Chuck and Nancy forcing nat'l parks to go to seed

Can you answer the question? Do you trust the government?
You never answered my question. Why should I answer yours?

I asked you my question first, but I really don't care what your answer is, I already have it.
Negative! You don't understand numbers. My question came before yours. Go back and read.

You asked TN Harley a bunch of questions and inferred you trust the government, which then prompted my question to you, then you side stepped my question with another question. Besides, I know your answer anyway. Thank you for the answer.
Nice dodge! You didn't refer back to the question I asked you to answer first, so you conveniently ignored it.

My first interaction to you was a question to you so quit playing stupid. Besides, we know the answer by the non-answer which now adds credence that you aren't playing stupid and you actually are.
Every time the Right jumps out of the weeds into another conversation, you always can tell that they are done. Where is your evidence Soros is funding the caravan? You question their credibility with the claim, yet offer nothing as a rebuttal to the facts. So where is it?
Really? Do I need to give proof that night is dark as well?
You leftist pricks demand evidence of things that are common knowledge and then when it's provided you laugh at the source and deny proof anyway as if facts don't exist unless they come from your approved government approved mainstream media sources.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
Wrong! There are no statistics available to give an accurate assessment. Factcheck tells us that. These Right-wing sites paint a different picture. And none of them factor in the net gain from taxes we pull in from illegals, or profit margins for employers who hire the illegals. And so, while you ask the question about the tens of millions, then use fake information from Right-wing propaganda, you conveniently conclude they collectively are sucking on the teat. That proves to us all just how full of shit you are.
So you can't dispute figures from the Center for Immigration Studies. I thought so.
Fact Check good....Center for Immigration Studies bad. Duh! (speaking of being full of shit).

Any gains from items with sales taxes (which are tiny, at best) are more than offset by all the other services (medical, educational, incarceration and other law enforcement actions dealing with a population that disproportionately violates the law (not surprising considering their very presence in the country is illegal), etc.
Please read the figures from the CIS. There is no need to guess. They have it all documented. Topic Page: Costs of Immigration

I wonder if you, or the ideologues at Fact Check, have ever totaled up the costs of border security, the ICE and Border Patrol budget and cost of the border wall, just what is already in place alone and added that into the cost of supporting
tens of millions of illegals? I doubt it.
And by the way, profit margins for employers that employ illegals are irrelevant. They cost the general public nothing!
Wake up, dimwit.
Every time the Right jumps out of the weeds into another conversation, you always can tell that they are done. Where is your evidence Soros is funding the caravan? You question their credibility with the claim, yet offer nothing as a rebuttal to the facts. So where is it?
Really? Do I need to give proof that night is dark as well?
You leftist pricks demand evidence of things that are common knowledge and then when it's provided you laugh at the source and deny proof anyway as if facts don't exist unless they come from your approved government approved mainstream media sources.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
A national news Christian network. Are you high on drugs? What is this fascination with Right-wing sites? That's all you people pedal in. What a bunch of losers. FAQ "Common Knowledge"? lol! Yea, from Christian network liars, who hide behind religion to get a false message across. Disgusting!
A national news Christian network. Are you high on drugs? What is this fascination with Right-wing sites? That's all you people pedal in. What a bunch of losers. FAQ "Common Knowledge"? lol! Yea, from Christian network liars, who hide behind religion to get a false message across. Disgusting!
I suggest you fuck off and stop wasting people's time if you can't dispute any facts presented, which it seems you can't, and just want to cry and piss yourself over the source of the information, which you asked for and I provided (and easily predicted I would get this reaction from a left wing asshole).
Thanks for your predictable reaction. You make this easy.

Btw...if I linked to a story by the NY Times that the moon was made of cheese you would accept it without question. Of course the Times would never print a story linking Soros to the caravan of criminals from south of the border despite the facts.
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Wrong! There are no statistics available to give an accurate assessment. Factcheck tells us that. These Right-wing sites paint a different picture. And none of them factor in the net gain from taxes we pull in from illegals, or profit margins for employers who hire the illegals. And so, while you ask the question about the tens of millions, then use fake information from Right-wing propaganda, you conveniently conclude they collectively are sucking on the teat. That proves to us all just how full of shit you are.
So you can't dispute figures from the Center for Immigration Studies. I thought so.
Fact Check good....Center for Immigration Studies bad. Duh! (speaking of being full of shit).

