Christopher Steele admits the Trump dossier is trumped up...

What a hypocrite you are. The dossier has been exposed as a fraud. Steele admitted as much himself. The spying on Trump was initiated by a fraudulent 'document'. Chew on that!

No he didn't say that.
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified


You don't understand the difference between verified and fraud.

The U.S. government... has CONFIRMED that parts of the dossier have been corroborated.

NOTHING of serious consequence has EVER been verified except Page's trip to RUssia. And most of it by Steele''s OWN WORDS is unverifiable.

Wait, are you a member of Congress that has been in on the investigations? Do you work for the Mueller team? If not, you don't know everything that has been verified.

COMEY said "most of it is unverifiable". The guy who conjures the shit up agrees. NOTHING of import except the Page visit to Russia has EVER been verified.

Clapper -- the lying bastard who MADE it into an "intel doc" has made a lot of fucking claims. But his credibility is zilch. Like the claim that 16 Intel Agencies SIGNED OFF on his phony public disinformation paper he called "an Intel report".
You can't get an item of value from a forum government for a campaign.

Well DAYUM lewdoggie. Isn't that what PAYING a former FOREIGN SPY to bribe Russian Intel agents for DIRT is all about? ESPECIALLY when that "item of value" is PAID FOR by the freaking DNC/Clinton campaign and POSSIBLY our "non-partisan" FBI as well.

HOW in Fuck's name don't you see this?

They didn't hire him, they hired Fusion GPS. Steele is no longer an employee of the British government.

Is he NOT A foreigner? Did he not use his stipend from Fusion to buy scandalous fairy tales from ACTUAL Russian spies? Who paid for all that? Who paid Fusion GPS? Which FBI agent close to the Hillary/Trump investigations has a WIFE that WORKS for Fusion?

A Republican started it... then the DNC picked it up, but Fusion GPS is not a foreign government. Fusion GPS is based in Washington, DC.

Oh holy bullshit. Using an intermediary or two does NOT exonerate you from the law. The PRODUCT they paid for and received contained items of value that CAME thru foreign sources. THEY WROTE THE CHECK for the product. That's the verdict that will come down eventually.

He is an employee of Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS is an American company based in Washington DC.

I'll stop here because you'll "chew on this" for pages. :rolleyes:
Your idiotic claim goes unsubstantiated. Provide evidence or shut the fuck up!

You can't get an item of value from a forum government for a campaign.

Well DAYUM lewdoggie. Isn't that what PAYING a former FOREIGN SPY to bribe Russian Intel agents for DIRT is all about? ESPECIALLY when that "item of value" is PAID FOR by the freaking DNC/Clinton campaign and POSSIBLY our "non-partisan" FBI as well.

HOW in Fuck's name don't you see this?

They didn't hire him, they hired Fusion GPS. Steele is no longer an employee of the British government.

Is he NOT A foreigner? Did he not use his stipend from Fusion to buy scandalous fairy tales from ACTUAL Russian spies? Who paid for all that? Who paid Fusion GPS? Which FBI agent close to the Hillary/Trump investigations has a WIFE that WORKS for Fusion?

A Republican started it... then the DNC picked it up, but Fusion GPS is not a foreign government. Fusion GPS is based in Washington, DC.
A Republican started an effort to get random dirt on Trump. The DNC , Hillary and the FBI paid for the fake dossier. You need to pay attention to the daily news.

You don't understand the difference between verified and fraud.

The U.S. government... has CONFIRMED that parts of the dossier have been corroborated.

NOTHING of serious consequence has EVER been verified except Page's trip to RUssia. And most of it by Steele''s OWN WORDS is unverifiable.

Wait, are you a member of Congress that has been in on the investigations? Do you work for the Mueller team? If not, you don't know everything that has been verified.

COMEY said "most of it is unverifiable". The guy who conjures the shit up agrees. NOTHING of import except the Page visit to Russia has EVER been verified.

Clapper -- the lying bastard who MADE it into an "intel doc" has made a lot of fucking claims. But his credibility is zilch. Like the claim that 16 Intel Agencies SIGNED OFF on his phony public disinformation paper he called "an Intel report".

