Christopher Steele admits the Trump dossier is trumped up...

The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?
Complete and utter HOGWASH!

NONE of that is true, what so's simply trumped up lies, as usual.

Man oh man, you liars are going to burn someday....
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?

2. Do you have a quote?

3. What law did Comey break?
Senate Rules and Appropriations Committees Release OOC Harassment Settlement Data | U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration

The Director of the FBI cut a deal with / paid a foreign ex-spy - through a company working for the Russians - for a report partially written by the Russians - and the report was then used in a US election (crime) as well as used for the basis of the Special Counsel investigation. Not to mention that Comey buying the report and it then being used against Trump illegally in the election only further supports the growing evidence that he, Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe engaged in Sedition / Conspiracy against Trump...
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?

2. Do you have a quote?

3. What law did Comey break?
Senate Rules and Appropriations Committees Release OOC Harassment Settlement Data | U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration

The Director of the FBI cut a deal with / paid a foreign ex-spy - through a company working for the Russians - for a report partially written by the Russians - and the report was then used in a US election (crime) as well as used for the basis of the Special Counsel investigation. Not to mention that Comey buying the report and it then being used against Trump illegally in the election only further supports the growing evidence that he, Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe engaged in Sedition / Conspiracy against Trump...

The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free?

How use it illegally? Specific charges please.
The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free? How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

I will type slower this time so you can keep up....

It is ILLEGAL to buy information from a FOREIGN AGENT and USE that information in a US Election.

It has been proven that Hillary, 'The DNC' (which was Hillary), Comey, and Obama bought the dossier that was then used against Trump in the election.

Did you get it this time, or do I have to draw you a picture?
The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free? How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

I will type slower this time so you can keep up....

It is ILLEGAL to buy information from a FOREIGN AGENT and USE that information in a US Election.

It has been proven that Hillary, 'The DNC' (which was Hillary), Comey, and Obama bought the dossier that was then used against Trump in the election.

Did you get it this time, or do I have to draw you a picture?

Actually it hasn’t been proven. Try again.
The establishment never imagined they would lose the election, hence the corruption, lies, and law breaking they never thought they would get caught doing.
I doubt Rubio would have commissioned Steele if he hadn't thought Trump was a real threat. LOL
The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free? How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

I will type slower this time so you can keep up....

It is ILLEGAL to buy information from a FOREIGN AGENT and USE that information in a US Election.

It has been proven that Hillary, 'The DNC' (which was Hillary), Comey, and Obama bought the dossier that was then used against Trump in the election.

Did you get it this time, or do I have to draw you a picture?

Actually it hasn’t been proven. Try again.
I do not recognize saying, "uh-uh" as an acceptable defense response. Feel free to provide evidence to support your weak-ass response. :p
Hillary may well have violated election spending disclosures by attributing the funds used to legal counsel. But all those convictions the FBI got by using Whitey Bulger as an informant for wiretaps .... they're golden. LOL
DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.
The FBI started taping Manafort in 2014, and the Trump Dossier wasn't started until 2016.

Everything from the Right is ALWAYS a LIE!!!!!

Yeah...and Manafort didn't go to work for Trump until March of 2016 and took
over control of the campaign in June of 2016. That's when the FBI went looking
for its Insurance Policy.

The dossier came a YEAR AFTER the FBI found that the Russians were messing with the DNC computer system....they discovered this in 2015,

and sent warning to the Clinton Campaign IT Manager in 2015, who ignored the FBI Warnings for months and months in to 2016....until they realized their emails were stolen... a day late and a dollar short....he should have listened to the agent from the FBI when he first warned him in 2015!

ALSO, our partner Nations who have an agreement to all share intel information with each other, was sending the FBI information they were gathering that showed there was lots of Russian activities in the EU to try to affect their own elections and information on Russians in the EU, trying to interfere in the USA's presidential election, possibly with the help of Americans.(Pappadoppolis met his connection to Russia in London, and lied about it to the FBI, then plead guilty to only that... later... for his assistance... in a plea deal)

This was before the FBI got the dossier as well.

MY POINT is... that the Trumpster is trying to fool his supporters by claiming the Dossier was the only reason for an FBI Investigation in to the Russians trying to influence our presidential election...

THAT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE....the FBI and our Nation Allies, were on to the Russians BEFORE the dossier.
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The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free? How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

I will type slower this time so you can keep up....

It is ILLEGAL to buy information from a FOREIGN AGENT and USE that information in a US Election.

It has been proven that Hillary, 'The DNC' (which was Hillary), Comey, and Obama bought the dossier that was then used against Trump in the election.

Did you get it this time, or do I have to draw you a picture?

Actually it hasn’t been proven. Try again.
I do not recognize saying, "uh-uh" as an acceptable defense response. Feel free to provide evidence to support your weak-ass response. :p
So you can’t offer any factual proof? I’m not interested in your fiction...
So you can’t offer any factual proof? I’m not interested in your fiction...
I have already posted numerous links. The OP posted the link / evidence. You continue to repeat, 'uh-uh' in response without providing any evidence to support YOUR stance. Go away, little troglodyte.
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?

