Christians should back Trump, the Christian candidate

Do me a solid and point out in that document of yours that my tax breaks shall end and the rich's doesn't and I shall heartily apologize, sing your praises then get busy about the unfairness of it all. I promise.

Of course you've never heard of it. Trump and the MAGA propagandists keep you rubes in the dark, like the proverbial mushrooms.

I asked you to present your evidence. Then you had a spaz and called me names.

I'm very fragile and you risk that you shall drive me away from this debate with all your toxic masculinity.


I'll kick your teeth in.
Check it out! We got us a legend in his own mind here!

I'm fine with that.


Please to take caps lock off.

Tell us more, cult boi.

I'm the smartest man alive.

What else have your masters told you to say? I mean, it's not like you've ever displayed an independent thought here,

Not your fault you haven't got around. Turns out I have a thread all about me and my so-called independent thought.

teacher 3.5.png

I know, that's a lot.

so run back and get the latest cult talking points from them.

As you now see I don't parrot talking points, I originate them.

(And no, I'm not sorry for making you cry. Trump cultists need to toughen up. The world can't keep catering to their delicate feewings.)

Come to my thread in The Flame Zone. They tell me there are no rules there. We'll see who has what now about feelings.

I'm a tad reticent about opening up up here in the Politics sub-forum. Cause I'll sumpin sumpin. Go ahead hide up here where Coyote can protect you.

Downstairs in teacher land it's just me and you.
Guys, I'm going to make the last comment on here which will end the discussion once and for all.

Donald Trump is the far more Christian candidate as compared to Biden. Trump saved tens of thousands of babies by allowing them to be born. Trump was a great president and the first to sacrifice his own personal fortune to serve America, losing about $2 billion to do so. Contrast that to Biden who only used his office to enrich himself. Trump sacrificed for his country, and is sacrificing himself to this day by withstanding all the vile partisan witch hunts done exclusively to keep him from running.

Trump is the ONLY man who puts country ahead of self. Stories of his personal generousity are legendary. Biden barely gives to charity. One year, Biden's tax return showed a measly $150 donated to charity.

Trump puts family above optics. Last week he dropped everything, his campaign, the trial just to go to his mother-in-law's funeral and make Melania happy. Compre that to Biden who won't even acknowledge one of his own grandchildren.

Then of course there is the abortion issue. Donald Trump has single-handled rescued tens of thousands of babies by making sure they would get a chance to be born and have a chance at life. Any doctor who saved that many children would get every honor possible. Whatever the highest honor in the land is --the Medal of Freedom?....Trump should get 100 of them. Biden, on the other hand has not only backed abortion, but has actually pushed this destruction of little children in the womb. He's comparable to Stalin in his disregard for human life.

Vote Trump in 2024. The only moral choice.
Trump has amassed a bunch of crazy christians that spend way too much time in politics.

Take a listen to the woman who excuses Trump and his issues with women...

Do you not know how to forgive?
He said the abortion under certain circumstances was morally correct.
Carter was no different from the other pro-aborts. He actively pushed Roe v Wade. After it was overturned in 2022, he publicly denounced the ruling. He could have said nothing. That completely destroyed his Christian cred.

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