Christopher Steele admits the Trump dossier is trumped up...

She has never explained why Russia paid $145 million to the Clinton Foundation while she brokered a dea, with Russia through Uranium One for Russia to Control 20% of the US uranium reserves.
The LIES just keep on coming.

If by Russia you meant a Canadian Businessman paid the millions to the Clinton Foundation, then you wouldn't be the worthless lying scum you are!!!
She has never explained why Russia paid $145 million to the Clinton Foundation while she brokered a dea, with Russia through Uranium One for Russia to Control 20% of the US uranium reserves.
The LIES just keep on coming.

If by Russia you meant a Canadian Businessman paid the millions to the Clinton Foundation, then you wouldn't be the worthless lying scum you are!!!

This guy is why corrupt politicians exist.
She has never explained why Russia paid $145 million to the Clinton Foundation while she brokered a dea, with Russia through Uranium One for Russia to Control 20% of the US uranium reserves.
The LIES just keep on coming.

If by Russia you meant a Canadian Businessman paid the millions to the Clinton Foundation, then you wouldn't be the worthless lying scum you are!!!

This guy is why corrupt politicians exist.
Hillary's methodologies were tried and failed in 2006.
Bush and the GOP controlled everything in 2006.
You are correct and I apologize if I gave the impression that Hillary was the one who enacted these methodologies.
Hillary, however, should have known better than to invoke these failed methodologies.
On the other hand, I doubt too many people went out of their way to read her web site.
Hillary's methodologies were tried and failed in 2006.
In other words, tax the shit out of Americans without changing any legislation to force/encourage the hiring of Americans.
Once again...Tried and failed...2006.
Yes, I followed her campaign very closely and I was far more impressed with Sanders and Trump.

But thanks for letting everybody that you didn't follow her campaign.
I clearly did follow her campaign, and clearly knew more about her stances than you did, as I am the one who corrected your false statement. of course, itt was false not because you had made any error in analysis, but because you literally pulled it out of your ass and had no idea if it was true or not.

sorry pal, this ain't religious magical voodoo, wherein you can just make up any shit you want and nobody can ever tell if it is true it false.
Well you’re the only one that heard her
Dems pay for the fake Dossier.

DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

DOJ uses information obtained during Ilegal spying to launch Independent Investigation into Trump/Putin rigging the 2016 election.

DOJ charges Flynn with procedural crimes...nothing to do with Putin.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the liberals are just fucking filthy.

The Dossier was the Insurance policy that was discussed in McCabe's
I"m agreeing with you, asshole. What you don't seem to understand is you have absolutely no basis for claiming it's true. None.

You keep telling me the dossier isn't verified, and I'm agreeing with you. That's what makes it bullshit. However, you seem to believe that's what makes it credible.

In short, you're a fucking idiot.

Parts of it HAVE been verified.

Analysis | What the Trump dossier says — and what it doesn’t

The Steele dossier makes a wide range of claims, many of which are rumors that couldn’t be independently verified. Many other claims involve things that would have been publicly known at the time the report was apparently drafted. Although it’s impossible to say that the dossier is entirely inaccurate (there are some glimmers of accurate predictions), it is also impossible to say that it has been broadly validated.

That unsatisfying answer has a side effect: It gives either side of the political fight all the ammo that it might want.

Short answer, NYT verified nothing. To verify something would mean having an independent source that confirms the information, and none was presented.


Wait. So you say CNN is lying. Then NYT is lying. The FBI and CIA are lying.

Yet I've asked you multiple times now... IS DONALD TRUMP A LIAR?

What difference would it make if he was? How would that make CNN or the FBI credible? Trump has certainly been far more credible than the groups you are defending.

He has? He's told lies about stuff that is EASILY verified to be a lie.

So has CNN, NYT, the FBI and the CIA.

The Steele dossier makes a wide range of claims, many of which are rumors that couldn’t be independently verified. Many other claims involve things that would have been publicly known at the time the report was apparently drafted. Although it’s impossible to say that the dossier is entirely inaccurate (there are some glimmers of accurate predictions), it is also impossible to say that it has been broadly validated.

That unsatisfying answer has a side effect: It gives either side of the political fight all the ammo that it might want.

Short answer, NYT verified nothing. To verify something would mean having an independent source that confirms the information, and none was presented.


Wait. So you say CNN is lying. Then NYT is lying. The FBI and CIA are lying.

Yet I've asked you multiple times now... IS DONALD TRUMP A LIAR?

What difference would it make if he was? How would that make CNN or the FBI credible? Trump has certainly been far more credible than the groups you are defending.

He has? He's told lies about stuff that is EASILY verified to be a lie.

So has CNN, NYT, the FBI and the CIA.

So let's be clear.. you admit Trump is a liar?
Did you get your engineering degree from a Cracker Jack box? How the fuck can someone who can't grasp simple concepts get such a degree?

You can't say that secondhand information is a FACT in court, without risking perjury. That doesn't mean that it isn't true...