Comey was fired before Mueller's investigation started... you have NO IDEA what has been confirmed or not, because it is still being investigated.
Your idiotic claim goes unsubstantiated. Provide evidence or shut the fuck up!

You can't get an item of value from a forum government for a campaign.
You consider that asinine statement to be evidence? Did you mean foreign government? If so, your statement is still without merit. You can get information from any and all sources.

Yes, damn auto-correct. A foreign government... No, you can not get information from a foreign government to use in a campaign.
You can lawfully get information from any source you choose. You cannot PAY a foreign government for information on a political opponent.

Did you read the law?

"Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States; "

Foreign nationals -

Opposition research has value... don't believe me? Look up how much the Republican and DNC paid Fusion GPS.
That's exactly what I said, you dumb fuck! It is illegal to PAY a foreign government for information on an opponent. It is not illegal to receive information on an opponent. Trump Jr was OFFERED FREE information on Hillary. He went to a meeting in hopes of getting said free information. When it became apparent that the meeting was about something else, he left.

You are one dumb shithead! Pay fuckin' attention!

You don't understand the difference between verified and fraud.

The U.S. government... has CONFIRMED that parts of the dossier have been corroborated.

NOTHING of serious consequence has EVER been verified except Page's trip to RUssia. And most of it by Steele''s OWN WORDS is unverifiable.

Wait, are you a member of Congress that has been in on the investigations? Do you work for the Mueller team? If not, you don't know everything that has been verified.

COMEY said "most of it is unverifiable". The guy who conjures the shit up agrees. NOTHING of import except the Page visit to Russia has EVER been verified.

Clapper -- the lying bastard who MADE it into an "intel doc" has made a lot of fucking claims. But his credibility is zilch. Like the claim that 16 Intel Agencies SIGNED OFF on his phony public disinformation paper he called "an Intel report".

Comey was fired before Mueller's investigation started... you have NO IDEA what has been confirmed or not, because it is still being investigated.

No dice. It was lie that the dossier was vetted by 16 Intel Agencies. NOTHING can be vetted nor take that long to analyze.

You still chewing? Chew on the hypocrisy of what you're accusing the Trump campaign of doing. The DNC is guiltier than OJ of doing it in spades.
Not a hypocrite. I'm looking at the bigger picture and issues. And the ONLY thing that matters to me is EVERYBODY'S right to expect privacy in their "papers and effects". If the politicians are no longer on the same Constitutional page -- I'm not gonna get outraged when THEY (who have nothing to hide ostensibly) get their OWN "papers and effects" stolen. Told you -- I love the irony and the teaching moment. I'm all for the "Watchmen" that aren't doing their job to get robbed. Deal with it. I answered you question COMPLETELY and a bit more.

Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.
What a hypocrite you are. The dossier has been exposed as a fraud. Steele admitted as much himself. The spying on Trump was initiated by a fraudulent 'document'. Chew on that!

No he didn't say that.
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified


You don't understand the difference between verified and fraud.

The U.S. government... has CONFIRMED that parts of the dossier have been corroborated.
AH... NO...

FBI dircetor, under oath and in front of congress stated that nothing was verified just two weeks ago.. Your full of shit..
You don't understand the difference between verified and fraud.

The U.S. government... has CONFIRMED that parts of the dossier have been corroborated.

NOTHING of serious consequence has EVER been verified except Page's trip to RUssia. And most of it by Steele''s OWN WORDS is unverifiable.

Wait, are you a member of Congress that has been in on the investigations? Do you work for the Mueller team? If not, you don't know everything that has been verified.

COMEY said "most of it is unverifiable". The guy who conjures the shit up agrees. NOTHING of import except the Page visit to Russia has EVER been verified.

Clapper -- the lying bastard who MADE it into an "intel doc" has made a lot of fucking claims. But his credibility is zilch. Like the claim that 16 Intel Agencies SIGNED OFF on his phony public disinformation paper he called "an Intel report".