2. Do you have a quote?

3. What law did Comey break?
Senate Rules and Appropriations Committees Release OOC Harassment Settlement Data | U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration

The Director of the FBI cut a deal with / paid a foreign ex-spy - through a company working for the Russians - for a report partially written by the Russians - and the report was then used in a US election (crime) as well as used for the basis of the Special Counsel investigation. Not to mention that Comey buying the report and it then being used against Trump illegally in the election only further supports the growing evidence that he, Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe engaged in Sedition / Conspiracy against Trump...

The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free?

How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

The dossier isn't intelligence. It's malicious gossip.
So you can’t offer any factual proof? I’m not interested in your fiction...
I have already posted numerous links. The OP posted the link / evidence. You continue to repeat, 'uh-uh' in response without providing any evidence to support YOUR stance. Go away, little troglodyte.
You offered nothing that showed Obama or Comey broke any laws. Conjecture is not fact. Even your claim that Steele said it was trumped up is trumped up.
The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free? How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

I will type slower this time so you can keep up....

It is ILLEGAL to buy information from a FOREIGN AGENT and USE that information in a US Election.

It has been proven that Hillary, 'The DNC' (which was Hillary), Comey, and Obama bought the dossier that was then used against Trump in the election.

Did you get it this time, or do I have to draw you a picture?
That's NOT ILLEGAL at all, campaign finance is about working with a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT and operatives working for that GOVERNMENT in a quid pro quo WITH American campaigns.

i.e. You get me dirt on Hillary or You help get me elected ...and when I am elected, I will remove Sanctions we have on you.
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?

2. Do you have a quote?

3. What law did Comey break?
Senate Rules and Appropriations Committees Release OOC Harassment Settlement Data | U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration

The Director of the FBI cut a deal with / paid a foreign ex-spy - through a company working for the Russians - for a report partially written by the Russians - and the report was then used in a US election (crime) as well as used for the basis of the Special Counsel investigation. Not to mention that Comey buying the report and it then being used against Trump illegally in the election only further supports the growing evidence that he, Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe engaged in Sedition / Conspiracy against Trump...

The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free?

How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

The dossier isn't intelligence. It's malicious gossip.
bet ya a buck, YOU HAVE NOT even read the Dossier that you are claiming is fake and lying about.... :rolleyes:
The FBI has the authority to purchase intelligence. You think it is all free? How use it illegally? Specific charges please.

I will type slower this time so you can keep up....

It is ILLEGAL to buy information from a FOREIGN AGENT and USE that information in a US Election.

It has been proven that Hillary, 'The DNC' (which was Hillary), Comey, and Obama bought the dossier that was then used against Trump in the election.

Did you get it this time, or do I have to draw you a picture?
That's NOT ILLEGAL at all, campaign finance is about working with a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT and operatives working for that GOVERNMENT in a quid pro quo WITH American campaigns.

i.e. You get me dirt on Hillary or You help get me elected ...and when I am elected, I will remove Sanctions we have on you.
It's illegal to have foreigners working for you in a political campaign.
It didn’t.
Dems pay for the fake Dossier.

DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

DOJ uses information obtained during Ilegal spying to launch Independent Investigation into Trump/Putin rigging the 2016 election.

DOJ charges Flynn with procedural crimes...nothing to do with Putin.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the liberals are just fucking filthy.

Republicans paid for it.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Edited to add Comment: Washington Post satisfy you?

Which are you: A Liar or a Dumb-Ass....or both?


It was funded in PART by Clinton Campaign. Who else funded it?


The "dossier" was funded entirely by her.
Sure. It included none of the research funded by Republicans right.
Actually some were fully released
Dems pay for the fake Dossier.

DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

DOJ uses information obtained during Ilegal spying to launch Independent Investigation into Trump/Putin rigging the 2016 election.

DOJ charges Flynn with procedural crimes...nothing to do with Putin.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the liberals are just fucking filthy.

The Dossier was the Insurance policy that was discussed in McCabe's
how do you know that when the full context of the emails were not released, only portions of them....purposely cut out of the full context by the Republicans that released them... and only a handful of them were released....none of the ones where he and his girlfriend were bashing hillary or bashing bernie or bashing other politicos, according to congressman adam shift, who is on the house investigative team and saw ALL of the emails.... so Republicans are playing some dirty mind blowing games on only releasing excerpts from conversations and with holding others all together...

outside of all of that, the so called 'insurance' could very well have been the on going FBI investigation of the dossier and Russian interference? :dunno: It's simply a wild guess, at best.
It didn’t.
Republicans paid for it.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Edited to add Comment: Washington Post satisfy you?

Which are you: A Liar or a Dumb-Ass....or both?


It was funded in PART by Clinton Campaign. Who else funded it?


The "dossier" was funded entirely by her.
Sure. It included none of the research funded by Republicans right.
Prove it.
Post #95
It didn’t.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Edited to add Comment: Washington Post satisfy you?

Which are you: A Liar or a Dumb-Ass....or both?


It was funded in PART by Clinton Campaign. Who else funded it?


The "dossier" was funded entirely by her.
Sure. It included none of the research funded by Republicans right.
Prove it.

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