Chuck Norris’ Crackpot Prediction: ‘America Faces 1,000 Years Of Darkness’ If Obama W

Second twisted thread on this. Quit it with the liberal spin. He said no such thing.
God, the cons adore Chuck Norris. W even said Chuck was his favorite actor. Can that be called acting?
LOL And yet these same people have canniptions every time some Hollywood actor endorses the President.
Another tax exempt Media Matters scoop? Chuck Norris gets a left wing post and nobody talks about president Hussein?
Second twisted thread on this. Quit it with the liberal spin. He said no such thing.

His wife did in the video.

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Here's another NaziCon retard on UpChuck's level...


Is ole Hank gay? He looks sort of feminine...
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Here's another NaziCon retard on UpChuck's level...


Is ole Hank gay? He looks sort of femine...

The fact that the Marilyn Manson left thinks Old Hank looks fabulous proves my point that the world is truly upside down in the liberal mind.
Second twisted thread on this. Quit it with the liberal spin. He said no such thing.

Actually, his wife said those exact words while he nodded. Watch the footage.

Damn funny except that some dimwits actually believe it.

I wanna know what Little Baby Boo Boo and Dog the Bounty Hunter say.

I mean, c'mon, let's go straight to where the big brains of the right are.
LOL And yet these same people have canniptions every time some Hollywood actor endorses the President.

yeah, I don't get it. They should be happy cuz, gee, they've got Poopy Pants Nugent and Duh Donuld Trump on their side.

Hmmm - I wonder why they didn't ask any of their famous endorsers (or GWB) to speak at the RNC convention.

Oh wait, they did and we all saw how THAT went for them.

His wife did...have you watched the video?

Yep. And I am apparently the only one who knows who, what and why she was quoting. Pretty sad seeing we are on a POLITICAL FORUM. Then again people here think raising the debt ceiling is borrowing money. So I shouldn't be surprised.
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His wife did...have you watched the video?

Yep. And I am apparently the only one who knows who, what and why she was quoting. Pretty sad seeing we are on a POLITICAL FORUM. Then again people here think raising the debt ceiling is borrowing money. So I shouldn't be surprised.

And does it matter who she was quoting, she said it and Carlos obviously endorsed it.
And they were both reading from a teleprompter.
Chuck isnt necessarily wrong. But thankfully, Romney is going to win so we wont have to face that prospect.

Personally, Id be careful about pissing off someone who managed to kill Hitler as a child and who can bench press the planet:)

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