Comey was fired before Mueller's investigation started... you have NO IDEA what has been confirmed or not, because it is still being investigated.

No dice. It was lie that the dossier was vetted by 16 Intel Agencies. NOTHING can be vetted nor take that long to analyze.

You still chewing? Chew on the hypocrisy of what you're accusing the Trump campaign of doing. The DNC is guiltier than OJ of doing it in spades.

You're just mad that your hypocrisy on the whole issue got pointed out by me in this thread. You were ok with illegal information being used to influence the election, but you love to point out you don't support either political party...

You take the Machiavellian approach when it comes to the DNC, but want to defend Trump and his campaign.

I think Hillary and all the shit she has done is totally wrong... but she isn't the President and a danger to our country. Trump is... and continues to be. He knew Flynn was compromised... and didn't do anything about it when he was told so. The dossier wasn't the only thing that busted Flynn, the British government heard what he was doing during their surveillance of the Russians and told the U.S. government. You don't take the same Machiavellian approach when it comes to him... why? The Carter Page visit to Russia wasn't the only thing confirmed by the U.S. government, but we don't know what else has been... because it is STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION...

How about you get all your ducks in order before you start throwing stones?
NOTHING of serious consequence has EVER been verified except Page's trip to RUssia. And most of it by Steele''s OWN WORDS is unverifiable.

Wait, are you a member of Congress that has been in on the investigations? Do you work for the Mueller team? If not, you don't know everything that has been verified.

COMEY said "most of it is unverifiable". The guy who conjures the shit up agrees. NOTHING of import except the Page visit to Russia has EVER been verified.

Clapper -- the lying bastard who MADE it into an "intel doc" has made a lot of fucking claims. But his credibility is zilch. Like the claim that 16 Intel Agencies SIGNED OFF on his phony public disinformation paper he called "an Intel report".

Comey was fired before Mueller's investigation started... you have NO IDEA what has been confirmed or not, because it is still being investigated.

No dice. It was lie that the dossier was vetted by 16 Intel Agencies. NOTHING can be vetted nor take that long to analyze.

You still chewing? Chew on the hypocrisy of what you're accusing the Trump campaign of doing. The DNC is guiltier than OJ of doing it in spades.

You're just mad that your hypocrisy on the whole issue got pointed out by me in this thread. You were ok with illegal information being used to influence the election, but you love to point out you don't support either political party...

You take the Machiavellian approach when it comes to the DNC, but want to defend Trump and his campaign.

I think Hillary and all the shit she has done is totally wrong... but she isn't the President and a danger to our country. Trump is... and continues to be. He knew Flynn was compromised... and didn't do anything about it when he was told so. The dossier wasn't the only thing that busted Flynn, the British government heard what he was doing during their surveillance of the Russians and told the U.S. government. You don't take the same Machiavellian approach when it comes to him... why? The Carter Page visit to Russia wasn't the only thing confirmed by the U.S. government, but we don't know what else has been... because it is STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION...

How about you get all your ducks in order before you start throwing stones?

There's a world of diff between the Dems having cyber security issues in spades and paying for it and COLLUDING with foreigners to win an election.

I told you why I thought the DNC woes was a "teaching moment". I want them to feel the pain of having their "personal effects and papers" violated. So MAYBE -- they will get BACK to the TRUE LIBERAL position of not allowing the world's scariest and most powerful spy organization to be let loose ON US for domestic surveillance.

I'd weep for them if they WERE (as they SHOULD be) champions of MY Civil Liberties and privacy.
Wait, are you a member of Congress that has been in on the investigations? Do you work for the Mueller team? If not, you don't know everything that has been verified.

COMEY said "most of it is unverifiable". The guy who conjures the shit up agrees. NOTHING of import except the Page visit to Russia has EVER been verified.

Clapper -- the lying bastard who MADE it into an "intel doc" has made a lot of fucking claims. But his credibility is zilch. Like the claim that 16 Intel Agencies SIGNED OFF on his phony public disinformation paper he called "an Intel report".

Comey was fired before Mueller's investigation started... you have NO IDEA what has been confirmed or not, because it is still being investigated.

