Chronicle Problems with Obamacare Here.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Prices just came out for my State, Virginia, today. The cheapest Bronze plan for only the most healthy young person is $237 a month. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

But wait! There's a catch. The insurance doesn't kick in until you've paid a $5,500 deductible out of pocket. This deductible is about 4 times higher than a comparable commercial plan. You also have a 40% co-pay for all prescription drugs.

So, the real costs in Virginia for the cheapest plan for the most healthy young person is $695 a month. It is roughly 2 1/2 times higher than a base commercial plan in Virginia for the same person.

Sorry young're going ot be paying for the fuck ups with no jobs and a lot of really old, really sick people. Enjoy...and thanks for voting for Obama.

Prices just came out for my State, Virginia, today. The cheapest Bronze plan for only the most healthy young person is $237 a month. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

But wait! There's a catch. The insurance doesn't kick in until you've paid a $5,500 deductible out of pocket. This deductible is about 4 times higher than a comparable commercial plan. You also have a 40% co-pay for all prescription drugs.

So, the real costs in Virginia for the cheapest plan for the most healthy young person is $695 a month. It is roughly 2 1/2 times higher than a base commercial plan in Virginia for the same person.

Sorry young're going ot be paying for the fuck ups with no jobs and a lot of really old, really sick people. Enjoy...and thanks for voting for Obama.


they voted for it, they wanted it, hopefully it bankrupts them and they hate it.

hopefully they never vote that way again.
Prices just came out for my State, Virginia, today. The cheapest Bronze plan for only the most healthy young person is $237 a month. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

But wait! There's a catch. The insurance doesn't kick in until you've paid a $5,500 deductible out of pocket. This deductible is about 4 times higher than a comparable commercial plan. You also have a 40% co-pay for all prescription drugs.

So, the real costs in Virginia for the cheapest plan for the most healthy young person is $695 a month. It is roughly 2 1/2 times higher than a base commercial plan in Virginia for the same person.

Sorry young're going ot be paying for the fuck ups with no jobs and a lot of really old, really sick people. Enjoy...and thanks for voting for Obama.


Color me shocked.

I just found out my HC costs are going up as well.

Yup. Obamacare is gonna be cheaper and better. Yeah Right.

Oh and BTW. You get bet all those young folks will be paying the tax penalty. I know I sure a fuck would.
Prices just came out for my State, Virginia, today. The cheapest Bronze plan for only the most healthy young person is $237 a month. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

But wait! There's a catch. The insurance doesn't kick in until you've paid a $5,500 deductible out of pocket. This deductible is about 4 times higher than a comparable commercial plan. You also have a 40% co-pay for all prescription drugs.

So, the real costs in Virginia for the cheapest plan for the most healthy young person is $695 a month. It is roughly 2 1/2 times higher than a base commercial plan in Virginia for the same person.

Sorry young're going ot be paying for the fuck ups with no jobs and a lot of really old, really sick people. Enjoy...and thanks for voting for Obama.


they voted for it, they wanted it, hopefully it bankrupts them and they hate it.

hopefully they never vote that way again.

I work in an ER with a lot of really young kids. They are so screwed by this economy and by the weight of their school loans. They have it much tougher than I ever did even 10-15 years ago. To put the majority of the real cost of Obamacare on their backs seems incredibly unfair to me.

But Obama's base, which is largely unemployed or poor love it, so I guess that's all that matters. More free stuff paid off the backs of working people trying to make something of their lives.
Prices just came out for my State, Virginia, today. The cheapest Bronze plan for only the most healthy young person is $237 a month. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

But wait! There's a catch. The insurance doesn't kick in until you've paid a $5,500 deductible out of pocket. This deductible is about 4 times higher than a comparable commercial plan. You also have a 40% co-pay for all prescription drugs.

So, the real costs in Virginia for the cheapest plan for the most healthy young person is $695 a month. It is roughly 2 1/2 times higher than a base commercial plan in Virginia for the same person.

Sorry young're going ot be paying for the fuck ups with no jobs and a lot of really old, really sick people. Enjoy...and thanks for voting for Obama.


they voted for it, they wanted it, hopefully it bankrupts them and they hate it.

hopefully they never vote that way again.

I work in an ER with a lot of really young kids. They are so screwed by this economy and by the weight of their school loans. They have it much tougher than I ever did even 10-15 years ago. To put the majority of the real cost of Obamacare on their backs seems incredibly unfair to me.

