Christopher Steele agrees to be questioned by US officials over his relationship with FBI

Posting a Hillary chron. Where is the Steele chron? Without it, both Steele and Downer could have been on Cyprus at the same time.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That dimocrap FILTH worked directly with Russian Intelligence Agents

That dimocrap FILTH at the very top of the Food Chain..... the Lying Cocksucker, Brennan, Clapper, Cheryl Mills, Janet Lynch and others were in on the false documents leading up to the fake investigation.

You don't know this, because you're stupid, but Barr has a Special Counsel looking into this. He just isn't called a SC. He is, however.

I don't know for sure, but I would bet money on the entire dimocrap scum party going down in flames by next Summer.

I don't think Barr can be bought or threatened.

We shall see. But if he does his job, we're gonna see multiple, and I mean MULTIPLE dimocrap scum in prison for long stretches before this all over.

Notice, the interview is being done IN the UK. Steele isn't stupid enough to come here.

But the Brits may very well extradite in the near future. It's why he's talking.

Believe it. Or not.

Continue to get you news from CNN. Continue to be uninformed and stupid.

It suits you well, dimocrap
You’re a crack up. So next summer when the Democratic Party has not gone down in flames and after Barr has not exposed some nefarious government conspiracy, will you accept that you’ve been fed a line of crap or will you just turn on Barr and start calling him a deep state Dem?
Of course many Trumples remember the Commission on Electoral Fraud?
as an "old school" journalist it kills me. the fact people allow emotional statements in headlines is pathetic to me. i "defended" mueller from someone calling him a LIAR in the headlines and the Right Wing went apeshit on me.

extremes do what extremes do. doesn't matter which side.
Yes you are obviously pissed. But you are also coming from a place of ignorance as you were not privy to the details of the case. I get that you believe there was some deep state shenanigans going on. That’s fine. I don’t.

And isn’t your argument an “I excuse trump because...” thing?!

I don’t see how excusing somebody because of your opinions about a specific situation means anything. That’s what we all do.

I excuse Trump for many things. I blame Clinton for many things. That was a silly critique
so now i'm ignorant.

lesse - right talking points from site i don't visit, sharyl is a right wing pundit, now i'm speaking from ignorance while somehow your OPINION is enlightened by some method not available to the common man. and somehow you know all this about me w/o ever reading all of my posts.

if the feds told trump "turn over your laptop, we have reason to believe you have illegal info on there" no way in any shade of hell would you be ok with trump going "here, have these folders, you don't need the rest" but hillary did just that.

like i said - you're not getting away with a fucking thing. you're simply setting the standard of behavior that WILL be followed.

and disappointed was more the word i would use but hey - you seem to know all so whatever.
Jesus, you really want to keep going down this rabbit hole?! Fine. But you are not being accurate with your recount of events.

The Feds did not ask for Clinton’s computer and then she deleted emails like you just posed in your trump scenario. She deleted personal emails before the feds asked for the computer but after congress subpoenaed Libya and Banghazi related emails from her.

This was the point I was trying to make during our last conversation that kept avoiding to acknowledge.
wrong. and i showed you this in my timeline, highlighting each and every date and just where the feds asked and just where she went "oops".

you'd know this if you bothered to read my posts when you reply to them.
I did go back and read it. I didn’t the first time around because is was rapid replying to a bunch of stuff but when you Referred back to it I went through both your links. But the timeline remains as I just laid out, I don’t think you can dispute that
now you have (3) timelines - each showing she was asked for her e-mail. she knows they'll want it all. SHE gets to decide what to send after being asked multiple times and then SHE gets to decide what to delete.

prove the timelines wrong. all of them.
See that’s where you lose the arguement. You can’t say she should know that they’ll want it all. They asked for Libya and Benghazi related emails and that’s what she gave them. She deleted emails after that and then months later the FBI asked for the server.

And how many times do authorities get free rein to all emails from anybody? They subpoena what they need it gets turned over and that’s that. If Clinton did something illegal by deleting the emails then she could be arrested for it. Why hasn’t she?
And Congress is going to re-open the Kennedy Assassination. I care much about either.

Actually - I would like to know what the hell was going on behind that grassy knoll.

It could have been this way:

This is how dimocrap scum work.... stall, stall, stall, lie, lie, lie, lie some more. Then stall, stall, stall and lie some more still.

