Christie vetoes ‘trivial’ gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents

Big jerks make politics out of the deaths of those children. Check yourself.

Big jerks look at the massacre of 20 six year olds and say.......Too bad, nothing we can do about it
Oh...whats that sound I here? Hey right winger there are people (kooks) marching in the street. About a dozen old 1960's liberals protesting evil White people and their greed in America. Better stop posting and go catch em.
Spambot is sad and lonely. I don't think it has any friends.

s0n......why do you insist on pwning yourself daily??

You are talking about people having friends while rolling up epic post #'s on an internet message board. Dang s0n......people see that shit and the first thing they are saying to themselves is, "Fuck....this guy doesn't get out much does he?"


Social oddballs never did comprehend the social dynamic.:D
Big jerks make politics out of the deaths of those children. Check yourself.

Big jerks look at the massacre of 20 six year olds and say.......Too bad, nothing we can do about it
Oh...whats that sound I here? Hey right winger there are people (kooks) marching in the street. About a dozen old 1960's liberals protesting evil White people and their greed in America. Better stop posting and go catch em.

That's right.......these cheesedicks think they are going to change the culture popping up k00k fringe drivel in the nether-regions of the internet. In 2014, gun grabbing is about the most unpopular gig going. Well......according to Gallup that is!!!:coffee:

A huge majority are opposed to gun bans in 2014 >>>

fringe k00k lOsInG
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Epic Post count means actually having something to say.

Which you don't, spamming the board with the same tired pictures and posts.

Hence, Spambot.

Here's the thing, guy, even people who agree with you ignore you.
Epic Post count means actually having something to say.

Which you don't, spamming the board with the same tired pictures and posts.

Hence, Spambot.

Here's the thing, guy, even people who agree with you ignore you.

I could never understand why the right turned on him. He is still an ignorant Republican.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a gun control bill on Wednesday that would have banned magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“Mass violence will not end by changing the number of bullets loaded into a gun,” Christie said in his veto message. “I will not support such a trivial approach to the sanctity of human life, because this is not governing.”

Hours before Christie’s decision, several families from Newtown, Conn., personally delivered a petition to Christie to encourage him to reduce the legal limit of magazines. More than 55,000 individuals supported their request. The governor wasn’t available to meet with the parents who lost children in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“His refusal to meet with us is a cowardly political move, but his statement accusing us of ‘grandstanding’ and furthering ‘empty rhetoric’ is a blow to the memories of our children,” parents Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden, who both lost their first-grade sons in the shooting, jointly said in a statement on Wednesday. They asked that the leader explain his veto “by meeting with us and telling us to our faces that it wouldn’t have protected our own children and won’t save the lives of New Jersey’s children. We doubt he has the courage to face us.”

Christie vetoes 'trivial' gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents | MSNBC

Big jerk!!!

Christie owed those people nothing, he stated why he vetoed the bill, if they don't like it, can you say "tough shit"?

I wonder if you would think that if it had been your child. Empathy is something you're missing as well as common sense. All of you.

The shooter in sandy hook broke something like 9 laws....So you think if there had been a 10th "law" he would have said "Well, that's too much. I'll violate 9, but I won't break 10 laws"... :doubt:
I could never understand why the right turned on him. He is still an ignorant Republican.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a gun control bill on Wednesday that would have banned magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“Mass violence will not end by changing the number of bullets loaded into a gun,” Christie said in his veto message. “I will not support such a trivial approach to the sanctity of human life, because this is not governing.”

Hours before Christie’s decision, several families from Newtown, Conn., personally delivered a petition to Christie to encourage him to reduce the legal limit of magazines. More than 55,000 individuals supported their request. The governor wasn’t available to meet with the parents who lost children in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“His refusal to meet with us is a cowardly political move, but his statement accusing us of ‘grandstanding’ and furthering ‘empty rhetoric’ is a blow to the memories of our children,” parents Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden, who both lost their first-grade sons in the shooting, jointly said in a statement on Wednesday. They asked that the leader explain his veto “by meeting with us and telling us to our faces that it wouldn’t have protected our own children and won’t save the lives of New Jersey’s children. We doubt he has the courage to face us.”

Christie vetoes 'trivial' gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents | MSNBC

Big jerk!!!

Christie owed those people nothing, he stated why he vetoed the bill, if they don't like it, can you say "tough shit"?

I wonder if you would think that if it had been your child. Empathy is something you're missing as well as common sense. All of you.

i do believe you are a certified idiot, if someone killed any of my 3 children, i would want to extract every fucking drop of blood i could from the scumbag.., NOT the instrument that he used to kill one..,

this guy would win a beauty contest compared to what i would do to a person who killed one of my kids. if you thin...., oooops, FEEEEEL that punishing the weapon, i.e., club, rope, fire, knife, gun or whatever is the answer, THAT makes you a certifiable idiot!! missing common sense ??? that is the one MAJOR trait liberscum lack :up: ............. :lmao:
No other first world nation has anything like the gun death toll that we have in the US. So what do your fruitloops suggest doing about that? More guns?

how many other first world nations have a population of 300,000,000 citizens ??????

YES !!! by all means, more guns mean less crime.., two sets of data published by the FBI seven months apart show increased gun ownership coinciding with a reduction in violent crime.

