spirit? Or are you only an atheist from the nowhere, who tries to speak in the name of Jews?

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Avatar4321 the only freedom fighting christ figures were Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter and later Baracopa.
Ironically this image Rome created and used to subvert people with enslaved you to their authority and mistaken precepts. Even those sects which oppose the RCC are enslaved by the image and the harmful false teachings and affiliation pride it brings. I even showed how they enslaved atheists by reinventing and redefining ideas and concepts so as to throw them off their intended understanding thus making rational & logical helpful ideology and philosophy distasteful to those outside the faith and tainting their understanding and nature as much as they are poisonous to theirvown flocks.
Hence the term wormwood in describing The great fallen star(messenger) who made them like that poisonous deadly herb called wormwood.
For Christians, too, the cross is a symbol of death and a tool with a horrible connotation. The greater "symbol" is the fact that Christ conquered the cross. His death opened the door to everlasting life....

Jesus was following the example set by Eleazar, in 2 Maccabees 6:18-31, who preferred a difficult death and the assurance of a place in the world to come over a few extra fleeting moments of pretense in this world won by setting aside the commands of God knowing that by doing so he was not worthy of life and could never escape the hand of God in this world or the next.

Thats how Jesus opened the door to eternal life. Thats what Jesus meant by saying to his disciples that he was going away to prepare a place for them. Like Eleazar, by showing them the right way to live according to the righteous interpretation and application of Mosaic law and the right way to die when confronted by the enemy he showed them the way to receive the reward of the righteous, eternal life and a place in the world to come.

Maybe you could learn something from Eleazar and Jesus for that matter who each would have preferred a horrible death, according to scripture, than to knowingly defy the laws of God and willingly worship some edible trinity or false Roman mangod.

Maybe not........

Its so much easier to blubber about how much you love Jesus without doing a single thing to save your own soul isn't it?

You openly defy the commands of God and you are fortunate enough to live in a place where you are not obligated, legally bound, or under any sort of threat of physical violence to do so. Damn...

Man CAN'T "save his own soul." Mosaic laws or not. The Israelites failed miserably to "keep the laws of God" and God divorced them as a result. Eating unleavened bread on Saturday or blowing a horn at the moon or stoning a Sabbath-breaker for picking up sticks just ain't gonna save anyone.
Moses was a nutcase. Telling parents to stone kids who didn't behave, and telling the Priests to kill those not with him. He was a brutal leader. Slaves , lots of more rules on how to treat them. He had a temper as well.

lol, but what do you really think?

I suppose it would be easy to see things that way based on a literal interpretation of what was written in the same way God himself can be seen as a capricious and peurile petty tyrant based on a literal interpretation of what was written.

I suspect the Torah was deliberately written in coded language with words that can mean many things (He drove the man out, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.) so that if ever they were stolen by enemy nations they would be cursed by their lack of knowledge and understanding about the deeper implications hidden in figurative language and fantastical stories.

Rome usurped authority over Jewish scripture, conjured the antichrist according to their own ignorance and superstition and all of the nations of the world were plunged into darkness for thousands of years just as every nation that submits to Islam who has similarly attempted to usurp authority over Jewish scriptures has been plunged into the darkness of a self aggrandizing hell on earth perpetually devoid of peace and tranquility and filled to the brim with every sort of foul beast and bird, devil and demon perjuring themselves in the name of God as a matter of religious devotion and leading the gullible to their eternal destruction as an expression of religious faith..

If you don't believe me, read the news.

I think the torah is nothing but oral traditions passed down , as well as societal laws penned on scrolls by Ezra and his scribes while in Babylon they were writing the Talmud. Rome did not such thing, the OT was wrote by Greek Jews. The OT is mainly oral fables passed down from Sumer and the Babylonians, with Persian, Greek and Roman additions. Rome used it, as a source for one religion to control and make money for their country.
Jews, and all men really, must understand that Christians see the cross as a symbol of liberation.

Christ came to see us free. Not oppress us.

that's nice----but Christians have oppressed jews for approximately 1700 years. Jesus has nothing to do with it.

Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.
Not that I expect any christers to realize this

Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers

Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression Giles Fraser Comment is free The Guardian

How do you think they feel about the Islamic crescent moon and star? A symbol of friendship and hope for the Jewish people?
... Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

You write in your signature: "..."Genrikh Yagoda", the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century...". Yagoda - ¿was his mother really a Jew? - was not religious - he was an atheist. The Commies were atheists. One could say in the same way ""Joseph Stalin" was the greatest orthodox murderer" - but Stalin was an atheist too. The Commies in Russia and China fought very hard against everyone who was religious.