I"m agreeing with you, asshole. What you don't seem to understand is you have absolutely no basis for claiming it's true. None.

You keep telling me the dossier isn't verified, and I'm agreeing with you. That's what makes it bullshit. However, you seem to believe that's what makes it credible.

In short, you're a fucking idiot.

I didn't say it wasn't verified dumbass. I said parts of it have been proven true. You keep saying just because he didn't say in court under oath that the dossier is facts, that instead it is possible, that it isn't true... and that's not how logic works in the real world. Maybe it works in the head of dipshits like you, but not in the real world. It just means that Steele didn't see it first hand and didn't want to take the chance of perjuring himself if something in the dossier does indeed turn out to be fake.

Jeff Sessions said, "I don't recall" or "I don't remember" 26 times to Congress. Do you think he has the worst memory possible, or that he doesn't want to admit guilt or give an answer that could perjure himself? Get a clue.

No, that isn't what I said. That is way too stupid a claim for me to even imagine. It's not "possible" that it isn't true. It's virtually impossible for it to be true. It's certainly impossible for anyone with a brain to believe it's true.

You keep admitting that the dossier is unverified, and then you try to convince me that's why I should believe it. That's what you call logic!

Steele didn't see it first hand, which is a reason for us not to believe it, and he didn't want to defend it in court, which is even more reason not to believe it. So can you give us one fucking reason why anyone should believe anything in it?

The fact that Steele won't defend it is not a reason for us to believe it. That's a reason to believe it's worthless shit.

I NEVER said that the dossier wasn't verified. I said about ten times now that PARTS of the dossier have been proven true. Are you drunk?

ROFL! Nothing has been verified, moron. And even if it had some actual facts in it, that doesn't make all the salacious material in it true. The only parts we know to be true are the ones that have been verified to be true, and to the best of my knowledge nothing in it has actually been verified by the FBI or the CIA.
have you read the dossier?
Dems pay for the fake Dossier.

DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

DOJ uses information obtained during Ilegal spying to launch Independent Investigation into Trump/Putin rigging the 2016 election.

DOJ charges Flynn with procedural crimes...nothing to do with Putin.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the liberals are just fucking filthy.

The Dossier was the Insurance policy that was discussed in McCabe's
how do you know that when the full context of the emails were not released, only portions of them....purposely cut out of the full context by the Republicans that released them... and only a handful of them were released....none of the ones where he and his girlfriend were bashing hillary or bashing bernie or bashing other politicos, according to congressman adam shift, who is on the house investigative team and saw ALL of the emails.... so Republicans are playing some dirty mind blowing games on only releasing excerpts from conversations and with holding others all together...

outside of all of that, the so called 'insurance' could very well have been the on going FBI investigation of the dossier and Russian interference? :dunno: It's simply a wild guess, at best.
Dems pay for the fake Dossier.

DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.

DOJ uses information obtained during Ilegal spying to launch Independent Investigation into Trump/Putin rigging the 2016 election.

DOJ charges Flynn with procedural crimes...nothing to do with Putin.

Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the liberals are just fucking filthy.

Republicans paid for it.
Nice Try.

The GOP paid for / initiated the initial 'research' then backed away from it.
- Nothing illegal there, btw.

Obama, Comey, Hillary, and the DNC (Hillary, again, seeing as how she 'bought' the DNC - bailing them out of the $24 million hole Obama left them in then using the DNC cash intake on her failed campaign) paid for the 'fake news' report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a company working for the Russians THEN illegally used the report in a US election.

Obama, Comey, and Hillary should be PERP-WALKED.
The Fake News Russian Propaganda-Filled Report Produced by a foreign agent was THE key reason the investigation of Trump began ... so Obama's, Comey's, and Hillary's CRIME spawned this Conflict of Interest-Burdened, Stacked, Criminal Lynch Mob.

And the seditious, incestuous relationship within the FBI's top tier leadership includes former FBI Director Robert Mueller, ex-aid and co-conspirator to the Russians in 2009 and now Lead Prosecutor for the 'Lynch Mob', Former Director of the FBI and Russian aid / co-conspirator in 2014 - 2016 Comey, current criminal co-seditious conspirator Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe, and criminal Agent Strzok.

Steele's role in all of this appears to be 'mercenary' - getting paid for his report. He understood how badly Democrats hated Trump and knew how desperate Hillary was to NOT lose again, especially to Trump...and he used that to sell a report. His credibility partly hinges on the validity of the report. If the report was exposed as a lie he loses business. I don't think he thought this would blow up as huge as it has ... and now that it has he is more inclined to tell the truth than to risk serious punishment / backlash.

The truth sometimes flows like molasses ... but it continues to flow ... and, like a poorly built dam, efforts to keep the truth locked up eventually fail, and it comes out. The Truth is coming out...the dam is about to break.

It is already widely know that Obama, Comey, Hillary, and the DNC bought the report and used it illegally
The IG's recent report on the inspection of the FBI is damning, revealing an FBI with serious, nurtured, leadership flaws with past Directors, the current Deputy Director, and some agents having engaged in illegal, possibly seditious, criminal activity.