No dice. It was lie that the dossier was vetted by 16 Intel Agencies. NOTHING can be vetted nor take that long to analyze.

You still chewing? Chew on the hypocrisy of what you're accusing the Trump campaign of doing. The DNC is guiltier than OJ of doing it in spades.

You're just mad that your hypocrisy on the whole issue got pointed out by me in this thread. You were ok with illegal information being used to influence the election, but you love to point out you don't support either political party...

You take the Machiavellian approach when it comes to the DNC, but want to defend Trump and his campaign.

I think Hillary and all the shit she has done is totally wrong... but she isn't the President and a danger to our country. Trump is... and continues to be. He knew Flynn was compromised... and didn't do anything about it when he was told so. The dossier wasn't the only thing that busted Flynn, the British government heard what he was doing during their surveillance of the Russians and told the U.S. government. You don't take the same Machiavellian approach when it comes to him... why? The Carter Page visit to Russia wasn't the only thing confirmed by the U.S. government, but we don't know what else has been... because it is STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION...

How about you get all your ducks in order before you start throwing stones?

There's a world of diff between the Dems having cyber security issues in spades and paying for it and COLLUDING with foreigners to win an election.

I told you why I thought the DNC woes was a "teaching moment". I want them to feel the pain of having their "personal effects and papers" violated. So MAYBE -- they will get BACK to the TRUE LIBERAL position of not allowing the world's scariest and most powerful spy organization to be let loose ON US for domestic surveillance.

I'd weep for them if they WERE (as they SHOULD be) champions of MY Civil Liberties and privacy.

No you tried to disguise your bias by calling it a "teaching moment." That's not the same. :)
BTW -- If you've ever worked in Intel areas or held a clearance you KNOW that keeping PERSONAL secrets is what gets your clearances yanked and your job demoted. It's OK if you have personal issues like an affair if you can pick up the phone and call your wife and tell her. Because otherwise -- you're COMPROMISED. Like Flynn was when "he lied" to his bosses and a foreign power KNOWS THIS.

That's why Trump dismissed him. Also why Trump Jr was stupid enough to take a shady meeting with a lady ALSO RELATED TO FUSION GPS and a Russian Lawyer. Because the Trump Camp didn't HAVE a lot of folks who had HELD clearances and were savvy enough to KNOW what the risks were of being spoofed or surveilled or punked or compromised by a foreign power. Just naive. And no campaign ought to run without a security contact who advises and approves of EVERY contact with foreigners.

Being the former "head spook" of the DOD -- Flynn KNEW all this. And my theory was -- he was "stress testing" the leaks that were occurring to FOCUS IN ON who was doing the leaking out of US Intel or the FBI. I believe he did this on his own initiative to shield the campaign. It's the kind of thing he was VERY skilled at. That's why he got caught keeping the VP and the Prez unadvised of the details.

Also the reason he got a deal -- because he obtained leads on the leakers -- NO ONE wanted that info to come out.. You don't mess with former Boss Spooks. They will bury you in retribution every time.
COMEY said "most of it is unverifiable". The guy who conjures the shit up agrees. NOTHING of import except the Page visit to Russia has EVER been verified.

Clapper -- the lying bastard who MADE it into an "intel doc" has made a lot of fucking claims. But his credibility is zilch. Like the claim that 16 Intel Agencies SIGNED OFF on his phony public disinformation paper he called "an Intel report".

Comey was fired before Mueller's investigation started... you have NO IDEA what has been confirmed or not, because it is still being investigated.

No dice. It was lie that the dossier was vetted by 16 Intel Agencies. NOTHING can be vetted nor take that long to analyze.

You still chewing? Chew on the hypocrisy of what you're accusing the Trump campaign of doing. The DNC is guiltier than OJ of doing it in spades.

You're just mad that your hypocrisy on the whole issue got pointed out by me in this thread. You were ok with illegal information being used to influence the election, but you love to point out you don't support either political party...

You take the Machiavellian approach when it comes to the DNC, but want to defend Trump and his campaign.