Your logic seems to be: If someone murders someone and another one murders another one, then there's no need for compassion. But if someone anywhere in the world shoots someone else down only because he's for example an American then this will keep to be a crime. Someone will suffer because of this crime. And compassion is the normal answer of a sane soul if someone else suffers. A crime never is able to be an excuse for another crime nor an excuse for a lack of compassion.

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... How do you think they feel about the Islamic crescent moon and star? A symbol of friendship and hope for the Jewish people?


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... Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

You write in your signature: "..."Genrikh Yagoda", the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century...". Yagoda - ¿was his mother really a Jew? - was not religious - he was an atheist. The Commies were atheists. One could say in the same way ""Joseph Stalin" was the greatest orthodox murderer" - but Stalin was an atheist too. The Commies in Russia and China fought very hard against everyone who was religious.

Your logic seems to be: If someone murders someone and another one murders another one, then there's no need for compassion. But if someone anywhere in the world shoots someone else down only because he's for example an American then this will keep to be a crime. Someone will suffer because of this crime. And compassion is the normal answer of a sane soul if someone else suffers. A crime never is able to be an excuse for another crime nor an excuse for a lack of compassion.

Hey from their news paper Ynet. They were Jews and now they insist jews are a race so what should I say , of course he was an atheist, most Zionist leaders are and a lot of Jews.

Now we have a real problem, is Christianity and Islam a race? What is a French person born in America, American or French? My nationality is American, but my ethnicity is French, and my philosophy is Christianity and I no longer practice Roman Catholicism which is a religion.

So now we have over 1 million Soviet Jews (secular) who were welcomed as Jews to Israel since 1990 and well Israel is 1/2 secular (not including the Pals) so are they Russian or are they Jews?? See the problem.

Jew is in my book anyone who practices Judaism, not all Hebrew (arabs) are Jews, but they are somehow special and can have Jew mean whoever it means,

Arab Jew, is rather an oxymoron statement. An Arab Jew is really an Arab who practices Judaism, but if that Arab does not practice Judaism, then they are just an Arab (in my book)

. Since most of the Zionist are people who tried to take over other countries they decided to have one of their own, and so they got Palestine via mainly Christian Zionist who thought the Jews should return to Judea for the end time prophecies, and also due to
a plan via the British.

They are really a communist regime, as read about their PM's , mainly atheist and most from Ukraine or the Soviet Union.
... Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

You write in your signature: "..."Genrikh Yagoda", the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century...". Yagoda - ¿was his mother really a Jew? - was not religious - he was an atheist. The Commies were atheists. One could say in the same way ""Joseph Stalin" was the greatest orthodox murderer" - but Stalin was an atheist too. The Commies in Russia and China fought very hard against everyone who was religious.

Your logic seems to be: If someone murders someone and another one murders another one, then there's no need for compassion. But if someone anywhere in the world shoots someone else down only because he's for example an American then this will keep to be a crime. Someone will suffer because of this crime. And compassion is the normal answer of a sane soul if someone else suffers. A crime never is able to be an excuse for another crime nor an excuse for a lack of compassion.

the "logic" of Penelope is not at all atypical------it is ---"if something horrible happens----look around and see if you can find ANYONE with a jewish grand-
father in the mix and BLAME DA JOOOOOS"-----she is a typical islamo Nazi
Jews, and all men really, must understand that Christians see the cross as a symbol of liberation.

Christ came to see us free. Not oppress us.

that's nice----but Christians have oppressed jews for approximately 1700 years. Jesus has nothing to do with it.

Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

Oh ----poor whore Penelope-----so battered between the legs---she can barely walk
... Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

You write in your signature: "..."Genrikh Yagoda", the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century...". Yagoda - ¿was his mother really a Jew? - was not religious - he was an atheist. The Commies were atheists. One could say in the same way ""Joseph Stalin" was the greatest orthodox murderer" - but Stalin was an atheist too. The Commies in Russia and China fought very hard against everyone who was religious.

Your logic seems to be: If someone murders someone and another one murders another one, then there's no need for compassion. But if someone anywhere in the world shoots someone else down only because he's for example an American then this will keep to be a crime. Someone will suffer because of this crime. And compassion is the normal answer of a sane soul if someone else suffers. A crime never is able to be an excuse for another crime nor an excuse for a lack of compassion.

