Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘Christmas is canceled’ while carrying blood-red mock Nativity scene through NYC

Yup. Jews don’t interfere with Christian observance.

Reminds me of one year at work where we had a Christmas tree in the lobby. Very pretty, and it added a lot of color to our dull reception area. Well. One morning I come in, still a few days before Christmas, and it’s gone.

When I asked why, someine told me that an employee complained about it. Great, I thought. They’ll all think it was me. But, no surprise here, it turned out to be a liberal atheist.
IMHO---every person involved in the blood-red Nativity scene should be IN JAIL. Prosecutors are NIMBLE when it comes to conjuring up a charge when they WANT TO BE.
You can criticize. You just can’t march around screaming “Death to Jews” - although far-left presidents of Ivy colleges think it’s OK.
I agree that inciting violence is beyond the 1st Amendment rights, as Trump did on 1/6/21. Demonstrating and screaming "Death to Muslims" or "Death to Christians" or "Death to Liberals/Conservatives/others" is also reprehensible. However, "Death to Putin" (warmonger & human rights criminal) is valid and appropriate.
I agree that inciting violence is beyond the 1st Amendment rights, as Trump did on 1/6/21. Demonstrating and screaming "Death to Muslims" or "Death to Christians" or "Death to Liberals/Conservatives/others" is also reprehensible. However, "Death to Putin" (warmonger & human rights criminal) is valid and appropriate.
he did incite nothing dem. it was proven he didnt at the his empeachment trial.
Certainly put a damper on those that came to celebrate Christmas and visit NYC and the Christmas tree. Fuck 'em, huh?
it interfered with the ability for the little shops to MAKE A LIVING---now---during a time of economic distress---(like a dozen eggs for four
bucks!!!!) the protesters should ALL be in jail
They’re blinded by their leftism. Just yesterday an unnamed mod was calling me a bigot because I didn’t want to invite in more Jew-hating Palestinians - the very people who supported HAMAS beheading Jewish babies.
he did incite nothing dem. it was proven he didnt at the his empeachment trial.
"Proven" is not the valid word. Liz Cheney & Adam Kinzinger, among others, provided LOTS of evidence at Trump's impeachment, but the spineless Trump-fearing Senators (only 1/3 needed in Senate) derailed the obvious: Donald Trump incited the violence against the Capital.
Certainly put a damper on those that came to celebrate Christmas and visit NYC and the Christmas tree. Fuck 'em, huh?
Loking at all of the photos, I'd say the tourists and others should've been made to pay admission. :auiqs.jpg:

Lighten up. There's only so much feigned and manufactured outrage others can put up with.
Loking at all of the photos, I'd say the tourists and others should've been made to pay admission. :auiqs.jpg:

Lighten up. There's only so much feigned and manufactured outrage others can put up with.
You think the outrage of these Jew hating protesters was feigned and manufactured? They seemed very angry and hateful to me.
I agree that inciting violence is beyond the 1st Amendment rights, as Trump did on 1/6/21. Demonstrating and screaming "Death to Muslims" or "Death to Christians" or "Death to Liberals/Conservatives/others" is also reprehensible. However, "Death to Putin" (warmonger & human rights criminal) is valid and appropriate.
Trump did not incite violence.

The subhumans you support want a world where nobody is allowed to oppose their cult.
Trump did not incite violence.

The subhumans you support want a world where nobody is allowed to oppose their cult.
Of course Trump incited the Capital violence that occurred after his speech promoting his stupid false claim that "election was stolen" LOL!
Why don't you learn what "incite" means?

What cult? I don't support Trump!
Of course Trump incited the Capital violence that occurred after his speech promoting his stupid false claim that "election was stolen" LOL!
Why don't you learn what "incite" means?

What cult? I don't support Trump!
How old are you, child?

You sound quite young, brainwashed and ignorant.
How old are you, child?

You sound quite young, brainwashed and ignorant.
Like Trump and his patsies, you jump to stupid conclusions that support your ignorant beliefs ... because it makes you feel good? How immature.
Why don't you provide some evidence before expressing your idiocy?
Like Trump and his patsies, you jump to stupid conclusions that support your ignorant beliefs ... because it makes you feel good? How immature.
Why don't you provide some evidence before expressing your idiocy?
Still living with Mom and Dad, I see.


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