Any gains from items with sales taxes (which are tiny, at best) are more than offset by all the other services (medical, educational, incarceration and other law enforcement actions dealing with a population that disproportionately violates the law (not surprising considering their very presence in the country is illegal), etc.
Please read the figures from the CIS. There is no need to guess. They have it all documented. Topic Page: Costs of Immigration

I wonder if you, or the ideologues at Fact Check, have ever totaled up the costs of border security, the ICE and Border Patrol budget and cost of the border wall, just what is already in place alone and added that into the cost of supporting
tens of millions of illegals? I doubt it.
And by the way, profit margins for employers that employ illegals are irrelevant. They cost the general public nothing!
Wake up, dimwit.
It amazes me every day to see how conveniently unskilled people are. You are the classic example of one who cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. My argument from the beginning was to challenge the cost, of which I finally succeeded, because of these propaganda sites I had to debunk.That said, your site figures in another cost. Okay! But it never figures in anything else. But Factcheck did. Which is the whole point. Factcheck takes into consideration other factors. Your site does not.

And then, to top it all off, you box yourself in with the cost of border security, and to that I say, lock up or fine the enablers, give that money to border security, and watch that cost drop way down.

Once again, the Republicans are still the idiots in the box who cannot come up with simple solutions to problems we create.

Take the enablers out of the equation, and immigration costs become almost non-existent.
It amazes me every day to see how conveniently unskilled people are. You are the classic example of one who cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. My argument from the beginning was to challenge the cost, of which I finally succeeded, because of these propaganda sites I had to debunk.That said, your site figures in another cost. Okay! But it never figures in anything else. But Factcheck did. Which is the whole point. Factcheck takes into consideration other factors. Your site does not.
As I already said the amount of money illegal enablers made by using low wage, no benefit getting workers isn't a factor at all! How that reduces the amount of money the rest of us have to pay to support their workers isn't at all apparent.
And the meager taxes illegals pay does not cover the billions we spend on them either. No one has remotely demonstrated otherwise.
And then, to top it all off, you box yourself in with the cost of border security, and to that I say, lock up or fine the enablers, give that money to border security, and watch that cost drop way down.
I agree but that doesn't reduce the burden to America of illegal criminal parasites either.
Once again, the Republicans are still the idiots in the box who cannot come up with simple solutions to problems we create.

Take the enablers out of the equation, and immigration costs become almost non-existent.
Great solution! Too bad that isn't the reality we live under. We still have tens of millions that get their health care paid for,one way or the other. That send their kids to the schools we pay for with our tax money to take special ESL classes.
We still pay the cops to enforce a whole plethora of laws for this class of law breakers that greatly exceed the native population (I am from Northern California and can detail how I know about that if you wish).

And if you want to play the partisan blame game please detail how the democrats have done anything about this problem.
Calling the illegal plague the republican's responsibility is just idiotic.
A national news Christian network. Are you high on drugs? What is this fascination with Right-wing sites? That's all you people pedal in. What a bunch of losers. FAQ "Common Knowledge"? lol! Yea, from Christian network liars, who hide behind religion to get a false message across. Disgusting!
I suggest you fuck off and stop wasting people's time if you can't dispute any facts presented, which it seems you can't, and just want to cry and piss yourself over the source of the information, which you asked for and I provided (and easily predicted I would get this reaction from a left wing asshole).
Thanks for your predictable reaction. You make this easy.

Btw...if I linked to a story by the NY Times that the moon was made of cheese you would accept it without question. Of course the Times would never print a story linking Soros to the caravan of criminals from south of the border despite the facts.
You're a sore loser who got caught with his pants down using a Christian based site that pedals in lies with no confirmation that what they claim is true.

As for time wasted, you posted the site, not me. You've wasted your own time, using a radical religious site that pedals in lies, for which you have zero means to rebut. The only one getting "fucked off" is you fucking yourself off, because you got caught pedaling garbage. Which was totally predictable.
You're a sore loser who got caught with his pants down using a Christian based site that pedals in lies with no confirmation that what they claim is true.
You're angry now that your argument is lost. That's understandable. They, people in your shoes, try to demonize the source (gasp...a "Christian based site") when they cannot dispute the facts
and I predicted your sad replies every step of the way.