Hey from their news paper Ynet. They were Jews and now they insist jews are a race so what should I say , of course he was an atheist, most Zionist leaders are and a lot of Jews.

Now we have a real problem, is Christianity and Islam a race? What is a French person born in America, American or French? My nationality is American, but my ethnicity is French, and my philosophy is Christianity and I no longer practice Roman Catholicism which is a religion.

So now we have over 1 million Soviet Jews (secular) who were welcomed as Jews to Israel since 1990 and well Israel is 1/2 secular (not including the Pals) so are they Russian or are they Jews?? See the problem.

Jew is in my book anyone who practices Judaism, not all Hebrew (arabs) are Jews, but they are somehow special and can have Jew mean whoever it means,

Arab Jew, is rather an oxymoron statement. An Arab Jew is really an Arab who practices Judaism, but if that Arab does not practice Judaism, then they are just an Arab (in my book)

. Since most of the Zionist are people who tried to take over other countries they decided to have one of their own, and so they got Palestine via mainly Christian Zionist who thought the Jews should return to Judea for the end time prophecies, and also due to
a plan via the British.

there you got it, Fellow posters........ a bitch of the culture of that which
people in large parts of the the USA call WHITE TRASH (based on the illiteracy
and alcoholism of their men and the illiteracy and penchant for prostitution of their
women ------has----in her own "mind" elaborated a "book"
They are really a communist regime, as read about their PM's , mainly atheist and most from Ukraine or the Soviet Union.
... Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

You write in your signature: "..."Genrikh Yagoda", the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century...". Yagoda - ¿was his mother really a Jew? - was not religious - he was an atheist. The Commies were atheists. One could say in the same way ""Joseph Stalin" was the greatest orthodox murderer" - but Stalin was an atheist too. The Commies in Russia and China fought very hard against everyone who was religious.

Your logic seems to be: If someone murders someone and another one murders another one, then there's no need for compassion. But if someone anywhere in the world shoots someone else down only because he's for example an American then this will keep to be a crime. Someone will suffer because of this crime. And compassion is the normal answer of a sane soul if someone else suffers. A crime never is able to be an excuse for another crime nor an excuse for a lack of compassion.

the "logic" of Penelope is not at all atypical------it is ---"if something horrible happens----look around and see if you can find ANYONE with a jewish grand-
father in the mix and BLAME DA JOOOOOS"-----she is a typical islamo Nazi

The flag of Israel has a star on it, as read in Amos 5:25 they worship the star of Saturn (Satan). Some here think the cross and the crescent moon is bad.
... Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

You write in your signature: "..."Genrikh Yagoda", the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century...". Yagoda - ¿was his mother really a Jew? - was not religious - he was an atheist. The Commies were atheists. One could say in the same way ""Joseph Stalin" was the greatest orthodox murderer" - but Stalin was an atheist too. The Commies in Russia and China fought very hard against everyone who was religious.

Your logic seems to be: If someone murders someone and another one murders another one, then there's no need for compassion. But if someone anywhere in the world shoots someone else down only because he's for example an American then this will keep to be a crime. Someone will suffer because of this crime. And compassion is the normal answer of a sane soul if someone else suffers. A crime never is able to be an excuse for another crime nor an excuse for a lack of compassion.

the "logic" of Penelope is not at all atypical------it is ---"if something horrible happens----look around and see if you can find ANYONE with a jewish grand-
father in the mix and BLAME DA JOOOOOS"-----she is a typical islamo Nazi

The flag of Israel has a star on it, as read in Amos 5:25 they worship the star of Saturn (Satan). Some here think the cross and the crescent moon is bad.

It is not clear to me who considers the cross and/or the crescent moon
as "bad"-------as to the "STAR" on the Israeli flag------interestingly enough
the term "star" for the geometric figure that jews call MAGEN DAVID (shield of
David) is never used by Hebrew speakers. Jews do not see the MAGEN
DAVID as a "star" The term "star" applied to the MAGEN DAVID ---is nothing
more than a bad translation---------so sorry Penelope-----try again. Keep trying (not that 'effort' at this point will cure your depravity and stupidity)
... Oh poor Jews who were scattered all over the ME by the time of the Roman Empire.

You write in your signature: "..."Genrikh Yagoda", the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century...". Yagoda - ¿was his mother really a Jew? - was not religious - he was an atheist. The Commies were atheists. One could say in the same way ""Joseph Stalin" was the greatest orthodox murderer" - but Stalin was an atheist too. The Commies in Russia and China fought very hard against everyone who was religious.

