Christians what happens during the end times and what will be the final end??

Daniel is not considered a prophet. In fact, there was no Daniel. It was written by Jewish Sages in 164 BC to give the people comfort and hope over what had happened under the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanies. This was the first Abomination of Desolation.

The story is set in the court of Nebuchadnezzar.. it's fictionalized. Meanwhile, they actually rededicated the temple, celebrated the first chanukah and carried out the Maccabean revolt. Since you don't know anything about Antiochus IV Epiphanies or the Maccabees, you have missed a crucial piece of Jewish history.
Yet the book is CLEARLY prophetic. Claiming that it isn't is just a weak attempt to avoid his revealing Yeshua as Messiah.
A Jew who comes to Christ accepts Him as Savior.

Quit trying to make Jewish people wrong. You aren't God and you don't know the Bible much less God's plan for the Jews. The heresy of the Darbyites (and now the Baptists) is that 2/3rds of Jews will die and the rest will convert in the "end times".
He's not considered a prophet in Judaism.

LOL, and that means nothing since we are talking about the Bible Christians actually use and not the Talmud. They don't consider Jesus as the Messiah but He still IS the Messiah. Splitting hairs won't ork with me.
Quit trying to make Jewish people wrong. You aren't God and you don't know the Bible much less God's plan for the Jews. The heresy of the Darbyites (and now the Baptists) is that 2/3rds of Jews will die and the rest will convert in the "end times".

They ARE wrong which is why when they rejected Him H went to the Gentiles. You're not very good at this.
What exactly is the prophecy you refer to?
You're not familiar with the visions of the 4 beasts, the ram and the goat, and the timeline for when Messiah is revealed? The book is very prophetic.
When Was The Book of Daniel Written?

Monty Morgan
Former Semi-RetiredAuthor has 1.7K answers and 232.8K answer views2y

Originally Answered: Was the Biblical book of Daniel written in the 6th century BC or 2nd?
“Was the biblical book of Daniel written in the 6th century BC Or 2nd?”
Contrary to the answer written by Ian Sawyer the book of Daniel was written in the 6th century. Ian Sawyer is an avowed atheist and he realizes that if Daniel was written in the 6th century his atheism house of cards comes tumbling down. Hence his 2nd century date is wishful thinking. Jesus regarded Daniel as a prophet and recognized its prophetic nature.
Plus it was included in the Septuagint AS SCRIPTURE. It NEVER would have been if it had only been written in the 2nd century (which was right around the same time as The Septuagint.)
Plus, every Rabbi from the 6th to the 1st century recognized the validity of Daniel. It is the height of arrogance to think that the Jews in the first century did not know when their own scripture was penned, and some Johnny come late yahoo knows better than they did. It would never have been included in their cannon if it wasn’t written in the 6th century.
There is only one reason that critics deny it. Simply put, they KNOW that a 6th century date proves that God exists and He knows the future. They will not have that. Better to lie than to bow the knee.

source: When was the book of Daniel written?
Read ALL of Isaiah. Israel is the suffering servant. God calls Israel his servant all through scripture. All of Isaiah is about Israel's suffering. Why would one sentence be changed?

I didn’t even mention Isaiah 53, the point does not rest on one chapter of the Bible. There are hundreds of Messianic prophecies, and plenty of them that describe the Messiah as a humble servant. Lowly and meek, merciful, a righteous sufferer, persecuted, and betrayed. Scriptures in Psalms, Zechariah, numerous other parts of Isaiah, and other books in the OT.

You are simply wrong, as you are 99% of the time in this section.

ETA: That said, you're wrong about Isaiah 53, it is about the Messiah. Here's something for anyone who's interested in this to watch...

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I didn’t even mention Isaiah 53, the point does not rest on one chapter of the Bible. There are hundreds of Messianic prophecies, and plenty of them that describe the Messiah as a humble servant. Lowly and meek, merciful, a righteous sufferer, persecuted, and betrayed. Scriptures in Psalms, Zechariah, numerous other parts of Isaiah, and other books in the OT.

You are simply wrong, as you are 99% of the time in this section.

ETA: That said, you're wrong about Isaiah 53, it is about the Messiah. Here's something for anyone who's interested in this to watch...

Ms. Surada denies virtually everything supernatural, never mind that God to BE God MUST be a supernatural being.
That's true. Jesus wasn't an anointed warrior king and he didn't vanquish the enemies of the Jews.
for the record----the MESSIAH was not described as a "WARRIOR KING" or a "vanquisher"----suradie must be thinking of the murderer, rapist, pillager NABI

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