Christopher Steele admits the Trump dossier is trumped up...

In fact Cynic -- You are kept in the dark and fed like a mushroom because ALL of your media sources were in the Resistance tank. And NOW -- every new detail just incriminates them for endorsing all the phony narratives that have been floated for the past 2 years.

You're gonna see a LOT MORE folk in Intel/DOJ/FBI doing the walk of shame. NOT because of Congress who are generally incapable of investigating a lunchbag heist -- but because the Off. Of Inspector General is doing the FBI internal investigation. That's the ONE Federal Agency that "always get their man". :badgrin: And they are turning over ALL the rocks. And most of their report WILL be public. Prepare yourself for a VERY SAD Springtime.

Because after that walk of shame becomes a large parade -- NO ONE is gonna be interested in possible interference charges because Trump fired Comey. NO one.. No Russia Russia Russia. No interfering with an investigation. What's next?

I want my country back..OUT of the hands of 2 corrupt and inept Brand Name parties. And all this mega meltdown is gonna get me most of the way there.

Isn't Townhall in the Trump tank?

I don't know. It's all footnoted and linkrd. I judge by content. Not the messenger. In FACT --- no voter these days can stick to partisan-approved media and be even partly informed. THat's how bad it really is...

So I ask you --- WHAT if any are the errors in that link?

Were you EVEN AWARE that 2 of the key top FBI investigators into Clinton/Trump had been demoted and ONE has a wife who's one of just EIGHT employees of Fusion GPS. And the other one has a mistress that traded work emails about their severe Trump hatred? To the point of suggesting "doing something about it"??
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Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?
In fact Cynic -- You are kept in the dark and fed like a mushroom because ALL of your media sources were in the Resistance tank. And NOW -- every new detail just incriminates them for endorsing all the phony narratives that have been floated for the past 2 years.

You're gonna see a LOT MORE folk in Intel/DOJ/FBI doing the walk of shame. NOT because of Congress who are generally incapable of investigating a lunchbag heist -- but because the Off. Of Inspector General is doing the FBI internal investigation. That's the ONE Federal Agency that "always get their man". :badgrin: And they are turning over ALL the rocks. And most of their report WILL be public. Prepare yourself for a VERY SAD Springtime.

Because after that walk of shame becomes a large parade -- NO ONE is gonna be interested in possible interference charges because Trump fired Comey. NO one.. No Russia Russia Russia. No interfering with an investigation. What's next?

I want my country back..OUT of the hands of 2 corrupt and inept Brand Name parties. And all this mega meltdown is gonna get me most of the way there.

Isn't Townhall in the Trump tank?

Clinton could not beat Trump with The FBI, DOJ, Obama, The State Department, 1.5 Billion Dollars, The Media, Lynch, Rice, Comey, McCabe, Putin, & Rosenstein all in The Tank for her, plus NO DOUBT Millions of Illegal Immigrants who voted for her through Motor Voter Registrations.

Now chew on that for a while. That is how crooked and how rotten a candidate she was.

She even paid for protesters to disrupt Trump Rallies and commit assaults on supporters, and even Colluded with Russians to try to rig the Election and still couldn't buy her way in to the White House.
The ONLY collusion is on the part of the Dems using Steele to make the dossier because he used mostly RUSSIAN sources! This will BLOW UP & BACKFIRE in the faces of the Dems!!
The ONLY collusion is on the part of the Dems using Steele to make the dossier because he used mostly RUSSIAN sources! This will BLOW UP & BACKFIRE in the faces of the Dems!!

The worst part about the whole thing is we now know Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Lynch, Obama ALL KNEW the Dossier was funded by THE DNC and was also RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA.

That Russian Propaganda was paid for by Hillary Clinton and even Obama & THE DNC pitched in money for it. About $14 Million was spent on funding it.

So exactly how did The Trump Campaign Collude with Russia when Russia apparently was colluding with Clinton, the DNC, and Obama, The DOJ, and FBI to KEEP PRESIDENT TRUMP FROM BEING ELECTED?