As for time wasted, you posted the site, not me. You've wasted your own time, using a radical religious site that pedals in lies, for which you have zero means to rebut. The only one getting "fucked off" is you fucking yourself off, because you got caught pedaling garbage. Which was totally predictable.
LOL...amusing rant. Losers have to lose.
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It amazes me every day to see how conveniently unskilled people are. You are the classic example of one who cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. My argument from the beginning was to challenge the cost, of which I finally succeeded, because of these propaganda sites I had to debunk.That said, your site figures in another cost. Okay! But it never figures in anything else. But Factcheck did. Which is the whole point. Factcheck takes into consideration other factors. Your site does not.
As I already said the amount of money illegal enablers made by using low wage, no benefit getting workers isn't a factor at all! How that reduces the amount of money the rest of us have to pay to support their workers isn't at all apparent.
And the meager taxes illegals pay does not cover the billions we spend on them either. No one has remotely demonstrated otherwise.
And then, to top it all off, you box yourself in with the cost of border security, and to that I say, lock up or fine the enablers, give that money to border security, and watch that cost drop way down.
I agree but that doesn't reduce the burden to America of illegal criminal parasites either.
Once again, the Republicans are still the idiots in the box who cannot come up with simple solutions to problems we create.

Take the enablers out of the equation, and immigration costs become almost non-existent.
Great solution! Too bad that isn't the reality we live under.
And who's fault is that? It certainly isn't the illegals. They're just trying to surviver from our geo-political takeover of their countries. At the end of the day, it's all relative.
We still have tens of millions that get their health care paid for,one way or the other.
Really? Tens of millions? And those figures come from?
That send their kids to the schools we pay for with our tax money to take special ESL classes.
And local taxes for goods and services they pay, goes to? You still aren't providing raw numbers and statistics. You provided a total cost for illegal immigration, but no offsetting revenues. We are still in the same place as the beginning of this argument, which is my point.
We still pay the cops to enforce a whole plethora of laws for this class of law breakers that greatly exceed the native population (I am from Northern California and can detail how I know about that if you wish).
We wiped out the native populations with our policies and diseases. You don't want to go there. As for law breakers who are illegals, that is just another elephant that we made possible. None of these things would be happening if it weren't for our own Imperialism. We created the symptoms and the problem. Don't come with law enforcement problems we created. It insults my intelligence. Get rid of the enablers. We created them, we need to get rid of them.

And if you want to play the partisan blame game please detail how the democrats have done anything about this problem.
Democrats aren't demonizing the symptoms for the problems we created. Kudos to them for that. They understand that to control illegal populations, you need to control the hiring process. Which is why Democrats think and know that the wall is a stupid maneuver.
Calling the illegal plague the republican's responsibility is just idiotic.
You're the one's blaming the symptom and the problem on illegals. That by itself is "idiotic".
You're a sore loser who got caught with his pants down using a Christian based site that pedals in lies with no confirmation that what they claim is true.
You're angry now that your argument is lost. That's understandable. They, people in your shoes, try to demonize the source (gasp...a "Christian based site") when they cannot dispute the facts
and I predicted your sad replies every step of the way.