2009: Director of the FBI Mueller, US AG Holder, and Obama hide evidence of Russian crimes / protect Hillary from charges.

2014 - 2016: Director of the FBI Comey, US AG Lynch, and Obama hide evidence of Russian hacking attempts / interference.

2016: FBI expresses internal concern over possible win by Trump and seditiously come up with an 'Insurance Policy' - Deputy Director McCabe is directly connected.

2017: Stzok e-mails further exposed criminal, seditious bias within the FBI that resulted in criminal activity, possibly sedition / treason...

The evidence presented is just more 'fuel for the fire' in proving Barak Obama ran the most corrupt criminal administration in US history.
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

these reports are simply information gathered from investigating a subject in the field, and are meant to be followed up on to verify the information they were able to gather.

It is the first step in any agent's information gathering, then the agent brings these notes gathered to other investigating agents to cypher through and determine how much truth or non truth there is in the notes.

Steele did not make these things up, he simply found out what was being said on the playing field about a subject....and wrote them down in a diary of sorts

Steele handed the notes over to the FBI agents stationed in Italy, because he was so concerned with the information he had gathered thus they could see if what he was finding out, had any legs to it.

God bless Steele! He didn't know if this information was 100% accurate, but he cared enough and had the wear with all to know that they could be critical to the USA's safety and the USA needed to be informed. No one that hired him knew at the time that he turned some of his notes over to the FBI office in Italy....

then later his completed notes, was given to John McCain to give to the FBI, James Comey is who McCain chose to give them that the FBI in the USA could be warned of what he found out and follow thru with verifying or rejecting the notes from the field.

simple as that....

some info gathered from what was "out there" in the field could be true or not true...

The FBI DID NOT focus on the salacious part of the notes that were gathered but on all of the other stuff that was being said in the field.

Before they got the dossier, our nation partners in information gathering shared info they were hearing about the Russian interference in the USA's election....Britain, Australia, Germany etc. which was pretty much, the same type of information Steele had been gathering.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Steele was confident that 70% to 90% of the dossier field notes, would be confirmed to be TRUE, once all the leg work was done.

And so far he is right.

The FBI has verified a great deal of the dossier notes.... it verified the meetings that took place, when they took place, and the people involved in the meetings, and quite a bit of the other info, setting aside the salacious parts which could have been fake news put out there by the Russians to throw things off....

the meeting with Don Junior at trump tower was verified, the meeting with Pappadopolous was verified ...that Pappadopolous lied to the FBI about and was caught and plead GUILTY TO....

so the dossier is NOT some made up report from the blue sky....
and Trump can send his minions out to lie about it, and he can tweet lies about it, and he can have fake news stories in his trump media about it, all he wants....but it will NOT change the facts of what is in the dossier and the other intel we got from friendly nations that share with us.

Even the salacious parts about prostitutes, the golden showers is not verified, but his body guard testified two weeks ago, that Russian Prostitutes were OFFERED to Trump while he was in Moscow, but the Body guard said he turned them down.
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DOJ uses fake Dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his associates.
The FBI started taping Manafort in 2014, and the Trump Dossier wasn't started until 2016.

Everything from the Right is ALWAYS a LIE!!!!!

Yeah...and Manafort didn't go to work for Trump until March of 2016 and took
over control of the campaign in June of 2016. That's when the FBI went looking
for its Insurance Policy.

I love how HIllary always claims that her corruption has been debunked by credible sources, but she won’t just say it for herself and expain specifically why the allegations are not true.

She has never explained why Russia paid $145 million to the Clinton Foundation while she brokered a dea, with Russia through Uranium One for Russia to Control 20% of the US uranium reserves.

Putin is evil....we all know this....hence the investigation into Putin rigging the 2016 POTUS election...yet, it’s fine for Russia to control 20% of the US uranium?

Why? How did that deal benefit America? Specifically?
Putin / Russia gets more benefit from conning snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, from paying Liberal groups to spread racial lies / division / violence, and from continuing to manipulate emotional butt-hurt snowflakes who have not accepted the election outcome into continuing their witch hunt, which continues to divide the nation. And snowflakes are more than willing to help Putin out by keeping this witch hunt going....
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?
The dossier is not fake, they are simply 'field notes'' from information gathering, 19 of them gathered together and someone else in the news media called them a dossier....

1. It was proven that many of the inputs in the report were Russian-generated (propaganda)

2. Steele says the report is 'trumped up'

3. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary, Comey, and Obama still broke the law by purchasing a report from a foreign agent and using it in a US election. (And when it is reported that Comey and Obama paid for the report 9as well) you can pretty much guarantee that it came from your and my tax dollars, going to fund their criminal activity in trying to steal and election.

4. The company these criminal Dims paid was still a firm working for the Russians...

5. Putin and the Russians can't be trusted...except in this report that they helped write. REALLY?

2. Do you have a quote?

3. What law did Comey break?

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