Christopher Steele admits the Trump dossier is trumped up...

It amazes me though that you can not see the "the seditious, dangerously criminal, behavior that it is...behavior of the sort that should put people in it very much endangers the very foundations of our Republic" at the core of Trump and his cronies and their work with the Russians.

That's OK -- because I and most other Americans haven't seen the proof of any of that "dangerous, seditious , ciminal behavior" either. You SURE you want to double down on that after Trump blew up a joint airbase in Syria and THIS week approved sending critical armaments to the Ukraine? After the previous Admin diddled on that for years? :biggrin: Seems like most of earlier talking points about Ukraine planks in the Repub platform and being weak on Russia have been thoroughly torched..

It's certainly NOT in the GPS/Steele version of the Dossier. And virtually NO ONE knows what was in the earlier Wash Beacon version.

But I DID predict that Jill Stein had more obvious and credible "collusion" with the Russians and a better motive and relationship with them. And NOW -- people on Capitol Hill are looking into that.

Jill Stein looped into widening investigation of Russia and Trump Jr. connections

And I DID SAY -- that the "Intel report" was recycled intel wisdom from the 90s and that the dossier appendix was totally unverifiable and suspicious. And LOOKED like more of a "political hit piece" than any kind of Intel product. And this week -- even Andy McCabe said there wasn't much in it..

Did they diddle? Or did a hostile Congress refuse to grant ANYTHING to Obama? Be realistic.

Congressional approval was never the problem. When the Admin request goes to Congress, it's already been announced to be met with bipartisan support. Funding was already there in fact. For about 10 years.

Good point.

Obama pressed on many fronts to arm Ukraine

I think the fear is that it could turn Ukraine into a proxy war between the US and Russia....
It amazes me though that you can not see the "the seditious, dangerously criminal, behavior that it is...behavior of the sort that should put people in it very much endangers the very foundations of our Republic" at the core of Trump and his cronies and their work with the Russians.

That's OK -- because I and most other Americans haven't seen the proof of any of that "dangerous, seditious , ciminal behavior" either. You SURE you want to double down on that after Trump blew up a joint airbase in Syria and THIS week approved sending critical armaments to the Ukraine? After the previous Admin diddled on that for years? :biggrin: Seems like most of earlier talking points about Ukraine planks in the Repub platform and being weak on Russia have been thoroughly torched..

It's certainly NOT in the GPS/Steele version of the Dossier. And virtually NO ONE knows what was in the earlier Wash Beacon version.

But I DID predict that Jill Stein had more obvious and credible "collusion" with the Russians and a better motive and relationship with them. And NOW -- people on Capitol Hill are looking into that.

Jill Stein looped into widening investigation of Russia and Trump Jr. connections

And I DID SAY -- that the "Intel report" was recycled intel wisdom from the 90s and that the dossier appendix was totally unverifiable and suspicious. And LOOKED like more of a "political hit piece" than any kind of Intel product. And this week -- even Andy McCabe said there wasn't much in it..

Oh I see. Trump is a hero and Clinton the wicked witch of the East? Give me a break. There are multiple points of evidence with the Trump campaign and Russia. Stein may get drawn in, but that doesn't absolve Trump. A political hit peace? It was opposition research and it contained elements that were verified. It was never as important as some made out. Again - opposition research. Not illegally hacked emails released in carefully timed sequences.

No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.
It amazes me though that you can not see the "the seditious, dangerously criminal, behavior that it is...behavior of the sort that should put people in it very much endangers the very foundations of our Republic" at the core of Trump and his cronies and their work with the Russians.

That's OK -- because I and most other Americans haven't seen the proof of any of that "dangerous, seditious , ciminal behavior" either. You SURE you want to double down on that after Trump blew up a joint airbase in Syria and THIS week approved sending critical armaments to the Ukraine? After the previous Admin diddled on that for years? :biggrin: Seems like most of earlier talking points about Ukraine planks in the Repub platform and being weak on Russia have been thoroughly torched..

It's certainly NOT in the GPS/Steele version of the Dossier. And virtually NO ONE knows what was in the earlier Wash Beacon version.

But I DID predict that Jill Stein had more obvious and credible "collusion" with the Russians and a better motive and relationship with them. And NOW -- people on Capitol Hill are looking into that.

Jill Stein looped into widening investigation of Russia and Trump Jr. connections

And I DID SAY -- that the "Intel report" was recycled intel wisdom from the 90s and that the dossier appendix was totally unverifiable and suspicious. And LOOKED like more of a "political hit piece" than any kind of Intel product. And this week -- even Andy McCabe said there wasn't much in it..

