Christie and Kasich to enter Presidential race

Admittedly I can't keep track, but isn't Walker still the purest of the candidates, or is it Cruz?

I dont know what "purest" means.
Cruz flip flopped on free trade, so lost my support.
Everyone looks better before they announce. Usually it's down from there.
Admittedly I can't keep track, but isn't Walker still the purest of the candidates, or is it Cruz?

I dont know what "purest" means.
Cruz flip flopped on free trade, so lost my support.
Everyone looks better before they announce. Usually it's down from there.
Actually it was your post, #2 in this thread, that got me wondering: "I have no use for Kasich after he pushed Medicaid expansion". So if a candidate steps out of line on one issue they are disqualified in the minds of many voters. That's what I mean by "pure". Just like Cruz and free trade.

So based on that, is Walker the "purest" right now?

Admittedly I can't keep track, but isn't Walker still the purest of the candidates, or is it Cruz?

I dont know what "purest" means.
Cruz flip flopped on free trade, so lost my support.
Everyone looks better before they announce. Usually it's down from there.
Actually it was your post, #2 in this thread, that got me wondering: "I have no use for Kasich after he pushed Medicaid expansion". So if a candidate steps out of line on one issue they are disqualified in the minds of many voters. That's what I mean by "pure". Just like Cruz and free trade.

So based on that, is Walker the "purest" right now?

It isnt they step out of line on one issue. It's the issue itself, how important it is, and what their position is relative to what they've always said.
Cruz wrote an op ed in the WSJ with someone else hailing free trade a mere 4 weeks before reversing himself. Kasich's Medicaid expansion was a seriously bad idea. We're battling that here in TN right now.
Does Walker hold views I disagree with? I am certain he does. Question is how significant they are. And is he pandering to an audience or just disagrees with me?
Admittedly I can't keep track, but isn't Walker still the purest of the candidates, or is it Cruz?

I dont know what "purest" means.
Cruz flip flopped on free trade, so lost my support.
Everyone looks better before they announce. Usually it's down from there.
Actually it was your post, #2 in this thread, that got me wondering: "I have no use for Kasich after he pushed Medicaid expansion". So if a candidate steps out of line on one issue they are disqualified in the minds of many voters. That's what I mean by "pure". Just like Cruz and free trade.

So based on that, is Walker the "purest" right now?

It isnt they step out of line on one issue. It's the issue itself, how important it is, and what their position is relative to what they've always said.
Cruz wrote an op ed in the WSJ with someone else hailing free trade a mere 4 weeks before reversing himself. Kasich's Medicaid expansion was a seriously bad idea. We're battling that here in TN right now.
Does Walker hold views I disagree with? I am certain he does. Question is how significant they are. And is he pandering to an audience or just disagrees with me?
I can definitely see a priority hierarchy in terms of issues.

Who knows when a politician is pandering. I've reached a point where I assume they are until they prove otherwise.

I've heard/read the most consistently positive comments about Walker, didn't know about that free trade thing & Cruz.

Thank you for proving my point about you.

You make my job so easy in this regard.
Thank you for proving everything I write about you, and proving your inability to engage a topic with meaningful discussion.
You are dismissed, Herr Worthless.

Oh yes, and Greece will be out of European Union sometime in July. Just as I predicted back in January.
Greece in shock as banks shut after creditor talks break down - Yahoo Finance

:dig: fake rabbi, :dig:
LOL. It's all you've got. The most worthless poster on this board. And that includes TruthMatters.

Only in your weird wet-dreams, fake rabbi. But hey, it's a very free country, the very fact that you can spew such inintelligible babble-wabble and yet, the black helicopters are not circling your tenement, can only mean that Obama's communist America is just not quite there!!!

However, hope abounds. I hear that FEMA retraining camp 666 is opening in your area! Rejoice, fake Rabbi.

Now, back to the OP, which I wrote:

Christie is officially in tomorrow.
Kasich declares on July 21.
The only remaning 'expected' player is Walker and I bet he will also declare in July, otherwise, he misses out on a very important debate!

And speaking of debates, I am going to watch and record all of them, am expecting them to be excellent party material for a long, long time to come.

Tell me, fake Rabbi, how do you prefer your humble pie? Cherry, Lemon of Rhubarb?

LOL! Your self declared victories are adorable, Herr Kind. I post facts with references and your response is to deny they exist.
Back to the OP: It is hardly a prediction that Walker will declare in July. His spam email hints heavily at an announcement and if he doesnt get in within 30 days he'll miss out on contributions and talent.
So go ahead and record the debates on your VCR, along with your gay pr0n. One of those folks will be the next president.

Your butthurt is really fun to watch.

I declared no victories.

I started a thread with simple information and you, as usually, trolled it for all it is worth.

And then, when poo comes flinging back at you, you cry like a little baby.

Enjoy your tenement.

fact: Kennedy won for many reasons, but he was Handsome!
Clinton? Charisma and he was Handsome!
Rubio? He is Hispanic,From Florida, doesnt need a teleprompter, and Very Handsome.
Kennedy won because Mayor Richard Daley arranged for 100,000 fraudulent votes to be cast in Illinois and thousands of votes being thrown out in Texas, where LBJ was Senator (fraudulently, as well).
hmm, sounds like a similar scenerio in the 2008/2012 elections
fact: Kennedy won for many reasons, but he was Handsome!
Clinton? Charisma and he was Handsome!
Rubio? He is Hispanic,From Florida, doesnt need a teleprompter, and Very Handsome.
Kennedy won because Mayor Richard Daley arranged for 100,000 fraudulent votes to be cast in Illinois and thousands of votes being thrown out in Texas, where LBJ was Senator (fraudulently, as well).
hmm, sounds like a similar scenerio in the 2008/2012 elections
and after the events of November 23, Nixon must of said to himself, "Whew, I dodged a bullet bigtime" That could of been me!!!
Christie is in on coming Tuesday, but his website is already up and running:

Christie launches presidential campaign website -

Chris Christie

He will be Republican no. 15

Kasich is announcing on July 21st.