As for time wasted, you posted the site, not me. You've wasted your own time, using a radical religious site that pedals in lies, for which you have zero means to rebut. The only one getting "fucked off" is you fucking yourself off, because you got caught pedaling garbage. Which was totally predictable.
LOL...amusing rant. Losers have to lose.
If it were only a "rant" you would have rebutted it. Instead, you used a Christian based opinion piece and claimed it as fact. There are no facts. Get over yourself and your Right-wing insanity that plays to an audience who loves a good lie.
And who's fault is that? It certainly isn't the illegals. They're just trying to surviver from our geo-political takeover of their countries. At the end of the day, it's all relative.
Right. Because we "taken over" Mexico.....:icon_rolleyes:
Sympathy for the criminal is always the left's first instinct.
Really? Tens of millions? And those figures come from?
Only every reliable estimate of illegal immigrants residing in the nation. Your own beloved Fact Check says 12.1 million
as of 2014, if you trust Obama's Department of Homeland Security and leftist lawyer Jeh Johnson, which I don't.
The point is you just look like a blatant fool and moron trying to cast doubt on something no one has any solid information on (criminals don't self report). I've heard any number from twenty million to eight.
And local taxes for goods and services they pay, goes to? You still aren't providing raw numbers and statistics. You provided a total cost for illegal immigration, but no offsetting revenues. We are still in the same place as the beginning of this argument, which is my point.
You mean just like how you aren't able to show or account for all the taxes paid by illegal immigrants?
Yeah, I'm sure sales taxes on cigarette and beer really add up. You show me all the taxes illegals pour back into the system and then we'll talk. Until then please continue to fuck off.
We wiped out the native populations with our policies and diseases. You don't want to go there.
No I don't since it's irrelevant.
As for law breakers who are illegals, that is just another elephant that we made possible. None of these things would be happening if it weren't for our own Imperialism. We created the symptoms and the problem. Don't come with law enforcement problems we created. It insults my intelligence. Get rid of the enablers. We created them, we need to get rid of them.
None of those things would be happening without a failed epically corrupt Narco-state on our Southern border that get's rid of their lower classes by encouraging them to come sneak into America and sponge off the Yanquis (and send your money back home, don't forget).
Save your Howard Zinn bullshit for someone else. I don't buy it.
Democrats aren't demonizing the symptoms for the problems we created. Kudos to them for that. They understand that to control illegal populations, you need to control the hiring process. Which is why Democrats think and know that the wall is a stupid maneuver.
We need to do both. A wall would stop enablers here by cutting off their supply of cheap illegal labor.
Too bad you are both too stupid and too much of a partisan stooge to understand that. Sixty-five nations have put up walls to control unwanted migratory populations. But I guess you know better than they do.
You're the one's blaming the symptom and the problem on illegals. That by itself is "idiotic".
The "symptom" of this problem is draining dry precious resources and killing, raping, stealing and breaking laws every single day in our nation. To ignore that is cowardly and idiotic and you seem to be both.
Their refusal to pass a budget that President Trump is able to sign is having repercussions elsewhere.

President Trump should turn over the national parks to the states.

And if they don't want them, sell the national parks to developers returning the land to the people. I can see a Yosemite Hills subdivision in California and perhaps new taxpaying resorts being opened in Yellowstone.

A Trump International in Wyoming would be a great asset.]

Federal shutdown closes major portions of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
They sent a funding bill to Trump.

I have news, your fat assed orangebuddy does not have a broken hand, he could sign it but the little crybaby is throwing a tantrum like a 5 year old brat writhing on the floor in the toy aisle at Walmsart. " Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa I want a wall!!! Whaaa whaaa whaaa"
They sent a funding bill to Trump.

