Christopher Steele agrees to be questioned by US officials over his relationship with FBI

Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.
A lot of it is true.
I doubt very much if any of you who have a biased reason for rejecting the Steele Dossier will read this, but it goes through the information in the dossier and what, so far, has been confirmed by government investigation.
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
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Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That dimocrap FILTH worked directly with Russian Intelligence Agents

That dimocrap FILTH at the very top of the Food Chain..... the Lying Cocksucker, Brennan, Clapper, Cheryl Mills, Janet Lynch and others were in on the false documents leading up to the fake investigation.

You don't know this, because you're stupid, but Barr has a Special Counsel looking into this. He just isn't called a SC. He is, however.

I don't know for sure, but I would bet money on the entire dimocrap scum party going down in flames by next Summer.

I don't think Barr can be bought or threatened.

We shall see. But if he does his job, we're gonna see multiple, and I mean MULTIPLE dimocrap scum in prison for long stretches before this all over.

Notice, the interview is being done IN the UK. Steele isn't stupid enough to come here.

But the Brits may very well extradite in the near future. It's why he's talking.

Believe it. Or not.

Continue to get you news from CNN. Continue to be uninformed and stupid.

It suits you well, dimocrap
You’re a crack up. So next summer when the Democratic Party has not gone down in flames and after Barr has not exposed some nefarious government conspiracy, will you accept that you’ve been fed a line of crap or will you just turn on Barr and start calling him a deep state Dem?
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.
And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?
they damn sure accused others of crimes because of his bullshit. why wouldn't it be?
It could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
Not so much about a bombshell. At least I don't think it will be.

Mostly it's about forcing the MSM to acknowledge what they've virtually blacked out, but everyone that isn't stupid knows... That the Dossier was lies that the DNC and Hillary paid for, that was used to justify the Obama administrations spying on the Trump campaign.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
that his report was bullshit and he was hired to get dirt, not the truth?
You think he was hired to make stuff up? Like Clinton said, “we need to find a foreign spy to write a convincing report of lies about trump so we have something to use to try and unseat him should he end up beating me in the election.”

Is that what you think her plan was?
dunno. we'll see soon enough however, won't we?

no one has yet to be able to tell me how come clinton can hire a brit former agent to collect "dirt" and it's ok but it's not ok to collect dirt from russian lawyers.

however since you're cool with people picking and choosing what to provide authorities when they come under investigation then there really isn't a limit to how far you're willing to go - for YOUR side.
Best to not get caught up in this WILD SPECULATION nonsense.

Steele SPECIALIZED on Russia at MI-6.

Why else do you think dimocrap scum hired him?

He worked WITH Russian Intelligence Agents and very likely set up meetings with Russian Intelligence and dimocrap FILTH agents to gather dirt and invent lies about Trump.

If Barr does his job, many dimocrap scum are going to prison.
That's all hunky dory but means NOTHING in reference to his agreement to talk.

Speculating about what he may or may not say is stupid. Basically fake news.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.
And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?
they damn sure accused others of crimes because of his bullshit. why wouldn't it be?
It’s could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.
Accusing the future president of having willful and enjoyable golden showers by Russian hookers.(probably true)
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.
And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?
they damn sure accused others of crimes because of his bullshit. why wouldn't it be?
It’s could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.
whatever it was, if it benefited the left i'm pretty sure you won't think it a crime anyway.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
Not so much about a bombshell. At least I don't think it will be.

Mostly it's about forcing the MSM to acknowledge what they've virtually blacked out, but everyone that isn't stupid knows... That the Dossier was lies that the DNC and Hillary paid for, that was used to justify the Obama administrations spying on the Trump campaign.
that’s not something everybody knows. Everybody has not seen the FISA warrants and what redacted classified intel was used to obtain the warrants. We also haven’t seen anything connecting Clinton with the FBI in a conspiracy to spy on Trump. What we have seen is the Trump appointed director of the FBI back up the validity of the investigation, a guy who has seen all the evidence that YOU have not seen... I think your narrative is extremely weak and based on propaganda not facts
It’s could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.

For starters, lying to a FISA Judge that the information on the application for a surveillance warrant was verified and true, when they knew it wasn't.

For that alone, if heads don't roll, nobody will ever trust the Judiciary again. And rightly so.

So either the FBI totally lied to the FISA Judge(s) or the Judiciary was in on it.

There's no in-between. It MUST be one felony or the other.

I also never underestimate the Deep State. They protect their own. There are no Political Parties in the Deep State. dimocrap scum, republican scum...... They cover for each other.

But if Barr doesn't get some scalps out of this, he'll be looking at the door soon. Count on it.

It's why dimocrap FILTH and the GOPe hate Trump so much. They're afraid he's gonna tear down their Deep State apparatus that has made them all rich over the decades.

At the top, there's really not much difference between the two parties. Criminals all.
That's all hunky dory but means NOTHING in reference to his agreement to talk.

Speculating about what he may or may not say is stupid. Basically fake news.

It DOES matter. If Steele tells them that the dimocrap scum KNEW he got a bunch of the information from Russian Agents, head are gonna roll
More evidence is pointing to Democrats colluding with the Russians. Not saying they can or should be prosecuted for it.... it’s actually more fun watching them look foolish trying to take down Trump over nothing but hatred.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
that his report was bullshit and he was hired to get dirt, not the truth?
You think he was hired to make stuff up? Like Clinton said, “we need to find a foreign spy to write a convincing report of lies about trump so we have something to use to try and unseat him should he end up beating me in the election.”

Is that what you think her plan was?
dunno. we'll see soon enough however, won't we?

no one has yet to be able to tell me how come clinton can hire a brit former agent to collect "dirt" and it's ok but it's not ok to collect dirt from russian lawyers.

however since you're cool with people picking and choosing what to provide authorities when they come under investigation then there really isn't a limit to how far you're willing to go - for YOUR side.
There is no doubt that the Steele situation shows the dirty underbelly of politics. He was hired to dig up dirty that a political campaign could use to attack their opponents. It is the definition of collusion. Clinton did it with Steele and Trump did it with the Trump tower meet and other contacts outlined in Muellers report.

But as we all know, collusion is not a crime. At the same time Clinton was paying for dirt the investigator was sharing the findings with the FBI, while in Trumps case they were making up cover story’s and denying any contacts with Russians.

This is where the lying bites one in the ass.

In the end, Trump wasn’t found to have committed a crime in regards to conspiracy. If you think Clinton crossed that line then please present your theory because I’m not seeing it.
Anonymous sources indicate the Queen was very impressed with Trump and felt the witch hunt was just too much bullshit to leave undiscovered so she has gone to bat for Trump and reeled Steele in.
I think Mueller is in Belize right now and might want to grab up the passports of the rest
Libbies who support the coup to throw out Trump and undermine America, your moment of bald face recogning is at hand and no investigation nor collusion nor obstruction nor wailing at the sky baloney can save you now.

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