Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business

People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Good Lord, another gay cake thread? It's been done to death

Let them eat gay cake...

Yeah but they wanted a Christian cake and in the end it's chaos.

There's no reason gays can't be Christians.
As long as they are struggling against it as any other sin.

You're a Christian if you believe Christ to be the son of God sent down to earth to die for your sins.
Christ fed the sinners, and said that he came as a physician to the sick, not as a servant to the righteous.

These "Christian" Bakers who refuse to bake cakes for gays because gays are sinners are hypocrites, they bake cakes for divorced people getting married for their second or 3rd or n-th times.

Jesus never says directly that homosexuality is a sin, but he sure as hell does say that divorced people remarrying are ADULTERERS.

So, these fake-Christian bakers using Christ as an excuse to be bigots are really Satanists whose only purpose is to make people hate God, and hate Christ, and the full power of the Civil Courts and public opinion should destroy theses satanists and their cult-businesses where ever they are found.
What about Muslims??
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
The laws on "rules of business" are bullshit and bigoted. Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Individuality created this country. It is a shame you limp wrists want to destroy that. All over someones feelings.
Grow the fuck up

Slavery was a business. Are the current laws on slavery unconstitutional?
The Constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

But US law certainly does now. There are, to use your term 'rules of business' against slavery.

You say those rules are unconstitutional. Defend your position.

Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .
oh wow lol
When people get hired on for a job, they should do it. If not, they should resign. Just like Kim Davis..
I just cant believe you wrote that... What a hypocrite
Here we go....
Yes, exposing Republicans and right-wing fake-Christians as bigots who hate Christ is a duty of all Christian Crusaders who love God and HIS WORD.

Put down these hateful scum by exposing them to the light of the true WORD of GOD.

Hypocrites shall be exposed, and their businesses attacked, to save
Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business
Yep, right alongside Jewish print shop owners that refuse to print flyers for the American Nazi Party....

Heaven forbid business owners forgo making decisions based on political correctness and instead follow their own conscience. :rolleyes:
Stay focused, this is about hypocritical satan worshippers pretending to be Christians, denying a civil right to people based on the idea they are sinners, when they in fact support the only sin mentioned by Christ, Adultery.

Muslim bakers and florists have flown under the media radar during the recent uproar over Christian-owned businesses and gay rights, but a hidden-camera video may have changed that.

The video showing Muslim bakers in Michigan reluctant to bake a cake for a gay wedding went viral last weekend, snaring more than 2.2 million views in three days and igniting debate over whether Christian business owners are being singled out for lawsuits, complaints and media focus.

Video puts Muslim bakeries, florists in gay-rights spotlight
How about atheist homophobe bakers? Or Muslim bakers? Should they be put out of business if they refuse to bake a cake for gay couples?

They should be treated equally under the law.
The OP seemed to be singularly focused on one group of people.

Yes, a group of satanic hypocrites.
So, should homophobic atheists and Muslims suffer the same fate if they refuse service to gay couples?
Here we go....
Yes, exposing Republicans and right-wing fake-Christians as bigots who hate Christ is a duty of all Christian Crusaders who love God and HIS WORD.

Put down these hateful scum by exposing them to the light of the true WORD of GOD.

Hypocrites shall be exposed, and their businesses attacked, to save
Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business
Yep, right alongside Jewish print shop owners that refuse to print flyers for the American Nazi Party....

Heaven forbid business owners forgo making decisions based on political correctness and instead follow their own conscience. :rolleyes:
Stay focused, this is about hypocritical satan worshippers pretending to be Christians, denying a civil right to people based on the idea they are sinners, when they in fact support the only sin mentioned by Christ, Adultery.

All you have buddy, is the delusion of selective outrage.

Continue hiding in your moms basement
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.
The segregated lunch counter has been put out of business,

no reasons not to see the segregated bakery receive the same fate.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

No, they shouldn't, they should be required to serve people based on the rule of law, and the civility of their rights.

They shouldn't be allowed to racially discriminate or otherwise. Otherwise racists can institute a defacto SEGREGATION.

Or Bigots can destroy the lives of entire gay communities where the majority are BIGOTS.
gays are not a race you brain-dead dumbfuck.
Those laws are completely unconstitutional. Just like affirmative action. Only bigots appreciate laws that trample on individuality.
...and if they haven't found "the gay" gene by now
How about atheist homophobe bakers? Or Muslim bakers? Should they be put out of business if they refuse to bake a cake for gay couples?

They should be treated equally under the law.
The OP seemed to be singularly focused on one group of people.

If you're talking about giraffes, you're not obligated to be talking about zebras.
Nor are you obligated to talk only about giraffes when talking about the availability of forage.
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.

Even it that were true it is totally irrelevant. Your rights are your rights; you do not have to do irrelevant work to retain them.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
I have the right to refuse service to anyone, I have the sign in my store.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

No, they shouldn't, they should be required to serve people based on the rule of law, and the civility of their rights.

They shouldn't be allowed to racially discriminate or otherwise. Otherwise racists can institute a defacto SEGREGATION.

Or Bigots can destroy the lives of entire gay communities where the majority are BIGOTS.
gays are not a race you brain-dead dumbfuck.
Those laws are completely unconstitutional. Just like affirmative action. Only bigots appreciate laws that trample on individuality.
...and if they haven't found "the gay" gene by now

They haven't found the gun gene either but that doesn't stop you from having gun rights.

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