And when it comes up again, claim it's old news and we should just 'Move On'

dimocraps are scum
so now i'm ignorant.

lesse - right talking points from site i don't visit, sharyl is a right wing pundit, now i'm speaking from ignorance while somehow your OPINION is enlightened by some method not available to the common man. and somehow you know all this about me w/o ever reading all of my posts.

if the feds told trump "turn over your laptop, we have reason to believe you have illegal info on there" no way in any shade of hell would you be ok with trump going "here, have these folders, you don't need the rest" but hillary did just that.

like i said - you're not getting away with a fucking thing. you're simply setting the standard of behavior that WILL be followed.

and disappointed was more the word i would use but hey - you seem to know all so whatever.
Jesus, you really want to keep going down this rabbit hole?! Fine. But you are not being accurate with your recount of events.

The Feds did not ask for Clinton’s computer and then she deleted emails like you just posed in your trump scenario. She deleted personal emails before the feds asked for the computer but after congress subpoenaed Libya and Banghazi related emails from her.

This was the point I was trying to make during our last conversation that kept avoiding to acknowledge.
wrong. and i showed you this in my timeline, highlighting each and every date and just where the feds asked and just where she went "oops".

you'd know this if you bothered to read my posts when you reply to them.
I did go back and read it. I didn’t the first time around because is was rapid replying to a bunch of stuff but when you Referred back to it I went through both your links. But the timeline remains as I just laid out, I don’t think you can dispute that
now you have (3) timelines - each showing she was asked for her e-mail. she knows they'll want it all. SHE gets to decide what to send after being asked multiple times and then SHE gets to decide what to delete.

prove the timelines wrong. all of them.
See that’s where you lose the arguement. You can’t say she should know that they’ll want it all. They asked for Libya and Benghazi related emails and that’s what she gave them. She deleted emails after that and then months later the FBI asked for the server.

And how many times do authorities get free rein to all emails from anybody? They subpoena what they need it gets turned over and that’s that. If Clinton did something illegal by deleting the emails then she could be arrested for it. Why hasn’t she?
how the fuck do you know what she gave them? the committee asked for all info and she got to decide what that was, change her "retention policy" to 60 days (and pray tell how does a retention policy know what's personal and work related? that is simply saying delete everything >60 days from a SINGLE ADDRESS) and delete what she wanted to. how much of that work mail is to be kept for how long again? or does that not matter cause (insert bullshit here).

it's amazing what i simply don't know and yet you are fully aware of.

there's so much shit here you refuse to see cause you're busy eating all this shit in defense of her. i would not be cool with any one for any reason deciding what to turn over as evidence. you're looking for any place to crawl into and call home. she knows god damn good and well they'll be asking for it so she destroys it. fuck any excuse - period.

over and out.
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as an "old school" journalist it kills me. the fact people allow emotional statements in headlines is pathetic to me. i "defended" mueller from someone calling him a LIAR in the headlines and the Right Wing went apeshit on me.

extremes do what extremes do. doesn't matter which side.

Mewler is a liar. Even Dershowitz just recently converted.

That you can't see it speaks volumes. Better to admit it, give up a mea culpa and learn from it.

Some never do......

Learn, that is. It's like they stop growing intellectually when they get out of College.

It's a bitch to peak at 23

Hahaha good. Let it be public or at least publish the transcripts.

Hiding, refusing to be interviewed, and refusing subpoenas just makes you look guilty anyway, right?
Or maybe he won't. The Brits are playing the fake news game by quoting an unverified anonymous "source close to Steele".
It's the article from the American Thinker (post #4): '....I have all along believed that part of President Trump's mission in the U.K. was winning over British support for fully outing the role of its intelligence services in the Russian hoax....I do not discount the importance of his 90-minute private conversation with Queen Elizabeth.'

"Fully outing" is problematic due to the link(s) between the Clinton crime family and MI6. These links can't be ignored, they link (literally [italics])) to the honey on the Queen's table. Readers may wish to think of concepts such as 'sting.'
Don't be sorry. More chrons should be on these threads, all types of time-lines so that readers can get a clearer snapshot of events.
It's interesting to speculate about this breathless bit of news. Steele is supposed to be this furtive secret agent type, right? How in the world would the Brit media be able to scoop information from a "source close to Steele" without him knowing about it or condoning it? Did they blow their source out of the water for this cheap story or did Steel actually leak it or is the whole thing made up?
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions
June 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson
I don't think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that "dossier" author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities. Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports(Christopher Steele Reportedly Planning To Meet With US Authorities | The Daily Caller Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting. A source close to Steele told the newspaper(Christopher Steele: MI6 agent to face questions on Trump Russia dossier | News | The Times) he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government. Steele's decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report. Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.
Joe DiGenova sees that this is really big news: (Joe diGenova: Steele interview about Russia collusion hoax should reveal Democratic Party corruption | Fox News) … Attorney General William Barr's investigators are hot on the trail of former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others who played a role in concocting the conspiracy to take down our duly elected president.

