Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business

People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
I have the right to refuse service to anyone, I have the sign in my store.

a. no you don't and b. it's doubtful you even have a store.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
The laws on "rules of business" are bullshit and bigoted. Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Individuality created this country. It is a shame you limp wrists want to destroy that. All over someones feelings.
Grow the fuck up

Slavery was a business. Are the current laws on slavery unconstitutional?
The Constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

But US law certainly does now. There are, to use your term 'rules of business' against slavery.

You say those rules are unconstitutional. Defend your position.

Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional.
Because slavery wasn't in the Constitution, goober. Good lord. A steak is NOTHING like an apple.
"Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional"
I might try that if I had said it..
How about atheist homophobe bakers? Or Muslim bakers? Should they be put out of business if they refuse to bake a cake for gay couples?

They should be treated equally under the law.
The OP seemed to be singularly focused on one group of people.

If you're talking about giraffes, you're not obligated to be talking about zebras.
Nor are you obligated to talk only about giraffes when talking about the availability of forage.

You can't lose your rights by being insufficiently vocal about the rights of others.

Your gun rights can't be diminished just because you don't talk enough about abortion rights, can they?
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.

Even it that were true it is totally irrelevant. Your rights are your rights; you do not have to do irrelevant work to retain them.
It is relevant to the false claim that they would be unable to get a cake for their wedding should that one bakery refuse them service.
You just can't handle your "heroes" are hypocrites.
Actually my "heroes" are my "heroes" because they are hypocrites......

Hypocrisy is a sin that Jesus Christ does not forgive. (Such as blaspheming the holy spirit) Perhaps you better examine your Bible more closely.
I'd like to see a citation for that one.

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.
The laws on "rules of business" are bullshit and bigoted. Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Individuality created this country. It is a shame you limp wrists want to destroy that. All over someones feelings.
Grow the fuck up

Slavery was a business. Are the current laws on slavery unconstitutional?
The Constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

But US law certainly does now. There are, to use your term 'rules of business' against slavery.

You say those rules are unconstitutional. Defend your position.

Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional.
Because slavery wasn't in the Constitution, goober. Good lord. A steak is NOTHING like an apple.
"Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional"
I might try that if I had said it..

Slavery was in the Constitution.

Are gays in the Constitution?
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .

And gays can't go to another bakery?

FAIL big fail there.
How about atheist homophobe bakers? Or Muslim bakers? Should they be put out of business if they refuse to bake a cake for gay couples?

They should be treated equally under the law.
The OP seemed to be singularly focused on one group of people.

If you're talking about giraffes, you're not obligated to be talking about zebras.
Nor are you obligated to talk only about giraffes when talking about the availability of forage.

You can't lose your rights by being insufficiently vocal about the rights of others.

Your gun rights can't be diminished just because you don't talk enough about abortion rights, can they?
Irrelevant. It is of interest to me to find out how far the faux outrage really extends. Usually, it has nothing to do with the stated reason and everything to do with a secondary objective.
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.

Even it that were true it is totally irrelevant. Your rights are your rights; you do not have to do irrelevant work to retain them.
It is relevant to the false claim that they would be unable to get a cake for their wedding should that one bakery refuse them service.

Two drinking fountains doesn't make Jim Crow legal.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .

And gays can't go to another bakery?

FAIL big fail there.

Blacks used to go to the different drinking fountain, or toilet. That didn't save Jim Crow.
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.

Even it that were true it is totally irrelevant. Your rights are your rights; you do not have to do irrelevant work to retain them.
It is relevant to the false claim that they would be unable to get a cake for their wedding should that one bakery refuse them service.

Two drinking fountains doesn't make Jim Crow legal.
Nor is it legal for a homophobic atheist baker to refuse service to gay couples. That's not the point.
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.

On the bright side we won't have to worry about lawsuits when Sharia takes over. :)

Fear of heights for some to me true but not for me.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .
Liberals said bake the cake. Well then the Muslims deliver the beer or are you a hypocrite?
If I knew of a bakery that wouldn't serve gays, I would not leverage the law to force them to. I'm gonna live and let live.

I would not give them my business, however, because I disagree with their position and I don't want to support them.

There are other bakeries.

And that's about that.
Good Lord, another gay cake thread? It's been done to death

Let them eat gay cake...

Yeah but they wanted a Christian cake and in the end it's chaos.

There's no reason gays can't be Christians.
Your argument

A Christian is someone who believes in Christ as the saviour. That's it.

Anyone can believe in anything, just believing will never be enough.

Belief in God is Not Enough
What about Moslems who won't bake homo cakes? Should they get a pass?

Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.

Even it that were true it is totally irrelevant. Your rights are your rights; you do not have to do irrelevant work to retain them.
It is relevant to the false claim that they would be unable to get a cake for their wedding should that one bakery refuse them service.

Two drinking fountains doesn't make Jim Crow legal.
Can you imagine these fake-Christian bigots?

"There's 3 drinking fountains in this building, blacks have to use only one of's our right of association to deny you use of our other drinking fountains!!!"

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