Christopher Steele admits the Trump dossier is trumped up...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
While he was confident in his dossier when it was released in 2016, a report released on Friday showed that in court for a libel suit against BuzzFeed — the publication which released the so-called “Trump dossier” to the public — former British spy Christopher Steele admitted that the dossier was merely “possible,” not fact, and based on unreliable information and “limited intelligence.”

Fake Trump dossier 'author' confesses to using 'unverified' info
Dems pay for the fake Dossier.

DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

DOJ uses information obtained during Ilegal spying to launch Independent Investigation into Trump/Putin rigging the 2016 election.

DOJ charges Flynn with procedural crimes...nothing to do with Putin.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the liberals are just fucking filthy.
The establishment never imagined they would lose the election, hence the corruption, lies, and law breaking they never thought they would get caught doing.
I voted for the platform, not the assets of the candidate.
...and the platform is being built one plank at a time....despite the obstruction by the braindead Democrat Party and the RINOs. Donald Trump is a true WINNER!
The establishment never imagined they would lose the election, hence the corruption, lies, and law breaking they never thought they would get caught doing.

This is 100% correct, and why they HAVE to get Trump out of office.

They said that Hillary screamed it herself on election night after she lost....”We are fucked!”

She thought she would win and could just cover up the corruption.

The establishment never imagined they would lose the election, hence the corruption, lies, and law breaking they never thought they would get caught doing.

This is 100% correct, and why they HAVE to get Trump out of office.

They said that Hillary screamed it herself on election night after she lost....”We are fucked!”

She thought she would win and could just cover up the corruption.


Exactly. Abusing government agencies to attack your opponents in an election, rampant partisan corruption, illegal wiretaps, leaks, fabrication, ALL would have been ignored had Hillary won.
I love how HIllary always claims that her corruption has been debunked by credible sources, but she won’t just say it for herself and expain specifically why the allegations are not true.

She has never explained why Russia paid $145 million to the Clinton Foundation while she brokered a dea, with Russia through Uranium One for Russia to Control 20% of the US uranium reserves.

Putin is evil....we all know this....hence the investigation into Putin rigging the 2016 POTUS election...yet, it’s fine for Russia to control 20% of the US uranium?

Why? How did that deal benefit America? Specifically?
I voted for the platform, not the assets of the candidate.
...and the platform is being built one plank at a time....despite the obstruction by the braindead Democrat Party and the RINOs. Donald Trump is a true WINNER!
That's because both parties like their corporate contributions.
Please don't tell me you're that naive.
If the Democrat Party truly liked corporate contributions, the vote for the tax cuts would have been unanimous. It takes a braindead Democrat to vote against a reduction from 35 to 21 percent, despite their equally asinine reluctance to reducing taxes for the American workers.
I voted for the platform, not the assets of the candidate.
...and the platform is being built one plank at a time....despite the obstruction by the braindead Democrat Party and the RINOs. Donald Trump is a true WINNER!
That's because both parties like their corporate contributions.
Please don't tell me you're that naive.
If the Democrat Party truly liked corporate contributions, the vote for the tax cuts would have been unanimous. It takes a braindead Democrat to vote against a reduction from 35 to 21 percent, despite their equally asinine reluctance to reducing taxes for the American workers.
You do realize that everyone in Congress has Insider information and is well invested.
Every Democrat in Congress is making a killing and will not rescind this Tax legislation unless they can find an alternative to continue making huge profits,
I voted for the platform, not the assets of the candidate.
...and the platform is being built one plank at a time....despite the obstruction by the braindead Democrat Party and the RINOs. Donald Trump is a true WINNER!
That's because both parties like their corporate contributions.
Please don't tell me you're that naive.
If the Democrat Party truly liked corporate contributions, the vote for the tax cuts would have been unanimous. It takes a braindead Democrat to vote against a reduction from 35 to 21 percent, despite their equally asinine reluctance to reducing taxes for the American workers.
You do realize that everyone in Congress has Insider information and is well invested.
Every Democrat in Congress is making a killing and will not rescind this Tax legislation unless they can find an alternative to continue making huge profits,

Speaking of inside information, Congress does not have to follow the same insider trading information that everyone else in the USA must follow.
Forget about the uranium deal. It is literally insignificant. We have all the uranium we will ever need, even if every uranium mining operation in the world shut down tomorrow. The tons and tons of spent fuel sitting at our nuke electric plants can easily be re - processed FOREVER. The decision to not use that technology was entirely political, and not based in law, safety, or science.
I will explain politicians for you, they believe they are underpaid and cheated that's why there is so much corruption and scheming to enrich themselves at all levels of government.