Oh I see. Trump is a hero and Clinton the wicked witch of the East? Give me a break. There are multiple points of evidence with the Trump campaign and Russia. Stein may get drawn in, but that doesn't absolve Trump. A political hit peace? It was opposition research and it contained elements that were verified. It was never as important as some made out. Again - opposition research. Not illegally hacked emails released in carefully timed sequences.

No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.

I was just telling you that showing one passport means nothing. These rich guys can travel on private planes without being tracked, and as Manafort proved, they can get multiple passports.
That's OK -- because I and most other Americans haven't seen the proof of any of that "dangerous, seditious , ciminal behavior" either. You SURE you want to double down on that after Trump blew up a joint airbase in Syria and THIS week approved sending critical armaments to the Ukraine? After the previous Admin diddled on that for years? :biggrin: Seems like most of earlier talking points about Ukraine planks in the Repub platform and being weak on Russia have been thoroughly torched..

It's certainly NOT in the GPS/Steele version of the Dossier. And virtually NO ONE knows what was in the earlier Wash Beacon version.

But I DID predict that Jill Stein had more obvious and credible "collusion" with the Russians and a better motive and relationship with them. And NOW -- people on Capitol Hill are looking into that.

Jill Stein looped into widening investigation of Russia and Trump Jr. connections

And I DID SAY -- that the "Intel report" was recycled intel wisdom from the 90s and that the dossier appendix was totally unverifiable and suspicious. And LOOKED like more of a "political hit piece" than any kind of Intel product. And this week -- even Andy McCabe said there wasn't much in it..

Oh I see. Trump is a hero and Clinton the wicked witch of the East? Give me a break. There are multiple points of evidence with the Trump campaign and Russia. Stein may get drawn in, but that doesn't absolve Trump. A political hit peace? It was opposition research and it contained elements that were verified. It was never as important as some made out. Again - opposition research. Not illegally hacked emails released in carefully timed sequences.

No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.

I was just telling you that showing one passport means nothing. These rich guys can travel on private planes without being tracked, and as Manafort proved, they can get multiple passports.

OK James Bond. I'm sure everyone is has 2 passports just in case.. But he has alibis. LEGIT alibis. And no need to rip his house and bank vault apart looking for another passport.
It amazes me though that you can not see the "the seditious, dangerously criminal, behavior that it is...behavior of the sort that should put people in it very much endangers the very foundations of our Republic" at the core of Trump and his cronies and their work with the Russians.

That's OK -- because I and most other Americans haven't seen the proof of any of that "dangerous, seditious , ciminal behavior" either. You SURE you want to double down on that after Trump blew up a joint airbase in Syria and THIS week approved sending critical armaments to the Ukraine? After the previous Admin diddled on that for years? :biggrin: Seems like most of earlier talking points about Ukraine planks in the Repub platform and being weak on Russia have been thoroughly torched..

It's certainly NOT in the GPS/Steele version of the Dossier. And virtually NO ONE knows what was in the earlier Wash Beacon version.

But I DID predict that Jill Stein had more obvious and credible "collusion" with the Russians and a better motive and relationship with them. And NOW -- people on Capitol Hill are looking into that.

Jill Stein looped into widening investigation of Russia and Trump Jr. connections

And I DID SAY -- that the "Intel report" was recycled intel wisdom from the 90s and that the dossier appendix was totally unverifiable and suspicious. And LOOKED like more of a "political hit piece" than any kind of Intel product. And this week -- even Andy McCabe said there wasn't much in it..

Oh I see. Trump is a hero and Clinton the wicked witch of the East? Give me a break. There are multiple points of evidence with the Trump campaign and Russia. Stein may get drawn in, but that doesn't absolve Trump. A political hit peace? It was opposition research and it contained elements that were verified. It was never as important as some made out. Again - opposition research. Not illegally hacked emails released in carefully timed sequences.

No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.

Steele didn't embellish it - he was up front in stating that much of it wasn't verified from the beginning, he was just gathering everything that was out there.
Oh I see. Trump is a hero and Clinton the wicked witch of the East? Give me a break. There are multiple points of evidence with the Trump campaign and Russia. Stein may get drawn in, but that doesn't absolve Trump. A political hit peace? It was opposition research and it contained elements that were verified. It was never as important as some made out. Again - opposition research. Not illegally hacked emails released in carefully timed sequences.

No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.

I was just telling you that showing one passport means nothing. These rich guys can travel on private planes without being tracked, and as Manafort proved, they can get multiple passports.