This has real potential for good. We will see if Steele lives through the week. As much as he may dislike Trump, since he’s MI6, he may have more loyalty to the crown than Hillary.I’m thinking they offered Steele a deal. They convinced him he would be prosecuted either under US or UK statutes, and like most rats, he’ll turn on his former “friends” in a heartbeat to save his own rump. Hillary’s team is working feverishly, 24/7, trying to figure out how to suicide someone in another country.... The only crown Hillary has loyalty to is the crown she feels entitled to wear, as our Queen. I wonder if Bill Clinton got anything out of the last episode of Game of Thrones?
Its possible that back channel talks were made to the Queen representatives about what we know of her government’s involvement in the coup d’ etat of an American government. In exchange for keeping the British Government out of the line of fire Steele would have to become a witness for the prosecution. There is so much we don’t know. So far only one side is talking and they are spinning everything even when it contradicts what they said earlier. They say the wheels of justice moves slow so I guess it will be awhile before we know if those responsible are brought to justice.
Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state's evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions

What prosecutions?
so now i'm ignorant.

lesse - right talking points from site i don't visit, sharyl is a right wing pundit, now i'm speaking from ignorance while somehow your OPINION is enlightened by some method not available to the common man. and somehow you know all this about me w/o ever reading all of my posts.

if the feds told trump "turn over your laptop, we have reason to believe you have illegal info on there" no way in any shade of hell would you be ok with trump going "here, have these folders, you don't need the rest" but hillary did just that.

like i said - you're not getting away with a fucking thing. you're simply setting the standard of behavior that WILL be followed.

and disappointed was more the word i would use but hey - you seem to know all so whatever.
Jesus, you really want to keep going down this rabbit hole?! Fine. But you are not being accurate with your recount of events.

The Feds did not ask for Clinton’s computer and then she deleted emails like you just posed in your trump scenario. She deleted personal emails before the feds asked for the computer but after congress subpoenaed Libya and Banghazi related emails from her.

This was the point I was trying to make during our last conversation that kept avoiding to acknowledge.
wrong. and i showed you this in my timeline, highlighting each and every date and just where the feds asked and just where she went "oops".

you'd know this if you bothered to read my posts when you reply to them.
I did go back and read it. I didn’t the first time around because is was rapid replying to a bunch of stuff but when you Referred back to it I went through both your links. But the timeline remains as I just laid out, I don’t think you can dispute that
now you have (3) timelines - each showing she was asked for her e-mail. she knows they'll want it all. SHE gets to decide what to send after being asked multiple times and then SHE gets to decide what to delete.

prove the timelines wrong. all of them.
See that’s where you lose the arguement. You can’t say she should know that they’ll want it all. They asked for Libya and Benghazi related emails and that’s what she gave them. She deleted emails after that and then months later the FBI asked for the server.

And how many times do authorities get free rein to all emails from anybody? They subpoena what they need it gets turned over and that’s that. If Clinton did something illegal by deleting the emails then she could be arrested for it. Why hasn’t she?

For the same reasons she hasn't been charged for anything else. It was a cabal. They covered her.

She sent classified emails to Umma who's husband used the very same computer to send nudes of himself to strange women around the world. When it was discovered, Comey had the FBI destroy the laptop instead of preserving it for evidence.
Wow, you have quite the imagination. In your fantasyland what bombshell do you think Steele is going to drop?

That dimocrap FILTH worked directly with Russian Intelligence Agents

That dimocrap FILTH at the very top of the Food Chain..... the Lying Cocksucker, Brennan, Clapper, Cheryl Mills, Janet Lynch and others were in on the false documents leading up to the fake investigation.

You don't know this, because you're stupid, but Barr has a Special Counsel looking into this. He just isn't called a SC. He is, however.

I don't know for sure, but I would bet money on the entire dimocrap scum party going down in flames by next Summer.

I don't think Barr can be bought or threatened.

We shall see. But if he does his job, we're gonna see multiple, and I mean MULTIPLE dimocrap scum in prison for long stretches before this all over.

Notice, the interview is being done IN the UK. Steele isn't stupid enough to come here.

But the Brits may very well extradite in the near future. It's why he's talking.

Believe it. Or not.

Continue to get you news from CNN. Continue to be uninformed and stupid.

It suits you well, dimocrap
You’re a crack up. So next summer when the Democratic Party has not gone down in flames and after Barr has not exposed some nefarious government conspiracy, will you accept that you’ve been fed a line of crap or will you just turn on Barr and start calling him a deep state Dem?
They might Even believe Meuller is a rino

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