Christopher Steele admits the Trump dossier is trumped up...

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing..
Just his extra passports!

Not in evidence. No reason to dig for them. It's amateur couch potato speculation at this point. He wasn't overseas when the meeting allegedly took place. If there wasn't a credible alibi -- there would be an investigation. But there isn't. Eat it..
It is more credible than any of the BS Tramp has put out there and needs to be investigated.
To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..

Nothing to chew on for pages. You've admitted to being a hypocrite. It's ok for one party's corruption to be brought to light through illegal activity, and you think it is wrong that the other party's corruption was brought to light through what you FEEL is illegal activity.

Not a hypocrite. I'm looking at the bigger picture and issues. And the ONLY thing that matters to me is EVERYBODY'S right to expect privacy in their "papers and effects". If the politicians are no longer on the same Constitutional page -- I'm not gonna get outraged when THEY (who have nothing to hide ostensibly) get their OWN "papers and effects" stolen. Told you -- I love the irony and the teaching moment. I'm all for the "Watchmen" that aren't doing their job to get robbed. Deal with it. I answered you question COMPLETELY and a bit more.

Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.
The unverified dossier, spearheaded by Fusion GPS, first began as an opposition research project by The Washington Free Beacon. It centered on multiple GOP candidates, no information came from sources inside the Kremlin, and all the sources were public.
Again, that claim from the Free Bacon is MORONIC!!!!!
Why would they pay the high fees Fusion GPS charges for PUBLICLY available info??????
Obviously they wouldn't and they are lying about what they got from Fusion GPS and you are GULLIBLE enough to swallow their BULLSHIT!
but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

I'm fine with an investigation into Trump allegations. But NOT fine with ONLY one investigation. The dossier didn't contain any evidence of collusion. It was a POS fantasy paid for by partisan with too much money to waste -- NOT an Intel report.

But there certainly APPEARS to be a LOT of collusion elsewhere that NEEDS sterilization. Like the collusion to grant Uranium One or the decision to exonerate Clinton before the investigation had done critical interviews. Or the fact that 2 Clinton aides lied to the FBI and got away with it while Flynn gets nailed. THAT kind of thing. I WANT MORE !! I want BOTH parties dead as June Bugs in February.
Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing..
Just his extra passports!

Not in evidence. No reason to dig for them. It's amateur couch potato speculation at this point. He wasn't overseas when the meeting allegedly took place. If there wasn't a credible alibi -- there would be an investigation. But there isn't. Eat it..
It is more credible than any of the BS Tramp has put out there and needs to be investigated.
To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..

Nothing to chew on for pages. You've admitted to being a hypocrite. It's ok for one party's corruption to be brought to light through illegal activity, and you think it is wrong that the other party's corruption was brought to light through what you FEEL is illegal activity.

Not a hypocrite. I'm looking at the bigger picture and issues. And the ONLY thing that matters to me is EVERYBODY'S right to expect privacy in their "papers and effects". If the politicians are no longer on the same Constitutional page -- I'm not gonna get outraged when THEY (who have nothing to hide ostensibly) get their OWN "papers and effects" stolen. Told you -- I love the irony and the teaching moment. I'm all for the "Watchmen" that aren't doing their job to get robbed. Deal with it. I answered you question COMPLETELY and a bit more.

Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.

There's a big difference: our government isn't responsible for the DNC being exposed. It's is responsible for that pile of crap dossier and subsequent illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign.
Clinton could not beat Trump with The FBI, DOJ, Obama, The State Department, 1.5 Billion Dollars, The Media, Lynch, Rice, Comey, McCabe, Putin, & Rosenstein all in The Tank for her, plus NO DOUBT Millions of Illegal Immigrants who voted for her through Motor Voter Registrations.

Now chew on that for a while. That is how crooked and how rotten a candidate she was.

She even paid for protesters to disrupt Trump Rallies and commit assaults on supporters, and even Colluded with Russians to try to rig the Election and still couldn't buy her way in to the White House.
Damn you are gullible!!!
Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing..
Just his extra passports!