Ohio s Kasich to enter Republican presidential race July 21 Politico Reuters

Assuming that no one announces in between, then Kasich would be Republican no. 16.

The only expected candidate still out is Scott Walker. He would be Republican no. 17.


Damn. I've never seen so many people that wanted to lose to Jeb.
fact: Kennedy won for many reasons, but he was Handsome!
Clinton? Charisma and he was Handsome!
Rubio? He is Hispanic,From Florida, doesnt need a teleprompter, and Very Handsome.
Kennedy won because Mayor Richard Daley arranged for 100,000 fraudulent votes to be cast in Illinois and thousands of votes being thrown out in Texas, where LBJ was Senator (fraudulently, as well).

Ahhhh, more 1960 butthurt.

I love watching Righties scream. Since most all of them cannot debate for shit, the only thing left to do is to laugh at them.


It's against the rules of the RW cult to ever admit that any Democrat ever won an election fair and square.

Everyone is out to get the rightwingers. Victimology.
fact: Kennedy won for many reasons, but he was Handsome!
Clinton? Charisma and he was Handsome!
Rubio? He is Hispanic,From Florida, doesnt need a teleprompter, and Very Handsome.
Kennedy won because Mayor Richard Daley arranged for 100,000 fraudulent votes to be cast in Illinois and thousands of votes being thrown out in Texas, where LBJ was Senator (fraudulently, as well).

lol, seriously. We're victims, cry the RWnuts, victims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fact: Kennedy won for many reasons, but he was Handsome!
Clinton? Charisma and he was Handsome!
Rubio? He is Hispanic,From Florida, doesnt need a teleprompter, and Very Handsome.
Kennedy won because Mayor Richard Daley arranged for 100,000 fraudulent votes to be cast in Illinois and thousands of votes being thrown out in Texas, where LBJ was Senator (fraudulently, as well).

lol, seriously. We're victims, cry the RWnuts, victims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Christie will get the donut shop owner vote, but he'll lose out on the Jennie Craig vote. But he will get the hot dog pizza vote, but then lose out on the stairmaster vote. He'll likely get the supersize-it vote, but then unfortunately lose the lettuce growers vote.

Hmm, tough call on that guy.
You get the stupid vote for that post!

Gracias, mon frère.
I like Kasich. Unfortunateley, he is not bugshit crazy enough or deceptive enough or hypocritical enough to make it through the primaries. The obedient rubes won't hear a word he says. They will block him out. And all the sane people are too sick and disgusted by years of lies and betrayals and hypocrisy to turn out in numbers.

Nonetheless, I look forward to reading his positions on the issues facing our country. He has already proven he can balance the federal budget, create jobs, and cut taxes while chewing gum at the same time.
I might just vote in the primaries this time, just to cast a symbolic vote for Kasich. He needs to hear from somebody that he is doing it right.

Think about that the next time you vote for a lesser evil. You are still voting for evil, and you are telling him that he is doing something right.

Or you can start voting for the right people in the primaries.
Christie is in on coming Tuesday, but his website is already up and running:

Christie launches presidential campaign website -

Chris Christie

He will be Republican no. 15

Kasich is announcing on July 21st.

Ohio s Kasich to enter Republican presidential race July 21 Politico Reuters

Assuming that no one announces in between, then Kasich would be Republican no. 16.

The only expected candidate still out is Scott Walker. He would be Republican no. 17.

Christie's comments that he learned his values from his mother was priceless. What was she, a dockyard loan shark? LOL

Kasich cannot win the nomination after taking the obamacare money.
Kasich cannot win the nomination after taking the obamacare money.
This is the part where the obedient rubes line up to drink that piss.

Kasich's state was forced to pay for Medicaid expansion in all 50 states. The pragmatic thing to do for the taxpayers of his state was to go out and get some of that money back.

ObamaCare is here to stay. Kasich is smart enough to see that. The rubes aren't.

The rubes haven't figured out the GOP abdicated on health care a long, long time ago. All the harping and screaming coming from the GOP is theater for the rubes. The GOP sold everyone down the health insurance river decades ago.

But you are exactly right. The rubes will never figure this out, and so Kasich taking back that Medicaid money that came out of his state's pockets is going to be portrayed as something entirely different to protect the deception.
I'm not saying it was a motivation for Roberts, but it cannot be lost on him that the Obamacare decision is a huge boon for the gop in this election. An opposite result would have exposed the gop's inability to govern, and motivated votes for the dems.
If all the red states "took the Obamacare money", then the true costs of ObamaCare would have been more quickly revealed. The GOP really sucks at strategy. Instead of stupid rube theater bullshit like 50+ futile repeals of ObamaCare in the House, they should have been taking all that money and showing just how much bullshit Obama's "not one dime added to the federal deficit" really was.

The red states are giving ObamaCare free support. Well done, retards!
I'm not saying it was a motivation for Roberts, but it cannot be lost on him that the Obamacare decision is a huge boon for the gop in this election. An opposite result would have exposed the gop's inability to govern, and motivated votes for the dems.
True. Now the GOP Establishment gets to wail and moan and gnash their teeth on camera while secretly breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, support for ObamaCare grows. And the Republicans STILL have no comprehenseive alternative plan on the table, SIX YEARS LATER.

This is how you know they secretly abdicated on the issue a long time ago.

It is positively amazing the rubes haven't caught on, and it bodes very badly for sane people like Kasich.

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