I think Hillary and all the shit she has done is totally wrong... but she isn't the President and a danger to our country. Trump is... and continues to be. He knew Flynn was compromised... and didn't do anything about it when he was told so. The dossier wasn't the only thing that busted Flynn, the British government heard what he was doing during their surveillance of the Russians and told the U.S. government. You don't take the same Machiavellian approach when it comes to him... why? The Carter Page visit to Russia wasn't the only thing confirmed by the U.S. government, but we don't know what else has been... because it is STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION...

How about you get all your ducks in order before you start throwing stones?

There's a world of diff between the Dems having cyber security issues in spades and paying for it and COLLUDING with foreigners to win an election.

I told you why I thought the DNC woes was a "teaching moment". I want them to feel the pain of having their "personal effects and papers" violated. So MAYBE -- they will get BACK to the TRUE LIBERAL position of not allowing the world's scariest and most powerful spy organization to be let loose ON US for domestic surveillance.

I'd weep for them if they WERE (as they SHOULD be) champions of MY Civil Liberties and privacy.

No you tried to disguise your bias by calling it a "teaching moment." That's not the same. :)

Man you're slow. For the 4th time -- I APPROVE of the DNC information coming out of an illegal hack and I've more than explained WHY. And it has NOTHING to do with me being a fan of Trump or the RNC. It has EVERYTHING to do with wanting my country back from BIG BROTHER and the illegal MASSIVE domestic spying capabilities that have been built and activated in the past 10 years.
BTW -- If you've ever worked in Intel areas or held a clearance you KNOW that keeping PERSONAL secrets is what gets your clearances yanked and your job demoted. It's OK if you have personal issues like an affair if you can pick up the phone and call your wife and tell her. Because otherwise -- you're COMPROMISED. Like Flynn was when "he lied" to his bosses and a foreign power KNOWS THIS.

That's why Trump dismissed him. Also why Trump Jr was stupid enough to take a shady meeting with a lady ALSO RELATED TO FUSION GPS and a Russian Lawyer. Because the Trump Camp didn't HAVE a lot of folks who had HELD clearances and were savvy enough to KNOW what the risks were of being spoofed or surveilled or punked or compromised by a foreign power. Just naive. And no campaign ought to run without a security contact who advises and approves of EVERY contact with foreigners.

Being the former "head spook" of the DOD -- Flynn KNEW all this. And my theory was -- he was "stress testing" the leaks that were occurring to FOCUS IN ON who was doing the leaking out of US Intel or the FBI. I believe he did this on his own initiative to shield the campaign. It's the kind of thing he was VERY skilled at. That's why he got caught keeping the VP and the Prez unadvised of the details.

Also the reason he got a deal -- because he obtained leads on the leakers -- NO ONE wanted that info to come out.. You don't mess with former Boss Spooks. They will bury you in retribution every time.


You've jumped the shark. Flynn got busted and lied to the FBI... Trump knew he lied to the FBI. Trump was told Flynn lied to the FBI, and then took 18 days to fire him. Flynn got fired for being incompetent under Obama, but now you think he pulled off this undercover stunt to expose leaks.
Comey was fired before Mueller's investigation started... you have NO IDEA what has been confirmed or not, because it is still being investigated.

No dice. It was lie that the dossier was vetted by 16 Intel Agencies. NOTHING can be vetted nor take that long to analyze.

You still chewing? Chew on the hypocrisy of what you're accusing the Trump campaign of doing. The DNC is guiltier than OJ of doing it in spades.

You're just mad that your hypocrisy on the whole issue got pointed out by me in this thread. You were ok with illegal information being used to influence the election, but you love to point out you don't support either political party...

You take the Machiavellian approach when it comes to the DNC, but want to defend Trump and his campaign.

I think Hillary and all the shit she has done is totally wrong... but she isn't the President and a danger to our country. Trump is... and continues to be. He knew Flynn was compromised... and didn't do anything about it when he was told so. The dossier wasn't the only thing that busted Flynn, the British government heard what he was doing during their surveillance of the Russians and told the U.S. government. You don't take the same Machiavellian approach when it comes to him... why? The Carter Page visit to Russia wasn't the only thing confirmed by the U.S. government, but we don't know what else has been... because it is STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION...