I have news, your fat assed orangebuddy does not have a broken hand, he could sign it but the little crybaby is throwing a tantrum like a 5 year old brat writhing on the floor in the toy aisle at Walmsart. " Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa I want a wall!!! Whaaa whaaa whaaa"
There is no more effective and time tested way to keep unwanted people out of your nation than with a wall. How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online
If this funding bill contains nothing for a wall all your childish invective is pointless. Is it anyway, but in this case it's particularly stupid.
And who's fault is that? It certainly isn't the illegals. They're just trying to surviver from our geo-political takeover of their countries. At the end of the day, it's all relative.
Right. Because we "taken over" Mexico.....:icon_rolleyes:
It's not just Mexico; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
Sympathy for the criminal is always the left's first instinct.
Something we are responsible for and they are the criminals? Got it. We've been saying the same things about American Indians and Blacks. They are where they are today because of whites.
Really? Tens of millions? And those figures come from?
Only every reliable estimate of illegal immigrants residing in the nation. Your own beloved Fact Check says 12.1 million
as of 2014, if you trust Obama's Department of Homeland Security and leftist lawyer Jeh Johnson, which I don't.
The point is you just look like a blatant fool and moron trying to cast doubt on something no one has any solid information on (criminals don't self report). I've heard any number from twenty million to eight.
And neither do you. Look up the definition of "tens of millions", while you remind us of the 12.1 million.
And local taxes for goods and services they pay, goes to? You still aren't pr
You mean just like how you aren't able to show or account for all the taxes paid by illegal immigrants?
Yeah, I'm sure sales oviding raw numbers and statistics. You provided a total cost for illegal immigration, but no offsetting revenues. We are still in the same place as the beginning of this argument, which is my point.
taxes on cigarette and beer really add up. You show me all the taxes illegals pour back into the system and then we'll talk. Until then please continue to fuck off.
That's where you got fucked off because you don't know. Again, that is my point, proving you do not know either.
We wiped out the native populations with our policies and diseases. You don't want to go there.
No I don't since it's irrelevant.
It's very relevant, because we are still doing it today.
As for law breakers who are illegals, that is just another elephant that we made possible. None of these things would be happening if it weren't for our own Imperialism. We created the symptoms and the problem. Don't come with law enforcement problems we created. It insults my intelligence. Get rid of the enablers. We created them, we need to get rid of them.
None of those things would be happening without a failed epically corrupt Narco-state on our Southern border that get's rid of their lower classes by encouraging them to come sneak into America and sponge off the Yanquis (and send your money back home, don't forget).
We created the narco state with our geo-political takeover
Save your Howard Zinn bullshit for someone else. I don't buy it.
Folks like you don't buy into the truth. It's bad for your MO.
Democrats aren't demonizing the symptoms for the problems we created. Kudos to them for that. They understand that to control illegal populations, you need to control the hiring process. Which is why Democrats think and know that the wall is a stupid maneuver.
We need to do both. A wall would stop enablers here by cutting off their supply of cheap illegal labor.
Too bad you are both too stupid and too much of a partisan stooge to understand that. Sixty-five nations have put up walls to control unwanted migratory populations. But I guess you know better than they do.
You are too stupid to understand why they leave their families to come here.
You're the one's blaming the symptom and the problem on illegals. That by itself is "idiotic".
The "symptom" of this problem is draining dry precious resources and killing, raping, stealing and breaking laws every single day in our nation. To ignore that is cowardly and idiotic and you seem to be both.
We did that to them back in their own countries dumb ass. Didn't you get the memo? We are responsible for the killing, raping, stealing, and breaking laws in their own country. What the hell do you think I've been talking about?CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
Every time the Right jumps out of the weeds into another conversation, you always can tell that they are done. Where is your evidence Soros is funding the caravan? You question their credibility with the claim, yet offer nothing as a rebuttal to the facts. So where is it?
Really? Do I need to give proof that night is dark as well?
You leftist pricks demand evidence of things that are common knowledge and then when it's provided you laugh at the source and deny proof anyway as if facts don't exist unless they come from your approved government approved mainstream media sources.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
A national news Christian network. Are you high on drugs? What is this fascination with Right-wing sites? That's all you people pedal in. What a bunch of losers. FAQ "Common Knowledge"? lol! Yea, from Christian network liars, who hide behind religion to get a false message across. Disgusting!
I would believe Christians before I would believe CNN.
We did that to them back in their own countries dumb ass. Didn't you get the memo? We are responsible for the killing, raping, stealing, and breaking laws in their own country. What the hell do you think I've been talking about?CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
If you are playing a moral equivalence game, I'm not playing. Because we supported right wing governments in Central and South America as a counter balance to Soviet and leftist attempts to dominate the region I won't apologize nor do I need to apologize. The west has proven to be infinitely better than the gulags of the Soviet Union.
That's how Cold Wars go and war is hell. What we did in 1954, or whenever, in Mexico or Guatemala does not justify
what goes on in our country today.
Look at brutally dysfunctional Mexico, a corrupt narco-state.
When Mexico cleans up their hellish nation then you might have a point but of course a decent nation wouldn't produce
a permanent poverty stricken, ignorant underclass and then encourage them to go sneak across the border when Mexico itself would never allow such a thing.
I said before I don't believe your Howard Zinn bullshit.
Their refusal to pass a budget that President Trump is able to sign is having repercussions elsewhere.

President Trump should turn over the national parks to the states.

And if they don't want them, sell the national parks to developers returning the land to the people. I can see a Yosemite Hills subdivision in California and perhaps new taxpaying resorts being opened in Yellowstone.

A Trump International in Wyoming would be a great asset.]

Federal shutdown closes major portions of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
When will you red white and vomit blue mf's hold Trump accountable for the mess he keeps putting on this country? When gotdamit, when??? The orange bitch said time and time again, Mexico was gonna pay for the shit, meanwhile, US, the fuckin tax payers gotta suffer for it? Go to fuckin hell, Trump, anybody that supports this white bitch and the GOP .

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