It's clear they wanted Uranium One Ring Leader, Clinton in Office.
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

That wasn't the question. I'm asking if you are for the Machiavellian approach.
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

You should immediately cooperate, huh? So, let's say you were a candidate and the intelligence community told you that Russia was trying to interfere in the election...You should probably report contacts from Russians, yeah?

The Trump campaign heard about Russian hacking before the rest of us did - CNN
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

That wasn't the question. I'm asking if you are for the Machiavellian approach.

Govt is spying on all my e-communications. I suppose it's "game on".. No one is "innocent" anymore if everyone is being probed. I might feel differently if Americans would wake the fuck up and revolt against the Big Brother Domestic Spy System that they created for NSA.
There's no more effective argument for electronic privacy than having one of the major parties hacked and outed. If that doesn't get them on the right side of the issue -- we're doomed. Civil Liberties will be meaningless. And that Collection system WILL BE ABUSED.
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

That wasn't the question. I'm asking if you are for the Machiavellian approach.

Govt is spying on all my e-communications. I suppose it's "game on".. No one is "innocent" anymore if everyone is being probed. I might feel differently if Americans would wake the fuck up and revolt against the Big Brother Domestic Spy System that they created for NSA.

You still won't answer my question. It's because you thought it was cool that the DNC corruption was exposed, no matter how it happened, HOWEVER... you don't like it that Flynn and the rest of the corruption was discovered because of the dossier that you think it totally false.

I think you know the word for that.
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

You should immediately cooperate, huh? So, let's say you were a candidate and the intelligence community told you that Russia was trying to interfere in the election...You should probably report contacts from Russians, yeah?

The Trump campaign heard about Russian hacking before the rest of us did - CNN

Not if they consisted of Senators mixing with Russian diplomats at cocktail parties -- no.. Having "CONTACTS" with Russians is not illegal. HACKING a political campaign probably is. And it turned out -- the GOVT hacked the Trump campaign and transition team on VERY sparse evidence. EVERYONE got a taste of privacy and Civil Liberty abuse. But they'll probablly STILL VOTE to renew the PATRIOT act domestic spying --- won't they?
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

You should immediately cooperate, huh? So, let's say you were a candidate and the intelligence community told you that Russia was trying to interfere in the election...You should probably report contacts from Russians, yeah?

The Trump campaign heard about Russian hacking before the rest of us did - CNN

Not if they consisted of Senators mixing with Russian diplomats at cocktail parties -- no.. Having "CONTACTS" with Russians is not illegal. HACKING a political campaign probably is. And it turned out -- the GOVT hacked the Trump campaign and transition team on VERY sparse evidence. EVERYONE got a taste of privacy and Civil Liberty abuse. But they'll probablly STILL VOTE to renew the PATRIOT act domestic spying --- won't they?

Just stop...if there was nothing illegal or wrong, all those contacts would not have been conveniently forgotten until the press got a hold of the information.

The Trump Tower meeting that was supposed to get the Trump campaign "dirt" on Hillary should have been reported to the FBI...just like they were briefed to do.
FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign
Like I said --- BOOM !!! The plot is blowing wide open. The OIG report will be out in months. Then the "fun" begins.

Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

That wasn't the question. I'm asking if you are for the Machiavellian approach.

Govt is spying on all my e-communications. I suppose it's "game on".. No one is "innocent" anymore if everyone is being probed. I might feel differently if Americans would wake the fuck up and revolt against the Big Brother Domestic Spy System that they created for NSA.

You still won't answer my question. It's because you thought it was cool that the DNC corruption was exposed, no matter how it happened, HOWEVER... you don't like it that Flynn and the rest of the corruption was discovered because of the dossier that you think it totally false.

I think you know the word for that.

Dems seem to be a "special needs" case when it comes to cyber security. I mean really?? Hillary's basement server farm with high level classified info on it? The DNC server? Podesta's phone? I roared out laughing during one of the debates when Hillary stood up there LECTURING US --- about cyber and national security. THAT was the "H-word" you're trying to accuse me with. In spades.

