Christmas Tree Banned In "Israel"


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
Israeli Speaker Yuli Edelstein Denies Christmas Tree Request |

Christmas Tree is also banned in Nazareth the bastion of christianism, as it is stated:
"This isn’t the first ban on Christmas trees in Israel. The mayor of a Jewish town bordering Nazareth has refused to allow town-sponsored Christmas trees in the past, despite the fact that the town has some Christian residents."
Those criminals consider it as jewish religious state!
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Nice assist, Freeman.
Don´t know why you post a Christmas related topic in Summer. You try to troll?

However, if some Israelis don´t like Santa, it doesn´t matter as he did´t make it to Israel anyway.

What these Muslims like Freeman don't tell us that in the Muslim country in which they were born, people who are non Muslims or even Muslims of least favored sects are not allowed to practice their beliefs in peace. Instead they are harassed, thrown in jail for allegedly committing blasphemy, and even killed. By the way, speaking of Christnmas, how come Freeman didn't mention that no only are trees banned in Saudi Arabia, but also all the other things associated with Christmas, such as wreathes for the doors, Christmas greeting cards for friends, etc. In fact, when a friend of mine was sent over to Saudi Arabia to work as a Civil Engineer for the firm Bechtel, he was told to not show his Crucifix that he wore or else he stood a good chance of being murdered. I am sure in Israel people of all religions enjoy seeing the festive Christmas trees around town. No doubt the malls are decorated for Christmas the same way we see them here in the States.
Nice assist, Freeman.
Don´t know why you post a Christmas related topic in Summer. You try to troll?

However, if some Israelis don´t like Santa, it doesn´t matter as he did´t make it to Israel anyway.

So you are "israeli" defending syrian regime?
It's not wondering.
Nice assist, Freeman.
Don´t know why you post a Christmas related topic in Summer. You try to troll?

However, if some Israelis don´t like Santa, it doesn´t matter as he did´t make it to Israel anyway.

So you are "israeli" defending syrian regime?
It's not wondering.

If Freeman can't discern that the poster is not Israeli, then he really can't read English that well to see what the poster has brought up. Did anyone ever see a person born in America say, "It's not wonderin." like Freeman just did? By the way, Bleipriester, you are smart enough to figure out that Freeman is a Muslim from a foreign country. Hmm, wonder what country that might be.
Israeli Speaker Yuli Edelstein Denies Christmas Tree Request |

Christmas Tree is also banned in Nazareth the bastion of christianism, as it is stated:
"This isn’t the first ban on Christmas trees in Israel. The mayor of a Jewish town bordering Nazareth has refused to allow town-sponsored Christmas trees in the past, despite the fact that the town has some Christian residents."
Those criminals consider it as jewish religious state!

So? What's the point? Are all religious displays treated equally?

And, yeah you putting "Israel" in quotes makes it obvious that you are intentionally being disingenuous.

It isn't Israel, it isn't the town. It isn't even all of the parlamentary building. He can decorate his office any way he like. In fact, I'm sure everone would enjoy it, even most people that are Jewish and Muslim. Most everyone enjoys festive decor. That is why people plan vacations to other places during festivals. Festivals have even become planned expecting tourists.

Not liking festivals and festival decor, religious or othrwise is like not liking puppies. Everyone likes puppies. The world isn't made up of assholes.

Your not an asshole are you? You do like puppies, right?
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I'm glad to hear it. The tree is based on paganism. So is Santa - Satan. Just an inversion of the name. Satan is not the gift giver. Jesus is. We do not need a tree, an Easter bunny or any other pagan rituals. Tell the Roman Catholics who introduced all of it - a big no thank you. It was never a part of the early church. For that matter neither were the Roman Catholics! Those who departed from the truth are those who followed these Romans...

There are many lovely Catholic people and I pray the LORD rescue them, awaken them to the truth and free them from the devilish doctrines of the RCC.
Nice assist, Freeman.
Don´t know why you post a Christmas related topic in Summer. You try to troll?

However, if some Israelis don´t like Santa, it doesn´t matter as he did´t make it to Israel anyway.

So you are "israeli" defending syrian regime?
It's not wondering.

If Freeman can't discern that the poster is not Israeli, then he really can't read English that well to see what the poster has brought up. Did anyone ever see a person born in America say, "It's not wonderin." like Freeman just did? By the way, Bleipriester, you are smart enough to figure out that Freeman is a Muslim from a foreign country. Hmm, wonder what country that might be.
Some Caliphate I´d guess...

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