OK James Bond. I'm sure everyone is has 2 passports just in case.. But he has alibis. LEGIT alibis. And no need to rip his house and bank vault apart looking for another passport.

Nothing "James Bond" about it. It's FACTS. It's REAL.

Manafort has 3 passports, traveled to China with phone registered under fake name - CNNPolitics
That's OK -- because I and most other Americans haven't seen the proof of any of that "dangerous, seditious , ciminal behavior" either. You SURE you want to double down on that after Trump blew up a joint airbase in Syria and THIS week approved sending critical armaments to the Ukraine? After the previous Admin diddled on that for years? :biggrin: Seems like most of earlier talking points about Ukraine planks in the Repub platform and being weak on Russia have been thoroughly torched..

It's certainly NOT in the GPS/Steele version of the Dossier. And virtually NO ONE knows what was in the earlier Wash Beacon version.

But I DID predict that Jill Stein had more obvious and credible "collusion" with the Russians and a better motive and relationship with them. And NOW -- people on Capitol Hill are looking into that.

Jill Stein looped into widening investigation of Russia and Trump Jr. connections

And I DID SAY -- that the "Intel report" was recycled intel wisdom from the 90s and that the dossier appendix was totally unverifiable and suspicious. And LOOKED like more of a "political hit piece" than any kind of Intel product. And this week -- even Andy McCabe said there wasn't much in it..

Oh I see. Trump is a hero and Clinton the wicked witch of the East? Give me a break. There are multiple points of evidence with the Trump campaign and Russia. Stein may get drawn in, but that doesn't absolve Trump. A political hit peace? It was opposition research and it contained elements that were verified. It was never as important as some made out. Again - opposition research. Not illegally hacked emails released in carefully timed sequences.

No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.

Steele didn't embellish it - he was up front in stating that much of it wasn't verified from the beginning, he was just gathering everything that was out there.

He was paid to dig up dirt. In most cases -- directly from Russian sources. Dirt became "official Intelligence product of "all 16 US Intel Agencies" according to lying Crapper. And THAT claim was knocked to shit. It's 90% pure Russian disinformation. And whoever in the Intel Community or FBI that put their official stamp of approval on that POS fantasy work should be up on charges. ESPECIALLY if the FBI has an INTERNAL connection to Fusion GPS and offered to pay them MORE for MORE dirt. THIS is the recent knowledge that a key FBI Trump/Clinton investigators has a WIFE who is one of just EIGHT KEY MEMBERS of Fusion GPS. Makes you go hmmmm. Unless you're a braindead partisan of either color. Did the FBI ever pay Fusion for extended dirt is what Congress is ATTEMPTING to find out right now..
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?

2. Do you have a quote?

3. What law did Comey break?
Senate Rules and Appropriations Committees Release OOC Harassment Settlement Data | U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration

The Director of the FBI cut a deal with / paid a foreign ex-spy - through a company working for the Russians - for a report partially written by the Russians - and the report was then used in a US election (crime) as well as used for the basis of the Special Counsel investigation. Not to mention that Comey buying the report and it then being used against Trump illegally in the election only further supports the growing evidence that he, Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe engaged in Sedition / Conspiracy against Trump...
Your LIES did NOT come from your link.
Oh I see. Trump is a hero and Clinton the wicked witch of the East? Give me a break. There are multiple points of evidence with the Trump campaign and Russia. Stein may get drawn in, but that doesn't absolve Trump. A political hit peace? It was opposition research and it contained elements that were verified. It was never as important as some made out. Again - opposition research. Not illegally hacked emails released in carefully timed sequences.

No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.

Steele didn't embellish it - he was up front in stating that much of it wasn't verified from the beginning, he was just gathering everything that was out there.

He was paid to dig up dirt. In most cases -- directly from Russian sources. Dirt became "official Intelligence product of "all 16 US Intel Agencies" according to lying Crapper. And THAT claim was knocked to shit. It's 90% pure Russian disinformation. And whoever in the Intel Community or FBI that put their official stamp of approval on that POS fantasy work should be up on charges. ESPECIALLY if the FBI has an INTERNAL connection to Fusion GPS and offered to pay them MORE for MORE dirt. THIS is the recent knowledge that a key FBI Trump/Clinton investigators has a WIFE who is one of just EIGHT KEY MEMBERS of Fusion GPS. Makes you go hmmmm. Unless you're a braindead partisan of either color. Did the FBI ever pay Fusion for extended dirt is what Congress is ATTEMPTING to find out right now..
Nothing but Limbaugh Lies parroted by a mindless DittoTard.
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?

