Christie's Press Conference March 28, 2014

That so-called press conference was nothing more than a long campaign speech. Why does anyone think this is over?

NJ press is calling it 'a million dollar whitewash' and the real investigation isn't finished yet. He could still end up with Rod Blagojevich as a roommate.

Or maybe he really is not the corrupt bully we all know he is. Maybe he's just misunderstood.

Having lived in New Jersey for the last 10 years I think Bridget Kelly is in fear for her life. I'm not kidding. Forget about her ever "working in this town" again. Same for Wildstein. And that nice Stepien fellow. Now Samson has quit. Yeah, but Christie didn't have a fucking thing to do with Bridgegate. The bodies keep piling up but he didn't know a damn thing.

And he knows that the right's inability to recall anything that happened last week, much less last year, will play well for him in 2016.
Christie is not nearly sufficiently experienced to become President.

Now if he were to win as Hillary's VP candidate then the eight years OJT might make it workable.

After all, he's aping Hillary in so many ways; why not apprentice himself?

You're not serious, right? Certainly someone can't be this stupid, right? Please tell me that after the 5+ years of waste laid bare by this loser of an inexperienced President you're not serious. Right?

Sometimes sarcasm can be too subtle.

I guess I overestimated the ability.........
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Let's hope Christie learned his lesson. It doesn't do any good for a republican to pretend to be a democrat. Holding hands in moonlight walks with Barry Obama won't get the support from the left wing media. Even supporting the basic tenant of the democrat party, abortion, won't get a pass with the mainstream media. A republican like Christie needs to have the balls to be a republican. That's why he was elected.

I can see Chris Christie's helicopter from my house.

I really can. And you should see that damn thing wobble on take off.


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