Christopher Steele agrees to be questioned by US officials over his relationship with FBI

Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.
And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?
they damn sure accused others of crimes because of his bullshit. why wouldn't it be?
It’s could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.
whatever it was, if it benefited the left i'm pretty sure you won't think it a crime anyway.
Who gives a shit what I think? You can disagree with my politics all you want but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a substantive debate about different situations. If you are still sour grapes about our last debate then I’m sorry. At some point I hope you can let that go or decide not to engage with me.
I find it very odd that the family of dead americans associated with the clinton cartel always wants the victim family member to be left alone and not to enforce any action on the probable guilty!

Oh, I'm still looking for anyone who can name any other suicide victim who shot themselves in the head twice like Vince Foster!!!
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
In YOUR fantasy land, what makes you think you can hide the truth forever?
That the Dossier was all bullshit.
And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?
they damn sure accused others of crimes because of his bullshit. why wouldn't it be?
It’s could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.
whatever it was, if it benefited the left i'm pretty sure you won't think it a crime anyway.
Who gives a shit what I think? You can disagree with my politics all you want but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a substantive debate about different situations. If you are still sour grapes about our last debate then I’m sorry. At some point I hope you can let that go or decide not to engage with me.
I find it very odd that the family of dead americans associated with the clinton cartel always wants the victim family member be left alone and not to enforce any action on the probable guilty!

Oh, I'm still looking for anyone who can name any other suicide victim who shot themselves in the head twice like Vince Foster!!!
In the back of the head, no less.
It’s could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.

For starters, lying to a FISA Judge that the information on the application for a surveillance warrant was verified and true, when they knew it wasn't.

For that alone, if heads don't roll, nobody will ever trust the Judiciary again. And rightly so.

So either the FBI totally lied to the FISA Judge(s) or the Judiciary was in on it.

There's no in-between. It MUST be one felony or the other.

I also never underestimate the Deep State. They protect their own. There are no Political Parties in the Deep State. dimocrap scum, republican scum...... They cover for each other.

But if Barr doesn't get some scalps out of this, he'll be looking at the door soon. Count on it.

It's why dimocrap FILTH and the GOPe hate Trump so much. They're afraid he's gonna tear down their Deep State apparatus that has made them all rich over the decades.

At the top, there's really not much difference between the two parties. Criminals all.
Who exactly do you think lied on the FISA and how can you make the claim the the intel was unsubstantiated when you haven’t read any of the redacted information from the warrant? It’s a rather silly position to take especially given the fact that chris Wray, trumps fbi Director who has seen the classified intel has backed up the validity of the investigations. How do you have better intel than that?
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
In YOUR fantasy land, what makes you think you can hide the truth forever?
What truth do you think I’m hiding? I’m just an observer to this show. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.

Best to not get caught up in this WILD SPECULATION nonsense.

Just posting what I feel is useful to the people.....
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
In YOUR fantasy land, what makes you think you can hide the truth forever?
What truth do you think I’m hiding? I’m just an observer to this show. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
Time will reveal the truth.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

that his report was bullshit and he was hired to get dirt, not the truth?

Perhaps he will name names and facts that will be useful in the prosecution of peopleat the DOJ/FBI and Fusion GPS?
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
In YOUR fantasy land, what makes you think you can hide the truth forever?
What truth do you think I’m hiding? I’m just an observer to this show. Why can’t you answer a simple question?
Time will reveal the truth.
Yes it will. But that’s twice now you've avoided answering a question. What’s up with that?
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.

And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?

Indeed an attempt of a coup d' etat of a duly elected president of these United States of America is a crime against the People and our Constitution. It's Treason and at least Sedition.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

that his report was bullshit and he was hired to get dirt, not the truth?

Perhaps he will name names and facts that will be useful in the prosecution of peopleat the DOJ/FBI and Fusion GPS?
Prosecution for what? What crimes do you think were committed?
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.

And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?

Indeed an attempt of a coup d' etat of a duly elected president of these United States of America is a crime against the People and our Constitution. It's Treason and at least Sedition.
What specific illegal actions make you think a coupe was attempted or treason? Everything I’ve seen has gone through our legal system.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.

And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?

Indeed an attempt of a coup d' etat of a duly elected president of these United States of America is a crime against the People and our Constitution. It's Treason and at least Sedition.
What specific illegal actions make you think a coupe was attempted or treason? Everything I’ve seen has gone through our legal system.

Obviously you have read any of the E-mails between Strzok and Page or McCabe. Then there's the testimonies of Ohr, Baker etc., confirming the cabal in the failed coup d' etat.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
that his report was bullshit and he was hired to get dirt, not the truth?
You think he was hired to make stuff up? Like Clinton said, “we need to find a foreign spy to write a convincing report of lies about trump so we have something to use to try and unseat him should he end up beating me in the election.”