How about you get all your ducks in order before you start throwing stones?

There's a world of diff between the Dems having cyber security issues in spades and paying for it and COLLUDING with foreigners to win an election.

I told you why I thought the DNC woes was a "teaching moment". I want them to feel the pain of having their "personal effects and papers" violated. So MAYBE -- they will get BACK to the TRUE LIBERAL position of not allowing the world's scariest and most powerful spy organization to be let loose ON US for domestic surveillance.

I'd weep for them if they WERE (as they SHOULD be) champions of MY Civil Liberties and privacy.

No you tried to disguise your bias by calling it a "teaching moment." That's not the same. :)

Man you're slow. For the 4th time -- I APPROVE of the DNC information coming out of an illegal hack and I've more than explained WHY. And it has NOTHING to do with me being a fan of Trump or the RNC. It has EVERYTHING to do with wanting my country back from BIG BROTHER and the illegal MASSIVE domestic spying capabilities that have been built and activated in the past 10 years.

For the 4th time you are a hypocrite. Do you know what Machiavellian means? It's when someone feels the ends justify the means, no matter what the cost. You support it when it comes to the corruption of the DNC being exposed, but not Trump and his campaign.

I'll give you this, at least you have openly admitted it.

I also find your little word play with my name funny, you are copying Dale. Is he your new idol?
BTW -- If you've ever worked in Intel areas or held a clearance you KNOW that keeping PERSONAL secrets is what gets your clearances yanked and your job demoted. It's OK if you have personal issues like an affair if you can pick up the phone and call your wife and tell her. Because otherwise -- you're COMPROMISED. Like Flynn was when "he lied" to his bosses and a foreign power KNOWS THIS.

That's why Trump dismissed him. Also why Trump Jr was stupid enough to take a shady meeting with a lady ALSO RELATED TO FUSION GPS and a Russian Lawyer. Because the Trump Camp didn't HAVE a lot of folks who had HELD clearances and were savvy enough to KNOW what the risks were of being spoofed or surveilled or punked or compromised by a foreign power. Just naive. And no campaign ought to run without a security contact who advises and approves of EVERY contact with foreigners.

Being the former "head spook" of the DOD -- Flynn KNEW all this. And my theory was -- he was "stress testing" the leaks that were occurring to FOCUS IN ON who was doing the leaking out of US Intel or the FBI. I believe he did this on his own initiative to shield the campaign. It's the kind of thing he was VERY skilled at. That's why he got caught keeping the VP and the Prez unadvised of the details.

Also the reason he got a deal -- because he obtained leads on the leakers -- NO ONE wanted that info to come out.. You don't mess with former Boss Spooks. They will bury you in retribution every time.


You've jumped the shark. Flynn got busted and lied to the FBI... Trump knew he lied to the FBI. Trump was told Flynn lied to the FBI, and then took 18 days to fire him. Flynn got fired for being incompetent under Obama, but now you think he pulled off this undercover stunt to expose leaks.

You have no idea how this works. Flynn GOT what he wanted. He PROVED that "Trump tower was "wiretapped". That his conversations were being recorded. And that the FBI had requested access to that big brother 702 Patriot system out in UTah. Unmasked his name from that sensitive data base to FIND the conversation. He GOT a lot of leads on how the Obama Admin was spying and leaking on the Trump Campaign. Which is definitely amply documented now. With a 10 fold INCREASE in the number of innocent Americans unmasked by requests coming from an EXPANDED LIST of folks that Obama created to make system inquiries into the 702 data system. A system SUPPOSEDLY only used to catch terrorist Jihadis before they hurt us.
BTW -- If you've ever worked in Intel areas or held a clearance you KNOW that keeping PERSONAL secrets is what gets your clearances yanked and your job demoted. It's OK if you have personal issues like an affair if you can pick up the phone and call your wife and tell her. Because otherwise -- you're COMPROMISED. Like Flynn was when "he lied" to his bosses and a foreign power KNOWS THIS.

