Christie and Kasich to enter Presidential race

Christie only chance of getting near the Oval office is as a VP candidate to either Bush or Kasich because he will not win his party nomination.

I am not sold Hillary Clinton can win a national election against someone like Kasich, but will beat every tea party candidate with her eyes closed.

Kasich may possibly win Ohio's 18 and if he selects Rubio could very well Win Florida. This would be a strong ticket.
All I want is someone to stand for America and the Constitu
"Christie launches presidential campaign website -"

Now this will be interesting.

Does Christie have the courage and strength of character to reject the social right agenda and run as a moderate, or does he do a Romney and go faux socon.

Christie is viewed as a RINO by the true conservatives, the left will never vote for him. He's a non issue
I have no use for Kasich after he pushed Medicaid expansion.
Walker will kick Democrat azz.
How many viable candidates do Democrats have?

That's right. Medicaid expansion will surely help people in need, will surely save hundreds, maybe thousands of lives. Can't be having that now, can we?
Medicaid expansion dumps hundreds of thousands of people on an already burdened system, causing hardship to those already on it and straining resources and demanding large tax increases to pay for it.
You dont think very much, do you?
Imagine, 16 Republicans brave enough to make a run for president.

But for Democrats?

Nope. Nobody but one brain-damaged old lady and a few potential candidates scared shitless she'd have them offed if they came out against her.
I tend to think Kasich is the GOP's best (not necessarily only) chance at the White House. Comes from a must win state for the GOP, not excitedly right wing and he's not a peacock like Cruz. That said, he has the personality of gravel and like every other GOP candidate he has to answer to/for the tea party.
well if we cant take ohio, we can always take the west if Rubio is the nominee. i just dont see Colorado,Nevada,and New Mexico all excited over Hillary when they see the possibility of the first latino president.
Imagine, 16 Republicans brave enough to make a run for president.

But for Democrats?

Nope. Nobody but one brain-damaged old lady and a few potential candidates scared shitless she'd have them offed if they came out against her.
Democrats: Party of Old White Rich People.

After this election articles will be titled "Does the Democratic Party Have A Future?"
I tend to think Kasich is the GOP's best (not necessarily only) chance at the White House. Comes from a must win state for the GOP, not excitedly right wing and he's not a peacock like Cruz. That said, he has the personality of gravel and like every other GOP candidate he has to answer to/for the tea party.
well if we cant take ohio, we can always take the west if Rubio is the nominee. i just dont see Colorado,Nevada,and New Mexico all excited over Hillary when they see the possibility of the first latino president.

I don't see anyone excited over Rubio, the boy needs to grow a little.
I tend to think Kasich is the GOP's best (not necessarily only) chance at the White House. Comes from a must win state for the GOP, not excitedly right wing and he's not a peacock like Cruz. That said, he has the personality of gravel and like every other GOP candidate he has to answer to/for the tea party.
well if we cant take ohio, we can always take the west if Rubio is the nominee. i just dont see Colorado,Nevada,and New Mexico all excited over Hillary when they see the possibility of the first latino president.

I don't see anyone excited over Rubio, the boy needs to grow a little.

All he has to do is win Florida as the VP portion of the ticket. Would also be nice to add another 10% of the Hispanic vote to the republican column.
I tend to think Kasich is the GOP's best (not necessarily only) chance at the White House. Comes from a must win state for the GOP, not excitedly right wing and he's not a peacock like Cruz. That said, he has the personality of gravel and like every other GOP candidate he has to answer to/for the tea party.
well if we cant take ohio, we can always take the west if Rubio is the nominee. i just dont see Colorado,Nevada,and New Mexico all excited over Hillary when they see the possibility of the first latino president.

I don't see anyone excited over Rubio, the boy needs to grow a little.

All he has to do is win Florida as the VP portion of the ticket. Would also be nice to add another 10% of the Hispanic vote to the republican column.

Possibly, but he dived on his own immigration policy, I don't see that as a way to attract latinos. Let's see if Rubio can even win Florida in the primary.
as we go into the primary season, the well informed voters are going to vote for a ticket that will take those 7/8 purple states. and we have the candidates.
Christie only chance of getting near the Oval office is as a VP candidate to either Bush or Kasich because he will not win his party nomination.

I am not sold Hillary Clinton can win a national election against someone like Kasich, but will beat every tea party candidate with her eyes closed.

Kasich may possibly win Ohio's 18 and if he selects Rubio could very well Win Florida. This would be a strong ticket.

If Kasich want Florida then take Jeb Bush and not Marco Rubio. Bush has more of a name than Rubio and would help Kasich more in the Hispanic\Latino community than many would realize.

Before someone utters Rubio is Cuban please remember he is Cuban like Cruz and is limited because of that, and the Bush name has a better track record in the Mexican and Hispanic community.

Just my two cents worth...
i live in Florida, and either one would take the state, but theres just something about Rubio, he is our breath of Fresh Air here. Women will vote for him for the same reason they voted for Bill.
fact: Kennedy won for many reasons, but he was Handsome!
Clinton? Charisma and he was Handsome!
Rubio? He is Hispanic,From Florida, doesnt need a teleprompter, and Very Handsome.
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I have no use for Kasich after he pushed Medicaid expansion.
Walker will kick Democrat azz.
How many viable candidates do Democrats have?

That's right. Medicaid expansion will surely help people in need, will surely save hundreds, maybe thousands of lives. Can't be having that now, can we?
Medicaid expansion dumps hundreds of thousands of people on an already burdened system, causing hardship to those already on it and straining resources and demanding large tax increases to pay for it.
You dont think very much, do you?

In the final analysis, with you, it's about the tax increases. Thanks for proving my point that the modern conservative has no interest in the well being of his fellow man, only the well being of the bottom line - money.
I have no use for Kasich after he pushed Medicaid expansion.
Walker will kick Democrat azz.
How many viable candidates do Democrats have?

That's right. Medicaid expansion will surely help people in need, will surely save hundreds, maybe thousands of lives. Can't be having that now, can we?
Medicaid expansion dumps hundreds of thousands of people on an already burdened system, causing hardship to those already on it and straining resources and demanding large tax increases to pay for it.
You dont think very much, do you?

In the final analysis, with you, it's about the tax increases. Thanks for proving my point that the modern conservative has no interest in the well being of his fellow man, only the well being of the bottom line - money.
You clearly are too stupid to engage. The first thing I wrote was it is unfair to those already on it.
You are a dolt.

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