Christians what happens during the end times and what will be the final end??

He must rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem - "...and I will set my sanctuary in their midst forever and my tabernacle shall be with them.." (Ezekiel 37:26 - 27)
It doesn't say Jerusalem. It says in their midst.

Jesus built a new temple days after his crucifixion.
Actually you don't believe the Bible all, well except the parts you choose to accept.
I don't follow Hal Lindsey or Scofield.... And I don't ignore Antiochus IV and the Maccabees. You don't know what you're missing.
I don't know if this is a joke or not but we're talking about the end of the world/life and not the end of animal sacrifice which has definitely not ended.


Was pretty much the end of their world. It is about the Jews after all.

Remember when Jesus told his followers to flee Jerusalem for the mountains and referenced Antiochus IV's defiling the temple before the Maccabean revolt?

Was pretty much the end of their world. It is about the Jews after all.

Remember when Jesus told his followers to flee Jerusalem for the mountains and referenced Antiochus IV's defiling the temple before the Maccabean revolt?
Yes, the temple was defiled a number of times, most notably by the Seleucids in the 160s BC. That is, until the Romans in the late 60s AD. Jesus may have referenced the past occurrence, but warned of the future one.
The 66 books of the Bible, old and new testaments are ALL about Messiah. He said that when He returns, if He did not come at that time there would be "no flesh saved alive".
My belief is that the "tribulation" will be in two parts. Each will last 3 1/2 years. That 7-year period will begin when Israel signs a peace deal with "many" nations. That treaty will be broken by the world leader we know as the AntiChrist, at the mid-point of that 7 years. When that treaty is signed, the final countdown begins for human-led government on this planet.

Israel will be invaded and occupied with great loss of life. The pre-tribulation population of the planet will be reduced by 2/3. Today that would mean roughly 5+ BILLION dead. All in less than 7 years.

The tribulation was over in 70 AD.
You'll have to pardon here, she doesn't believe in 3/4 of the Bible.

The temporal existence of the earth is 7000 years. This means that from the time Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit until the earth is made into a celestial sphere will be 7000 years. The final 7th thousand year period is known as the Millennium. In the beginning of this 7th thousand year period, Jesus will return and destroy those most wicked upon the earth. He will then establish peace on earth for the period of 1000 years. It is my belief that we are now living in the final days of the 6th thousand year period. I believe the 7th thousand year period will begin in 2034. Once the 7th thousand year period begins, there will be silence in heaven for the space of 1/2 hour. This equate to about 20.833 years. Then not long after this, the second coming of Jesus will occur. Before his second coming, all nations will be gathered together in war against Israel and they will lay siege upon the city of Jerusalem. There will be two great prophets who will fend off many of the attackers with mighty miracles. Their ministry will last 3.5 years and then they will be allowed to be killed. Their dead bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days and then afterwards they will rise from the dead and be caught up in the clouds of heaven to meet the coming Lord Jesus as he comes to set his foot down upon the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives will cleave in twain and cause a great valley to appear where the mountain once stood. Many of the Jews will at that time be able to behold Jesus and view the wounds in his hands and feet that he receive while on the cross. A great battle will take place just prior to Christ's second coming in the valley of Har Meggido, aka Armageddon. The opposing forces that come against Israel will be destroyed at the Lord's second coming. At the time of the Lord's second coming, many who have slept in the grave will come forth in the first resurrection. Many living will be caught up into the clouds of heaven and be changed from a mortal state to an immortal state of being. This is also known as being changed in the twinkling of an eye. Many in the world today call this time, "the rapture". There will be a second major resurrection which will occur at the end of the Millennial era or 7th thousand year period of the earth's temporal existence. This will be when those who were evil and wicked will be resurrected. The righteous will come forth in the first resurrection which happens when Christ makes his second appearance on the earth at the beginning of the 7th thousand year period

Up until Christ's second coming, wickedness and evil will increase in the earth. I believe that just before the end of the 6th thousand year period, the Lost Tribes of Israel will make a return. I also believe that a great city of righteousness will be established here in the U.S. known as the City of Zion. All the world will be at war and the righteous must needs flee unto Zion for safety. The voice of warning must go unto all the world to warn them of the coming great and dreadful day of the Lord. It will be great for those who are righteous and dreadful for those who are wicked. A call to all mankind to repent of their evil ways and come unto the Lord for the day of his coming is nigh at hand.
The book of the Revelation gives some exact dimensions for the City of God. That place where the streets are of gold as transparent glass. 1500 miles cubed. If my math is correct, that is about 38% of the cubic volume of the moon. I can certainly accept that there are many rooms in our Father's house. I really don't expect it to show up for 1000 years.
What do you have against Ezekial? I would have no understanding of the term "Son of Man" except for the book of Ezekial.
That's true. Jesus wasn't an anointed warrior king and he didn't vanquish the enemies of the Jews.

Of everyone in this section, you are by far the worst when it comes to spreading blatantly false information.

The Messianic prophecies do not describe a one-dimensional Messiah, He wasn't ONLY described as a warrior king.

The Messiah is also described as a suffering servant.

That is one of the reasons why many Jewish people at that time rejected Jesus as the Messiah, because they were only looking for the conquering king. But again, the scriptures describe the Messiah as BOTH the suffering servant and the conquering king.

The Lion and the Lamb.

Jesus came into this world a very humble way, just as a number of Messianic prophecies stated. His first coming was as the suffering servant. But in the second coming, He will appear as He truly is, the King of kings, the Lord of Lords, the "conquering king" that the Jewish people were expecting the first time.

Please stop posting things that are clearly and demonstrably untrue. All you do in this section is mislead people. And I think it's safe to say that God is not happy about the trashing of His word and the constant misleading of others. Give it a rest, for your own sake.
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Of everyone in this section, you are by far the worst when it comes to spreading blatantly false information.

The Messianic prophecies do not describe a one-dimensional Messiah, He wasn't ONLY described as a warrior king.

The Messiah is also described as a suffering servant.

That is one of the reasons why many Jewish people at that time rejected Jesus as the Messiah, because they were only looking for the conquering king. But again, the scriptures describe the Messiah as BOTH the suffering servant and the conquering king.

The Lion and the Lamb.

Jesus came into this world a very humble way, just as a number of Messianic prophecies stated. His first coming was as the suffering servant. But in the second coming, He will appear as He truly is, the King of kings, the Lord of Lords, the "conquering king" that the Jewish people were expecting the first time.

Please stop posting things that are clearly and demonstrably untrue. All you do in this section is mislead people. And I think it's safe to say that God is not happy about the trashing of His word and the constant misleading of others. Give it a rest, for your own sake.

Read ALL of Isaiah. Israel is the suffering servant. God calls Israel his servant all through scripture. All of Isaiah is about Israel's suffering. Why would one sentence be changed?

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