That's why Trump dismissed him. Also why Trump Jr was stupid enough to take a shady meeting with a lady ALSO RELATED TO FUSION GPS and a Russian Lawyer. Because the Trump Camp didn't HAVE a lot of folks who had HELD clearances and were savvy enough to KNOW what the risks were of being spoofed or surveilled or punked or compromised by a foreign power. Just naive. And no campaign ought to run without a security contact who advises and approves of EVERY contact with foreigners.

Being the former "head spook" of the DOD -- Flynn KNEW all this. And my theory was -- he was "stress testing" the leaks that were occurring to FOCUS IN ON who was doing the leaking out of US Intel or the FBI. I believe he did this on his own initiative to shield the campaign. It's the kind of thing he was VERY skilled at. That's why he got caught keeping the VP and the Prez unadvised of the details.

Also the reason he got a deal -- because he obtained leads on the leakers -- NO ONE wanted that info to come out.. You don't mess with former Boss Spooks. They will bury you in retribution every time.


You've jumped the shark. Flynn got busted and lied to the FBI... Trump knew he lied to the FBI. Trump was told Flynn lied to the FBI, and then took 18 days to fire him. Flynn got fired for being incompetent under Obama, but now you think he pulled off this undercover stunt to expose leaks.

You have no idea how this works. Flynn GOT what he wanted. He PROVED that "Trump tower was "wiretapped". That his conversations were being recorded. And that the FBI had requested access to that big brother 702 Patriot system out in UTah. Unmasked his name from that sensitive data base to FIND the conversation. He GOT a lot of leads on how the Obama Admin was spying and leaking on the Trump Campaign. Which is definitely amply documented now. With a 10 fold INCREASE in the number of innocent Americans unmasked by requests coming from an EXPANDED LIST of folks that Obama created to make system inquiries into the 702 data system. A system SUPPOSEDLY only used to catch terrorist Jihadis before they hurt us.

Flynn didn't prove anything... except that he is an idiot for discussing things he shouldn't be with a foreign agent (The Russian Ambassador) who he should have KNOWN the government regularly monitors his phone calls. Good grief man...
There is nothing illegal about searching for dirt on a political matter the source. When it was discovered that the Russians had nothing to offer, the lesser Trump left the meeting.
Only according to lying scum who had been lying about the meeting all along.
Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.
What a hypocrite you are. The dossier has been exposed as a fraud. Steele admitted as much himself. The spying on Trump was initiated by a fraudulent 'document'. Chew on that!

No he didn't say that.
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified


When Steele compiled his field notes, they were unverified. The intelligence community and Robert Mueller's team are working on the verifying part. Relax...let the investigation run its course then we'll all know for sure.
Mueller's team of partisan hacks has been working on the case for quite some time now. They have come up with ZILCH, NOTHING, NADA!! How long should we allow them to search for something other than some unrelated and insignificant lies to the FBI that is replete with lies and deception coming from the upper management?

Four indictments and two guilty pleas is not "nada".

How long was Watergate? Whitewater? Iran/Contra? The 8 or 9 or 100 Benghazi investigations?
Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.
What a hypocrite you are. The dossier has been exposed as a fraud. Steele admitted as much himself. The spying on Trump was initiated by a fraudulent 'document'. Chew on that!

No he didn't say that.
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified


You don't understand the difference between verified and fraud.

The U.S. government... has CONFIRMED that parts of the dossier have been corroborated.
AH... NO...

FBI dircetor, under oath and in front of congress stated that nothing was verified just two weeks ago.. Your full of shit..

That's not how it went down...

Byron York: Frustrated lawmakers pressed FBI's McCabe for answers on Trump dossier. They got nothing.

After the questioning established that McCabe would not verify any substantive allegation in the dossier, he was asked if he stood by its veracity. McCabe said he did.

And that was the gist of the questioning on the dossier. McCabe never claimed the FBI had verified the substantive allegations in the dossier, but he also never said the FBI had not been able to verify the dossier's explosive allegations, either.

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