2. Do you have a quote?

3. What law did Comey break?
Senate Rules and Appropriations Committees Release OOC Harassment Settlement Data | U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration

The Director of the FBI cut a deal with / paid a foreign ex-spy - through a company working for the Russians - for a report partially written by the Russians - and the report was then used in a US election (crime) as well as used for the basis of the Special Counsel investigation. Not to mention that Comey buying the report and it then being used against Trump illegally in the election only further supports the growing evidence that he, Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe engaged in Sedition / Conspiracy against Trump...

The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free?

How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

The dossier isn't intelligence. It's malicious gossip.
Pure projection!
Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing..
Just his extra passports!

Not in evidence. No reason to dig for them. It's amateur couch potato speculation at this point. He wasn't overseas when the meeting allegedly took place. If there wasn't a credible alibi -- there would be an investigation. But there isn't. Eat it..
No substantial diff between "a political hit piece" and "opposition research". And very few if any of the points and assertions COULD EVER be verified. In fact, many that COULD be dismissed -- have been dismissed. Like the Trump aide Michael Cohen that alledgedly traveled to Prague to meet with the Russians ended when Cohen marched his passport into the Oval Office to show he was not traveling to Europe during that period. McCabe was asked last week what had been verified and the ONLY thing he could come with was that Carter Page did go to Moscow in july 2016. And it was not about campaign business.

Most of the rest like the peeing prostitutes on the Obama bed is the Vodka induced "misinformation" the Steele BOUGHT from sketchy Russian disinfo types. They're STILL LAUGHING about it. Which when you consider YOUR charges against Trump are pretty ridiculous since the Hillary campaign and the DNC actually DID PAY for Russian Intelligence to help them win an election. That's no longer in doubt.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Not a Hillary supporter. I AM HOWEVER utterly appalled that a POS paid hit piece seems to be all you need to justify using the Awesome Domestic Spying Machine now available to the Fed govt. And that it is INCREASINGLY clear (as I predicted) that system had been weaponized as political tool by certain factions of the Intel community and the FBI. In MY America --- THAT is treason and reason to go full guerilla on the hidden cadres of folks that conspired to ABUSE that power given to them SOLELY for the purpose of keeping terrorists at bay. It WILL be further abused. Perhaps as a financial weapon if we don't stop it here.

The passport thing doesn't prove anything. It is possible to have more than one passport if you are the right person... Manafort proved that when it was released he had more than one, some with fake names on them.

Cohen will never be a target of the investigation. He's got complete credibility on his denial. He's not hiding a thing.. Steele embellished the report. Like he's virtually admitting in the OP NOW that he's in court and under oath.

Steele didn't embellish it - he was up front in stating that much of it wasn't verified from the beginning, he was just gathering everything that was out there.

He was paid to dig up dirt. In most cases -- directly from Russian sources. Dirt became "official Intelligence product of "all 16 US Intel Agencies" according to lying Crapper. And THAT claim was knocked to shit. It's 90% pure Russian disinformation. And whoever in the Intel Community or FBI that put their official stamp of approval on that POS fantasy work should be up on charges. ESPECIALLY if the FBI has an INTERNAL connection to Fusion GPS and offered to pay them MORE for MORE dirt. THIS is the recent knowledge that a key FBI Trump/Clinton investigators has a WIFE who is one of just EIGHT KEY MEMBERS of Fusion GPS. Makes you go hmmmm. Unless you're a braindead partisan of either color. Did the FBI ever pay Fusion for extended dirt is what Congress is ATTEMPTING to find out right now..
Nothing but Limbaugh Lies parroted by a mindless DittoTard.

None of that is lies. It's all unfolding. TWO high ranking FBI officials have been demoted or transferred BECAUSE of all that.

BOOM. Sound of huge BACKFIRE blowing up amongst the imbedded "resistance" in the DOJ and Intel areas.

Troublesome Details Uncovered About Wife of DOJ Official Who Was Demoted for Meeting With Trump Dossier Author

The unverified dossier, spearheaded by Fusion GPS, first began as an opposition research project by The Washington Free Beacon. It centered on multiple GOP candidates, no information came from sources inside the Kremlin, and all the sources were public. None of the information Fusion gave to the Free Beacon was in the dossier. Once the Free Beacon dropped Fusion and this project, the Democrats under Marc Elias of Perkins Coie hired Fusion who summoned the services of former MI6 Christopher Steele to compile the now-infamous dossier. Elias was an attorney with the Hillary Clinton campaign. The Democrats only funded Steele—and he was the one who got information from sources inside Russia.