But Obama's base, which is largely unemployed or poor love it, so I guess that's all that matters. More free stuff paid off the backs of working people trying to make something of their lives.

ask them who they voted for.... if they voted for obama....i have zero sympathy for them. They wanted this so they have no legs to complain, cry or whine.

they signed on the dotted line for the school loans... its on them to pay it back. Again, i have no sympathy for them.

i agree, the "poor" have nothing to loose and everything to gain. They will get all of this....again....for free.

hopefully all of those young people who this is going to kill will realize it. What is breaking them....are all he people who want something for nothing...all of the entitlement whores.
It's at the point where it make more financial sense to be a failure than to try to get ahead.
They did when it was first introduced. But by the time it was passed, so much had been changed behind closed doors that even the ins. industry didn't have a clue what was coming down the pike. Now that it's somewhat clearer, the insurance and medical communities are just as confused and unsure as the rest of it.
Gotta love that lobyist industry for the insurance and for profit medical care. They love the ACA.

You and I agree on this. The law was largely written by the insurance industry and lobbyist. Anything they like means in all probability, the rest of us get screwed.
Gotta love that lobyist industry for the insurance and for profit medical care. They love the ACA.

You and I agree on this. The law was largely written by the insurance industry and lobbyist. Anything they like means in all probability, the rest of us get screwed.

Which is why corporate identity as an individual was wrong when Harrison changed it and allowed corporations from their three lock box the Founders put them in.So they would not control the government like what had happened in England's Parliament.
Prices just came out for my State, Virginia, today. The cheapest Bronze plan for only the most healthy young person is $237 a month. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

But wait! There's a catch. The insurance doesn't kick in until you've paid a $5,500 deductible out of pocket. This deductible is about 4 times higher than a comparable commercial plan. You also have a 40% co-pay for all prescription drugs.

So, the real costs in Virginia for the cheapest plan for the most healthy young person is $695 a month. It is roughly 2 1/2 times higher than a base commercial plan in Virginia for the same person.

Sorry young're going ot be paying for the fuck ups with no jobs and a lot of really old, really sick people. Enjoy...and thanks for voting for Obama.


they voted for it, they wanted it, hopefully it bankrupts them and they hate it.

hopefully they never vote that way again.

I work in an ER with a lot of really young kids. They are so screwed by this economy and by the weight of their school loans. They have it much tougher than I ever did even 10-15 years ago. To put the majority of the real cost of Obamacare on their backs seems incredibly unfair to me.

But Obama's base, which is largely unemployed or poor love it, so I guess that's all that matters. More free stuff paid off the backs of working people trying to make something of their lives.

The largely unemployed and poor get medicade so they don't care. Yet. As for the healthy young person, I I'm thinking they wont like it much when mom and dad are not footing their health bills anymore. And the poor. Wonder how they will like it when their EIC checks get swallowed up as a payment of their fine for not getting signed up by March. This will take a massive shit by 2015. Then get ready for medicade for all.
I have several "problems" with the law itself, though I don't think it's the Empire's Death Star coming to destroy the planet. Most basically, I think it's just wrong, and politically suicidal, to make a person in their late 20s or 30s buy a plan covering all kinds of cholesterol screeing, prostate, colonsocopy, cancer, stroke stuff that they are really unlkely to need. They need catastrophic care ... and they need to get their teeth cleaned out of pocket.

Philsophically, I don't like a hard mandate. The govt just could have funded tax credits for families and older workers to get the preventative care that overall saves money for the economy by preventing illnesses, and conditioned that on people first buying some coverage to pay for broken legs and stuff. And, if someone gets a really bad illness like cancer, just put them on medicaid.

Obamacare never should have expanded medicaid to cover healthy people, but the gop's gone there too.

Still, if we shut down govt for every bad law, we'd be antartica.
I have several "problems" with the law itself, though I don't think it's the Empire's Death Star coming to destroy the planet. Most basically, I think it's just wrong, and politically suicidal, to make a person in their late 20s or 30s buy a plan covering all kinds of cholesterol screeing, prostate, colonsocopy, cancer, stroke stuff that they are really unlkely to need. They need catastrophic care ... and they need to get their teeth cleaned out of pocket.

Philsophically, I don't like a hard mandate. The govt just could have funded tax credits for families and older workers to get the preventative care that overall saves money for the economy by preventing illnesses, and conditioned that on people first buying some coverage to pay for broken legs and stuff. And, if someone gets a really bad illness like cancer, just put them on medicaid.

Obamacare never should have expanded medicaid to cover healthy people, but the gop's gone there too.

Still, if we shut down govt for every bad law, we'd be antartica.

As bad as this law is, if the employer and individual mandate had never been in there and we had a congress that was really interested in accomplishing something for the populace I would have been all for it.

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