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I believe Christ was born and lived, died, and was resurrected. I believe he was fully human and also the Son of God. I believe he died to offer me salvation and eternal life. All the trappings, the pagan overlayment, the Santas and gifts, etc., do not negate the underlying truth.
Because Jesus died for me.

Christmas is the one time every year my family is guaranteed to be together. It's the one time those I spend the day with put our differences aside and enjoy the day. The lights and decorations are awesome and giving and receiving gifts makes it a wonderful time of year. It's also a time of year when people are most generous to those in need. My family does stockings every year for kids less fortunate.

IMO, those who don't celebrate Christmas because of religion are missing out. You don't need to believe in my religion to at least enjoy the spirit and good will. To each his own.
My office is closed.

What else am I going to do? My wife wouldn't believe me if I told her I had to work.

Is it Jan. 4th yet??????

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