Initially senior department officials could not provide the reason for Ohr’s demotion, but Fox News has learned that evidence collected by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., indicates that Ohr met during the 2016 campaign with Christopher Steele, the former British spy who authored the “dossier."

Now, James Rosen of Fox News reports that Ohr’s wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.

A senior Justice Department official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the men behind the anti-Trump “dossier” had even closer ties to Fusion GPS, the firm responsible for the incendiary document, than have been disclosed, Fox News has confirmed: The official’s wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.

Contacted by Fox News, investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr’s duties – including whether she worked on the dossier – remains unclear but a review of her published works available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.
In fact Cynic -- You are kept in the dark and fed like a mushroom because ALL of your media sources were in the Resistance tank. And NOW -- every new detail just incriminates them for endorsing all the phony narratives that have been floated for the past 2 years.

You're gonna see a LOT MORE folk in Intel/DOJ/FBI doing the walk of shame. NOT because of Congress who are generally incapable of investigating a lunchbag heist -- but because the Off. Of Inspector General is doing the FBI internal investigation. That's the ONE Federal Agency that "always get their man". :badgrin: And they are turning over ALL the rocks. And most of their report WILL be public. Prepare yourself for a VERY SAD Springtime.

Because after that walk of shame becomes a large parade -- NO ONE is gonna be interested in possible interference charges because Trump fired Comey. NO one.. No Russia Russia Russia. No interfering with an investigation. What's next?

I want my country back..OUT of the hands of 2 corrupt and inept Brand Name parties. And all this mega meltdown is gonna get me most of the way there.
While he was confident in his dossier when it was released in 2016, a report released on Friday showed that in court for a libel suit against BuzzFeed — the publication which released the so-called “Trump dossier” to the public — former British spy Christopher Steele admitted that the dossier was merely “possible,” not fact, and based on unreliable information and “limited intelligence.”

Fake Trump dossier 'author' confesses to using 'unverified' info

Yet Crooked Comey & Malfeasant McCabe knew that, knew it was paid for by The DNC, Obama, and Clinton, Knew THE FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER was unreliable and Russian Sourced, Knew that FBI employees had DIRECT TIES to Fusion GPS, and still used it to Lobby FISA on behalf of Obama and Clinton to get Surveillance on The Trump campaign, in the hopes they could use whatever they could get to Rig a Presidential Election, and stage a COUP "Insurance" should they fail to pull off a rigged election!
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In fact Cynic -- You are kept in the dark and fed like a mushroom because ALL of your media sources were in the Resistance tank. And NOW -- every new detail just incriminates them for endorsing all the phony narratives that have been floated for the past 2 years.

You're gonna see a LOT MORE folk in Intel/DOJ/FBI doing the walk of shame. NOT because of Congress who are generally incapable of investigating a lunchbag heist -- but because the Off. Of Inspector General is doing the FBI internal investigation. That's the ONE Federal Agency that "always get their man". :badgrin: And they are turning over ALL the rocks. And most of their report WILL be public. Prepare yourself for a VERY SAD Springtime.

Because after that walk of shame becomes a large parade -- NO ONE is gonna be interested in possible interference charges because Trump fired Comey. NO one.. No Russia Russia Russia. No interfering with an investigation. What's next?

I want my country back..OUT of the hands of 2 corrupt and inept Brand Name parties. And all this mega meltdown is gonna get me most of the way there.

Isn't Townhall in the Trump tank?
In fact Cynic -- You are kept in the dark and fed like a mushroom because ALL of your media sources were in the Resistance tank. And NOW -- every new detail just incriminates them for endorsing all the phony narratives that have been floated for the past 2 years.

You're gonna see a LOT MORE folk in Intel/DOJ/FBI doing the walk of shame. NOT because of Congress who are generally incapable of investigating a lunchbag heist -- but because the Off. Of Inspector General is doing the FBI internal investigation. That's the ONE Federal Agency that "always get their man". :badgrin: And they are turning over ALL the rocks. And most of their report WILL be public. Prepare yourself for a VERY SAD Springtime.

Because after that walk of shame becomes a large parade -- NO ONE is gonna be interested in possible interference charges because Trump fired Comey. NO one.. No Russia Russia Russia. No interfering with an investigation. What's next?

I want my country back..OUT of the hands of 2 corrupt and inept Brand Name parties. And all this mega meltdown is gonna get me most of the way there.

Isn't Townhall in the Trump tank?
All outlets that promote the truth are in the Trump tank.
If the OP is true, then the dossier was ginned up to be used by Trump's conservative opponents.
If the OP is true, then the dossier was ginned up to be used by Trump's conservative opponents.
It has already been established that the dossier was initiated and first funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

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