Your logic seems to be: If someone murders someone and another one murders another one, then there's no need for compassion. But if someone anywhere in the world shoots someone else down only because he's for example an American then this will keep to be a crime. Someone will suffer because of this crime. And compassion is the normal answer of a sane soul if someone else suffers. A crime never is able to be an excuse for another crime nor an excuse for a lack of compassion.

the "logic" of Penelope is not at all atypical------it is ---"if something horrible happens----look around and see if you can find ANYONE with a jewish grand-
father in the mix and BLAME DA JOOOOOS"-----she is a typical islamo Nazi

The flag of Israel has a star on it, as read in Amos 5:25 they worship the star of Saturn (Satan). Some here think the cross and the crescent moon is bad.

It is not clear to me who considers the cross and/or the crescent moon
as "bad"-------as to the "STAR" on the Israeli flag------interestingly enough
the term "star" for the geometric figure that jews call MAGEN DAVID (shield of
David) is never used by Hebrew speakers. Jews do not see the MAGEN
DAVID as a "star" The term "star" applied to the MAGEN DAVID ---is nothing
more than a bad translation---------so sorry Penelope-----try again. Keep trying (not that 'effort' at this point will cure your depravity and stupidity)

Right, there was never a star of David. You are so full of it. There probably wasn't even a David.
... the "logic" of Penelope is not at all atypical------it is ---"if something horrible happens----look around and see if you can find ANYONE with a jewish grand-
father in the mix and BLAME DA JOOOOOS"-----she is a typical islamo Nazi

What Stalin and his people did is a very heavy problem of the modern times. I don't see your combination with the Islam now. Maybe Penelope is an antisemite - but is this any reason to speak with me in such a way? Do you know the reason for her antisemitism? In most cases people learn such forms of abstrahotic hate from their parents or their peer group. Such a form of hate seems ot be normaly without any experience - it's maybe only a result of wrong forms of communication.

... Right, there was never a star of David. You are so full of it. There probably wasn't even a David.

David, my grandpa - maybe I can say I am one of his stars - was a nice guy. Otherwise I would not be a part of the answers you don't like to hear. Tell me: What's the reason for your antisemitism?

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The flag of Israel has a star on it, as read in Amos 5:25 they worship the star of Saturn (Satan). Some here think the cross and the crescent moon is bad.[/QUOTE]

It is not clear to me who considers the cross and/or the crescent moon
as "bad"-------as to the "STAR" on the Israeli flag------interestingly enough
the term "star" for the geometric figure that jews call MAGEN DAVID (shield of
David) is never used by Hebrew speakers. Jews do not see the MAGEN
DAVID as a "star" The term "star" applied to the MAGEN DAVID ---is nothing
more than a bad translation---------so sorry Penelope-----try again. Keep trying (not that 'effort' at this point will cure your depravity and stupidity)[/QUOTE]

Right, there was never a star of David. You are so full of it. There probably wasn't even a David.[/QUOTE]

You are consistently stupid, Penelope. No wonder so many refer to you and
yours as "white trash" your statement "there never was a star of david" is utterly
senseless. In the USA----English speaking people refer to the geometric figure
which jews use as a symbol as "a star" -----but Hebrew speaking people
refer to that symbol as --in translation--- "shield of david" The historic existence of
DAVID is actually based more in evidence than is the historic evidence of either
Jesus or Muhummad. Not being an alcohol soaked idiot like you-----I am inclined
to believe that all three existed as did George Washington. Betty Crocker as famous cook is mythological and you are an idiot whore-----good that you
did not reproduce
... the "logic" of Penelope is not at all atypical------it is ---"if something horrible happens----look around and see if you can find ANYONE with a jewish grand-
father in the mix and BLAME DA JOOOOOS"-----she is a typical islamo Nazi

What Stalin and his people did is a very heavy problem of the modern times. I don't see your combination with the Islam now. Maybe Penelope is an antisemite - but is this any reason to speak with me in such a way? Do you know the reason for her antisemitism? In most cases people learn such forms of abstrahotic hate from their parents or their peer group. Such a form of hate seems ot be normaly without any experience - it's maybe only a result of wrong forms of communication.

Stalin and his people, those closest to him were Jews. No I hate what they do to countries, and what they are doing to the US now, and how they treat the Pals. Their arrogance is beyond belief, as they want a national law against anti Semitism, they are special , since Pam Geller or ? whatever her last name is can put hate ads on buses. I have no use for people who think they are so much better than others. I get very sick of hearing their made up sob stories as well.

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