Chronicle Problems with Obamacare Here.

Prices just came out for my State, Virginia, today. The cheapest Bronze plan for only the most healthy young person is $237 a month. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

But wait! There's a catch. The insurance doesn't kick in until you've paid a $5,500 deductible out of pocket. This deductible is about 4 times higher than a comparable commercial plan. You also have a 40% co-pay for all prescription drugs.

So, the real costs in Virginia for the cheapest plan for the most healthy young person is $695 a month. It is roughly 2 1/2 times higher than a base commercial plan in Virginia for the same person.

Sorry young're going ot be paying for the fuck ups with no jobs and a lot of really old, really sick people. Enjoy...and thanks for voting for Obama.


What are you forgetting, WQ? Come on, think hard.

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