Read more: FBI: More guns, less violent crime | The Daily Caller

personally i have no fruit loops i prefer Honeynut Cherios and now you say the FBI are fruitloops also haaaaa ! :lmao:
Big jerks make politics out of the deaths of those children. Check yourself.

Isn't that what "politics" ought to be, a discussion of what public policy should be.

Sandy Hook happened because a seriously disturbed man was able to get a hold of guns and kill 27 people. Including his mother and 20 children.

And how many laws did he break in the process? Do you really believe more laws would have stopped him? There are serial killers with much higher body counts than this punk and for some reason you folks don't demand rights be taken away from every citizen on their account.

Sure, murderers didn't follow the last law. But the next law, uh huh huh, they'll follow that one!
Isn't that what "politics" ought to be, a discussion of what public policy should be.

Sandy Hook happened because a seriously disturbed man was able to get a hold of guns and kill 27 people. Including his mother and 20 children.

And how many laws did he break in the process? Do you really believe more laws would have stopped him? There are serial killers with much higher body counts than this punk and for some reason you folks don't demand rights be taken away from every citizen on their account.

Yes, I think if you had laws that allowed you to take guns from mentally disturbed people, if you had laws that held gun sellers responsible for the damage that guns cause, if you had strict licensing and insurance requirements, we could have stopped him.

I think if we banned private gun ownership, which every other industrialized country has done, that would work, too.

The last sentence says it all, you want all guns banned, fuck off commie.
I could never understand why the right turned on him. He is still an ignorant Republican.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a gun control bill on Wednesday that would have banned magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

“Mass violence will not end by changing the number of bullets loaded into a gun,” Christie said in his veto message. “I will not support such a trivial approach to the sanctity of human life, because this is not governing.”

Hours before Christie’s decision, several families from Newtown, Conn., personally delivered a petition to Christie to encourage him to reduce the legal limit of magazines. More than 55,000 individuals supported their request. The governor wasn’t available to meet with the parents who lost children in the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“His refusal to meet with us is a cowardly political move, but his statement accusing us of ‘grandstanding’ and furthering ‘empty rhetoric’ is a blow to the memories of our children,” parents Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden, who both lost their first-grade sons in the shooting, jointly said in a statement on Wednesday. They asked that the leader explain his veto “by meeting with us and telling us to our faces that it wouldn’t have protected our own children and won’t save the lives of New Jersey’s children. We doubt he has the courage to face us.”

Christie vetoes 'trivial' gun control bill, angers Sandy Hook parents | MSNBC

Big jerk!!!

Christie owed those people nothing, he stated why he vetoed the bill, if they don't like it, can you say "tough shit"?

I wonder if you would think that if it had been your child. Empathy is something you're missing as well as common sense. All of you.

Maybe everyone that has had a son or daughter die in a war should demand an end to all future wars then demand the rest of the world protect us. Yea, that'll work. The liberal mindset, "Somebody else is responsible for my safety and NOBODY should be allowed to take care of themselves."
Big jerks make politics out of the deaths of those children. Check yourself.

Big jerks look at the massacre of 20 six year olds and say.......Too bad, nothing we can do about it
Oh...whats that sound I here? Hey right winger there are people (kooks) marching in the street. About a dozen old 1960's liberals protesting evil White people and their greed in America. Better stop posting and go catch em.

"here"..., like where is it ?

please..., HEAR !!
Isn't that what "politics" ought to be, a discussion of what public policy should be.

Sandy Hook happened because a seriously disturbed man was able to get a hold of guns and kill 27 people. Including his mother and 20 children.

And how many laws did he break in the process? Do you really believe more laws would have stopped him? There are serial killers with much higher body counts than this punk and for some reason you folks don't demand rights be taken away from every citizen on their account.

Yes, I think if you had laws that allowed you to take guns from mentally disturbed people, if you had laws that held gun sellers responsible for the damage that guns cause, if you had strict licensing and insurance requirements, we could have stopped him.

I think if we banned private gun ownership, which every other industrialized country has done, that would work, too.

Ever hear of a country named "Switzerland"?
Gun free zones are gay. All polls show about 75% of the country thinks so.....all the research bears it out.........then there are the connect the dots challenged.:2up::gay:
Oh, then you supported all the out-of-state money that came into California to support Proposition 8. After all, those out-of-state donors cared about Californians.

You had a problem with New Jersey being mentioned...
You must have me confused with someone else...the voices in your head, perhaps...?
...but then you think it's fine to throw CA into it. :lol: You're so simple!!!
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like it when her hypocrisy is pointed out. :lol:

Yes, and that would be YOU. It is so obvious that all you are doing is deflecitng. Whether or not I supported Prop 8 has absolutely nothing to do with what I asked you.
You had a problem with New Jersey being mentioned...
You must have me confused with someone else...the voices in your head, perhaps...?
...but then you think it's fine to throw CA into it. :lol: You're so simple!!!
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like it when her hypocrisy is pointed out. :lol:

Yes, and that would be YOU. It is so obvious that all you are doing is deflecitng. Whether or not I supported Prop 8 has absolutely nothing to do with what I asked you.

See, that's why I generally don't even bother with you.

I didn't ask if you supported Prop 8. I asked if you supported the out-of-state money coming in to sway the referendum.

And apparently the answer depends on whether or not you support the cause.

See? You're a hypocrite. Own it.

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