Not in evidence. No reason to dig for them. It's amateur couch potato speculation at this point. He wasn't overseas when the meeting allegedly took place. If there wasn't a credible alibi -- there would be an investigation. But there isn't. Eat it..
It is more credible than any of the BS Tramp has put out there and needs to be investigated.
For you to say "wrong" proves I'm right.
Thank you.
I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects.
Tramp's Russians are like Nixon's Plumbers. By your moronic rationalization, the Plumbers were "justified."
Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing..
Just his extra passports!

Not in evidence. No reason to dig for them. It's amateur couch potato speculation at this point. He wasn't overseas when the meeting allegedly took place. If there wasn't a credible alibi -- there would be an investigation. But there isn't. Eat it..
It is more credible than any of the BS Tramp has put out there and needs to be investigated.
For you to say "wrong" proves I'm right.
Thank you.
No, it proves you are wrong.
I voted for the platform, not the assets of the candidate.
...and the platform is being built one plank at a time....despite the obstruction by the braindead Democrat Party and the RINOs. Donald Trump is a true WINNER!

Yeah, a guy who will say ANYTHING to win. He has no scruples. He'll tell you he fucked your mother if he thinks that'll get your vote.

10 of Donald Trump's most embarrassing and contradictory tweets

10 of Donald Trump's most embarrassing and contradictory tweets"

So let me get this straight: You believe Hillary has principles?
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

You should immediately cooperate, huh? So, let's say you were a candidate and the intelligence community told you that Russia was trying to interfere in the election...You should probably report contacts from Russians, yeah?

The Trump campaign heard about Russian hacking before the rest of us did - CNN

Not if they consisted of Senators mixing with Russian diplomats at cocktail parties -- no.. Having "CONTACTS" with Russians is not illegal. HACKING a political campaign probably is. And it turned out -- the GOVT hacked the Trump campaign and transition team on VERY sparse evidence. EVERYONE got a taste of privacy and Civil Liberty abuse. But they'll probablly STILL VOTE to renew the PATRIOT act domestic spying --- won't they?

Just stop...if there was nothing illegal or wrong, all those contacts would not have been conveniently forgotten until the press got a hold of the information.

The Trump Tower meeting that was supposed to get the Trump campaign "dirt" on Hillary should have been reported to the FBI...just like they were briefed to do.
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign
There is nothing illegal about searching for dirt on a political matter the source. When it was discovered that the Russians had nothing to offer, the lesser Trump left the meeting.
To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..

Nothing to chew on for pages. You've admitted to being a hypocrite. It's ok for one party's corruption to be brought to light through illegal activity, and you think it is wrong that the other party's corruption was brought to light through what you FEEL is illegal activity.

Not a hypocrite. I'm looking at the bigger picture and issues. And the ONLY thing that matters to me is EVERYBODY'S right to expect privacy in their "papers and effects". If the politicians are no longer on the same Constitutional page -- I'm not gonna get outraged when THEY (who have nothing to hide ostensibly) get their OWN "papers and effects" stolen. Told you -- I love the irony and the teaching moment. I'm all for the "Watchmen" that aren't doing their job to get robbed. Deal with it. I answered you question COMPLETELY and a bit more.

Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.
What a hypocrite you are. The dossier has been exposed as a fraud. Steele admitted as much himself. The spying on Trump was initiated by a fraudulent 'document'. Chew on that!
Clinton could not beat Trump with The FBI, DOJ, Obama, The State Department, 1.5 Billion Dollars, The Media, Lynch, Rice, Comey, McCabe, Putin, & Rosenstein all in The Tank for her, plus NO DOUBT Millions of Illegal Immigrants who voted for her through Motor Voter Registrations.

Now chew on that for a while. That is how crooked and how rotten a candidate she was.

She even paid for protesters to disrupt Trump Rallies and commit assaults on supporters, and even Colluded with Russians to try to rig the Election and still couldn't buy her way in to the White House.
Damn you are gullible!!!
Damn, you are stupid!!!
Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

You should immediately cooperate, huh? So, let's say you were a candidate and the intelligence community told you that Russia was trying to interfere in the election...You should probably report contacts from Russians, yeah?

