Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business

Christians who don't bake cakes for gays deserve to be put out of business
Yep, right alongside Jewish print shop owners that refuse to print flyers for the American Nazi Party....

Heaven forbid business owners forgo making decisions based on political correctness and instead follow their own conscience. :rolleyes:

I will agree that Political Correctness can be carried too far. I don't think this is one of those cases. All too often, "Political Correctness" is code for: "I'm a bigot and I intend to make by bigotry known in any way that I like and you'd better shut the hell up if you don't like it."
Let them eat gay cake...

Yeah but they wanted a Christian cake and in the end it's chaos.

There's no reason gays can't be Christians.
Your argument

A Christian is someone who believes in Christ as the saviour. That's it.

Anyone can believe in anything, just believing will never be enough.

Belief in God is Not Enough

Jesus Christ forgave the Roman soldiers "for they know not what they do". They didn't believe on Christ or in God, yet they are saved, unless you somehow disbelieve Jesus says what he means and has the power to do what he says...

There will be a lot of angry-fake Christians waking up from death to be thrown in the lake of fire, when they see all these good hearted gays who never harmed anyone being saved by Christ in the last judgment.
Yeah but they wanted a Christian cake and in the end it's chaos.

There's no reason gays can't be Christians.
Your argument

A Christian is someone who believes in Christ as the saviour. That's it.

Anyone can believe in anything, just believing will never be enough.

Belief in God is Not Enough

Jesus Christ forgave the Roman soldiers "for they know not what they do". They didn't believe on Christ or in God, yet they are saved, unless you somehow disbelieve Jesus says what he means and has the power to do what he says...

There will be a lot of angry-fake Christians waking up from death to be thrown in the lake of fire, when they see all these good hearted gays who never harmed anyone being saved by Christ in the last judgment.

R.C. Sproul Jr. on Promises Christians Struggle to Accept
Take them to court. I'm sure there's very few Muslim wedding cake bakers in the country, too few to attract many gays looking for wedding cakes.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.

Even it that were true it is totally irrelevant. Your rights are your rights; you do not have to do irrelevant work to retain them.
It is relevant to the false claim that they would be unable to get a cake for their wedding should that one bakery refuse them service.

Two drinking fountains doesn't make Jim Crow legal.
Can you imagine these fake-Christian bigots?

"There's 3 drinking fountains in this building, blacks have to use only one of's our right of association to deny you use of our other drinking fountains!!!"
When you can find a law that forbids someone from accessing a service, let us know.
Nor are there gay couples with enough strength of conviction to target them like they targeted businesses known to be run by Christians.

Even it that were true it is totally irrelevant. Your rights are your rights; you do not have to do irrelevant work to retain them.
It is relevant to the false claim that they would be unable to get a cake for their wedding should that one bakery refuse them service.

Two drinking fountains doesn't make Jim Crow legal.
Can you imagine these fake-Christian bigots?

"There's 3 drinking fountains in this building, blacks have to use only one of's our right of association to deny you use of our other drinking fountains!!!"
When you can find a law that forbids someone from accessing a service, let us know.
He doesn't get out of his moms basement enough to know
Yeah but they wanted a Christian cake and in the end it's chaos.

There's no reason gays can't be Christians.
Your argument

A Christian is someone who believes in Christ as the saviour. That's it.

Anyone can believe in anything, just believing will never be enough.

Belief in God is Not Enough

Jesus Christ forgave the Roman soldiers "for they know not what they do". They didn't believe on Christ or in God, yet they are saved, unless you somehow disbelieve Jesus says what he means and has the power to do what he says...

They are forgiven because Jesus specifically asked the Father to forgive them. I don't see them around here, do you?

There will be a lot of angry-fake Christians waking up from death to be thrown in the lake of fire, when they see all these good hearted gays who never harmed anyone being saved by Christ in the last judgment.
Ah, yes, the old "They're just so nice, there's no way they'll be condemned for their sin" gambit. That's not what Scripture indicates. You do know that, right?
You just can't handle your "heroes" are hypocrites.
Actually my "heroes" are my "heroes" because they are hypocrites......