What's hypocrisy is the folks that DEFEND domestic spying by saying "I have nothing to hide". SOME of them are members of the DNC. THAT would be hypocrisy.. You would THINK -- they'd be all aboard to stop spying and cyber abuse --- right???? But yet, they're gonna instruct their minions to keep voting for Big Brother. Because they LOVE the concept and the POWER that it gives them. Live by hack -- Die by the hack. Sounds fair..
To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..
Let me try to get something straight here. And since I don't want to put words in your mouth, I'll ask your position on these first before I put it all together.

Did you think it was ok that the DNC information was released because it exposed the DNC corruption?

I think if the FBI tries to contact your org and ATTEMPTS to tell you that you might be subject to foreign hacking -- You should immediately COOPERATE WITH THEM to address the issue. Not hide it and employ a favorable and CONTROLLABLE 3rd party to investigate. NO ONE from any govt agency charged with counter-cyber responsibility -- EVER laid hands or eyes on the evidence before the "chain of custody" was completely compromised. MAYBE -- not even then.

That wasn't the question. I'm asking if you are for the Machiavellian approach.

Govt is spying on all my e-communications. I suppose it's "game on".. No one is "innocent" anymore if everyone is being probed. I might feel differently if Americans would wake the fuck up and revolt against the Big Brother Domestic Spy System that they created for NSA.

You still won't answer my question. It's because you thought it was cool that the DNC corruption was exposed, no matter how it happened, HOWEVER... you don't like it that Flynn and the rest of the corruption was discovered because of the dossier that you think it totally false.

I think you know the word for that.

Dems seem to be a "special needs" case when it comes to cyber security. I mean really?? Hillary's basement server farm with high level classified info on it? The DNC server? Podesta's phone? I roared out laughing during one of the debates when Hillary stood up there LECTURING US --- about cyber and national security. THAT was the "H-word" you're trying to accuse me with. In spades.

What's hypocrisy is the folks that DEFEND domestic spying by saying "I have nothing to hide". SOME of them are members of the DNC. THAT would be hypocrisy.. You would THINK -- they'd be all aboard to stop spying and cyber abuse --- right???? But yet, they're gonna instruct their minions to keep voting for Big Brother. Because they LOVE the concept and the POWER that it gives them. Live by hack -- Die by the hack. Sounds fair..

Why do you keep making excuses? It DOESN'T matter... You're admitting in this thread to being a hypocrite.

Victim blaming doesn't change that. You are ok with the DNC corruption being brought to light through illegal activity, yet you are pissed and concerned that Flynn and the rest of the Trump campaign getting busted because of the dossier.

...and by the way, Flynn was busted not because they were monitoring HIM, but because they were monitoring who he was talking to... and when the conversation had to do with something important like lifting sanctions, and the person on the phone wasn't authorized to discuss that, he was unmasked.

You keep saying you're impartial, but you are making it abundantly clear in this thread, your critique of government and what results come of certain actions, are acceptable depending on the political party, not by the legality or morality of it.
To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..

Nothing to chew on for pages. You've admitted to being a hypocrite. It's ok for one party's corruption to be brought to light through illegal activity, and you think it is wrong that the other party's corruption was brought to light through what you FEEL is illegal activity.
To cut this short LewDog, because I know you'll chew on this for pages --- I see a "teaching moment" to the DNC getting hacked and compromised. I THINK it's justified. Just on the PRINCIPLE that these folks are no longer champions of Civil Liberties and want to COMPROMISE everybody else's personal papers and effects. So yeah. In THEIR case -- I'm glad it happened. They won't learn a whit from it tho..

Nothing to chew on for pages. You've admitted to being a hypocrite. It's ok for one party's corruption to be brought to light through illegal activity, and you think it is wrong that the other party's corruption was brought to light through what you FEEL is illegal activity.

Not a hypocrite. I'm looking at the bigger picture and issues. And the ONLY thing that matters to me is EVERYBODY'S right to expect privacy in their "papers and effects". If the politicians are no longer on the same Constitutional page -- I'm not gonna get outraged when THEY (who have nothing to hide ostensibly) get their OWN "papers and effects" stolen. Told you -- I love the irony and the teaching moment. I'm all for the "Watchmen" that aren't doing their job to get robbed. Deal with it. I answered you question COMPLETELY and a bit more.

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