The Trump campaign heard about Russian hacking before the rest of us did - CNN

Not if they consisted of Senators mixing with Russian diplomats at cocktail parties -- no.. Having "CONTACTS" with Russians is not illegal. HACKING a political campaign probably is. And it turned out -- the GOVT hacked the Trump campaign and transition team on VERY sparse evidence. EVERYONE got a taste of privacy and Civil Liberty abuse. But they'll probablly STILL VOTE to renew the PATRIOT act domestic spying --- won't they?

Just stop...if there was nothing illegal or wrong, all those contacts would not have been conveniently forgotten until the press got a hold of the information.

The Trump Tower meeting that was supposed to get the Trump campaign "dirt" on Hillary should have been reported to the FBI...just like they were briefed to do.
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign
There is nothing illegal about searching for dirt on a political matter the source. When it was discovered that the Russians had nothing to offer, the lesser Trump left the meeting.

To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..

Nothing to chew on for pages. You've admitted to being a hypocrite. It's ok for one party's corruption to be brought to light through illegal activity, and you think it is wrong that the other party's corruption was brought to light through what you FEEL is illegal activity.

Not a hypocrite. I'm looking at the bigger picture and issues. And the ONLY thing that matters to me is EVERYBODY'S right to expect privacy in their "papers and effects". If the politicians are no longer on the same Constitutional page -- I'm not gonna get outraged when THEY (who have nothing to hide ostensibly) get their OWN "papers and effects" stolen. Told you -- I love the irony and the teaching moment. I'm all for the "Watchmen" that aren't doing their job to get robbed. Deal with it. I answered you question COMPLETELY and a bit more.

Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.
What a hypocrite you are. The dossier has been exposed as a fraud. Steele admitted as much himself. The spying on Trump was initiated by a fraudulent 'document'. Chew on that!

No he didn't say that.
I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

You should immediately cooperate, huh? So, let's say you were a candidate and the intelligence community told you that Russia was trying to interfere in the election...You should probably report contacts from Russians, yeah?

The Trump campaign heard about Russian hacking before the rest of us did - CNN

Not if they consisted of Senators mixing with Russian diplomats at cocktail parties -- no.. Having "CONTACTS" with Russians is not illegal. HACKING a political campaign probably is. And it turned out -- the GOVT hacked the Trump campaign and transition team on VERY sparse evidence. EVERYONE got a taste of privacy and Civil Liberty abuse. But they'll probablly STILL VOTE to renew the PATRIOT act domestic spying --- won't they?

Just stop...if there was nothing illegal or wrong, all those contacts would not have been conveniently forgotten until the press got a hold of the information.

The Trump Tower meeting that was supposed to get the Trump campaign "dirt" on Hillary should have been reported to the FBI...just like they were briefed to do.
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign
There is nothing illegal about searching for dirt on a political matter the source. When it was discovered that the Russians had nothing to offer, the lesser Trump left the meeting.

Your idiotic claim goes unsubstantiated. Provide evidence or shut the fuck up!
To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..

Nothing to chew on for pages. You've admitted to being a hypocrite. It's ok for one party's corruption to be brought to light through illegal activity, and you think it is wrong that the other party's corruption was brought to light through what you FEEL is illegal activity.

Not a hypocrite. I'm looking at the bigger picture and issues. And the ONLY thing that matters to me is EVERYBODY'S right to expect privacy in their "papers and effects". If the politicians are no longer on the same Constitutional page -- I'm not gonna get outraged when THEY (who have nothing to hide ostensibly) get their OWN "papers and effects" stolen. Told you -- I love the irony and the teaching moment. I'm all for the "Watchmen" that aren't doing their job to get robbed. Deal with it. I answered you question COMPLETELY and a bit more.

Ok, I'll no longer "chew" on this. No matter how you dice it... or try to complicate your stance on the issue, you are ok with the DNC corruption being exposed through illegal activities, and even victim blame them, but you are NOT ok with Trump's team being exposed because of the dossier and the subsequent monitoring his team got because of it.

There is NO TEACHING moment here. If you were to take ANY position here, you should be more worried about the discovery of the corrupt people that are actually in power rather than the DNC.
What a hypocrite you are. The dossier has been exposed as a fraud. Steele admitted as much himself. The spying on Trump was initiated by a fraudulent 'document'. Chew on that!

No he didn't say that.
Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified


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