Is that what you think her plan was?
dunno. we'll see soon enough however, won't we?

no one has yet to be able to tell me how come clinton can hire a brit former agent to collect "dirt" and it's ok but it's not ok to collect dirt from russian lawyers.

however since you're cool with people picking and choosing what to provide authorities when they come under investigation then there really isn't a limit to how far you're willing to go - for YOUR side.
There is no doubt that the Steele situation shows the dirty underbelly of politics. He was hired to dig up dirty that a political campaign could use to attack their opponents. It is the definition of collusion. Clinton did it with Steele and Trump did it with the Trump tower meet and other contacts outlined in Muellers report.

But as we all know, collusion is not a crime. At the same time Clinton was paying for dirt the investigator was sharing the findings with the FBI, while in Trumps case they were making up cover story’s and denying any contacts with Russians.

This is where the lying bites one in the ass.

In the end, Trump wasn’t found to have committed a crime in regards to conspiracy. If you think Clinton crossed that line then please present your theory because I’m not seeing it.
if it's not a crime, then why was trump investigated for (2) years?

clinton deleted mail after being asked for it. period. you want to pretend it's personal but i contend there is ZERO WAY TO BE SURE but you again give her the benefit of doubt. i liken that to arresting someone for child porn and allowing them to turn over what they want to the police.
That the Dossier was all bullshit.
And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?
they damn sure accused others of crimes because of his bullshit. why wouldn't it be?
It’s could be, I’m just curious about what crime you think was committed.
whatever it was, if it benefited the left i'm pretty sure you won't think it a crime anyway.
Who gives a shit what I think? You can disagree with my politics all you want but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a substantive debate about different situations. If you are still sour grapes about our last debate then I’m sorry. At some point I hope you can let that go or decide not to engage with me.
i just know i can't have a "substantive debate" with someone who doesn't read what i took a lot of time to put together for my reply and basis for my argument.

"oh, i was reading brietpats timeline..let me go look at yours" type shit. why should i ever go through that much trouble if you don't bother to read it. OR - when you do - you say "right wing nonsense".

when those are my outcomes, i don't bother playing.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

that his report was bullshit and he was hired to get dirt, not the truth?

Perhaps he will name names and facts that will be useful in the prosecution of peopleat the DOJ/FBI and Fusion GPS?
i want an honest investigation and if someone broke the laws, i want no excuses, i want prosecution. period.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That the Dossier was all bullshit.

And if it was all bullshit then what? Do you think that’s a crime?

Indeed an attempt of a coup d' etat of a duly elected president of these United States of America is a crime against the People and our Constitution. It's Treason and at least Sedition.
What specific illegal actions make you think a coupe was attempted or treason? Everything I’ve seen has gone through our legal system.

Obviously you have read any of the E-mails between Strzok and Page or McCabe. Then there's the testimonies of Ohr, Baker etc., confirming the cabal in the failed coup d' etat.
Then connect the dots for me. What crime is going to be exposed. How’s this thing going to go down?
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?
that his report was bullshit and he was hired to get dirt, not the truth?
You think he was hired to make stuff up? Like Clinton said, “we need to find a foreign spy to write a convincing report of lies about trump so we have something to use to try and unseat him should he end up beating me in the election.”

Is that what you think her plan was?
dunno. we'll see soon enough however, won't we?

no one has yet to be able to tell me how come clinton can hire a brit former agent to collect "dirt" and it's ok but it's not ok to collect dirt from russian lawyers.

however since you're cool with people picking and choosing what to provide authorities when they come under investigation then there really isn't a limit to how far you're willing to go - for YOUR side.
There is no doubt that the Steele situation shows the dirty underbelly of politics. He was hired to dig up dirty that a political campaign could use to attack their opponents. It is the definition of collusion. Clinton did it with Steele and Trump did it with the Trump tower meet and other contacts outlined in Muellers report.

But as we all know, collusion is not a crime. At the same time Clinton was paying for dirt the investigator was sharing the findings with the FBI, while in Trumps case they were making up cover story’s and denying any contacts with Russians.

This is where the lying bites one in the ass.

In the end, Trump wasn’t found to have committed a crime in regards to conspiracy. If you think Clinton crossed that line then please present your theory because I’m not seeing it.
if it's not a crime, then why was trump investigated for (2) years?

clinton deleted mail after being asked for it. period. you want to pretend it's personal but i contend there is ZERO WAY TO BE SURE but you again give her the benefit of doubt. i liken that to arresting someone for child porn and allowing them to turn over what they want to the police.
You are correct, I gave her the benefit of the doubt for two reasons 1. The nature of the accusations and crimes in question and 2. The conclusions of the FBI who actually investigated the matter and have waaaay more intel than you and I. But let’s not go back to the email conversation.

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