This attitude has infested government workers from the top down. I was waiting for a to-go order the other day and was sitting next to a couple of public employees. They were discussing whether the one guy should retire when he had his 20 years in or keep working. They decided he should retire with 20 years, but work a ton of overtime during his last year to fraudulently increase his pension as the pension is based on the top 3 highest years of earnings.

This is not the first time I have heard of this public employee scheme, its rampant in NY. Why do they allow public employees to get away with this fraud and bilk the taxpayers for decades of inflated pension costs? Because this I'm going to get mine screw the taxpayers mentality is the norm.
I voted for the platform, not the assets of the candidate.
...and the platform is being built one plank at a time....despite the obstruction by the braindead Democrat Party and the RINOs. Donald Trump is a true WINNER!
That's because both parties like their corporate contributions.
Please don't tell me you're that naive.
If the Democrat Party truly liked corporate contributions, the vote for the tax cuts would have been unanimous. It takes a braindead Democrat to vote against a reduction from 35 to 21 percent, despite their equally asinine reluctance to reducing taxes for the American workers.
You do realize that everyone in Congress has Insider information and is well invested.
Every Democrat in Congress is making a killing and will not rescind this Tax legislation unless they can find an alternative to continue making huge profits,
That is why we need term limits...something that the crooks in both major parties will never vote upon themselves. They enjoy the undeserved wealth made available to all entrenched members of Congress.
While he was confident in his dossier when it was released in 2016, a report released on Friday showed that in court for a libel suit against BuzzFeed — the publication which released the so-called “Trump dossier” to the public — former British spy Christopher Steele admitted that the dossier was merely “possible,” not fact, and based on unreliable information and “limited intelligence.”

Fake Trump dossier 'author' confesses to using 'unverified' info
That story is linking to an illegitimate news source, washington times, which was founded by cult leader Sun Myung Moon (the moonies). Gotta find more credible sources than that.
Reality is that dossier is looking more real. And was originally funded by Paul Singer, else why would Bannon be out to destroy him.
The establishment never imagined they would lose the election, hence the corruption, lies, and law breaking they never thought they would get caught doing.
If one thing is clear, it's that they thought they would never get caught. Now they are allscurrying like cockroaches when the lights are turned on.

This thing is 100 times bigger than Watergate. These turds are actually trying to overthrow a lawfully elected government. Hillary and her minions would all be behind bars if the FBI had done its job.
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I voted for the platform, not the assets of the candidate.
...and the platform is being built one plank at a time....despite the obstruction by the braindead Democrat Party and the RINOs. Donald Trump is a true WINNER!
That's because both parties like their corporate contributions.
Please don't tell me you're that naive.
If the Democrat Party truly liked corporate contributions, the vote for the tax cuts would have been unanimous. It takes a braindead Democrat to vote against a reduction from 35 to 21 percent, despite their equally asinine reluctance to reducing taxes for the American workers.
You do realize that everyone in Congress has Insider information and is well invested.
Every Democrat in Congress is making a killing and will not rescind this Tax legislation unless they can find an alternative to continue making huge profits,
That is why we need term limits...something that the crooks in both major parties will never vote upon themselves. They enjoy the undeserved wealth made available to all entrenched members of Congress.
I agree, but it's the swamp rats themselves who vote on these matters.
We need a National Proposition.
He's a conman, supported and protected by the Canadian apparatus. How else do you think a British spy passes such a fake dossier over to McCain in Nova Scotia? It was a coordinated effort.

Canada is exploiting you America, the sooner you realize the abuses and anti-liberty, anti-constitution, anti-American elements within our system of police agencies, the better you will be to defend yourself against it. The fact that Trump declared trade a National Security issue, suggest he and his team get it.

Fusion GPS Dossier, Uranium One, Norsat International. All within a short period of time, and there is more. Much much more...

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