Hypocrisy is a sin that Jesus Christ does not forgive. (Such as blaspheming the holy spirit) Perhaps you better examine your Bible more closely.
I'd like to see a citation for that one.

The laws on "rules of business" are bullshit and bigoted. Not to mention UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Individuality created this country. It is a shame you limp wrists want to destroy that. All over someones feelings.
Grow the fuck up

Slavery was a business. Are the current laws on slavery unconstitutional?
The Constitution neither authorized nor prohibited slavery.

But US law certainly does now. There are, to use your term 'rules of business' against slavery.

You say those rules are unconstitutional. Defend your position.

Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional.
Because slavery wasn't in the Constitution, goober. Good lord. A steak is NOTHING like an apple.
"Defend your position that rules of business against slavery are unconstitutional"
I might try that if I had said it..

Slavery was in the Constitution.

Are gays in the Constitution?
Please show me where the Constitution mentioned slavery prior to them outlawing it.
If they are citizens they are.
What you need to understand is, our COTUS wasn't just rights of the people. It was also a limit to government power.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .
Liberals said bake the cake. Well then the Muslims deliver the beer or are you a hypocrite?

Delivering beer for your employer falls under PA laws in Oregon?

Says who? I think you may have missed the 'Public' in 'Public Accommodation'.
There's no reason gays can't be Christians.
Your argument

A Christian is someone who believes in Christ as the saviour. That's it.

Anyone can believe in anything, just believing will never be enough.

Belief in God is Not Enough

Jesus Christ forgave the Roman soldiers "for they know not what they do". They didn't believe on Christ or in God, yet they are saved, unless you somehow disbelieve Jesus says what he means and has the power to do what he says...

They are forgiven because Jesus specifically asked the Father to forgive them. I don't see them around here, do you?

There will be a lot of angry-fake Christians waking up from death to be thrown in the lake of fire, when they see all these good hearted gays who never harmed anyone being saved by Christ in the last judgment.
Ah, yes, the old "They're just so nice, there's no way they'll be condemned for their sin" gambit. That's not what Scripture indicates. You do know that, right?

Takes a lot more than just a do-gooder mentality, there is not enough fellowship in his moms basement apparently
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

No, they shouldn't, they should be required to serve people based on the rule of law, and the civility of their rights.

They shouldn't be allowed to racially discriminate or otherwise. Otherwise racists can institute a defacto SEGREGATION.

Or Bigots can destroy the lives of entire gay communities where the majority are BIGOTS.
gays are not a race you brain-dead dumbfuck.
Those laws are completely unconstitutional. Just like affirmative action. Only bigots appreciate laws that trample on individuality.
Dayamn! Somebody should let Chief Justice Roberts know about this right away!
I will agree that Political Correctness can be carried too far. I don't think this is one of those cases. All too often, "Political Correctness" is code for: "I'm a bigot and I intend to make by bigotry known in any way that I like and you'd better shut the hell up if you don't like it."

I don't approve of bigotry any more than you do but IMHO people have the right to be bigots, they also have the right to sell or not to sell the fruits of their labor as they see fit for whatever reason they deem worthwhile.

As I see it, to utilize force against peaceful person(s) because they refuse to do business with XYZ person(s) on whatever basis is a violation of the non-aggression principle and thus immoral.
It should be a choice on both sides, Dang control freaks
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .
Liberals said bake the cake. Well then the Muslims deliver the beer or are you a hypocrite?

Delivering beer for your employer falls under PA laws in Oregon?

Says who? I think you may have missed the 'Public' in 'Public Accommodation'.
Oh so you would be okay if a christian wouldn't deliver beer to a gay Establishment?
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

No, they shouldn't, they should be required to serve people based on the rule of law, and the civility of their rights.

They shouldn't be allowed to racially discriminate or otherwise. Otherwise racists can institute a defacto SEGREGATION.

Or Bigots can destroy the lives of entire gay communities where the majority are BIGOTS.
gays are not a race you brain-dead dumbfuck.
Those laws are completely unconstitutional. Just like affirmative action. Only bigots appreciate laws that trample on individuality.
Dayamn! Somebody should let Chief Justice Roberts know about this right away!
Do you have substance to add to this, or are you just going to act like the rest of the brain dead dumbfucks?
If so, please show me how the COTUS gives our govt the right to restrict private property, free speech and individuality.
Just like I told NY.. The COTUS is ALSO about LIMITS to the govt.
There a business . They open their property to the public and therefore must follow the rules of business .

