Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business

People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

No, they shouldn't, they should be required to serve people based on the rule of law, and the civility of their rights.

They shouldn't be allowed to racially discriminate or otherwise. Otherwise racists can institute a defacto SEGREGATION.

Or Bigots can destroy the lives of entire gay communities where the majority are BIGOTS.
gays are not a race you brain-dead dumbfuck.

Neither are Christians.
Did I say that or something?
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
The laws on "rules of business" are bullshit and bigoted. Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Individuality created this country. It is a shame you limp wrists want to destroy that. All over someones feelings.
Grow the fuck up

Slavery was a business. Are the current laws on slavery unconstitutional?
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Actually the craziest thing is a minor can actually drink here in Texas as long as a Parent is present, or that was the law when a niece of mine came over from England, and her father order her a glass of wine, and we found out about the weird defense that could be used...

Can a minor drink alcohol with parents permission in Texas?

Crazy but true.

As for the OP, well the baker is being a Hypocrite if they refuse to bake a cake for a same sex couple but then will bake one for a couple that were once married but got divorced and now are marrying each other.

You can not pick and choose which rules you will observed when it come to religion, and it is all or nothing, and the Nazi and Jewish comment by another poster is a strawman at best!
That's nothing. In Tennessee it is legal to beat your wife at the courthouse on Sunday. No shit.
I threaten my wife all the time hehe
"clean the kitchen"
"you know tomorrow is Sunday DAMNIT!"
How about atheist homophobe bakers? Or Muslim bakers? Should they be put out of business if they refuse to bake a cake for gay couples?
Hypocrisy is a sin that Jesus Christ does not forgive. (Such as blaspheming the holy spirit) Perhaps you better examine your Bible more closely.

I've read my bible a half a dozen times at least and no where in it does Adam Smith write that "hypocrisy is a sin" .....

Oh you poor misguided fool, I guess you missed all the parts where Jesus calls out the Pharisees, the murderers of God, for their greatest sin, that of HYPOCRISY.
Christ fed the sinners, and said that he came as a physician to the sick, not as a servant to the righteous.

These "Christian" Bakers who refuse to bake cakes for gays because gays are sinners are hypocrites, they bake cakes for divorced people getting married for their second or 3rd or n-th times.

Jesus never says directly that homosexuality is a sin, but he sure as hell does say that divorced people remarrying are ADULTERERS.

So, these fake-Christian bakers using Christ as an excuse to be bigots are really Satanists whose only purpose is to make people hate God, and hate Christ, and the full power of the Civil Courts and public opinion should destroy theses satanists and their cult-businesses where ever they are found.
People who don't serve open carry customers should be run out of business.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.
Hypocrisy is a sin that Jesus Christ does not forgive. (Such as blaspheming the holy spirit) Perhaps you better examine your Bible more closely.

I've read my bible a half a dozen times at least and no where in it does Adam Smith write that "hypocrisy is a sin" .....
Matthew 23:27

27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."

Jesus calls you a tomb, you are dead, not Living in the love of Christ.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Actually the craziest thing is a minor can actually drink here in Texas as long as a Parent is present, or that was the law when a niece of mine came over from England, and her father order her a glass of wine, and we found out about the weird defense that could be used...

Can a minor drink alcohol with parents permission in Texas?

Crazy but true.

As for the OP, well the baker is being a Hypocrite if they refuse to bake a cake for a same sex couple but then will bake one for a couple that were once married but got divorced and now are marrying each other.

You can not pick and choose which rules you will observed when it come to religion, and it is all or nothing, and the Nazi and Jewish comment by another poster is a strawman at best!
That's nothing. In Tennessee it is legal to beat your wife at the courthouse on Sunday. No shit.
I threaten my wife all the time hehe
"clean the kitchen"
"you know tomorrow is Sunday DAMNIT!"

I actually remember those laws.

My Uncle would say that to my Aunt in Kentucky and next you saw him cleaning the kitchen while she sat drinking her tea...:p
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
The laws on "rules of business" are bullshit and bigoted. Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Individuality created this country. It is a shame you limp wrists want to destroy that. All over someones feelings.
Grow the fuck up

Slavery was a business. Are the current laws on slavery unconstitutional?
The Constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

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