A bar owner can't serve wine to underaged kids and claim it's his religious right to do so.

Why were muslim truck drivers given $$$$$$$$$$ for refusing to drive trucks with beer on them? And they won in their case citing religious reasons.

Because they were denied a reasonable accommodation . They asked to deliver other stuff. It's not like they worked for a beer company .
Liberals said bake the cake. Well then the Muslims deliver the beer or are you a hypocrite?

Delivering beer for your employer falls under PA laws in Oregon?

Says who? I think you may have missed the 'Public' in 'Public Accommodation'.
Oh so you would be okay if a christian wouldn't deliver beer to a gay Establishment?

I'd be okay with folks following the law. And the muslims dodn't refuse to deliver to a particular location or to a particular person. But a particular cargo. So even in hypothetical analogy land, you're a bit off. As beer doesn't have constitutional rights. While gay people do.

I ask again, what public accommodation law applies to truck drivers like these two men?
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

No, they shouldn't, they should be required to serve people based on the rule of law, and the civility of their rights.

They shouldn't be allowed to racially discriminate or otherwise. Otherwise racists can institute a defacto SEGREGATION.

Or Bigots can destroy the lives of entire gay communities where the majority are BIGOTS.
gays are not a race you brain-dead dumbfuck.
Those laws are completely unconstitutional. Just like affirmative action. Only bigots appreciate laws that trample on individuality.
Dayamn! Somebody should let Chief Justice Roberts know about this right away!
Do you have substance to add to this, or are you just going to act like the rest of the brain dead dumbfucks?
If so, please show me how the COTUS gives our govt the right to restrict private property, free speech and individuality.
Just like I told NY.. The COTUS is ALSO about LIMITS to the govt. do realize this is was a State law, right?
Christ fed the sinners, and said that he came as a physician to the sick, not as a servant to the righteous.

These "Christian" Bakers who refuse to bake cakes for gays because gays are sinners are hypocrites, they bake cakes for divorced people getting married for their second or 3rd or n-th times.

Jesus never says directly that homosexuality is a sin, but he sure as hell does say that divorced people remarrying are ADULTERERS.

So, these fake-Christian bakers using Christ as an excuse to be bigots are really Satanists whose only purpose is to make people hate God, and hate Christ, and the full power of the Civil Courts and public opinion should destroy theses satanists and their cult-businesses where ever they are found.

Just Christians? There is video posted elsewhere in this forum of several Muslim bakeries refusing service to gays, but I guess that's okay. Can't offend them by holding them to the same standards as others.

While I don't agree with the stance on gays, I do think religious freedom should prevail. If they label their business as Christian, it should cover it. Maybe that would solve things if businesses declared up front that their practices are religious and at least warn anyone who might walk in to order a cake.

There are many things that are exclusive and most get away with it.
People should be able to make their own decisions on THEIR PROPERTY. Period
Self proclaimed "liberals" are always screeching about individuality but then run to big brother everytime someone expresses it when they don't agree.
Take your conformity and shove it up your ass. Pussy

No, they shouldn't, they should be required to serve people based on the rule of law, and the civility of their rights.

They shouldn't be allowed to racially discriminate or otherwise. Otherwise racists can institute a defacto SEGREGATION.

Or Bigots can destroy the lives of entire gay communities where the majority are BIGOTS.
gays are not a race you brain-dead dumbfuck.
Those laws are completely unconstitutional. Just like affirmative action. Only bigots appreciate laws that trample on individuality.
Dayamn! Somebody should let Chief Justice Roberts know about this right away!
Do you have substance to add to this, or are you just going to act like the rest of the brain dead dumbfucks?
If so, please show me how the COTUS gives our govt the right to restrict private property, free speech and individuality.
Just like I told NY.. The COTUS is ALSO about LIMITS to the govt.

No, you are absolutely right! I have already written CJ Roberts of the SC that you have spoken on the subject, so I am sure that a reversal will be made in their ruling within a week or two.

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